Where is "scrollable stack view" in xcode? - objective-c

I'm studying "scrollable stack view". I find that the sample code from Apple can directly drag and use the "scrollable stack view" control in window view.
The sample code link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/views_and_controls/organize_your_user_interface_with_a_stack_view?language=objc
Then I try to code an imitation of the "scrollable stack view", but I don't find the "scrollable stack view" in Xcode 12.
So my question is Where the "scrollable stack view" in xcode?
See the following screenshot:

Follow Apple's instructions
You embed a stack view inside an NSScrollView object, making the stack’s content scrollable when the user resizes the window.
Add a stack view
Choose menu Editor -> Embed In -> Scroll View


React Native & React Navigation 5.x: hiding bottom tab bar in specific screens

I'm currently building an app that has a bottom tab bar with a navigation stack in each tab. Now I want to create an image screen where the tab bar is hidden. I've followed the docs at https://reactnavigation.org/docs/hiding-tabbar-in-screens, which works fine if you only want the user to able to navigate to the screen and then navigate back to the tab stack.
The problem is that I want it to feel like the image screen is part of the tab stack so the user can navigate from the image screen to another screen (i.e. push another screen on top of the stack). This doesn't work for me using the method mentioned above...
I've also tried using the option tabBarVisible: false, but it makes the "hide animation" glitchy (which the docs also warns for: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/bottom-tab-navigator).

Programmatically Show Document Name Popover for Document-Based App

We have a custom window and titlebar for a document-based app, and we would like to support the document name popover (in Yosemite) with the standard disclosure button that appears beside the document title. Here is an image of the disclosure button and the popover when it is clicked (from TextEdit):
Is there a way to programmatically show this document name popover for a custom disclosure button?
It appears the answer to this question is: you can't - without getting into private APIs.

Detach XCode's Navigator into its own window?

Right now, my average xcode window is just an editor window with the navigator on the left.
Is there any way I can detach the navigator into a separate window?
I've tried:
Making a new complete window, and hiding the editor. This doesn't work, when I try to drag the navigator to cover the entire window, it won't go all the way. It's strange that this works to create a debugger-only window, and not a navigator-only window.
Making a behavior in the preferences, to show the navigator and hide the editor. When I run this behavior, it shows the navigator and hides the editor, but puts the debugger in its place. When I add "hide the debugger" to the behavior, I get the same result: navigator plus debugger.
Eternal gratitude to whoever can end my suffering!
(xcode 4.6, mac 10.8)
No, there is no way to do this. The Xcode application's UI was not written to be able to do what you're asking for.

Thick title bar window in cocoa, similar to iTunes

I've been looking around and I can't find much information on how I would go about creating a window similar to the Mac App Store or iTunes. It has a thicker title bar with buttons ect. as you can see in the image below.
Any help would be much appreciated.
In Interface Builder there's an item called "Toolbar". Drag that onto your Window, then you can add "Image Toolbar Items", "Flexible Space Toolbar Item", etc.
There are some similar questions to this one: Title Bar Buttons and Custom Title Bars.
I think the main workaround is to create your own view to be placed in top of the titlebar as a child of your window's content superview.

Storyboard segue usages

When a UIView is created using storyboard there are three methods available I would like to know more about: custom, push, and modal. Can someone please explain the purpose and usage of each? Thanks in advance.
when you will use style type mode the new screen completely obscures the previous one. The user cannot interact with the underlying screen until they close the modal screen first.
When you use push screen is presented on the navigation stack you can always press the back button to return to the previous screen.
In custom you can define your own segue class, where you can define your own way for transition between the screen
I have linked tutorial also in this answer. check it for more details