Hangfire - DisableConcurrentExecution - Prevent concurrent execution if same value passed in method parameter - asp.net-core

Hangfire DisableConcurrentExecution attribute not working as expected.
I have one method and that can be called with different Id. I want to prevent concurrent execution of method if same Id is passed.
string jobName= $"{Id} - Entry Job";
_recurringJobManager.AddOrUpdate<EntryJob>(jobName, j => j.RunAsync(Id, Null), "0 2 * * *");
My EntryJob interface having RunAsync method.
public class EntryJob: IJob
[DisableConcurrentExecution(3600)] <-- Tried here
public async Task RunAsync(int Id, SomeObj obj)
//Some coe
And interface look like this
[DisableConcurrentExecution(3600)] <-- Tried here
public interface IJob
[DisableConcurrentExecution(3600)] <-- Tried here
Task RunAsync(int Id, SomeObj obj);
Now I want to prevent RunAsync method to call multiple times if Id is same. I have tried to put DisableConcurrentExecution on top of the RunAsync method at both location inside interface declaration and also from where Interface is implemented.
But it seems like not working for me. Is there any way to prevent concurrency based on Id?

The existing implementation of DisableConcurrentExecution does not support this. It will prevent concurrent executions of the method with any args. It would be fairly simple to add support in. Note below is untested pseudo-code:
public class DisableConcurrentExecutionWithArgAttribute : JobFilterAttribute, IServerFilter
private readonly int _timeoutInSeconds;
private readonly int _argPos;
// add additional param to pass in which method arg you want to use for
// deduping jobs
public DisableConcurrentExecutionAttribute(int timeoutInSeconds, int argPos)
if (timeoutInSeconds < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Timeout argument value should be greater that zero.");
_timeoutInSeconds = timeoutInSeconds;
_argPos = argPos;
public void OnPerforming(PerformingContext filterContext)
var resource = GetResource(filterContext.BackgroundJob.Job);
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_timeoutInSeconds);
var distributedLock = filterContext.Connection.AcquireDistributedLock(resource, timeout);
filterContext.Items["DistributedLock"] = distributedLock;
public void OnPerformed(PerformedContext filterContext)
if (!filterContext.Items.ContainsKey("DistributedLock"))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not release a distributed lock: it was not acquired.");
var distributedLock = (IDisposable)filterContext.Items["DistributedLock"];
private static string GetResource(Job job)
// adjust locked resource to include the argument to make it unique
// for a given ID
return $"{job.Type.ToGenericTypeString()}.{job.Method.Name}.{job.Args[_argPos].ToString()}";


Why documentt.data.getValue() gives empty string? [duplicate]

A custom object that takes a parameter of (DocumentSnapShot documentsnapShot). also is an inner object from Firebase that retrieves a snapshot and set the values to my custom model also have its argument (DocumentSnapShot documentsnapShot). However, I wish to get the data from Firebase and pass it to my custom argument because mine takes multiple data not only Firebase. And it's not possible to iterate Firestore without an override.
Here's the code:
public UserSettings getUserSettings(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot){
Log.d(TAG, "getUserSettings: retrieving user account settings from firestore");
DocumentReference mSettings = mFirebaseFirestore.collection("user_account_settings").document(userID);
mSettings.get().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
UserAccountSettings settings = documentSnapshot.toObject(UserAccountSettings.class);
You cannot return something now that hasn't been loaded yet. Firestore loads data asynchronously, since it may take some time for this. Depending on your connection speed and the state, it may take from a few hundred milliseconds to a few seconds before that data is available. If you want to pass settings object to another method, just call that method inside onSuccess() method and pass that object as an argument. So a quick fix would be this:
public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
UserAccountSettings settings = documentSnapshot.toObject(UserAccountSettings.class);
One more thing to mention is that you don't need to set the those values to object that already have them. You are already getting the data from the database as an object.
So remember, onSuccess() method has an asynchronous behaviour, which means that is called even before you are getting the data from your database. If you want to use the settings object outside that method, you need to create your own callback. To achieve this, first you need to create an interface like this:
public interface MyCallback {
void onCallback(UserAccountSettings settings);
Then you need to create a method that is actually getting the data from the database. This method should look like this:
public void readData(MyCallback myCallback) {
DocumentReference mSettings = mFirebaseFirestore.collection("user_account_settings").document(userID);
mSettings.get().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
UserAccountSettings settings = documentSnapshot.toObject(UserAccountSettings.class);
In the end just simply call readData() method and pass an instance of the MyCallback interface as an argument wherever you need it like this:
readData(new MyCallback() {
public void onCallback(UserAccountSettings settings) {
Log.d("TAG", settings.getDisplay_name());
This is the only way in which you can use that object of UserAccountSettings class outside onSuccess() method. For more informations, you can take also a look at this video.
Use LiveData as return type and observe the changes of it's value to execute desired operation.
private MutableLiveData<UserAccountSettings> userSettingsMutableLiveData = new MutableLiveData<>();
public MutableLiveData<UserAccountSettings> getUserSettings(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot){
DocumentReference mSettings = mFirebaseFirestore.collection("user_account_settings").document(userID);
mSettings.get().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
UserAccountSettings settings = documentSnapshot.toObject(UserAccountSettings.class);
return userSettingsMutableLiveData;
Then from your Activity/Fragment observe the LiveData and inside onChanged do your desired operation.
getUserSettings().observe(this, new Observer<UserAccountSettings>() {
public void onChanged(UserAccountSettings userAccountSettings) {
//here, do whatever you want on `userAccountSettings`

Apache Ignite Caching and PeerClassLoading

1. Is it possible to put non-POJO class instances as the value of a cache?
For example, I have a QueryThread class which is a subclass of java.lang.Thread and I am trying to put this instance in a cache. It looks like the put operation is failing because this cache is always empty.
Consider the following class:
public class QueryThread extends Thread {
private IgniteCache<?, ?> cache;
private String queryId;
private String query;
private long timeIntervalinMillis;
private volatile boolean running = false;
public QueryThread(IgniteCache<?, ?> dataCache, String queryId, String query, long timeIntervalinMillis) {
this.queryId = queryId;
this.cache = dataCache;
this.query = query;
this.timeIntervalinMillis = timeIntervalinMillis;
public void exec() throws Throwable {
SqlFieldsQuery qry = new SqlFieldsQuery(query, false);
while (running) {
List<List<?>> queryResult = cache.query(qry).getAll();
for (List<?> list : queryResult) {
System.out.println("result : "+list);
System.out.println("..... ");
This class is not a POJO. How do I store an instance of this class in the cache?
I tried implementing Serializable (didn't help).
I need to be able to do this:
queryCache.put(queryId, queryThread);
Next I tried broadcasting the class using the IgniteCallable interface. But my class takes multiple arguments in the constructor. I feel PeerClassLoading is easy if the class takes a no-arg constructor:
IgniteCompute compute = ignite.compute(ignite.cluster().forServers());
compute.broadcast(new IgniteCallable<MyServiceImpl>() {
public MyServiceImpl call() throws Exception {
MyServiceImpl myService = new MyServiceImpl();
return myService;
2. How do I do PeerClassLoading in the case of a class with multi-arg constructor?
It's restricted to put Thread instances to the cache, Thread instance cannot be serialized due to call to Native Methods. Thats why you always get empty value.
PeerClassLoading is a special distributed ClassLoader in Ignite for inter-node byte-code exchange. So, it's only about sharing classes between nodes. It doesn't make sense how many arguments in constructor class have.
But, on the other hand, object, that you created, will be serialised and sent to other nodes and for deserialisation it will need a default(non-arg) constructor.

NSubstitute: Received Calls asserts wrongly

I've created this test:
public class UsersTests
private Core.Kernel coreKernel;
private Core.Configuration.ICoreConfiguration coreConfiguration;
public void SetUp()
this.coreConfiguration = NSubstitute.Substitute.For<Core.Configuration.ICoreConfiguration>();
this.coreKernel = NSubstitute.Substitute.For<Core.Kernel>(this.coreConfiguration);
public void AddUserTest()
Core.Communication.Entities.UserIdentity receivedUserIdentity = new Core.Communication.Entities.UserIdentity("user1", "passwd1");
this.coreKernel.Received(100).AddUser(Arg.Is<Core.Identity.UserIdentity>(u => u.UserId.Equals(receivedUserIdentity.UserId)));
where Core.Kernel is:
public partial class Kernel : Core.IKernel
public Kernel(Configuration.ICoreConfiguration configuration)
: this(configuration, null, Enumerable.Empty<Type>())
public Kernel(Configuration.ICoreConfiguration configuration, Communication.ICoreService service, IEnumerable<Type> producerTypes)
if (configuration == null)
throw new ArgumentException("configuration object must be provided", "configuration");
if (producerTypes.Any(t => !t.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Core.Extensibility.AbstractProducerPlugin))))
throw new ArgumentException("All types must inherit from AbstractProducerPlugin", "plugins");
this.state = KernelState.initializing;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.service = service ?? this;
this.producerTypes = producerTypes;
this.backends = new Dictionary<Core.Identity.DomainIdentity, Backend.Infrastructure.IBackend>();
internal virtual void AddUser(Core.Identity.UserIdentity userIdentity) {...}
Nevertheless, this.coreKernel.Received(100).AddUser(... is not called 100 times, only one. What am I doing wrong?
I mean, I'm not trying to make 100 calls to AddUser. I'm checking AddUser should be called 100 times. So, assertion should fail.
Guess this code (Core.IKernel.AddUserIdentity(...) implementation):
public class Core.Kernel {
public override void Core.IKernel.AddUserIdentity(UserIdentity userIdentity) {
this.AddUser(userIdentity); <<----- AddUser(...) is called
I think the problem is related with:
Core.Kernel implements Core.IKernel. Core.IKernel has AddUserIdentity(...) method.
I'm mocking Core.Kernel instead of mocking a Core.IKernel.
According to Core.IKernel.AddUserIdentity(...) method implementation AddUser should ne reached.
AddUser is an internal virtual method of Core.Kernel. It's not an implementation of any method interface.
I want to assert AddUser is called once when AddUserIdentity is reached.
Other questions about mocking:
For<T> where T is a concrete class -> virtual methods are replaced? no virtual methods are executed?
ForPartsOf<T> where T is a concrete class -> Which parts of this class are mocked (virtual methods, overrided interface methods)?
It is only called once because you are only calling AddUser once. The Received assertion checks how many times it has been called, it doesn't tell NSubstitue to call your method 100 times, you need to do that manually :)
NSubstitute also gives you the option of asserting a specific number of calls were received by passing an integer to Received(). This will throw if the substitute does not receive exactly that many matching calls

Accesing arraylist property from another class using constructor

So i have a class that makes an array list for me and i need to access it in another class through a constructor but i don't know what to put into the constructor because all my methods in that class are just for manipulating that list. im either getting a null pointer exception or a out of bounds exception. ive tried just leaving the constructor empty but that dosent seem to help. thanks in advance. i would show you code but my professor is very strict on academic dishonesty so i cant sorry if that makes it hard.
You are confusing the main question, with a potential solution.
Main Question:
I have a class ArrayListOwnerClass with an enclosed arraylist property or field.
How should another class ArrayListFriendClass access that property.
Potential Solution:
Should I pass the arraylist from ArrayListOwnerClass to ArrayListFriendClass,
in the ArrayListFriendClass constructor ?
It depends on what the second class does with the arraylist.
Instead of passing the list thru the constructor, you may add functions to read or change, as public, the elements of the hidden internal arraylist.
Note: You did not specify a programming language. I'll use C#, altought Java, C++, or similar O.O.P. could be used, instead.
public class ArrayListOwnerClass
protected int F_Length;
protected ArrayList F_List;
public ArrayListOwnerClass(int ALength)
this.F_Length = ALength;
this.F_List = new ArrayList(ALength);
// ...
} // ArrayListOwnerClass(...)
public int Length()
return this.F_Length;
} // int Length(...)
public object getAt(int AIndex)
return this.F_List[AIndex];
} // object getAt(...)
public void setAt(int AIndex, object AValue)
this.F_List[AIndex] = AValue;
} // void setAt(...)
public void DoOtherStuff()
// ...
} // void DoOtherStuff(...)
// ...
} // class ArrayListOwnerClass
public class ArrayListFriendClass
public void UseArrayList(ArrayListOwnerClass AListOwner)
bool CanContinue =
(AListOwner != null) && (AListOwner.Length() > 0);
if (CanContinue)
int AItem = AListOwner.getAt(5);
} // if (CanContinue)
} // void UseArrayList(...)
public void AlsoDoesOtherStuff()
// ...
} // void AlsoDoesOtherStuff(...)
// ...
} // class ArrayListFriendClass
Note, that I could use an indexed property.

Rhino.Mocks how to test abstract class method calls

I'm trying to test if the method I want to test calls some external (mock) object properly.
Here is the sample code:
using System;
using Rhino.Mocks;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace RhinoTests
public abstract class BaseWorker
public abstract int DoWork(string data);
public class MyClass
private BaseWorker worker;
public BaseWorker Worker
get { return this.worker; }
public MyClass(BaseWorker worker)
this.worker = worker;
public int MethodToTest(string data)
return this.Worker.DoWork(data);
public class RhinoTest
public void TestMyMethod()
BaseWorker mock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<BaseWorker>();
MyClass myClass = new MyClass(mock);
string testData = "SomeData";
int expResponse = 10;
//I want to verify, that the method forwards the input to the worker
//and returns the result of the call
int realResp = myClass.MethodToTest(testData);
Assert.AreEqual(expResponse, realResp);
When I run this test, I get:
TestCase 'RhinoTests.RhinoTest.TestMyMethod'
failed: System.InvalidOperationException : Invalid call, the last call has been used or no call has been made (make sure that you are calling a virtual (C#) / Overridable (VB) method).
at Rhino.Mocks.LastCall.GetOptions[T]()
at Rhino.Mocks.Expect.Call[T](T ignored)
RhinoTest.cs(48,0): at RhinoTests.RhinoTest.TestMyMethod()
The exception is thrown on the Expect.Call line, before any invocation is made.
How do I approach this - i.e. how to check if the method under test properly forwards the call?
This is .Net 2.0 project (I can no change this for now), so no "x =>" syntax :(
I have to admit, I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but using Rhino.Mocks 3.6 and the newer syntax, it works fine for me:
public void TestMyMethod()
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
BaseWorker mock = mocks.StrictMock<BaseWorker>();
MyClass myClass = new MyClass(mock);
string testData = "SomeData";
int expResponse = 10;
using (mocks.Record())
//I want to verify, that the method forwards the input to the worker
//and returns the result of the call
using (mocks.Playback())
int realResp = myClass.MethodToTest(testData);
Assert.AreEqual(expResponse, realResp);
It doesn't have anything to do with the Rhino.Mocks version. With the old syntax, I get the same error as you're getting. I didn't spot any obvious errors in your code, but then again, I'm used to this using syntax.
Edit: removed the var keyword, since you're using .NET 2.0.