How to run a callback when vue router-link finished navigation - vue.js

What I want to do is - the user clicks the router-link - this does not actually do a navigation but just refreshes the page with new data. This is no good for accessibility because the user does not know a navigation happened, but good for performance because full navigation not required.
So I would like some way to solve that problem.
The way I might naively expect to solve the problem is wait for navigation to be over and run a callback, or use a promise and when promise completes run code. The code running when navigation over would put the focus on some element at navigation finished.
I was hoping I could do something obvious like the following
<router-link :to="(router) => {
router.push('/').onComplete(() => {
code to set focus here
but it doesn't look like that is possible.
How should I solve my problem, as close to this solution as possible please.

This sounds like you might be using the wrong tools for the job. If you aren't actually navigating, there's no good reason to use router link - if you purely want to have the aesthetics of a link, use <a>. And if you are just expecting data to be refreshed, don't use router.push but simply call the function you want by attaching a listener to the link. If you want to show some kind of loading animation during the data fetching, you could either just set a variable, or use a library like vue-wait
In your case this could be something like:
<a #click="onClick">Link to click</a>
return {
async onClick(){
await fetch(...)
To answer your original question as well - yes, it's possible to run code when a navigation is finished. There's quite a few ways to do it, but if you want to specifically run code after a router.push, you can do that - router.push is a promise. So router.push(...).then(...).catch() works as well


asyncData hook when hard refreshing in Nuxt

I just realized that the asyncData hook is not called when hard refreshing the page. But I have important data to load to show on that page. And I want to make sure that they are always available, even when the user hard refreshes the page.
asyncData from the documentation
the promise returned by the asyncData hook is resolved during route transition
In that case, the best way is to use the fetch() hook and display a loader while you do finish your calls thanks to the $fetchState.pending helper.
Actually, I do think that fetch() is better in many ways.
Quick article on the subject:
The one on the bottom of the page (Sergey's) is cool with some practical example of a nice implementation too.
You could also use this somewhat hacky solution in a layout to see if the initial location (the one you are when you hard refresh) is the one you want to be. Basically, if you land on a specific page (hard refresh or following a new window page for example) but want to have some custom behavior.
beforeCreate() {
if (!['some-other-page'].includes(this.$router.history._startLocation)) {
this.$router.replace({ name: 'index' }).catch(() => {})
Still, this one infinite loops if used in a middleware (or I made a mistake) and it's less clean than a fetch() hook.

Nuxt-link delay transition to new page?

This is a follow up to #1458. I'm looking for some direction on how Nuxt expects this to be handled.
I have a menu. When I click on a nuxt-link in the menu, I want to have time to close the menu before the page transition happens. The thing is, I only want that to happen when you click on the nuxt-link in the menu, not every time I go to a certain route (as the previous issue described using a middlewear on the route).
So there are a few different ways to do this, and I'm curious what the "Nuxt" way is?
The way we currently do this, disable the nuxt-link and capture the click, then do a router.push().
<nuxt-link :to="path" event="disabled" #click.native="delayLoad"/>
// Methods
delayLoad(event) {
}, 2000)
Is this a good idea? I just always have an aversion to hijacking nuxt-link and browser navigation like this. It seems janky.
The other ideas we played with were using a query param on the nuxt-link, and then using that in a middlewear to delay the page transition. That seemed worse to me, because now my URL's have a query param in them that is used for an animation, seems like that is abusing query params. This also triggers the page loading progress bar, which isn't really the intent, it's to have a sequenced animation happen, then page load.
It seems to me that perhaps nuxt-link should have a delay prop, or perhaps the page transition config should allow for a delay (like it does with duration)?
I wanted to do this as well and came up with the following solution. Using the new slots api you can more elegantly customise the nuxt-link behaviour:
<nuxt-link v-slot="{ route, href }" :to="path" custom>
<a :href="href" #click.prevent="$emit('navigate', route)">
This will make the link emit a navigate event with the route as a param. You then listen for this event wherever you include your menu component, like this:
export default {
data: () => ({
menuIsVisible: false,
navigateToOnMainMenuClose: null,
methods: {
navigate(route) {
this.navigateToOnMainMenuClose = route
this.menuIsVisible = false
maybeNavigate() {
if (this.navigateToOnMainMenuClose) {
this.navigateToOnMainMenuClose = null
Whenever you click a nav link in the menu, the route will be stored and the menu will close. After the menu out animation has finished, maybeNavigate() will push the stored route, if there is one. This removes the need for a setTimeout and if you manage to click multiple links in quick succession only the last one will be stored and navigated to.
Since nuxt-link is essentially a wrapped version of vue's router-link, if you look at the documentation for that there is an event property that accepts string or string[], looking at it's source code here:
you can see it will register a listener for disabled in this instance. It may make more sense to pass an empty array so that no event listeners are registered, but that's at the cost of readability.
Otherwise, #click.native is the suggested way to handle custom click handlers for router-link (see:
The only other concerns I can think of are what happens if you click 2 different links in rapid succession and what happens if you click more than once. May just want to add a variable to track if a link has been clicked to prevent firing setTimeout multiple times, which could navigate you from page A to B and then to C as all timeouts will fire if not canceled. Or maybe you want to only navigate to the 'last' link clicked, so if another link is clicked, you would cancel the earlier setTimeout. This is realistically an edge case that probably won't be an issue, but worth exploring.
Otherwise, IMO, looks good to me. This seems like the simplest way to implement this without having to create a custom component / plugin. I'm no expert, but is likely how I would implement this functionality as well. It would be nice to see a delay option though since I can see myself using that functionality as well with vuetify.
Another potential method would be to do your store commit in beforeTransition:
Though I'm not sure that there is access to the store there, so you might have to write a custom plugin for that as well. Again, seems more complicated than it's worth for a simple delayed animation. Simple, working code is sometimes the best solution, even if it's not the most extensible option.
See also: How can I transition between two nuxt pages, while first waiting on a child component transition/animation to finish?
for another way of handling this.

show loading spinner until all child components inside of a Page have been rendered - Nativescript

I'm trying to show an activity indicator, when I go from one page to another. The target page contains many components within it, and it takes time to load. that's why I need some way to listen when all the child components are loaded, and at that moment tell my variable isBussy to be false
<ActivityIndicator :busy="isBussy" v-if="isBussy" />
<StackLayout v-else>
<Component1 />
<Component2 />
<Component3 />
<Component4 />
import Component1 from '~/components/Component1'
import Component2 from '~/components/Component2'
import Component3 from '~/components/Component3'
import Component4 from '~/components/Component4'
export default {
data() {
return {
isBussy: true
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(function() {
// Code that will run only after the
// entire view has been re-rendered
this.isBussy = false
this code does not work, since once the navigation is indicated from the previous page with:
#tap="$goto('otherPage', { props: { foo: bar } })"
it remains stuck on the initial page, and all the components begin to load in the background of the destination page, but without displaying the parent page, changing to this, only when the whole process ends, and never show/hide the activity indicator as expected.
By the way this expected behavior works perfectly when i do request and process them with Promises, then I turn on or off a variable in the state and it works. but I can not replicate that behavior in the navigation between pages and listen to load all the components
Finally I achieved the desired behavior with a little trick I found on the internet
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.isBussy = false
}, 500)
this causes that the rendering of all the children components is delayed only a little, so that the activity indicator is shown, but not too much to produce that none of the components contained in the else block is detected and begin to rendering
There are two main ideas to understand here I think. I'll describe both.
1. General technique to Fetch Data without blocking render
It sounds like you understand this concept at the parent component level but then are asking how to do something very similar for the child components that this page contains.
The way I handle this, is in my component, I have my data default to an isLoading state. Then, in beforeMount() or mounted(), I perform my asynchronous actions and make necessary changes to my page's data.
The problem becomes entirely recursive when we look at child components. You want to make sure your child components are rendering and that any long running data fetching that needs to occur within their implementation will simply cause them to re-render once that fetching is complete.
Here is a working example:
This example uses Nuxt. Aside from the addition fetch() and asyncData() methods, the rest of the Vue lifecycle hooks are the same here.
I use new Promise and setTimeout to demonstrate an operation that would use promises and be asynchronous. (e.g. axios.get(..))
The About page loads, and the beforeMount() lifecycle hook performs the asynchronous fetching in a way that doesn't block the page from rendering.
I use the beforeMount() hook because, according to here ( ), it is the first lifecycle hook that we have access to once the page's data is reactive. (So modifying this.myDataProp would trigger a re-render if {{ myDataProp }} was used in the template).
I also included a child component where I purposely made its data take twice as long to load. Since I again, am letting the component render immediately, and then I handle the fetching/updating of data in an appropriate lifecycle hook, I can manage when the end-user perceives a page to be loaded.
In my working example, the LongLoadingComponent did the same exact technique as the About page.
Once you see how to use beforeMount() or mounted() to fetch data and then update state, I think the trick is to take a moment and really think about the default state of your component. When it first renders, what should the user see before any of it's data fetching/long-running operations are completed?
Once you determine what your default (not yet loaded) component should look like, try getting that to render on your screen, and secondarily add in the logic that fetches and updates state data.
2. Listening for when a Child Component is finished rendering from a parent component
This makes use of the above technique, but includes the usage of the updated() hook and emitting a custom event (
If you really want to listen for when your child components are finished rendering, you can $emit a custom event in your updated() hook. Perhaps something like this (in one of your child components)
if (this.dataLoaded) { this.$emit('loadedAndRendered') }
So when the child's async operations are done, it can flip it's dataLoaded property to true. If dataLoaded is used in the child's <template> somewhere, then the component should re-render (for it's "finished" state). When the child re-renders, the updated() hook should trigger. (again, see: ) I included the if (this.dataLoaded) part just to handle case where updated() hook might be called during intermediate data updates. (We only want to emit loadedAndRendered event if child is finished loading data/updating.)
3. Other caveats about universal nuxt applications
It wasn't until after I wrote this answer that I realized you aren't using Nuxt. However I'm adding this in case other Nuxt users happen to come across this.
I'm adding this section just because it took some focused hands-on time for me to wrap my head around. A Nuxt Universal Application does both server-side and client-side rendering. Understanding when something renders on the client vs when it was rendered on the server was a little difficult for me at first. In the working example I linked above, when you visit the about page you can also see if that component was fetched from the server or if it was just rendered by the client.
I'd recommend playing with a Page's fetch() and asyncData() methods and see how it impacts when certain things render on your screen. ( ) ( ). Seeing what these methods are useful for helps me also identify what they are not useful for.
If you're using a Vuex store, I'd recommend seeing what happens when you refresh a page or use instead of a to navigate between pages. (Seeing something like the SSR schema diagram can be helpful here: )
..I have yet to fully appreciate the details of the bundling and delivery behavior that Webpack provides for a Universal Nuxt app (See right side of diagram here: )

setTimeout inside component is getting called regardless of page

I have a setTimeout call that gets called every 5 minutes. The issue is that no matter what page I am on, the timeout is still getting called and is making api calls.
My setTimeout component is inside the home page, what would be ideal is killing just that component when no longer on the home page. I would like to avoid destroying the homepage component and not having to refetch data.
My setTimeout code is like this:
let timer = setTimeout(this.sendCords,300000);
Note: Lifecycle hooks E.G. componentWillUnMount is not getting called, as the pages are like a stack - and the pages are not un-mounting. I am using react-native-router-flux
Any help would be much appreciated.
Well I ended up having to do a few things, in my actions I would check what page I was calling and dispatch an empty action if It was not called on the homepage. This would trigger a the clear timeout. Having a force refresh on my component was needed
<Comp refresh={() => this.setState({val:!this.state.val} />
And I would then I have a shouldComponentUpdate used like so when navigating back to the home page and needing to set the timeout again:
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState){
if(this.props.removeTimer && !nextState.removeTimer){

Clicking on active router-link

In my Vue 2 app, I have a menu bar whose menu items use router-link. One of these menu items is 'Customers', which takes the user to a customer editor. Now, if the user clicks on this same 'Customers' menu item while they're in the customer editor, nothing happens. I presume this is because of this behaviour mentioned in the docs: "In HTML5 history mode, router-link will intercept the click event so that the browser doesn't try to reload the page."
Now, that's perfectly understandable and for the majority of the time it would be the behaviour I want. But actually here I want the component to be reloaded, to go back to a clean slate. Or perhaps more accurately, for some event to occur which I can handle within the customer editor to set things how I want them to be. I assumed this would be the case, in fact, but when I set up a watch, thus
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {
console.log("Route changed");
I don't see anything logged to the console. It may be that some event is occurring which I'm not handling and that Vue is simply reusing the component. But how can I stop it from doing so?
According to this issue, you can add a #click.native binding to the current router-link and reinitialize your component data in there.
But a quick and dirty solution would be to append a unique parameter to your route, like a date. Check this fiddle
The intended method of accomplishing this seems to be to implement a beforeRouteUpdate function to reset the properties of the route component. See this issue on vue-router's GitHub: Routing the same component, the component is not reload, but be reused? #1490.
This is expected behaviour, Vue re-uses components where possible.
You can use the beforeRouteUpdate hook to react to a route switch that
uses the same component.