Azure Databricks - Generate SQL Select Statement with Columns - sql

I have tables in Azure Databricks that I am using SQL to interact with via a notebook. I need to select all columns from a table with 200 columns, I need to select all of them but I need to modify some for a select insert (To modify specific columns for a PK). Therefore I can not use a select *. (There are multiple scenarios this is just my current objective)
How can I generate a select statement on a table with all the column names in a sql statement. This would be equivalent of a 'Select top N' in SSMS where it generates a select for the table I can than edit.
I have seen functions like describe and show but they can't build a select statement.
I am new to Databricks. Any help is appreciated.

I have the same problem. It is really tough to make and modify SELECT statement for this kind of tables. I have tried many ways and found using the 3rd party software to connect to the table on Azure Databricks worked fine.
Here is what I do:
Download the 3rd party software such as DBeaver
Download Databricks JDBC driver form this page.
Configure Databricks driver. Luckily there is an official doc for DBeaver.
Connect to the Databricks and find the table to generate SELECT statement.
Use DBeaver built-in function to generate it. See the screenshot below.
That's it!
I found this setup took just 10-15 minutes to complete saving much time.


unable to query hive table from power pivot when connected to apache hive using hortonworks hive odbc 32/64 bit driver

I have been trying to query an apache hive database using hortonworks odbc driver through power pivot excel 2010.
I am able to connect without any issue to any table present in hive db.
Also able to do the following to pull the whole tabke data from power pivot connection wizard:
Select * from [schema].[table-name].
But when I am trying to filter the data using 'where' clause unless the column is a partitioned column, its not working.
And neither am I able to select any particular column after select statement.
I tried to all possible things like eclosung column name by square braces or qualifying them with table name and dot. But nothing seems to be working.
Please advice. Any help would be extremely helpful.
And if there is no way to filter the data all the logic of partitioning and bucketing the data in hive would go in vein.
Thanks in advance.

generate create table from existing table

I have a few large tables in a oracle DB (lots of columns and data types) that I need to move to another oracle database (say from my DEV region to UAT region). Is there anyway I can get sql developer or sql plus to output a create table statement that is exactly the structure of the existing table?
If you want to get it through SQL statement then you can try the below query
SELECT dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', 'Your_Table_Name') FROM dual;
See DBMS_METADATA for more information.
You can generate the script using Toad software as well (In case you have Toad installed)
If you are making use of the SQL Developer you can right click the table that you want to generate a script for.
From there select Quick DDL and then click on Save To File. This will then generate the create table script to an external sql file. You can do this for multiple tables as well by selecting more than one table at a time.
Hope this helps!!
Another option is to create a database link between the two schemas and then do a
create table table_name AS SELECT * from table_name#original_server

Filemaker Pro 12: Inserting New Record with ExecuteSQL Script

I'm trying to figure out how select info from Table A and then inserting that information into Table B with the ExecuteSQL script. I see how it works by hand, but I cannot seem to make that step where I can use the result of a search to then enter a new record into another table.
I have found success using SQL insert and FileMaker using a third-party plugin from Dracoventions called SQL Runner. You can find it here:
If you need a code snippet then I can provide that as well.
Execute SQL is not meant to be used this way. You use Execute SQL to work with ODBC data sources to insert, delete, or update data; to select data and import into FileMaker you use the Import step with the same ODBC source.
FileMaker 12 has a new SQL function that can be used for FileMaker own tables, but it can only be used to select data, not to modify them. There are also plug-ins that let you use SQL with FileMaker tables.
In FileMaker you normally don't use SQL, but write a script. FileMaker scripts are pretty much like macros and work the same way the user would work. In your case the script would go to a layout, select the records (perform find), go to another layout, and import records from the table associated with the first layout.

SQL Azure - copy table between databases

I am trying to run following SQL:
INSERT INTO Suppliers ( [SupplierID], [CompanyName])
Select [SupplierID], [CompanyName] From [AlexDB]..Suppliers
and got an error "reference to database and/or server name in is not supported in this version of sql server"
Any idea how to copy data between databases "inside" the server?
I can load data to client and then back to server, but this is very slow.
I know this is old, but I had another manual solution for a one off run.
Using SQL Management Studio R2 SP1 to connect to azure, I right click the source database and select generate scripts.
during the wizard, after I have selected my tables I select that I want to output to a query window, then I click advanced. About half way down the properties window
there is an option for "type of data to script". I select that and change it to "data only", then I finish the wizard.
All I do then is check the script, rearrange the inserts for constraints, and change the using at the top to run it against my target DB.
Then I right click on the target database and select new query, copy the script into it, and run it.
Done, Data migrated.
Since 2015, this can be done by use of elastic database queries also known as cross database queries.
I created and used this template, it copies 1.5 million rows in 20 minutes:
WITH IDENTITY = '<username>',
SECRET = '<password>';
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [dbo].[source_table] (
DATA_SOURCE = RemoteReferenceData
INTO target_table
FROM source_table
Unfortunately there is no way to do this in a single query.
The easiest way to accomplish it is to use "Data Sync" to copy the tables. The benefit of this is that it will also work between servers, and keep your tables in sync.
In practise, I haven't had that great of an experience with "Data Sync" running in production, but its fine for once off jobs.
One issue with "Data Sync" is that it will create a large number of "sync" objects in your database, and deleting the actual "Data Sync" from the Azure portal may or may not clean them up. Follow the directions in this article to clean it all up manually:
SQL-Azure does not support USE statement and effectively no cross-db queries. So the above query is bound to fail.
If you want to copy/backup the db to another sql azure db you can use the "Same-server" copying or "Cross-Server" copying in SQL-Azure. Refer this msdn article
You could use a tool like SQL Data Compare from Red Gate Software that can move database contents from one place to another and fully supports SQL Azure. 14-day free trial should let you see if it can do what you need.
Full disclosure: I work for Red Gate Software
An old post, but another option is the Sql Azure Migration wizard
Use the following steps, there is no straight forward way to do so. But by some trick we can.
Step1 : Create another one table with the same structure of Suppliers table inside [AlexDB], Say it as SuppliersBackup
Step2 : Create table with the same structure of Suppliers table inside DesiredDB
Step3 : Enable Data Sync Between AlexDB..Suppliers and DesiredDB..Suppliers
Step4 : Truncate data from AlexDB..Suppliers
Step5 : Copy data from AlexDB..SuppliersBackup to AlexDB..Suppliers
Step6 : Now run the sync
Data Copied to DesiredDB.
If you have onprem version that has the sp_addlinkedsrvlogin, you can setup Linked Servers for both source and target database then you can run your insert into query.
See "SQL Server Support for Linked Server and Distributed Queries against Windows Azure SQL Database" in this blog:
Ok, i think i found answer - no way. have to move data to client, or do some other tricks. Here a link to article with explanations: Limitations of SQL Azure: only one DB per connection
But any other ideas are welcome!
You can easily add a "Linked Server" from SQL Management Studio and then query on the fully qualified table name. No need for flat files or export tables. This method also works for on-prem to azure database and vice versa.
select top 1 ColA, ColB from [AZURE01_<hidden>].<hidden>_UAT_RecoveryTestSrc.dbo.FooTable order by 1 desc
select top 1 ColA, ColB from [AZURE01_<hidden>].<hidden>_UAT_RecoveryTestTgt.dbo.FooTable order by 1 desc
A few options (rather workarounds):
Generate script with data
Use data sync in Azure
Use MS Access (import and then export), with many exclusions (like no GUID in Access)
Use 3-rd party tools like Red Gate.
Unfortunately no easy and built-in way to do that so far.
I would recommend SSMS SQL Server Import and Export feature. This feature supports multiple connection configurations and cross-server copy of selected tables. I have tried .NET Sql Server connector, which works very well for the Azure SQL databases.

Using Multiple Sources in SSIS Data Flow Task

For my data flow task I have a OLEDB Source. In the SQL command section of this I have compiled a select query based on tables from two different databases, held on the same instance. Every time I run this it errors, but when I moved the tables to the same database (for testing purposes) it worked.
I'm guessing from this that the source data needs to be from the same database but is there anyway around this? I tried using a look-up but I couldn't get it to work. I could create a view in the source database but I'm guessing there must be a way to keep it all within the package.
Thank you in advance! This is the query I was using in the OLE DB Source:
select *
from commoncomponents.meta.ItemTypeLabelDefinition
where internalid not in
select internalid
from iscanimport.dbo.ItemTypeLabelDefinition
Not sure why the cross-DB query wouldn't work in the one source, but one method would be to create two OleDb Sources, one pointing to CommonComponents DB doing the select from ItemTypeLabelDefinition, and the other pointing to IScanImport and the select statement from your sub-query. Preferably sort these the same way at source in your queries, then use a Merge Join task to combine them.