How to pop multiple items from a REDIS SET atomically without using SPOP <set> <count>? - redis

SPOP [set] [count] was introduced in Redis v3.2 - , my REDIS version is 2.7.
How can I atomically pop several items from a SET using cli commands?
Is it possible to do something like...?
a = SPOP myset //It would be nice if I could store this in a variable?
b = SPOP myset

Yes, MULTI combined with a sequence of SPOPs would return the results as part of the EXEC call:
each element being the reply to each of the commands in the atomic transaction
SPOP myset
SPOP myset
As an alternative, you could also use a Lua script, with EVAL being introduced in Redis 2.6: this would allow you to use variables (hosted within the scope of the script itself, which is being run on the Redis process) and alike but may be more complex, possibly overkill for your scenario.
As a side note, SPOP is already removing items, so there is no need to SREM them.


Understanding transactions and WATCH

I am reading, and I am not sure I fully understand the importance of WATCH in a Redis transaction. From, I am led to believe EXEC is atomic:
> INCR foo
> INCR bar
1) (integer) 1
2) (integer) 1
But between MULTI and EXEC, the values at keys foo and bar could have been changed (e.g. in response to a request from another client). Is that why WATCH is useful? To error out the transaction if e.g. foo or bar changed after MULTI and before EXEC?
Do I have it correct? Anything I am missing?
I am led to believe EXEC is atomic
Is that why WATCH is useful? To error out the transaction if e.g. foo or bar changed after MULTI and before EXEC?
NOT exactly. Redis fails the transaction if some key the client WATCHed before the transaction has been changed (after WATCH and before EXEC). The watched key might even not used in transaction.
MULTI-EXEC ensures commands between them runs atomically, while WATCH provides check-and-set(CAS) behavior.
With MULTI-EXEC, Redis ensures running INCR foo and INCR bar atomically, otherwise, Redis might run some other commands between INCR foo and INCR bar (these commands might and might not change foo or bar). If you watch some key (either foo, or bar, or even any other keys) before the transaction, and the watched key has been modified since the WATCH command, the transaction fails.
The doc you referred has a good example of using WATCH: implement INCR with GET and SET. In order to implement INCR, you need to 1) GET the old counter from Redis, 2) incr it on client side, and 3) SET the new value to Redis. In order to make it work, you need to ensure no other clients update/change the counter after you run step 1, otherwise, you might write incorrect value and should fail the transaction. 2 clients both get the old counter, i.e. 1, and incr it locally, and client 1 update it to 2, then client 2 update it to 2 again (the counter should be 3). In this case, WATCH is helpful.
WATCH mykey
val = GET mykey
val = val + 1
SET mykey $val
If some other client update the counter after we watch it, the transaction fails.
When do watched keys no longer watched?
EXEC is called.
UNWATCH is called.
DISCARD is called.
connection is closed.

attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value)

I use jedis + lua to eval script, here is my lua script:
local second ='TIME')[1]
local currentKey = KEYS[1]..second
if'EXISTS', currentKey) == 0 then'SETEX', currentKey, 1, 1)
return 1
return'INCR', currentKey)
As I use 'Time', it reports error:Write commands not allowed after non deterministic commands.
after searching on internet, I add 'redis.replicate_commands()' as first line of lua script, but it still reports error:ERR Error running script (call to f_c89a6ee8ad732a325e530f4a69226851cde302e2): #user_script:1: user_script:1: attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value)
Does replicate_commands need arguments or is there a way to solve my problem?
redis version:3.0
jedis version:2.9
lua version: I don't know where to find
The error attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value) means replicate_commands() doesn't exists in the redis object. It is a Lua-side error message.
replicate_commands() was introduced until Redis 3.2. See EVAL - Replicating commands instead of scripts. Consider upgrading.
The first error message (Write commands not allowed after non deterministic commands) is a redis-side message, you cannot call write-commands (like SET, SETEX, INCR, etc) after calling non-deterministic commands (like SPOP, SCAN, RANDOMKEY, TIME, etc).
A very important part of scripting is writing scripts that are pure functions.
Scripts executed in a Redis instance are, by default, propagated to
replicas and to the AOF file by sending the script itself -- not the
resulting commands.
This is so if the Redis server is restarted, playing again the AOF log, or also if replicated in a slave, the script should deliver the same dataset.
This is why in Redis 3.2 replicate_commands() was introduced. And starting with Redis 5 scripts are always replicated as effects -- as if replicate_commands() was called when the script started. But for versions before 3.2, you simply cannot do this.
Therefore, either upgrade to 3.2 or later, or pass currentKey already calculated to the script from the client instead.
Note that creating currentKey dynamically makes your script single-instance-only.
All Redis commands must be analyzed before execution to determine
which keys the command will operate on. In order for this to be true
for EVAL, keys must be passed explicitly. This is useful in many ways,
but especially to make sure Redis Cluster can forward your request to
the appropriate cluster node.
Note this rule is not enforced in order to provide the user with
opportunities to abuse the Redis single instance configuration, at the
cost of writing scripts not compatible with Redis Cluster.
Finally, the Lua version at Redis 3.0.0 is Lua 5.1.5, same as all the way up to Redis 6 RC1.

Is there any ways to evict keys from Redis just after accessing it?

As per this answer [][1]
"You might not know it, but Redis is actually single-threaded, which
is how every command is guaranteed to be atomic. While one command is
executing, no other command will run."
Redis is single threaded. My requirement is to store a key in Redis and as soon as a thread access it it should evict.
HSET bucket-1 name justin
Thread A and B accessing the same key
HGET bucket-1 name
Only one thread should get the data at any given point.
Is there any particular settings that i can do to achieve this?
The term "eviction" refers to keys that have an expiry set (TTL). While there is no dedicated command to achieve what you want, you can use a transaction such as:
WATCH bucket-1
HGET bucket-1 name
(pseudo: if not nil)
HDEL bucket-1 name
If the EXEC fails it means you're in thread B (assuming that A got there first).
Alternatively, the above can be compacted into an idiomatic Lua script - as suggested by #The_Dude - such as (newlines added for readability):
EVAL "local'HGET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'HDEL', KEYS[1], ARGS[1])
return v"
1 bucket-1 name
A nil reply means you're B.
There isn't a command to do that with hashes. You could use a Lua script to handle this.
You could also use GETSET instead, where you can reset a key to a value that denotes it has been used by another consumer.

Nested multi-bulk replies in Redis

In the redis protocol specification, under the "Multi-bulk replies section":
A Multi bulk reply is used to return an array of other replies. Every element of a Multi Bulk Reply can be of any kind, including a nested Multi Bulk Reply.
However, I can't figure out a way to get Redis to return such output. Can anyone provide an example?
Only certain commands (especially those returning list of values) return multi-bulk replies, you can try by using LRANGE for example but you can check the command reference for more details.
Usually multi-bulk replies are only 1-level deep but some Redis commands can return nested multi-bulk replies (max 2 levels), notably EXEC (depending on the commands executed while inside the transaction context) and both EVAL / EVALSHA (depending on the value returned by the Lua script).
Here is an example using EXEC:
redis> MULTI
redis> LPUSH metavars foo foobar hoge
redis> LRANGE metavars 0 -1
redis> EXEC
1) (integer) 4
2) 1) "hoge"
2) "foobar"
3) "foo"
4) "metavars"
The second element of the multi-bulk reply to EXEC is a multi-bulk itsef.
PS: I added a clarification in the comments regarding the actual maximum level of nesting of multi-bulk replies when using Lua scripts. tl;dr: there's basically no limit.

How to destroy jobs enqueued by resque workers?

I'm using Resque on a rails-3 project to handle jobs that are scheduled to run every 5 minutes. I recently did something that snowballed the creation of these jobs and the stack has hit over 1000 jobs. I fixed the issue that caused that many jobs to be queued and now the problem I have is that the jobs created by the bug are still there and therefore It becomes difficult to test something since a job is added to a queue with 1000+ jobs.
I can't seem to stop these jobs. I have tried removing the queue from the redis-cli using the flushall command but it didn't work. Am I missing something? coz I can't seem to find a way of getting rid of these jobs.
Playing off of the above answers, if you need to clear all of your queues, you could use the following:
Resque.queues.each{|q| Resque.redis.del "queue:#{q}" }
If you pop open a rails console, you can run this code to clear out your queue(s):
queue_name = "my_queue"
Resque.redis.del "queue:#{queue_name}"
Resque already has a method for doing this - try Resque.remove_queue(queue_name) (see the documentation here). Internally it performs Resque.redis.del(), but it also does other cleanup, and by using an api method (rather than making assumptions about how resque works) you'll be more future-proof.
Updated rake task for clearing (according to latest redis commands changes):
This is what works now:
Enter redis console:
List databases:> KEYS *
1) "resque:schedules_changed"
2) "resque:workers"
3) "resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue"
"resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue" - db which you need.
Then run:
DEL resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue
Or if you want to delete specified jobs in queue then list few values from db with LRANGE command:> LRANGE resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue 0 2
1) "{\"class\":\"AppClass\",\"args\":[]}"
2) "{\"class\":\"AppClass\",\"args\":[]}"
3) "{\"class\":\"AppClass\",\"args\":[]}"
Then copy/paste one value to LREM command:> LREM resque:queue:your_overloaded_queue 5 "{\"class\":\"AppClass\",\"args\":[]}"
(integer) 5
Where 5 - number of elements to remove.
It's safer and bulletproof to use the Resque API rather than deleting everything on the Resque's Redis. Resque does some cleaning in the inside.
If you want to remove all queues and associated enqueued jobs:
Resque.queues.each {|queue| Resque.remove_queue(queue)}
The queues will be re-created the next time a job is enqueued.