I have a custom Core Data class called User, but when I tried to import the User+CoreDataClass.h file in my XCTest, it says that the file is not found, and it does not even show up. I have tried to search but most of the results are for Swift and not Objective-C. Does anyone know how to fix this in Objective-C?
To add more information,
User* user1 = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"User" inManagedObjectContext:mainContext];
does not work because the User entity is not recognised.
My project is in Swift and I integrated a third party library for a feature which was all hard coded in Objective-C. Now I want to access my swift files from the Objectiv-C code for smooth navigation and data accessibility.
I tried everything mentioned [here], and a file like -Swift.h is generated under Objective C generated header name.
But no file is created under Derive Data folder.
I can't share the code as it is not allowed on my part, but when I import the file as #import "-Swift.h", it shows "No file Found".
I added forward declaration too. But of no use. Please help with this.
I have an Objective-C viewcontroller and within it I am trying to pass an array of core data entities (GroupToCustRelation) to a property of a Swift file.
In my Swift file I tried to do this:
var arrCustomers:[GroupToCustRelation] = []
I get a use of undeclared type error. Just starting on Swift so any help would be appreciated. How do I declare an empty array that is expecting Core Data entities?
Your core data model classes are probably Objective-C then. To make them available to your Swift code you need to import those headers in your Swift Bridging Header. It should be called [TargetName]-Bridging-Header.h. If you didn’t let Xcode create this file when you first added Swift code to your project you can manually create such a header and enter it’s name in your targets build setting Objective-C Bridging Header which you will find in the Swift Compiler - General section.
Although I have followed and tried everything from This Thread and read all of Apple's Guide of Swift-ObjC interoperability, I'm unable to recognize or use Swift fies in my project.
I have created a Swift file that declares/defines a class called TorusView that inherits from UIView. I've tried to gain access to this class in another class MenuView by importing the bridging header, importing the Swift class, importing the class with the syntax *-swift.h (which seems to now be *.swift.hin Xcode7.2). I've made all of the modifications to my target build settings recommended in that lengthy Stack question and a variety of others from google searches.
Nothing I've tried has allowed me to create a TorusView objective in my objective-C class.
You need to import a header file YourAppName-Swift.h, it contains all the public (and internal if same target) declared types in Swift.
first: Build Settings --> defines module --> YES.
second:Product Module Name -->YOUR project NAME.
last:improt "YOUR project NAME-Swift.h" in your Object-c file
like this:
enter image description here
I'm working on a plugin for Xcode. It is supposed to be written in Swift.
When I start with a fresh plugin project (I'm using this Xcode Plugin template which is also available via Alcatraz) the project compiles and runs fine.
The pluginDidLoad method is getting called right after Xcode starts. As soon as I add any Objective-C file (and a bridging header of course) the pluginDidLoad method is not getting called anymore.
The Objective-C file might be as simple as an empty class that is a subclass of NSObject.
Removing the target-memberbership (for the plugin-target) from the newly created Objective-C (.m) file the aforementioned mentioned method is getting called again.
Has anyone developed a Xcode plugin in Swift that also uses Objective-C files before and got this working?
It seems that my original solution only works with Swift only projects because Xcode always takes the objective c class if you have one.
So here is another trick: Extend the NSObject class by the function class func pluginDidLoad(bundle: NSBundle) {} and initialize your plugin there. Then it doesn't matter on which class it is called. You might have to check that also all Swift classes subclass NSObject. I pushed it to my repository that you can have a look
Original Post
I think I could reproduce the problem now. To simplify the problem, let's say that we have only two swift classes PluginMain and PluginHelper.
As you said, sometimes the plugin isn't getting called for some mysterious reason. I was struggling with the problem again and I was wondering how Xcode knows which class is the main class. So I came up with the idea to put the following initializer in both classes PluginMain and PluginHelper
class func pluginDidLoad(bundle: NSBundle) {
let appName = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary?["CFBundleName"] as? NSString
if appName == "Xcode" {
//sharedPlugin = SwiftySafe(bundle: bundle)
//initialize your shared plugin
By putting a breakpoint or log message in pluginDidLoad in both classes, I notices that Xcode isn't ignoring the plugin, it is just loading the wrong class (e.g. PluginHelper instead of PluginMain).
The Solution
It turns out that Xcode uses the class that is compiled first as the main class and calls pluginDidLoad only on that. So you can change that by reordering the "Compiled Sources" under your target settings->Build Phases. Move your main class so that it is on top. In the following image you find an example from my project. SwiftySafe is my main class.
My example
You will find my project here https://github.com/creinders/SwiftySafe if you want to compare the settings.
The pluginDidLoad method is called on the principal class. When the principal class is a Swift class, you have to include the module name in the NSPrincipalClass Info.plist key.
So if your target name is MyPlugin and your principal class is MyClass, set NSPrincipalClass to MyPlugin.MyClass.
Also make sure that MyClass inherits from NSObject.
Sometimes you need to tell Xcode to reload bundle. Run this and restart Xcode
defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode DVTPlugInManagerNonApplePlugIns-Xcode-7.3
I'm curious if there is a way to programmatically get the location of the .xcodeproj package within an Objective-C (or Swift) class contained within that package. I'd like to make a simple utility that puts files directly into the containing folder based on various app events, but I would rather avoid hard coding the path.
Essentially I want to create a target (and a reusable class) that builds swift files for NSManagedObject subclasses based on the Core Data model present in the app.
I found out the trick here is to add an item to your plist file that contains value ${PROJECT_DIR}, then you can get the location in your code with
var projectPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary.objectForKey("com.myapp.project_dir") as String
This assumes the plist key is "com.myapp.project_dir", of course.