How to use ToListAsync() in .net core web api -

First of all I am beginner, using core web API (3.1), so my question is in the below code why not able to call the toListAync method.
While calling toListAsync method getting error. Can anyone suggest some tips to solve the problem. I was trying to call the method as an async with dapper.
Error:- Task<IEnumerable<Owner>> does not contain a definition for toListAsync and no accessible extension method toListAsync accepting a first argument of type Task<IEnumerable<Owner>> could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
public async Task<IAsyncEnumerable<Owner>> GetCustomerAsync()
IAsyncEnumerable<Owner> owners = null;
var query = "select * from tbl_Owner";
using (var sqlCon = new SqlConnection())
var k = await sqlCon.QueryAsync<Owner>(query).toListAsync();
return owners;

Did you forget to import the corresponding package?
Try to add:
using System.Data.Entity;
For EF Core ,you can add the following assembly reference:
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;


ABP: Rebuilding Localization Sources from Custom Provider

I am using ABP v4.9.0 (.NET CORE 2.2) with angular client
I built some custom localization providers. These providers get translation dictionaries from an external API.
I add localization sources on startup with these providers.
var customProvider = new CustomLocalizationProvider(...);
var localizationSource = new DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource("SOURCENAME", customProvider );
config.Localization.Sources.Add(localizationSource );
On startup, the providers InitializeDictionaries() is called and localization dictionaries are built.
So far, so good, working as intended.
Now i'd like to manually Reload these translations on demand, but I can't make this working.
Here is what I tried.
Here I trigger the re-synchronize of the language ressources:
foreach (var localizationSource in _localizationConfiguration.Sources)
localizationSource.Initialize(_localizationConfiguration, _iocResolver);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Warn($"Could not get Localization Data for source '{localizationSource.Name}'", e);
In the custom provider, I first clear the Dictionaries
public class CustomLocalizationProvider : LocalizationDictionaryProviderBase
protected int IterationNo = 0;
protected override void InitializeDictionaries()
IterationNo += 1;
var deDict = new LocalizationDictionary(new CultureInfo("de-DE"));
deDict["HelloWorld"] = $"Hallo Welt Nummer {IterationNo}";
Dictionaries.Add("de-DE", deDict);
var enDict = new LocalizationDictionary(new CultureInfo("en"));
enDict["HelloWorld"] = $"Hello World number {IterationNo}";
Dictionaries.Add("en", enDict);
The provider is executed again as expected.
But when I eventually use the localization clientside (angular), I still get the original translations.
What am I missing?
Thanks for the help.
In the meanwhile I had to go for another approach.
I am now using a XmlEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider wrapped by a MultiTenantLocalizationDictionaryProvider.
This way, I am using db-localizations with xml-sources as fallback
Then I manually load the ressources from my API in some appservice. These localizations are then updated in the database by using LanguageTextManager.UpdateStringAsync().

SymmetricAlgorithm' does not contain a definition for 'Create'

I'm trying to work on ASP.NET 5 application. Here is a class and it looks good (no red curly underlines). But when I try to build, it gives error - SymmetricAlgorithm' does not contain a definition for 'Create'
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace SalesBook
public static class Encryptor
private static byte[] EncryptString(string data)
byte[] byteData = Common.GetByte(data);
SymmetricAlgorithm algo = SymmetricAlgorithm.Create();
I'm using .net 4.6.1.
Any help?
This method has not been ported to .NET Core. The recommended alternative is to use the specific Create method associated with the algorithm you need:
var algorithm = Aes.Create();
On CoreCLR, it will automatically determine and return the best implementation, depending on your OS environement.
If you don't need .NET Core support, you can remove the dnxcore50/dotnet5.4 from your project.json.

Passing values in Header

We are consuming an external web service (WCF) in our AX2012 project. We followed the procedure described in the following blog.
We are implementing security by passing the token in the header. However, what i am not sure of is how to do this in AX2012.
the sample code for getting the token is
static void myTestServiceWSDL(Args _args)
myServiceWSDL.Proxies.Service.ServiceClient service;
myServiceWSDL.Proxies.Service.LoginData LoginData;
str token;
System.Exception ex;
System.Type type;
type = CLRInterop::getType('myServiceWSDL.Proxies.Service.ServiceClient');
service = AifUtil::createServiceClient(type);
LoginData = new myServiceWSDL.Proxies.Service.LoginData();
ex = CLRInterop::getLastException();
The token comes back fine which confirms the code is working.
Now the question is how to do i set header values for the message.
If it was C# i would have done
using (MemberMasterClient proxy = new MemberMasterClient())
using (OperationContextScope scope
= new OperationContextScope(proxy.InnerChannel))
// set the message in header
MessageHeader header =
"WCFClient Application 2");
Console.WriteLine("Membership Details");
Console.WriteLine("Henry's - {0}", proxy.GetMembership("Henry"));
Could any one let me know how to do the equivalent in X++
One idea which has been on my mind is to write an assembly in C# which can then be called in AX2012. Will give that a go, but the idea is to code this in X++ in AX2012
The only thing you do differently in X++ is creating the proxy using the Aif utility. So basically, your C# example you listed, the only difference would be the proxy = new MemberMasterClient() which goes through AIF. All the other code you can take into X++ as-is (except for the "using"). You just need to have the right assemblies reference in the AOT, and use the full namespace in the code.
Alternatively, as you mentioned, you can just code it all in C# and call that from AX :-)

Serialization error with Elasticsearch NEST/C#

I'm using NEST to index my objects and I'm running into a Newtonsoft error on serialization. One of my objects has a self referencing loop. Would there be a way for me to access the JsonSerializer and change how it handles self-references without having to modify the source code?
You can register custom converters on your client:
public void AddConverter(JsonConverter converter)
This might be of help.
There is no direct way to alter the JsonSerializerSettings used in the client though.
There is a new api now, take a look at:
var cs2 = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"))
.SetJsonSerializerSettingsModifier(settings => settings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None)
Thanks for adding the support!

Autofac / MVC4 / WebApi (RC) Dependency Injection issue after upgrading from beta

var resolver = new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
after updating to ASP.NET MVC4 (RC) I get the following error:
'System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration' does not contain a definition for
'ServiceResolver' and no extension method 'ServiceResolver' accepting
a first argument of type 'System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration' could be
found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I realize after reading this ( that these interfaces have changed, but I am not sure how to apply this change to how I use Autofac.
Do i need to wait for a new release from Autofac or is there another way I can get past this.
As James Bradt mentions in his post below, the Autofac package has now been updated to fix this issue, so anyone coming across this thread in the future should probably try the new package first :)
Basically, with the new package you just need to do this in your global.asax.cs:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new Autofac.Integration.WebApi.AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
I just came across the same issue - I was able to resolve it in my situation by creating a simple IDependencyResolver implementation that wraps the existing AutofacDependencyResolver.
As the class name suggests, I'm treating this as a temporary resolution - the BeginScope and Dispose methods will need some work and are obviously not suitable for a production environment but this allows me to continue development until a proper solution emerges.
So, with those caveats, the IDependencyResolver implementation looks like this:
public class TemporaryDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver
private readonly AutofacDependencyResolver _autofacDependencyResolver;
public TemporaryDependencyResolver(AutofacDependencyResolver autofacDependencyResolver)
_autofacDependencyResolver = autofacDependencyResolver;
public void Dispose()
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
return _autofacDependencyResolver.GetService(serviceType);
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
return _autofacDependencyResolver.GetServices(serviceType);
public IDependencyScope BeginScope()
return this;
and I set it like this in Global.asax.cs:
var container = builder.Build();
var resolver = new AutofacDependencyResolver(container);
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new TemporaryDependencyResolver(resolver);
The AutoFac.WebApi package has been updated to (RC) - version
This appears to have been adjusted for the change in the dependencies between RC and Beta
I tried above solutions but didn't worked for me. Removing and Reinstalling these 2 specific packages solved the issue for me.