PedSelectOutPut routing pedestrians inconsistently - nullpointerexception

I am simulating the passenger changeover process in metros using the Anylogic Pedestrian Library.
When passengers enter the vehicle, a seat is assigned to them from the seats available near the door (within a given distance) they entered the vehicle through, using a function called lookForSeat. If there is no more free seat available, their boolean parameter wantToSit is set to false and they will stay standing.
The parameter wantToSit is predefined for the Passenger Agent, with default value randomtrue(0.8). But even if I set it to default value = 1, I get the same error.
Then, passengers are separated using a PedSelectOutput block:
Condition 1: if ped.WantToSit = true --> they are sent to their
assigned seat coordinates (PointNode 'seatPoint', null by default)
Condition 2: true (thus, ped.WantToSit = false) --> they stay in the
standing area in the vehicle, no assigned seatPoint necessary in this case.
Now, it works pretty well, but when the majority of the seats is already occupied, suddenly the PedSelectOutput block directs a passenger with ped.wantToSit to its seating point, which gives null and I get the NullPointerException error.
Attached you find the function, the settings of PedSelectOutput and the log from the command.
As it can be seen, the PedSelectOutput sends the passenger through exit 1 (which gives the error due to calling the coordinates of a "null"), despite ped.wantToSit = false.
Any ideas, what is going wrong? For me it really looks like the function is working properly - I have been changing it the whole day until I realized that something in the PedSelectOutput block goes wrong.
Thank you in advance!
Pic 1: pedSelectOutput block and the command with the log
Pic 2: the function lookForSeat assigning the seats from the seat Collection

The problem here is a subtle one, which has caused me many hours of debugging as well. What you need to understand is that the on exit code is only executed once the agent already has a path to which it is going to exit. i.e. the selectOutput and subsequent blocks are already evaluated and only once it is determined that the agent can move to the next block then the on exit code is called. But the agent will continue on its chosen path that has been determined before the on exit code has been executed.
See the small example below:
I have a pedestrian with a variable that is true by default and a select output that checks this value
If I ran the model all pedestrians exit at the top option, as expected
If I change the variable to false on the On Exit code I might expect that all pedestrians will now exit at the second option
But they don't there is no change....
If I add the code to the on enter code then it does..


Juliaopt JuMP CbcSolver how to print progress

I coding in julia using JuMP of Juliopt.
I would like to know how to print the solve progress using CbcSolver?
I already used the log level parameter:
m = Model(solver = CbcSolver(log=1))
it works and you can choose between 0 to 3, higher more details.
but my problem is that the log level only prints after the solver finish, i already put the the time limit parameter "sec" but when it is set for higher values never stops and i don't know why!!
m = Model(solver = CbcSolver(sec=90,log=1))
I was going to try callbacks but Cbc does not support callback.
I am positive that there is a way to print because when i use the opensolver in excel a set Cbc to solve it shows the progress.I just dont know how to do this!!

Generating parallel port triggers upon detection of a vocal response

I've created an experiment in psychopy builder in which participants must vocally name pictures presented onscreen (for example, if a picture of a chair appears, the participant has to respond by saying "chair"). I've set up a code component to detect each vocal response, which ends the trial and initiates the next one. This part of the experiment works well, however I'm having trouble integrating EEG recording.
Some important information:
My trial loop reads images and triggerVal's out of a .csv file. I have an image component (called english_naming) that displays images for participants to name out-loud. The component's STOP field is defined as $vpvk.event_onset - this forces the trial to end and the next one to begin upon detection of a vocal response.
So, here is my (working) code component at present:
Begin Experiment:
from psychopy import parallel
port = parallel.port(address=61432)
Begin Routine
vpvk = vk.onsetVoiceKey(
sec=10) # creates the voice key
vpvk.start() #starts recording.
port.setData(triggerVal) # tells psychopy to read trigger values from the .csv file
End Routine
vpvk.stop() # ends the recording
port.setData(0) # resets the trigger value to 0 for the start of the next trial
My problem is this
At present, parallel port events are time-locked to the start of each trial, but I need them to be time-locked to participant's vocal responses. I tried inserting if vpvk.event_onset(): above port.setData(triggerVal), but this fails to generate any trigger codes at all. I've also tried if english_naming==FINISHED but the same problem occurred. I've tried a bunch of variants on these two lines of code, but nothing I can think of seems to work.
I would really really appreciate any advice on this problem. Thanks in advance!

Loop exit not working

So I have a workflow which is supposed to throw an error after a certain condition is satisfied. (False condition) As you can see in the log directly below, it works: I do a loop exit first for the group 'coms' and an error is thrown. However, Flowgear seems to only read the last executed node and then determine the workflows status from that. Since the loop finishes last and is successful, if you look in the second log, you can see that the workflow has been evaluated as 'successful' although an error was thrown inside.
Any ideas how to make the loop break? Also why does flowgear only consider the last node? There should be an option in the error node to stop all execution.
Iterator nodes (Splitter and Loop) will consume the errors. The only way at this stage to get the workflow to return an error is to cause an error in the AnyError or UnhandledError part of the workflow. I've created a workflow to demonstrate this here:
Hope this helps.

Dymola Results of checkModel()

checkmodel([Some Model]) opens the GUI "Dymola Messages", tab "Translation" and displays Errors, Warnings, and Messages.
Does anyone know how to write these infos to a logfile or get them as kind of return value of checkModel(). All I've found in the documentation was, that checkModel() only returns a success-boolean. Are these infos saved temporarily somewhere?
Note, that I only want to apply checkModel() but not actually translating the code.
I finally found a solution at least for Dymola 2016 and newer, so if someone is interested - here it is (it is not very user-friendly, but it works):
The key-command is getLastError() which not only returns the last error (as one could think...), but all errors that are detected by checkModel() as well as the overall statistics.
All informations are sampled in one string, in which the last lines looks like:
Local classes checked, checking <[Some Path]>
ERROR: 2 errors were found
WARNING: 13 warnings were issued
= false
Following operations will return the number of actual errors (for warnings it is more or less the same):
b = checkmodel([Some Model])
s = getLastError()
ind1 = Modelica.Utilities.Strings.findLast(s,"ERROR:")
ind2 = Modelica.Utilities.Strings.findLast(s," errors were found")
nErrors = Modelica.Utilities.Strings.substring(s,ind1+6,ind2) //6 = len(ERROR:)
nErrors = Modelica.Utilities.Strings.replace(nErrors," ","")
= "2"
I used findLast as I know, that the lines of interest are at the very end of the string. So this is significantly faster than using find
This only works, if the line "ERROR: ...." actually exists. Otherwise, the substring call will throw an error.
Of course this could be done in less lines, but maybe this version is easier to read.
NOTE: This will only works with Dymola 2016 and newer. The return-string of getLastError is of a different structure in Dymola 2015 and older.
The following should handle it:
clearlog(); // To start fresh
This is mentioned in the Dymola User Manual Volume 1, section "Parameter studies by running Dymola a number of time in “batch mode”" on pg 630 or so.

cocoa-applescript: running handler or command every few seconds

In normal applescript, the script is executed down the page, and so any code in loops for every 5 seconds will only run while the loop is running - there is no way to have a single function run every few second regardless of what the script is currently doing or where it is in the script (that I know of). In cocoa-applescript, however, is there a way to run a handler every 5 seconds, at all times, no matter what it is currently doing? Here is what it should be doing in my cocoa-applescript app:
on checkInternetStrength()
do shell script "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | grep 'agrCtlRSSI:'" -- this being the script which returns the line containing the signal strength
set SignalStrength to result
set RSSIcount to (count of characters in SignalStrength)
set SignalStrength to ((characters 18 thru RSSIcount of SignalStrength) as string) as integer -- this to turn SignalStrength into just the number and not the whole output line
set SignalStrength to (100 + SignalStrength) as integer
set SignalBar's setIntValue_(SignalStrength) -- SignalBar being the Level Indicator described below
end checkInternetStrength
Summed up, it runs the airport command to check internet connection, turns this into a number from 1 to 100 and uses this on an NSLevelIndicator (100 maximum) to show current signal strength graphically. Now, there is no point having this run once or when you hit a button - that is an option, but it would be nice if it updated itself every, say, 5 seconds with the realtime value. So is there any way to have a process which runs every 5 seconds to do this, while still enabling full functionality of the rest of the script and interface - i.e. as a background process? Comment if you need more extracts from the script.
In Unity-C# scripting, the 'void Update() {code}' will run the code within it every frame while doing everything else simultaneously, so a cocoa-applescript version of this might be an answer, if anyone knows.
I Dont believe this is possible but what I had a similar problem before, what i do, I have an external applescript applicaion that is hidden the repeats the commands, the only problem is, it wont send it back to the app, you'll have to make the external applescript app do it, like
display notification, etc..., in the applescript apps "Info.plist" you can add this:
To make the app run invisibly, but sorry i dont think you can run a handler in the app its self