I get this error: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column - sql

I have a column in my database table that is of type Number(5,3). I need to be able to insert data or update data to this column. I am currently using a form field that lets users input whatever number they want. This field is the one used when inserting or updating data into this column of type Number(5,3). When testing I enter any number and get this error: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column
I am aware the data type NUMBER(5,3) means 5 is precision (total number of digits) and the 3 means scale (number of digits to the right of decimal point). For example: 52.904
Is there a function in oracle to format any number into a number of this type: NUMBER(5,3)?
Again I would like for the user to input any number on the field and be able to process that number as NUMBER(5,3) to insert or update into my table.

You could use something like this:
select cast (512.33333333 as number(5,2)) from dual;


Shouldn't binary_double store a higher value than number in Oracle?

Considering the following test code :
CREATE TABLE binary_test (bin_float BINARY_FLOAT, bin_double BINARY_DOUBLE, NUM NUMBER);
INSERT INTO binary_test VALUES (4356267548.32345E+100, 4356267548.32345E+2+300, 4356267548.32345E+100);
SELECT CASE WHEN bin_double>to_binary_double(num) THEN 'Greater'
WHEN bin_double=to_binary_double(num) THEN 'Equal'
WHEN bin_double<to_binary_double(num) THEN 'Lower'
ELSE 'Unknown' END comparison,
FROM binary_test A;
I've tried to see which one stores higher values. If I try to add E+300 for the number and binary_float columns, it returns numeric overflow error. So, I thought I could store a greater value with the binary_float.
However, when I tried to check it, it shows a lower value, and with the case comparison it says it is lower too. Could you please elaborate this situation?
You are inserting the value 4356267548.32345E+2+300 into the binary double column. That evaluates to 4356267548.32345E+2, which is 435626754832.345, plus 300 - which is 435626755132.345 (or 4.35626755132345E+011, which becomes 4.3562675513234497E+011 when converted to binary double). That is clearly lower than 4356267548.32345E+100 (or 4.35626754832345E+109, which becomes 4.3562675483234496E+109 when converted to binary double).
Not directly relevant, but you should also be aware that you're providing a decimal number literal, which will be implicitly converted to binary double during insert. So you can't use 4356267548.32345E+300, as that is too large for the number data type. If you want to specify a binary double literal then you need to append a d to it, i.e. 4356267548.32345E+300d; but that is still too large.
The highest you can go with that numeric part is 4356267548.32345E+298d, which evaluates to 4.3562675483234498E+307 - just below the data type limit of 1.79769313486231E+308; and note the loss of precision.

What is a type of my value 675763582022462206:57 in sql creating data table query?

I am creating a table with several columns in sql:
and one of them is going to have values like this: 675763582022462206:57. As you see it has : in it. So what is a type of it? Is it UInt16 or String?
It must be varchar or nvarchar in this case. The database doesn't recognize ":" as a part of a number, unless you say to Windows in advanced region settings that this is your decimal point. If you can store 57 (after ":") in a different column, then you can save the number before ":" as a bigint if you wish
This value can't be stored in a numeric type due to the colon (:), so you'll have to use one of the character types - i.e., a sufficiently long char or varchar.

how to convert int to decimal in SQL

I am working on an to solve a problem that I have a textbox that accepts any type of data but I want to cast the data to decimal(12,9) or any data type can accept this number as an example 42.56926437219384
here is the problem the user can enter any kind of data like characters or integer
1st case I want to handle if the data entered as integer:
DECLARE #num DECIMAL(12,9) = 444444444444444
I think if it is characters will handle it in the solution and assign validation for the textbox.
how can I handle the integer part?
When you specify it as DECIMAL(12,9) this means your number can have up to 12 digits (excluding . ) and out of that 9 digits will be after decimal part. Which means the maximum value that you can store here is 999.999999999.
in your sample scenario above, the number has got 15 integer parts which are too high than the scope of your variable, as you can do either of the following
Change the size of variable from DECIMAL(12,9) to higher integer precision like DECIMAL(25,9)
Add a validation on your application to restrict the number of characters that the user can enter

How to key in numeric digit as enter in MS SQL Server 2012 column?

I need store exactly numeric data in database.
Let say have to save 123.200 or 123.1 exactly into database.
But result will come up 123.20 or 123.10 in database if column type set to decimal with fixed 2 digit.
What I can do if I just want 123.200 or 132.1 shown on database/report?
No need system auto convert to any other decimal.
You can store the value "as is" in the varchar type.
The problem with this approach is that database would allow to store any string there, even if it is not a number, say 10abc.xyz23
If you need to know how to present the number to the user, you need to store this information somehow. Since, each number in the column may be formatted differently, you need to store this formatting information for each row.
I'd store it as decimal type with large enough scale and precision to cover all possible ranges of your data and in addition to that have extra column DecimalPlaces, which would contain the number of decimal places your reporting engine should use when displaying the value.
If you must do this, then as others have suggested, you'll need to use a character data type to store it. I'd also add a computed column that makes the numeric value readily available also:
create table T (
Val varchar(39) not null,
Val_numeric as CONVERT(decimal(38,10),Val) persisted
insert into T(Val) values
select * from T
Val Val_numeric
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
123.200 123.2000000000
123.1 123.1000000000
When you need the "user entered" value, you use Val. When you need the real value, you use Val_Numeric. This also has the advantage that (without a complex check constraint), you cannot enter any invalid values into the Val column. E.g.:
insert into T(Val) values ('1.2.3')
Produces the error:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 12
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

SQL Loader - Actual length exceeds maximum

I tried loading data into table using sql loader.
The log shows actual length of the string is 101 where as 100 is maximum(Rejects the record).But when i checked ,I found the length is 99.
data type of the string is varchar2(100) in table
I didnt specify anything about length in control file
What would be the exact problem?
Your data value only has 99 characters, but it seems some are multibyte characters - from a comment at least one is the symbol ½.
There are two related way to see this behaviour, depending on how your table is defined and what is in your control file.
You're probably seeing the effect of character length semantics. Your column is defined as 100 bytes; you're trying to insert 99 characters, but as some characters require multiple bytes for storage, the total number of bytes required for your string is 101 - too many for the column definition.
You can see that effect here:
create table t42 (str varchar2(10 byte));
Then if I have a data file with one row that has a multibyte character:
This is 10
This is 9½
and a simple control file:
Then trying to load that gets:
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table T42, column STR.
ORA-12899: value too large for column "MYSCHEMA"."T42"."STR" (actual: 11, maximum: 10)
Total logical records read: 2
Total logical records rejected: 1
If I recreate my table with character semantics:
drop table t42 purge;
create table t42 (str varchar2(10 char));
then loading with the same data and control file now gets no errors, and:
Total logical records read: 2
Total logical records rejected: 0
However, even when the table is defined with character semantics, you could still see this; if I remove the line CHARACTERSET UTF8 then my environment defaults (via NLS_LANG, which happens to set my character set to WE8ISO8859P1) leads to a character set mismatch and I again see:
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table T42, column STR.
ORA-12899: value too large for column "STACKOVERFLOW"."T42"."STR" (actual: 11, maximum: 10)
(Without that control file line, and with byte semantics for the column, the error reports actual length as 13 not 11).
So you need the table to be defined to hold the maximum number of characters you expect, and you need the control file to specify the character set if your NLS_LANG is defaulting it to something that doesn't match the database character set.
You can see the default semantics a new table will get by querying, for the database default and your current session default:
select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS';
select value from nls_session_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS';
For an existing table you can check which was used by looking at the user_tab_columns.char_used column, which will be B for byte semantics and C for character semantics.