React Native unmounted screen renders when Redux state changed - react-native

I'm using React Native with Redux. Currently i'm having two screens that uses same redux state. Two screen are on a stack navigation. There is a use effect call in the 1st screen that trigger when the redux state changed. same kind a use effect call is also in the 2nd screen that trigger when same redux state changed. The problem is when i navigate from screen 1 to screen 2 and changed the state, it triggers both use effects.
This is 1st Screen. I'm navigating to 2nd screen using navigation.navigate('LoginScreen')
export default function StartScreen({route, navigation, props}) {
const {loginStatus,user} = useSelector(state => state.auth);
const initialRender = useRef(true);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('use effect');
if (!initialRender.current) {
if (loginStatus === 'success') {
index: 0,
routes: [{name: 'Dashboard'}],
} else if(loginStatus === 'failed') {
alert('invalid QR code!')
} else {
initialRender.current = false;
}, [loginStatus]);
return (
<Background maxWidth="85%">
The easiest way to start with your amazing application.
<Button mode="contained" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('QRScanner')}>
Scan QR
<Button mode="contained" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('LoginScreen')}>
<Loader visible={visible} hideDialog={hideDialog} />
This is 2nd Screen
export default function LoginScreen({navigation, props}) {
const {isLoggedIn, loginStatus,user} = useSelector(state => state.auth);
const initialRender = useRef(true);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('use effect');
if (!initialRender.current) {
if (loginStatus === 'success') {
} else if(loginStatus === 'failed') {
alert('invalid credentials!')
} else {
initialRender.current = false;
}, [loginStatus]);
When "loginStatus" changed it rendering useefect functions in both screens and show both alerts that setted inside useeffect.
Any help will be really appreciated.

Try adding another useEffect to clean up when component unmounts,
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
console.log("cleaned up");
}, []);


Re render flat list when data change cause infinite loop React Native

I have two screens. Approve List and Approve Detail. When data approved in Approve Detail, page navigate to Approve List. Then approved data should disapear from FLatList. How to remove FlatList item when data approved? or how to re render FlatList when data change? Here is my code:
Approve List:
const Approve = ({ navigation }) => {
const [rekomendasi, setRekomendasi] = useState({})
// other code
const getRekomendasi = async (token, bagian) => {
try {
const response = await sippApi.get(`/penjaminan?bagian=${bagian}`, {
headers: {
Auth: token
} catch (error) {
useEffect(() => {
getRekomendasi(token, userData.bagian);
}, [setToken, setUserData, rekomendasi]); // if I pass rekomendasi here, make infinite loop on api request
return (
onRefresh={() => onRefresh()}
style={{ marginTop: 2 }}
keyExtractor={rekom => rekom.penjaminan.nomor_rekomendasi}
renderItem={({ item }) => {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.navigate("ApproveDetail", { id: item.penjaminan.nomor_rekomendasi, bagian: userData.bagian })}>
If I pass value on second argument on UseEffect, it cause infinite loop on API request. If not, my FlatList cant re render when data change. What should I do?
Thanks for help
You have to remove the rekomendasi dependency in the useEffect to avoid infinite loop, it's only for init data :)
What is the purpose of onRefresh function in the FlatList ? Instead you could put the getRekomendasi function to trigger a new call and your data will be updated
try to separate the functions to two useEffects
useEffect(() => {
//<-- write your getToken() and getUserDate() here
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const getRekomendasi = async (token, bagian) => {
try {
const response = await sippApi.get(`/penjaminan?bagian=${bagian}`, {
headers: {
Auth: token
} catch (error) {
getRekomendasi(token, userData.bagian);
Problem solved by using useFocusEffect
React.useCallback(() => {
getRekomendasi(token, userData.bagian)
}, [token, userData.bagian])

Flatlist inside tab navigator is scrolling to top on state change in react native

Here you can see the gif
Here is my whole Navigator functional component. I'm trying to implement two tabs using Tab Navigator. One to display the cryptos and the other to display the forex data.
The problem is, when I try to load more data on reaching the flatlist's end, the flatlist is scrolling to the top since I'm making a state change [page+1].
const Navigator = () => {
const Tab = createMaterialTopTabNavigator();
const renderItems = ({ item }) => (
const fetchMarketData = async () => {
const marketData = await getCryptoMarketData({ page });
if (marketData != "Network Error") {
const ids = =>;
let newData = marketData.filter((item) => !ids.includes(;
setData([, ...newData]);
} else {
Alert.alert(marketData, "Sorry for the inconvenience");
useEffect(() => {
const data = async () => {
await fetchMarketData();
}, [page]);
const handleLoadMore = async () => {
setPage((page) => page + 1);
const ScreenA = () => (
style={{ backgroundColor: "white" }}
keyExtractor={(item) =>}
return (
screenOptions={({ route }) => screenOptions(route)}
<Tab.Screen name="Crypto" component={ScreenA} />
<Tab.Screen name="Forex" component={ScreenC} />
export default Navigator;
OnEndReached is firing the handleLoadMore function and after the state change on data, the Flatlist is scrolling to the top.
1st reason
you have typo in "fetchMarketData", how exactly u get "newData" because i cant see it anywhere, maybe it should be "marketData" if not then u adding SAME old data PLUS undefined[, ...undefined]
2nd reason
reason why is that u call setPage(page + 1) and then "fetchMarketData" this is bad why ? because setState is async and it can be changed instant or after 5 secound, so u dont know when its changed and this is why we have hooks, you can use "useEffect" to handle this
change your "handleLoadMore" for example like this
const handleLoadMore = () => {
setPage(page + 1);
add useEffect hook that runs when "page" state changes
React.useEffect(() => {
(async() => {
const marketData = await getCryptoMarketData({ page });
if (marketData != "Network Error") {
setData([, ...marketData]);
} else {
Alert.alert(marketData, "Sorry for the inconvenience");
}, [page])

How to refresh data when navigating to the previous page in React Native?

What I'm Trying To Do
When navigating back from second page to first page, I want to refresh datas.
The problem is that when I navigate back from second page, onRefresh() in First doesn't work.
First Page
export default class First extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
refreshing: false,
items: [],
fetchData = async () => {
const querySnapshot = db.items();
const items = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
this.setState({ items });
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
onRefresh() {
this.setState({ refreshing: true });
this.fetchData().then(() => {
this.setState({ refreshing: false });
render() {
return (
Second Page
this.props.navigation.navigate('First', 'update');
I would appreciate it if you could give me any advices.
Suppose you have two pages PAGE-A & PAGE-B
create a JS-File named ForegroundBackground.js
import React from "react";
import { View } from "react-native";
const ForegroundBackground = ({ navigation, bgCallback, fgCallback }) => {
React.useEffect(() => navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
fgCallback && fgCallback()
}), []);
React.useEffect(() => navigation.addListener('blur', () => {
bgCallback && bgCallback()
}), []);
return (<View/>);
export default ForegroundBackground;
you can use it in render function of PAGE-A by providing navigation object to it from screen props.
<ForegroundBackground navigation = {this.props.navigation}
fgCallback = {()=>{alert("resume")}}/>
There are two solutions for the purpose.
To use store.Define a state in store and use that state in pageA and pageB.So if you change store state from pageB.It will auto reflect in entire app.
you can pass a function from pageA to pageB while navigation.The purpose of the function is to refresh state of PageA while moving back. For example:
this.props.navigation.navigate("pageB", {
resetData: () => {
mydata: ""
And while navigating from pageB you can do something like this:
I hope it helps. Leave a comment if you want to have more help/code/discussion etc

How to update the header while the component is still rendered using React Navigation?

I'm writing a React Native app and I'm using React Navigation (V2) with it. I want to update the navigationOptions and add a new button, after my component has updated. Here is the code with which I tried it:
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
const options = {
headerStyle: {
borderBottomWidth: 0,
marginBottom: -5
if (navigation.getParam("drawer", true)) {
options["headerLeft"] = (
onClick={() => {
if (navigation.getParam("renderBillButton", false)) {
options["headerRight"] = (
onClick={() => {
return options;
componentDidUpdate = prevProps => {
const { navigation, orders } = this.props;
if (prevProps.orders.length !== orders.length) {
renderBillButton: orders.length > 0
The problem with this approach is, that the navigationOptions do not get reset after componentDidUpdate(). How can I dynamically adjust the header with React Navigation?
You can use this.props.navigation.setParams() function to update the navigation state params.
Okay here is what went wrong: I also had to call the same code within componentDidMount(), otherwise it would not affect the page upon loading. So in addition to the code of my question I added:
componentDidMount = () => {
const { navigation, order } = this.props;
renderBillButton: orders.length > 0

How can I tell if the screen is navigated to with ReactNavigation

I'd like to refresh the data on the screen in a react native app whenever the screen appears - like in a ViewWillAppear method. I tried using the componentWillMount method but it looks like it fires once before it appears, and doesn't fire again when the view is navigated to again.
Looking at this example, it looks like I can add a listener on the onNavigationStateChange method on the root navigation, but I'd like to keep the logic in the screen as it gets confusing if I move the data fetch logic for that one scree outside to the root navigator.
I've tried to follow the example and set that method to my stacknavigation but it doesn't seem to trigger.
<RootNavigation ref={nav => { this.navigator = nav; }}
onNavigationStateChange={(prevState, currentState, action) => {
// maybe here I can fire redux event or something to let screens
// know that they are getting focus - however it doesn't fire so
// I might be implementing this incorrectly
const currentScreen = getCurrentRouteName(currentState);
const prevScreen = getCurrentRouteName(prevState);
if (prevScreen !== currentScreen) {
console.log('navigating to this screen', currentScreen);
So here's how I did it using the onNavigateStateChange.
ref={nav => { this.navigator = nav; }}
onNavigationStateChange={(prevState, currentState) => {
const currentScreen = this.getCurrentRouteName(currentState);
const prevScreen = this.getCurrentRouteName(prevState);
if (prevScreen !== currentScreen) {
{/*console.log('onNavigationStateChange', currentScreen);*/}
And in your screen you can check to see if your view will appear, note MyPage is the route name from your navigation object.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if ((nextProps.activeScreen === 'MyPage' && nextProps.activeScreen !== this.props.activeScreen)) {
// do your on view will appear logic here
Here is my navigator reducer.
function getCurrentRouteName(navState) {
if (!navState) {
return null;
const navigationState = (navState && navState.toJS && navState.toJS()) || navState;
const route = navigationState.routes[navigationState.index];
// dive into nested navigators
if (route.routes) {
return getCurrentRouteName(route);
return route.routeName;
export default function NavigatorReducer(state, action) {
// Initial state
if (!state) {
return fromJS(AppNavigator.router.getStateForAction(action, state));
// Is this a navigation action that we should act upon?
if (includes(NavigationActions, action.type)) {
// lets find currentScreen before this action based on state
const currentScreen = getCurrentRouteName(state);
const nextState = AppNavigator.router.getStateForAction(action, state.toJS());
// determine what the new screen will be after this action was performed
const nextScreen = getCurrentRouteName(nextState);
if (nextScreen !== currentScreen) {
nextState.currentRoute = nextScreen;
console.log(`screen changed, punk: ${currentScreen} -> ${nextScreen}`);
return fromJS(nextState);
return state;
And then we have to connect the module/route to the redux store (sceneIsActive is the important bit):
export default connect(
state => ({
counter: state.getIn(['counter', 'value']),
loading: state.getIn(['counter', 'loading']),
sceneIsActive: state.getIn(['navigatorState', 'currentRoute']) === 'Counter',
dispatch => {
return {
navigate: bindActionCreators(NavigationActions.navigate, dispatch),
counterStateActions: bindActionCreators(CounterStateActions, dispatch),
And then inside your component, you can watch for/trigger code when the scene becomes active:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.sceneIsActive && (this.props.sceneIsActive !== nextProps.sceneIsActive)) {
console.log('counter view is now active, do something about it', this.props.sceneIsActive, nextProps.sceneIsActive);
Know that componentWillReceiveProps does not run when initially mounted. So don't forget to call your doSomethingWhenScreenBecomesActive there as well.
You can use focus/blur event listeners(demonstrated here and discussed here).