Recursively update the dataframe - pandas

I have a dataframe called datafe from which I want to combine the hyphenated words.
for example input dataframe looks like this:
And the output dataframe should be like:
I have written a sample code to achieve this but I am not able to get out of the recursion safely.
def rm_actual(datafe, index):
stem1 = datafe.iloc[index]['author_ex']
stem2 = datafe.iloc[index + 1]['author_ex']
fixed_token = stem1[:-1] + stem2
datafe.drop(index=index + 1, inplace=True, axis=0)
newdf.iloc[index]['author_ex'] = fixed_token
return newdf
def remove_hyphens(datafe):
for index, row in datafe.iterrows():
flag = False
if token[-1:] == '-':
datafe=rm_actual(datafe, index)
if flag==True:
if flag==False:
return datafe
Is there any possibilities I can get out of this recursion with expected output?

Another option:
0 Marios
1 Christodoulou
2 Intro-
3 duction
4 Simone
5 Speziale
6 Exper-
7 iment
import pandas as pd
# read/open file or create dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'author_ex':['Marios', 'Christodoulou', 'Intro-', \
'duction', 'Simone', 'Speziale', 'Exper-', 'iment']})
# check input format
# create new column 'Ending' for True/False if column 'author_ex' ends with '-'
df['Ending'] = df['author_ex'].shift(1).str.contains('-$', na=False, regex=True)
# remove the trailing '-' from the 'author_ex' column
df['author_ex'] = df['author_ex'].str.replace('-$', '', regex=True)
# create new column with values of 'author_ex' and shifted 'author_ex' concatenated together
df['author_ex_combined'] = df['author_ex'] + df.shift(-1)['author_ex']
# create a series true/false but shifted up
index = (df['Ending'] == True).shift(-1)
# set the last row to 'False' after it was shifted
index.iloc[-1] = False
# replace 'author_ex' with 'author_ex_combined' based on true/false of index series
df.loc[index,'author_ex'] = df['author_ex_combined']
# remove rows that have the 2nd part of the 'author_ex' string and are no longer required
df = df[~df.Ending]
# remove the extra columns
df.drop(['Ending', 'author_ex_combined'], axis = 1, inplace=True)
# output final dataframe
# notice index 3 and 6 are missing
0 Marios
1 Christodoulou
2 Introduction
4 Simone
5 Speziale
6 Experiment


New column with word at nth position of string from other column pandas

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
d = {'ABSTRACT_ID': [14145090,1900667, 8157202,6784974],
'TEXT': [
"velvet antlers vas are commonly used in tradit",
"we have taken a basic biologic RPA to elucidat4",
"ceftobiprole bpr is an investigational cephalo",
"lipoperoxidationderived aldehydes for example",],
'LOCATION': [1, 4, 2, 1]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
def word_at_pos(x,y):
string= y
count = 0
res = ""
for word in string:
if word == ' ':
count = count + 1
if count == pos:
res = ""
else :
res = res + word
For this df I want to create a new column WORD that contains the word from TEXT at the position indicated by LOCATION. e.g. first line would be "velvet".
I can do this for a single line as an isolated function world_at_pos(x,y), but can't work out how to apply this to whole column. I have done new columns with Lambda functions before, but can't work out how to fit this function to lambda.
Looping over TEXT and LOCATION could be the best idea because splitting creates a jagged array, so filtering using numpy advanced indexing won't be possible.
df["WORDS"] = [txt.split()[loc] for txt, loc in zip(df["TEXT"], df["LOCATION"]-1)]
0 14145090 ... velvet
1 1900667 ... a
2 8157202 ... bpr
3 6784974 ... lipoperoxidationderived
[4 rows x 4 columns]

convert TB to GB on specific index

I wrote such an code. Here i wanted to change all column that constitute TB and GB to single integer. for example if column has 2 TB, this code will delete TB and will keep it as 2. The program works good. What now i want to do is to convert 2TB to 2048 GB so that i can sum all column values. Is there any way to remove TB and make calculation on specific row at the same time?
def removeend():
df= pd.read_csv('ExportList.csv')
if df["Used Space"].str.contains("GB | TB").any() or df["Memory Size"].str.contains("GB | TB").any() or df["Host CPU"].str.contains("Hz|MHz|GHz").any():
df['Used Space'] = df['Used Space'].str.replace(r'GB|TB', '', regex=True)
df["Memory Size"] = df["Memory Size"].str.replace(r'GB|TB', '', regex=True)
df['Host CPU'] = df['Host CPU'].str.replace(r'MHz|Hz|GHz', '', regex=True)
df = df.convert_dtypes()
df["Used Space"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Used Space"])
df["Memory Size"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Memory Size"])
df["Host CPU"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Host CPU"])
print("Error occured!!!")
return df
define\create a custom function:
def converter(x):
return pd.eval(x)
return x
cols=["Used Space","Memory Size"]
df["Host CPU"]=df["Host CPU"].replace({'MHz':'','GHz':'*0.001','Hz':'*0.000001'},regex=True).map(converter)

Pandas get row if column is a substring of string

I can do the following if I want to extract rows whose column "A" contains the substring "hello".
How can I select rows whose column is the substring for another word? e.g.
Here's an example dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"A":["hel"]})
IIUC, you could apply str.find:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(['hell', 'world', 'hello'], columns=['A'])
res = df[df['A'].apply("hello".find).ne(-1)]
0 hell
2 hello
As an alternative use __contains__
res = df[df['A'].apply("hello".__contains__)]
0 hell
2 hello
Or simply:
res = df[df['A'].apply(lambda x: x in "hello")]

Adding multiple dictionaries into a single Dataframe pandas

I have a set of python dictionaries that I have obtained by means of a for loop. I am trying to have these added to Pandas Dataframe.
Output for a variable called output
I am trying to append each of these dictionary into a single Dataframe. I tried to perform the below but it just added the first row.
df = pd.DataFrame(output)
Could anyone advice as to where am going wrong and have all the dictionaries added to the Dataframe.
Update on the loop statement
The below code helps to read xml and convert it to a dataframe. Right now I see I am able to loop in through multiple xml files and created dictionaries for each xml file. I am trying to see how could I add each of these dictionaries to a single Dataframe:
def f(elem, result):
result[elem.tag] = elem.text
cs = elem.getchildren()
for c in cs:
result = f(c, result)
return result
result = {}
for file in allFiles:
tree = ET.parse(file)
root = tree.getroot()
result = f(root, result)
You can append each dictionary to list and last call DataFrame constructor:
out = []
for file in allFiles:
tree = ET.parse(file)
root = tree.getroot()
result = f(root, result)
df = pd.DataFrame(out)
We can add these dicts to a list:
ds = []
for ...: # your loop
ds += [d] # where d is one of the dicts
When we have the list of dicts, we can simply use pd.DataFrame on that list:
ds = [
name age
0 Kevin 21
1 Steve 31
2 Mark 11
And it's not a problem if different dicts have different keys, e.g.:
ds = [
{'name':'Steve','age':31,'location': 'NY'},
{'name':'Mark','age':11,'favorite_food': 'pizza'}
age favorite_food location name
0 21 NaN NaN Kevin
1 31 NaN NY Steve
2 11 pizza NaN Mark
Update 2:
Building up on our previous discussion in Python - Converting xml to csv using Python pandas we can do:
results = []
for file in glob.glob('*.xml'):
tree = ET.parse(file)
root = tree.getroot()
result = f(root, {})
result['filename'] = file # added filename to our results
results += [result]

Cleaner pandas apply with function that cannot use pandas.Series and non-unique index

In the following, func represents a function that uses multiple columns (with coupling across the group) and cannot operate directly on pandas.Series. The 0*d['x'] syntax was the lightest I could think of to force the conversion, but I think it's awkward.
Additionally, the resulting pandas.Series (s) still includes the group index, which must be removed before adding as a column to the pandas.DataFrame. The s.reset_index(...) index manipulation seems fragile and error-prone, so I'm curious if it can be avoided. Is there an idiom for doing this?
import pandas
import numpy
df = pandas.DataFrame(dict(i=[1]*8,j=[1]*4+[2]*4,x=list(range(4))*2))
df['y'] = numpy.sin(df['x']) + 1000*df['j']
df = df.set_index(['i','j'])
print('# df\n', df)
def func(d):
x = numpy.array(d['x'])
y = numpy.array(d['y'])
# I want to do math with x,y that cannot be applied to
# pandas.Series, so explicitly convert to numpy arrays.
# We have to return an appropriately-indexed pandas.Series
# in order for it to be admissible as a column in the
# pandas.DataFrame. Instead of simply "return x + y", we
# have to make the conversion.
return 0*d['x'] + x + y
s = df.groupby(df.index).apply(func)
# The Series is still adorned with the (unnamed) group index,
# which will prevent adding as a column of df due to
# Exception: cannot handle a non-unique multi-index!
s = s.reset_index(level=0, drop=True)
print('# s\n', s)
df['z'] = s
print('# df\n', df)
Instead of
0*d['x'] + x + y
you could use
pd.Series(x+y, index=d.index)
When using groupy-apply, instead of dropping the group key index using:
s = df.groupby(df.index).apply(func)
s = s.reset_index(level=0, drop=True)
df['z'] = s
you can tell groupby to drop the keys using the keyword parameter group_keys=False:
df['z'] = df.groupby(df.index, group_keys=False).apply(func)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(i=[1]*8,j=[1]*4+[2]*4,x=list(range(4))*2))
df['y'] = np.sin(df['x']) + 1000*df['j']
df = df.set_index(['i','j'])
def func(d):
x = np.array(d['x'])
y = np.array(d['y'])
return pd.Series(x+y, index=d.index)
df['z'] = df.groupby(df.index, group_keys=False).apply(func)
x y z
i j
1 1 0 1000.000000 1000.000000
1 1 1000.841471 1001.841471
1 2 1000.909297 1002.909297
1 3 1000.141120 1003.141120
2 0 2000.000000 2000.000000
2 1 2000.841471 2001.841471
2 2 2000.909297 2002.909297
2 3 2000.141120 2003.141120