How to place image address in array and use that array index in source VUE JS? - vue.js

I’m new into vue js and I’m facing a little issue. I’m sure that its a minor issue as I’m new into it can’t able to solve it by myself. Any suggestion or solution will be acknowledge.
Thing is I want to store image address (images that will be in assets directory) in an array & then I want to pass those address as a source to img tag. for instance following is the code:
<div class="text-h2" v-for="img in imgs" :key="img">
<img src="{{img}}" alt="">
where the image source will be saved in src array:
export default {
name: 'Home',
data: () => ({
imgs: ['./assets/img1.png','./assts/img2.png' ],

You can create method:
methods() {
getImage(imagePath) {
return require(imagePath);
Then in template call that method:
<img :src="getImage(img)" alt="">
With :src you bind image source to img from array imgs.


Trying to load an image inside a assets/img folder in a v-for, but the images does not load

I'm trying to load the images in the assets/img folder in my vue3 project using a v-for inside a div, but they are not loading, just display my alt.
So, I have a vue component what will display a title and a paragraph and also a image. The images are in the assets/img folder, I'm getting the path of the image with a store that I created. When I try to just put the path of the image like this: src="../assets/img/img2.jpg" the images renders.
Here is 1 of my state in the store.js:
content: [
headline: 'Teste',
paragraph: 'this is a paragraph',
img: '#/assets/img/img.jpg'
Here is my template using the v-for:
v-for="item, i in content"
My setup:
setup () {
const store = useStore()
const content = store.getters.getContent
return { content }
I tryed to use :src="require(item.img)" but i got a webpack error by doing this:
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module '#/assets/img/img.jpg' webpackEmptyContext components sync:2
Also tryed to point the folder of the images in the src, :src="#/assets/img + item.img", but it didn't work.
I met this question before.
Maybe the following code could help you.
// create a function in util.js
export const getSrc = ( name ) => {
const path = `/src/assets/img/${name}`
const modules = import.meta.globEager('/src/assets/img/*.jpg')
return modules[path].default
// use getSrc in someItem.vue
import { getSrc } from '#/util/util.js'
content: [
headline: 'Teste',
paragraph: 'this is a paragraph',
img: getSrc('img.jpg')

Vue CLI clickable dynamic url from a news API

I'm fetching data from and I want there to be a clickable link after the headlines so that you can read more about the article. But I can't make it work.
Maybe this is too advanced for me since I'm no good at coding. I thought maybe there was a simple way of making the dynamic urls work.
<div class="api">
<h1>Latest gossip</h1>
<br />
<div v-for="item of items" v-bind:key="">
<h3>{{ item.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ item.description }}</p>
<a v-bind:href="adress">
{{ item.url }}
I use axios.
import axios from "axios";
export default {
name: "Api",
props: ["articles"],
data() {
return {
items: [],
adress: "item.url"
mounted() {
methods: {
getInfo() {
method: "GET",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
}).then(res => {
/* eslint-disable no-console */
this.items =;
You can use vue-router in that case. You create a route with a parameter /news/:id in router/index.js eg.
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
{ path: '/news/:id', component: SingleNews }
then instead of
<a href=""/></a>
<router-link :to="{ name: 'news', params: { id: }">{{news.headline}}</router-link>
And finally, retrieve parameter in a SingleNews.vue component using
You can read more about vue-router and dynamic routes in the documentation
So from what I understand, you're going to have a separate url for each different news article. It seems like there is a slight misunderstanding about how that information will be passed into the anchor tag, where it should be coming from, and how you're using data.
First, let's address your data method. If you look at the structure of your data you can see that you have an items property, which is an array and an adress property, which is set to a string.
data() {
return {
items: [],
adress: "item.url"
The problem here is that adress is not dynamic. It will always be the literal string "item.url", which is to say that it will always represent those characters ("item.url") in that order, but it doesn't actually represent any specific item's url property.
The good news is that you should already be seeing the correct url displayed on your page here:
<a v-bind:href="adress">
{{ item.url }}
Remember that an anchor tag in this case has two parts:
1. What we're displaying to the user.
2. Where we're telling the browser to redirect to.
The proper syntax here (without Vue) would be something like:
<a href="">
Some text to display
What you're currently saying is: "I want an anchor tag to display the item's url to the user and redirect to whatever is stored in the data property called adress". Since adress is only storing the string "item.url", if you inspect your html that's been generated in your browser, I would suspect that all of your anchor tags look something like this:
<a href="item.url">
Luckily, the fix here is simple. Since you're already using v-bind, the href can use dynamic information, or information that's stored in your data somewhere, which can be referenced by its name. Then you can choose to display anything you'd like to your user. You can also delete your adress property from data, because it's not serving any purpose if all the urls are contained within items.
<a v-bind:href="item.url" target="_blank">
data() {
return {
items: [],
Also, no one is good at coding at first, just keep trying to understand how data is flowing and you'll get there!
This line worked out great! Thank you!
<a v-bind:href="item.url" target="_blank">Read more here: </a>
I also deleted the adress data.

Bootstrap image asset not processed for props style attribute on Vue Component (Nuxt.js)

I have been trying to import an image asset relative path to a banner component. The following works just fine.
<b-img src="~/static/images/carousel1.jpg" alt="Samyojya Consultants banner"/>
On html, I see it rendered as this
<div class="card-body"><img src="/_nuxt/static/images/carousel1.jpg"...
But the v-bind style representation like this does not bundle the image
<b-img :src="imgSrc" :alt="title+'banner'"/>
I can see on the html that imgSrc value is passing on but not compiled by asset processor
<div class="card-body"><img src="~/static/images/carousel1.jpg" ...
Is there a way we can explicitly trigger this compilation? require doesn't seem to work too.
<b-img :src="require(imgSrc)" :alt="require(title)+'banner'"/>
This dynamic style is needed for my use-case.
Create a computed prop (or method, or similar) to resolve (require) the relative path:
export default {
data() {
return {
title: 'Image title'
computed: {
imgSrc() {
// Relative to component directory
return require('./image.png')
And then reference that in your template:
<b-img :src="imgSrc" :alt="title+' banner'"/>
On the calling (parent) template, I used this
<banner :imgSrc="imgSrc" ...
And the data export in parent like this.
export default {
data: function(){
return {
In the child component where the banner is drawn.
<b-img :src="imgSrc"...
Note: require needs a relative path (../static) from components/pages while without require we can use absolute (~/static).
<b-img :src="require('../static/images/carousel1.jpg')" alt="Samyojya Consultants banner"/>

Dynamic rendering of images with v-for?

I want to render images from a local folder with v-for, but how to make it 100% dynamic?
I tried the solutions offered in this thread. When I tried the most useful solution, I just get a blank page, unless I fill the array with the name of the images.
<div class="comp__cardroster">
<div class="container__cards" >
<div v-for="image in images" :key="image" class="tile--outer">
<img class="tile--inner" :src="selectImage(image)" :alt="image"></div>
export default {
data() {
return {
images: []
methods: {
selectImage(image) {
return require('#/assets/card-images/' + image + ".jpg")
The code above gives me a blank page. But when I fill the array with values, like below, I do get a result. But I don't want this obviously.
data() {
return {
images: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
I would want the code to render the images dynamically, no matter how many images I do have in my "assets/card-images" folder and without having to manually add values in the array each time I add a new image to the folder.
What am I doing wrong? I thank you for any advise.
Things I tried;
moving the "images" array from data to computed
moving "selectImage" method from methods to computed
moving both "images" array and "selectImage" method into computed
Either I get a blank page, or I get the same result as before
I don't think I was clear enough with my comments, so I'll explain what I meant with an example; you should be able to apply this to your use case with minimal effort. My src file structure and a screenshot of the result are also at the bottom of this answer.
The template I've made is basically the same as yours (without the extra divs with classes):
<div v-for="image in images" :key="image">
<img :src="selectImage(image)" :alt="image" />
Here's my script. I'll go through it all below:
export default {
name: 'app',
computed: {
images: function() {
const x = require.context('#/assets/card-images/', true, /\.png$/)
return this.importAll(x)
methods: {
importAll(r) {
return r.keys().map(x =>
x.substring(2, x.length) // remove "./" from file names
selectImage(image) {
return require('#/assets/card-images/' + image)
The computed section is where you define your dynamically generated or computed values. Since you want your images to be dynamically generated, I've made images a computed function (can probably just be a value, you can play around with that).
All that images does is it uses require.context to get a list of all of the .png images in my #/assets/card-images/ folder, and trims the first couple of characters from them.
importAll just retrieves and trims the image names. I've done this because otherwise, it'll think the images are at #/assets/card-images/./xxxxx.png - there's probably a better way of doing this but it works well enough.
selectImage gets an image from the file name you pass in (if it exists). If the image name doesn't exist, this will break but that shouldn't happen with how this is implemented.
Note: You can technically shorten the v-for loop by putting it directly on the img tag if you really want to, though I'd argue this is less readable:
<img v-for="image in images"
:alt="image" />
Here is my src folder structure. It doesn't matter what the images are called, as long as they have the same extension as you're using in your script tag:
Here is what the code prints out (all of the images are just copies of the Vue logo):
If you want to keep your initial images array, you can move the computed stuff into the lifecycle method mounted or created (depending on your use-case). Read more about lifecycle methods here or here. Here's what my component would look like with the calculations in mounted:
<div v-for="image in images" :key="image">
<img :src="selectImage(image)" :alt="image" />
export default {
name: 'app',
data() {
return {
images: []
mounted() {
const x = require.context('#/assets/card-images/', true, /\.png$/)
this.images = this.importAll(x)
methods: {
importAll(r) {
return r.keys().map(x =>
x.substring(2, x.length) // remove "./" from file names
selectImage(image) {
return require('#/assets/card-images/' + image)
Use a requireAll method to get an array, and your count. Or a custom loader.
How to load all files in a directory using webpack without require statements
node.js require all files in a folder?

Work process for data passing in VueJS 2 application

I am pretty new to VueJS 2, so wanted to see if I am working in the correct way. I have a system where someone uploads a file that contains data, which will then be used to create charts. So I display the uploaded files to them
<tr v-for="file in" :key="">
//file information
<router-link :to="{ name: file.chart, params: { fileName: }}"
tag="a" exact> View Results
So you can see I have a link in the table, that directs them to the chart page for the file they uploaded. It includes the params for the file name to be loaded.
On the chart page, I get the params within the created method. I then pass these to the component for the chart to be displayed
//some information
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12" id="parentDiv">
<barchart :file-name = this.fileName></barchart>
import Barchart from '../charts/Barchart';
export default {
components: {
'barchart': Barchart
data() {
return {
fileName: ''
created() {
this.fileName = this.$route.params.fileName;
Finally, I have the Barchart component. This is what creates the chart based on the file uploaded data.
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export default {
props: {
fileName: {
type: String,
required: true
methods: {
createBarChart() {
//d3 to create chart using the file that was uploaded
created() {
let vm = this;
d3.json('storage/' + this.fileName)
.then(function (data) {
}).catch(function (error) {
// handle error
To me, there seems to be a lot of passing of data from one component to the next. I pass it from the files display component (which displays all uploaded files), then to the page for the chart, which then passes it to the chart component.
The other issue is, if I am on the charts page, and I refresh the page, then the chart no longer has the filename prop and therefore the chart does not render. How would I handle this
Any advice appreciated
The reason that you are losing the chart on refresh is due to the use of the created method.
In your chart component remove the entire created method and reference the route param directly in your barchart reference, like so:
//some information
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12" id="parentDiv">
<barchart :file-name="$route.params.fileName"></barchart>
import Barchart from '../charts/Barchart';
export default {
components: {
'barchart': Barchart
data() {
return {
You may want to look into vuex to manage the data passing from parent to some deeply nested child.
Before you decide you want to persist the file in the nested component, you may want to consider if this is good UX (does it make sense that when the user refreshes the page, the old file they had uploaded is still cached?) You can look into using localStorage to store things locally so that upon refresh, the data is still there without needing the user to re-enter it.