How can I close this thing? It's really annoying. I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3 (Ultimate Edition) on Windows 10.
Focus the input field and press Esc.
I've installed IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition version 2018.3.6.
When I launch the shortcut it doesn't start and just do anything that is shown in refreshing (green circle). I've tired and I can't do anything.
I wanted to install Android Studio but my computer doesn't support it. Now, IntelliJ doesn't run too. Please help.
As mentioned above I sometimes would like to quickly navigate to the only one injection point of a bean with a combination of some keys. I wathced through the keymap but didn't find anything. Is this kind of shortcut missing in the version I use?
P.S. Build number could maybe be interesting:
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-183.4284.148, built on November 21, 2018
None of the top menu actions is responding (from 'File' to 'Help').
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 (Ultimate Edition), build #IU-183.4284.148 on macOS Mojave version 10.14 via the jetbrains toolbox. I tried restarting the computer and intellij, nothing helps.
I also tried to find the intellij log files stored somewhere, but I can't find it, even with the help of jetbrains documentation here.
I am running out of ideas.
Has anyone encountered the same issue ?
Got several Terminal tabs in IDE. If i right-click any of them i see that i can switch between tabs using Alt+Right and Alt+Left:
However, these combinations don't seem to work. Using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 Community Edition
P.S. Switching between editor tabs works fine with the same combinations.
It's a known bug in 2018.3 release, it will be fixed in 2018.3.1 update.
As a workaround you can disable the option to override IDE shortcuts.
I have installed IntelliJ 14 on Mac and I am getting an annoying issue with the text editor. It seems to be controlling in a similar way to vim. Every time I open a new file I need to press "i" on the keyboard in order to start inserting text. I would like to change it to a standard text edit mode like you would find in eclipse or any other visual text editor.
Looks like you installed the IdeaVIM plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. You can uninstall it through Settings | Plugins if you don't want to use VIM modal editing inside IntelliJ IDEA.