Tableau sheet
I basically want to bring the column header(The one with countries name) from top to bottom.
I tried to the analysis -> Layout options -> advanced -> show innermost level at bottom.
I tried looking everywhere and this was the only solution I could find which didn't work for me.
How should I solve this in Tableau ?
Thanks in advance.
You can try swapping Country and Measure Names pills in the Column shelf and hide Header for Measure Names if necessary.
Or move Measure Names pill in the Column to Row shelf.
Basically I'd like to from this :
What I have
To this :
What I Want
Case in Orange are data that I pick up with an sql request while "This e-learning phase..." is just a plain text.
Does anybody knows how to do that ?
You could add a Parent Row Group and Group by the Information field.
Unfortunately, this would place the Information on the Left side of the table. Fortunately, there is a Layout Direction property for the table that can be switched from LTR to RTL so that the table is created from Right to Left instead of the default Left to Right.
This way the grouped information field on the right would only have one cell while there may be multiple Activities.
I'm not sure you'll be able to do this exactly how you want. This is because you cannot add rowgroup columns after non-grouped columns.
The only way you could get close is to not show the text if it's not the first row in the dataset (or rowgroup if the report is grouped somewhere)
You could use something like this in the Value expression.
ROWNUMBER("myDataSet_Namehere") =1,
"This e-learning phase must be completed before the start of the classroom part indicated below.",
You could use a similar check to then set the vertical alignment property.
It looks like this...
The other option would be to move the test to the top of the table on it's own row in above the column headers, it would probably look neater..
Or you can wait for somebody else to come up with a better solution :)
So, it's my first time trying to make my own data visualization, and what I want to do is something like a heat map or highlighted table like the original Kohonen (but using squares rather than hexagons) research about countries, but I don't know how to apply it to the map I've got from training the network.
I've read a few links about making a highlighted table and heat map on Tableau, but what I get is always just a table mainly because I'm not using a measure (i just want every country of one color), so, my question is: is it possible to use Tableau for this situation and if so, how could I do it? Thanks!
Original SOM visualization from Dr. Kohonen
Table from Tableau
Yes it is possible to make visualizations like you describe in Tableau - but the question you posed is a bit vaguely specified to give you much more detailed guidance than first take some Tableau training.
For instance, how do you want to determine which row and column to place a country? You may need to write a table calc for row and col positions, which means learning about table calcs. Or you can assign them in a data column.
For square country marks, you'll want a discrete field on the rows shelf, a discrete field on the columns shelf, possible a dimension like Country name on the details shelf. Choose a square mark type, and (important) choose a square cell size from the format menu. Then adjust the size of your squares from the size button and the format menu, and colors and borders from the color button and format pane.
Lots to play with.
Is it possible to keep table column within the same page? It always go to the new page when table width is larger than page.
I design a report with TableA that have dynamic columns. The dynamic columns are in short format. For example: BS, BN, OT...
In order to understand column meaning, I have to create another table, TableB, below the table to explain. I want to display it horizontally. For example: BS: Basic Salary| BN: Bonus| OT: Over Time| ...
But when TableB has many columns, It go to new page and leave a lot of blank space in previous page. I want to keep columns in the same page, if possible.
I want TableB to display like this:
|X:xx| X:xx | X:xx| X:xx| (Edge of right page)
|X:xx| X:xx|
You're using a horizontal table, a great tutorial is described here
You probably have most of the horizontal table figured out, just this part is important to your issue.
Step 4
Right-click on the column header and select "Edit Group". Enter this
for the group expression: =RowNumber(Nothing). This will cause the
matrix to give you one column per row of data. Since horizontal tables
can end up rather wide, you probably want your table wrap around to
the next "line" after a specific number of columns.
Just simply count the number of rows that fit your page exactly and define this number in your column group expression as described in the tutorial.
Use Column Visibility to hide column instead of Cell Visibility. This should eliminate the blank space.
If the report is still too big, set the report interactive size to 0in,0in. This will keep everything in one page.
I am using an .rldc file to define the layout of the reports from my program. The problem is, it is to be used for incremental printing. That means the paper will be used over and over as newer rows need to be printed. I'm attempting to approach it this way:
List all corresponding data on the report view.
Make the older rows invisible and only show the latest row.
That way, the last row is already properly placed. The problem is, I don't know how to implement this. Can anyone help me out?
You could create an IIF(condition,true,false) statement in your report definition on the row visibility variable.
The best way i guess is to define in your data source something of a rank column.
example :
select col1,col2,col3,RANK() OVER (ORDER BY col3 DESC) AS 'rank' from table1
Then in your table or matrix, you click on the row or/and column that you want to make the borders and text white based on a expression.
Go to the properties and dropdown on bordercolor
choose expression and type in (based on my example query)
=IIf(rank.value <> max(rank.value),White,Black)
That will not remove the rows only make the borders white ( unvisible)
The same you can do with Font Color property.
I think this is your best shot at this issue.
Other solution I could think of is to just hide unneccesary rows (which also replaces the visible row)
Then to move the table down by using a expression with a formula like nr of rows hidden before the actual row * height of 1 row, only I m not sure if this is applicable without programming an RDL extension..
Good Luck !
We have an Excel spreadsheet with the Grand Totals at the top using a Forumla, but this isn't on the actual Pivot Table it's just in the spreadsheet.
We have a client that wants the Grand Totals at the top of the Pivot Table and doesn't want us to use Formula. Does anyone know if this is possible (even using VBA or something, just so long as we don't look for a specific column or row name and compare with it (so no GETPIVOTDATA("Grand Total...)))?
This slightly hacky solution might help:
Actually, it is possible. I'm doing just that. Here's how. Let's say I in my data source, I have 1 column that contains various work orders. In another column I have all my total dollars spent for each work order, and in my final column I have a number that identifies all of the various work orders as being part of one whole group, or falling under one heading. In my case, each of the work orders fall under one project number. This will place your total at the top and at the bottom. It will also allow you to turn on and off the bottom or the top by selecting a choice under Grand Total on / off for rows / columns.
Kevin L
I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I don't think it's possible. I think you may have to do a little work on managing your client's expectations...
It generally works. but many people in my team make different pivot table layouts. So than this "fake" grand total column really does not work anymore.
To anyone having a similar challenge, you can accomplish this by adding rows at top of the pivot table and using GETPIVOTDATA to put the values in any cell you chose. Click here for details on how to use GETPIVOTDATA to get the Grand Total of a column in a Pivot Table. The best part is that is dynamic. There's no need to reference the Grand Total row specifically.