SPARQL how to return date value that has no prefix? - sparql

I'm trying to query some data from using SPARQL queries.
One thing I am unable to accomplish is to return the value of startDate (or endDate in some cases). A startDate may look like <startDate xmlns="" rdf:datatype="">1942-05-03</startDate>, see the RDF fragment below:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<dcterms:created rdf:datatype="">2018-07-17T11:56:18Z</dcterms:created>
<dcterms:creator rdf:resource=""/>
<dcterms:source xml:lang="nl">Erik Schumacher, 1942. Oorlog op alle fronten. Leven in bezet Nederland (Houten: Spectrum, 2017)</dcterms:source>
<startDate xmlns="" rdf:datatype="">1942-05-03</startDate>
<skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>
Compared to the other elements, which have prefixes such as rdf, dcterms, or skos, startDate does not have a prefix.
My current query (without startDate) looks like this:
PREFIX rdf:<>
PREFIX skos:<>
SELECT ?s ?prefLabel ?scopeNote WHERE {
?s skos:inScheme <> .
?s skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel .
?s skos:scopeNote ?scopeNote .
FILTER (lang(?prefLabel)= "nl") .
So, my question is, how do I add the value of startDate to the result of my query?


Getting a list of available hierarchies from

I'm interested in obtaining a list of available distinct hierarchies from The best-fit hierarchies, which I would like to list, are as follow:
As available through API section of this sample geography.
Desired results
I would like for the desired results to return:
How can I construct query that would actually produce that, I can get a list of available all geographies via:
PREFIX sdmx: <>
?a sdmx:refArea ?framework .
} LIMIT 10
I was trying something on the lines:
PREFIX fits: <>
?a fits ?framework .
} LIMIT 10
but naturally this syntax is not correct.
Starting on their SPARQL endpoint, you could do something like this --
Then, based on those results, you might try something like this, which results aren't exactly what you say you want, but might be better --
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?hierarchy
{ ?hierarchy rdfs:subPropertyOf <>
; rdfs:label ?label

SPARQL filter results dates only

I'm trying to find all results that are dates, regardless of the properties they're describing. This FILTER query gives me the results I want:
PREFIX mydb: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?s ?p ?date
?s ?p ?date .
FILTER (?date > "1800-01-01"^^xsd:date)
But it only works because I set a bottom limit earlier than my earliest date. Is there a way to use a boolean filter for the xsd:date datatype, similar to isURI()?
FILTER ( datatype(?date) = xsd:date ) is the filter I needed.
Thanks to Stanislav Kralin for his comment.

Querying for date range in SPARQL

I have some data in a semantic database that looks like the following, where the first column is the ID of an object, and the second column is the last modified date, as xsd:dateTime's.
?s ?last_mod_date, 2016-08-30T08:44:49.000-04:00, 2016-08-30T17:24:21.000-04:00, 2016-08-30T09:03:57.000-04:00, 2016-07-27T03:26:44.000-04:00, 2016-08-11T03:23:53.000-04:00, 2016-07-19T03:05:03.000-04:00
I'm trying to filter this list of objects down to one item by date; my query input is unfortunately only precise to the minute, so I'm trying to use a date range to find the object, like this:
prefix rdfs: <>
prefix cust: <>
?s cust:last_mod_date ?date.
BIND("2016-08-30T09:03:00.000-0400"^^<> as ?minDate).
BIND("2016-08-30T09:04:00.000-0400"^^<> as ?maxDate).
FILTER(?date > ?minDate && ?date < ?maxDate)
The above query should find obj3, but instead it finds nothing. This is with a Sesame semantic database. Any ideas why this would be?
Your datetimes in the SPARQL query are malformed:
BIND("2016-08-30T09:03:00.000-0400"^^<> as ?minDate).
BIND("2016-08-30T09:04:00.000-0400"^^<> as ?maxDate).
Should be
BIND("2016-08-30T09:03:00.000-04:00"^^<> as ?minDate).
BIND("2016-08-30T09:04:00.000-04:00"^^<> as ?maxDate).
The timezone modifier is the first BIND statements are missing a colon.

Sparql query to construct a new graph

I have two graphs with similar data but a slight difference.
my goal is to merge them using SPARQL and perform the integration. I want a final output of two RDF graphs that has a slight difference in a single RDF graph using SPARQL.
example one graph is :
a ns0:ExternalReference ;
ns0:externalReferenceAlias "BaseRoleClassLib" .
a ns0:Attribute ;
schema:name "maxTransportationWeight" ;
ns0:hasValue "35" .
second graph is :
a ns0:ExternalReference ;
a ns0:Attribute ;
schema:name "maxTransportationWeight" ;
ns0:hasValue "35.0" .
The only difference is one has the transport value in integer and other in the float.
So I write a query to generalise them :
select distinct ?integer
from <graph1>
from <graph2>
where {
?s ns0:hasValue ?y
Bind(xsd:integer(xsd:decimal(?y)) as ?integer)
This converts the difference in to generalised form of integer.
Now my next goal is I want to integrate these files into a single RDF by using the above result .
I want an RDF file which has the union of these and the solved generalization of float to integer.
S1 , S2 -> generalization -> integration -> s3 RDF
How can I achieve this using SPARQL constructor / insert ?
Thanks so much
This can be done pretty straightforwardly by CONSTRUCT. SPARQL update doesn't seem to support FROM, so you'd need to use a UNION of GRAPH statements. The following should get the merge you are looking for - basically filter out the old ns0:hasValue value and insert the new one:
?s ?p ?o .
?s ns0:hasValue ?intValue .
FROM <graph1>
FROM <graph2>
?s ?p ?o .
OPTIONAL{?s ns0:hasValue ?origValue .}
BIND(IF(datatype(?origValue) = xsd:integer, ?origValue, xsd:integer(STRBEFORE(str(?origValue), ".")) )as ?intValue)
FILTER (?p != ns0:hasValue)
Note that conversion of float to integer isn't straightforward. You's have to live with rounding down or have logic to round by decimal values.

DBpedia SPARQL to eliminate unwanted data

PREFIX category: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?attractions
{ ?attractions dcterms:subject ?places
. ?places skos:broader ?border
. ?attractions dbpprop:location|dbpedia-owl:locatedInArea|dbpprop:locale ?location
. FILTER( ?border = category:Visitor_attractions_in_Delhi )
I have above query giving result of attraction location of Delhi. I need to make it generic for all places, and secondly I want to filter out unwanted data. I want only attraction places, e.g., I didn't want List of Monuments and SelectCityWalk like data in my output.