I'm trying to solve a system of linear equations with the additional constraint that each variable should stem from a small finite set of numbers.
In my case however, this cannot be true for all variables as then the there would exist no solution. Thus I tried to formulate it as a Max-SMT problem where I want to maximize the number of variables stemming from their respective set. Doing this for many variables resulted in a far from optimal solution.
An example would be:
(declare-fun B () Int)
(declare-fun A () Int)
(declare-fun D () Int)
(declare-fun C () Int)
(declare-fun E () Int)
(assert (= (- (+ 0 (* 1 C) (* 1 D)) (+ 0 (* 1 A) (* 1 B))) 0))
(assert (= (- (+ 0 (* 1 E)) (+ 0 (* 1 D) (* 2 C))) 0))
(assert (= (- (+ 0 (* 1 D)) (+ 0 (* 1 E) (* 1 A))) 0))
(assert-soft (or (= A 0) (= A 1) (= A 2)) :weight 10)
(assert-soft (or (= B 0) (= B (- 1))) :weight 10)
(assert-soft (or (= C 0) (= C (- 1)) (= C (- 2))) :weight 10)
(assert-soft (or (= D 0) (= D 2)) :weight 10)
(assert-soft (or (= E 5)) :weight 10)
i.e. for A + B = C + D,
D + 2 C = E and
D = E + A:
A is in {0, 2}, B is in {0, -1}, C is in {0, -1, -2}, D is in {0, 2} and E = 5.
The optimal solution would be A = 2, B = -1, C = -1, D = 2 and E = 0.
For such a small example using Z3's Max-SMT works fine. When I tried scaling this up, using ~1000 variables and 2000 equations the check did return sat but the solution presented (~600 violated clauses) was far worse than a solution I reached using a simple greedy algorithm (~ 50 violated clauses).
Is this not a use-case for Z3 or am I using it wrong? I have used z3py to implement this with, unless stated otherwise, default settings.
Let's say I want to check if the formula x+y=z (x,y,z integers) is satisfiable. Using Z3 i could input something like:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () Int)
(assert (= z (+ x y)))
I could equivalently use the OCaml api and write the following code:
let ctx=Z3.mk_context [("model", "true"); ("proof", "false")] in
let v1=(Z3.Arithmetic.Integer.mk_const_s ctx "x") in
let v2=(Z3.Arithmetic.Integer.mk_const_s ctx "y") in
let res=(Z3.Arithmetic.Integer.mk_const_s ctx "z") in
let sum=Z3.Arithmetic.mk_add ctx [ v1 ; v2] in
let phi=Z3.Boolean.mk_eq ctx sum res in
let solver = (Z3.Solver.mk_solver ctx None) in
let _= Z3.Solver.add solver [phi] in
let is_sat=Z3.Solver.check solver [] in
match is_sat with
| UNSATISFIABLE -> Printf.printf "unsat";
| SATISFIABLE -> Printf.printf "sat";
| UNKNOWN -> Printf.printf "unknown";
I would like to use the ocaml api of z3 to check the satisfiability of
the following factorial implementation, so that I get a value for x (if it exists).
(declare-fun x () Int)
(define-fun-rec f ((x Int)) Int
(ite (> x 1)
(* (f (- x 1))
(assert (= x (f 10)))
Unfortunately, I can't find an example of recursive definitions using the ml api of z3.
I'm a newbie to scheme programming and I was writing small codes when I encountered the following issue and couldn't reason about it satisfactorily.
(define (at_i lst i)
(if (eq? i 0)
(car lst)
(at_i (cdr lst)
(- i 1) )))
Evaluation of (at_i '(1 2 3 4) 0) returns 1.
Now lets define same procedure with a lambda syntax.
(define (at_i lst i)
(lambda (vec x)
(if (eq? x 0)
(car vec)
(at_i (cdr vec)
(- x 1) )))
lst i)
But now Evaluation of (at_i '(1 2 3 4) 0) returns 0, which is not in the list and in general, it returns element at index-1.
I don't understand why this is happening.
Note: I just realized its not returning element at index - 1 but the index itself. The reason for this has been well explained below by #Renzo. Thanks!
First, you should indent properly the code if you intend to learn the language, since code indentation is very important to understand programs in Scheme and Lisp-like languages.
For instance, your function correctly indented is:
(define (at_i lst i)
(lambda (vec x)
(if (eq? x 0)
(car vec)
(at_i (cdr vec) (- x 1))))
From this you can see that you are defining the function at_i exactly as before in terms of a function with two parameters (lst and i), and whose body is constitued by three expressions: the first lambda (vec x) ... (- x 1)))), which is an (anonymous) function (lambda) which is not called or applied, the second, which is the first parameter lst, and finally the third which is the second parameter i. So, when the function at_i is called with two arguments, the result is the evaluation of the three expressions in sequence, the first two values are discarded (the function and the value of lst), and the result is the value of the second parameter i. This is reason for which the result of (at_i '(1 2 3 4) 0) is 0, since it is the value of i.
A proper redefinition of the function in lambda form would be the following, for instance:
(define at_i
(lambda (vec x)
(if (eq? x 0)
(car vec)
(at_i (cdr vec) (- x 1)))))
(at_i '(1 2 3 4) 0) ;; => 1
in which you can see that the name at_i, through the define, is associated to a two parameter function which calculates correctly the result.
eq? is memory object equality. Only some Scheme implementations interpret (eq? 5 5) as #t. Use = for numbers, eqv? for values, and equal? for collections.
(define (index i xs) ; `index` is a partial function,
(if (= i 0) ; `i` may go out of range
(car xs)
(index (- i 1) ; Tail recursion
(cdr xs) )))
Your second function returns the index because you missed parenthesis around the lambda's application. It should be
(define (index i xs)
((lambda (i' xs')
(if (= i' 0)
(car xs')
(index (- i' 1) ; Not tail-recursive
(cdr xs') )))
i xs))
But this is verbose and differs semantically from the first formulation.
You say you are defining the "same procedure with a lambda syntax", but you are not. That would be (define at_i (lambda lst i) ...). Instead, you are effectively saying (define (at_i lst i) 1 2 3), and that is 3, of course.
In your particular case, you defined the procedure at_i to return (lambda (vec x) ...), lst and i. Now, if you call (at_i '(1 2 3 4) 0), the procedure will return 0, since that is the value of i at this point.
I have the following Z3 problem. When the code here is executed, how shall we expect, or how is it defined, that the conflicting optimisation goals will perform?
(declare-const x Bool)
(declare-const y Bool)
(declare-const z Bool)
(ite (= y false) 1 0)
(ite (= z false) 1 0)
(ite (= x true) 1 0)
(ite (= y true) 1 0)
(ite (= z true) 1 0)
Currently, these are the results:
(+ (ite (= y false) 1 0) (ite (= z false) 1 0)) |-> 2
(+ (ite (= x true) 1 0) (ite (= y true) 1 0) (ite (= z true) 1 0)) |-> 1
(define-fun y () Bool
(define-fun z () Bool
(define-fun x () Bool
By default, Z3 solves one optimization goal at a time. It commits one solution and uses the committed solution when solving the next goal. I call this "weak lexicographic" ordering because the committed solution can over-constrain the problem.
You can also configure Z3 to solve the objectives indepdendently or using pareto fronts.
The command-lines are:
(set-option :opt.priority pareto) ; find pareto fronts
(set-option :opt.priority lex) ; weak lexicographic
(set-option :opt.priority box) ; independent
I am having some trouble here, and hopefully you guys can help.
Basically, what I am trying to do is overload the + sign in racket so that it will add two vectors instead of two numbers. Also, I want to keep the old + operator so that we can still use it. I know this is supposed to work in scheme, so I was told I needed to use module* to do it in racket. I am still not entirely sure how it all works.
Here is what I have so far:
#lang racket
(module* fun scheme/base
(define old+ +)
(define + new+)
(define (new+ x y)
(cond ((and (vector? x) (vector? y))
(quatplus x y))
(else (old+ x y))))
(define (quatplus x y)
(let ((z (make-vector 4)))
(vector-set! z 0 (old+ (vector-ref x 0) (vector-ref y 0)))
(vector-set! z 1 (old+ (vector-ref x 1) (vector-ref y 1)))
(vector-set! z 2 (old+ (vector-ref x 2) (vector-ref y 2)))
(vector-set! z 3 (old+ (vector-ref x 3) (vector-ref y 3)))
But it doesn't seem to do anything at all. If anyone knows anything about this I would be very appreciative.
Thank you.
How I would do this is to use the except-in and rename-in specs for require:
#lang racket/base
(require (except-in racket + -)
(rename-in racket [+ old+] [- old-]))
(define (+ x y)
(cond [(and (vector? x) (vector? y))
(quatplus x y)]
[else (old+ x y)]))
(define (quatplus x y)
(vector (+ (vector-ref x 0) (vector-ref y 0))
(+ (vector-ref x 1) (vector-ref y 1))
(+ (vector-ref x 2) (vector-ref y 2))
(+ (vector-ref x 3) (vector-ref y 3))))
(+ (vector 1 2 3 4) (vector 1 2 3 4))
;; => #(2 4 6 8)
You could also use prefix-in with only-in, which would be more convenient if you had many such functions to rename:
(require (except-in racket + -)
(prefix-in old (only-in racket + -)))
A few points:
I had quatplus simply return a new immutable vector (instead of using make-vector and set!). It's simpler and probably faster.
Racket's + accepts any number of arguments. Maybe yours should?
As written, your new + will fail for the combination of a non-vector and a vector. You probably want to fix that:
(+ 1 (vector 1 2 3 4))
; +: contract violation
; expected: number?
; given: '#(1 2 3 4)
; argument position: 1st
; other arguments...:
; 1
You can use Scheme encapsulation to accomplish your needs as:
(import (rename (rnrs) (+ numeric+)))
(define +
(let ((vector+ (lambda (v1 v2) (vector-map numeric+ v1 v2)))
(list+ (lambda (l1 l2) (map numeric+ l1 l2)))
;; …
(lambda (a b)
(cond ((and (vector? a) (vector? b)) (vector+ a b))
((and (list? a) (list? b)) (list+ a b))
;; …
(else (numeric+ a b))))))
and if you wanted to work the addition to any depth, this should work:
(define +
(letrec ((vector+ (lambda (v1 v2) (vector-map any+ v1 v2)))
(list+ (lambda (l1 l2) (map any+ l1 l2)))
(any+ (lambda (a b)
(cond ((and (vector? a) (vector? b)) (vector+ a b))
((and (list? a) (list? b)) (list+ a b))
;; …
(else (numeric+ a b))))))
> (+ (vector (list 1 2) 3) (vector (list 11 12) 13))
#((12 14) 16)
I am trying to solve some maximum/minimum problems using Z3 SMT-LIB online.
One example is:
Find two nonnegative numbers whose sum is 9 and so that the product of one number and the square of the other number is a maximum.
After many attempts the following code was constructed
(define-fun f ((x Real) (y Real)) Real
(if (not (= y 0.0))
(* y (^ x (- y 1)))
(declare-const x Real)
(declare-const y Real)
(declare-const z Real)
(declare-const v Real)
(simplify (* x (^ (- 9 x) 2)) :som true)
(assert (= y (* 81.0 (f x 1))))
(assert (= z (* 18.0 (f x 2))))
(assert (= v (f x 3)))
(assert (= z (+ y v )))
(assert (not (= x 0)))
(assert (not (= x 9)))
(set-option :pp-decimal true)
(apply (then simplify solve-eqs))
The output is:
(+ (* 81.0 x) (* (- 18.0) x x) (* x x x))
(goal (= (* 36.0 x) (+ (* 81.0 (^ x 0.0)) (* 3.0 (^ x 2.0))))
(not (= x 0.0))
(not (= x 9.0))
:precision precise :depth 2) )
(define-fun x () Real 3.0)
(define-fun v () Real 27.0)
(define-fun z () Real 108.0)
(define-fun y () Real 81.0) )
Run this example online here
Please let me know if you have a more efficient code for this problem. Many thanks.