Magento 2 Rest API Can't Remove Category ID's from product - api

I am working on a REST API call which will remove the category ID from a live product. The below code returns true but this has not updated in the back end or on the site.
I have followed the magento documentation for the update request and that works well, I tried doing the inverse of that with the delete request and following some examples online.
The below method is DELETE.
If someone can advise how this category can be removed then please advise.
"product": {
"sku": "MRO2222",
"status": "0",
"category_links": [
"position": 100,
"category_id": "8"

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a proper way through a delete request with Magento Rest API.
The way to go is to unset the categories of the product and update with the desired categories afterwards.
You can unset the categories with a PUT request to endpoint: (replace url and sku)
with payload:


Shopware 6 Admin Api - Updating existing record through patch method. Not working

shopware 6 admin api patch - why it's failing? I get error "Only single write operations are supported"
Following is api for rule-condition entity in the database, I update it with Id.
For same api get method is working!
url: api/rule-condition/dbb0d904c7c14860a9a94cf26b94eca6
method: patch
json body
"op": "replace",
"path": "/data/attributes/value/email",
"value": ""
"errors": [
"code": "0",
"status": "400",
"title": "Bad Request",
"detail": "Only single write operations are supported. Please send the entities one by one or use the /sync api endpoint.",
I also tried changing json body to following
"data": {
"attributes": {
"value": {
"email": ""
} }
Still it's not updating. Can somebody check and let me know what am i missing?
Documentation I followed:
This website has all apis and example methods.,
rule-condition entity can also be found there.
Btw : I used postman for testing api
You're passing an array of objects in the request body, suggesting you want to update multiple records, but the endpoint only supports updating a single record. The correct payload in your case should look like this:
"value": {
"operator": "=",
"email": ""
Notice that value is a json field and not only includes a single value. The exact content and the names of the properties of value depend on the type of condition used and usually it also includes the operator used in the condition.

Invalid variant ID while creating checkout for Shopify

I am trying to create checkout url using Admin API with following params.
"checkout": {
"line_items": [
"variant_id": 37033347711169,"quantity": 2
Unfortunately its returning below error which is not properly documented anywhere that I could find.
"errors": {
"line_items": {
"0": {
"variant_id": [
"code": "invalid",
"message": "is invalid",
"options": {}
I also tried Shopify-api ruby gem and got same error. There are some similar issue online, but none answers why that issue is occurring and how to fix it. This is new app under development which will create custom checkout. There's only one sales channel which is "Online Store" and is enabled for all products. Any ideas how to fix this issue? Any help is appreciated.
You seem to be mixing up concepts here. The checkout API is only associated with the Storefront API, and has nothing to do with the Admin API.
So this URL: /admin/api/2020-10/checkouts.json seems to be impossible. There is no endpoint in the admin API for checkouts, whereas, Storefront API which does have checkouts, might be your proper URL. So try that:
And if you have the correct token in your header, it will likely work.

Is it possible to read google sheets *metadata* only with API key?

It is possible to read data from a sheet only with API key (without OAuth 2.0), but it seems that reading the developer metadata requires OAuth 2.0.
Is there some way to read the metadata from an app without asking the user to connect his google account?
You want to retrieve the developer metadata of the Spreadsheet using the API key.
You have already been able to get values from Spreadsheet using the API key.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
Issue and workaround:
Unfortunately, "REST Resource: spreadsheets.developerMetadata" in Sheets API cannot be used with the API key. In this case, OAuth2 is required as mentioned in your question. The developer metadata can be also retrieved by the method of spreadsheets.get in Sheets API. The developer metadata can be retrieved by the API key. And in this method, all developer metadata is retrieved. So when you want to search the developer metadata, please search it from the retrieved all developer metadata.
In this case, please set the visibility of developer metadata to DOCUMENT. By this, the developer metadata can be retrieved by the API key. If the visibility is PROJECT, it cannot be retrieved with the API key. Please be careful this.
When you want to retrieve the developer metadata with the API key, please publicly share the Spreadsheet. By this, it can be retrieved with the API key. Please be careful this.
Sample situation 1:
As a sample situation, it supposes that it creates new Spreadsheet, and create new developer metadata to the Spreadsheet as the key of "sampleKey" and value of "sampleValue".
In this case, the sample request body of spreadsheets.batchUpdate is as follows.
"requests": [
"createDeveloperMetadata": {
"developerMetadata": {
"location": {
"spreadsheet": true
"metadataKey": "sampleKey",
"metadataValue": "sampleValue",
"visibility": "DOCUMENT"
Sample curl command:
When you retrieve the developer metadata from above sample Spreadsheet, please use the following curl command.
curl " spreadsheetId ###?key=### your API key ###&fields=developerMetadata"
In this case, fields=developerMetadata is used to make it easier to see the response value. Of course, you can also use * as fields.
In this case, when above endpoint is put to the browser, you can see the retrieved value, because of GET method.
"developerMetadata": [
"metadataId": 123456789,
"metadataKey": "sampleKey",
"metadataValue": "sampleValue",
"location": {
"locationType": "SPREADSHEET",
"spreadsheet": true
"visibility": "DOCUMENT"
Sample situation 2:
As other situation, it supposes that it creates new Spreadsheet, and create new developer metadata to the 1st column (column "A") as the key of "sampleKey" and value of "sampleValue".
In this case, the sample request body is as follows.
"requests": [
"createDeveloperMetadata": {
"developerMetadata": {
"location": {
"dimensionRange": {
"sheetId": 0,
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 1,
"dimension": "COLUMNS"
"metadataKey": "sampleKey",
"metadataValue": "sampleValue",
"visibility": "DOCUMENT"
Sample curl command:
When you retrieve the developer metadata from above sample Spreadsheet, please use the following curl command.
curl " spreadsheetId ###?key=### your API key ###&fields=sheets(data(columnMetadata(developerMetadata)))"
In this case, sheets(data(columnMetadata(developerMetadata))) is used to make it easier to see the response value. Of course, you can also use * as fields.
"sheets": [
"data": [
"columnMetadata": [
"developerMetadata": [
"metadataId": 123456789,
"metadataKey": "sampleKey",
"metadataValue": "sampleValue",
"location": {
"locationType": "COLUMN",
"dimensionRange": {
"dimension": "COLUMNS",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 1
"visibility": "DOCUMENT"
Method: spreadsheets.developerMetadata.get
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.

REST pattern create, update and delete same endpoint

I have a page where I list the books of a school. The user can update a book, add a new book or delete an existing book. All actions must be saved when the form is submitted.
How can i map a rest API for that? I could take advantage of the endpoints i already have.
PUT /schools/1/books
"books": [
"id": "1",
"name": "Book 1"
POST /schools/1/books
"books": [
"name": "Book 2"
"name": "Book 3"
DELETE /schools/1/books
"books": [
"id": 2
But I need everything to run on the same transaction, and wouldn't make sense to submit 3 requests.
I also thought of creating a new endpoint where I would create books that doesn't exists, update books that exists, and remove books that are not present on the request.
So if this school has Book 1 and Book 2, I could update Book 1, create New Book and remove Book 2 with:
PUT /schools/1/batch-books
"books": [
"id": "1",
"name": "Updated Book 1"
"name": "New Book"
Do you guys have other options?
I would separate things into different resources:
/books and /books/{id} for books. They gives book details and allow to manage them.
/schools and /schools/{id} for schools. They gives school details and allow to manage them.
/schools/{id}/books to associate books in schools. I mean books that are available within a school. This resource provides methods to manage a list of links to books.
Let me detail the last resource. In fact, this is related to hypermedia. In the following, I'll use JSON-LD but you're free to use other hypermedia tools.
A GET method will return the list of associated books:
GET /schools/1/books
"#id": ""
"#id": ""
You can notice that you can implement mechanisms to allow to get more details if needed. Leveraging the Prefer header seems to be a great approach (see the link below for more details).
In addition, you could provide the following methods:
POST to add a link to the school. The request payload would be: {"#id": ""}. The response should be a 201 status code.
DELETE to delete a specific link from a school. A query parameter could be used to specify which link to remove.
PATCH to allow to do several operations in one call and actually provide some batch processing. You can leverage at this level JSON-PATCH for the request processing. Within the response, you could describe what happens. There is no specification at this level so you're free to use what you want... Here is a sample for the request payload:
PATCH /schools/1/books/
"op": "add", "value": ""
"op": "remove", "path": ""
Reading the following links could give you some hints on the way to design such use case:
Implementing bulk updates within RESTful services:
On choosing a hypermedia type:
Creating Client-Optimized Resource Representations in APIs:
Hope it helps you,

Setting product published date via Shopify API doesn't work properly

When I set the published_at to a furture date by using the following JSON via Shopify product update API ( PUT).
"product": {
"id": 632910392,
"published": false,
"published_at": "2015-01-01T00:00:00+11:00"
It returned 200 and the following JSON
"product": {
"body_html": "something",
"created_at": "2014-01-07T14:49:00+11:00",
"handle": "test-product",
"id": 206281997,
"product_type": "MERCHANDISE",
"published_at": "2015-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"published_scope": "",
/* some other JavaScript properties*/
Shopify accepted the published date but the product was still visible. Below is the screenshot of the product Visibility
But if I removed "published_at": "2015-01-01T00:00:00+11:00" from the request JSON, the product changed to hidden.
How can I set the published date via Shopify API? Is it possible a Shopify API's bug?
Thanks for you help.
I have found a solution by using private API. And I tested it. Use publish_on instead of published_at. please refer to Shopify forums