Memory layout of VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM - vulkan

I am trying to figure out which memory layout VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM has in Vulkan.
What I think I understand:
each component has 8bits
the normalized unsigned value for each component is then 0-255
So I would have expected components to be something like G0G1B0R0G2G3B2R2.
Which would satisfy 4:2:0:
offset of 4
2 values for first line at least for G. Though not for B and R.
Getting RGB, planes and 420 combined seems too much for my brain.
Could someone explain how this is supposed to be interpreted.

It is multi-plane image, so basically each component is its own separate image (resp. aspect).
The G plane is image size. The B and R planes are each half width and height.


Fragment shader not lerping textures correctly

Im trying to blend two textures (sand and grass [ignore the grass straws]) in my game based on the height of the points. I have somewhat succeeded, but the result is a little bit odd.
In my frag function:
return lerp(tex2D(_SandTex, input.uv), tex2D(_GrassTex, input.uv), InverseLerp(_SandStart, _GrassStart, input.positionWS.y)) * mainLight.shadowAttenuation;
As you can see, it seems like every second triangle is very different, while both 'sets' of triangles are blending fine down and up through the y axis, they should be differentiate a lot with their neighbours.
What am I missing here?

Simulate Camera in Numpy

I have the task to simulate a camera with a full well capacity of 10.000 Photons per sensor element
in numpy. My first Idea was to do it like that:
camera = np.random.normal(0.0,1/10000,np.shape(img))
Imgwithnoise= img+camera
but it hardly shows an effect.
Has someone an idea how to do it?
From what I interpret from your question, if each physical pixel of the sensor has a 10,000 photon limit, this points to the brightest a digital pixel can be on your image. Similarly, 0 incident photons make the darkest pixels of the image.
You have to create a map from the physical sensor to the digital image. For the sake of simplicity, let's say we work with a grayscale image.
Your first task is to fix the colour bit-depth of the image. That is to say, is your image an 8-bit colour image? (Which usually is the case) If so, the brightest pixel has a brightness value = 255 (= 28 - 1, for 8 bits.) The darkest pixel is always chosen to have a value 0.
So you'd have to map from the range 0 --> 10,000 (sensor) to 0 --> 255 (image). The most natural idea would be to do a linear map (i.e. every pixel of the image is obtained by the same multiplicative factor from every pixel of the sensor), but to correctly interpret (according to the human eye) the brightness produced by n incident photons, often different transfer functions are used.
A transfer function in a simplified version is just a mathematical function doing this map - logarithmic TFs are quite common.
Also, since it seems like you're generating noise, it is unwise and conceptually wrong to add camera itself to the image img. What you should do, is fix a noise threshold first - this can correspond to the maximum number of photons that can affect a pixel reading as the maximum noise value. Then you generate random numbers (according to some distribution, if so required) in the range 0 --> noise_threshold. Finally, you use the map created earlier to add this noise to the image array.
Hope this helps and is in tune with what you wish to do. Cheers!

Detect if a quad is actually visible 2D in OpenGL

I currently have 16 tiles, with individual images that make up 1 big map. I pan by transforming right at the beginning before any actual drawing with this:
GL.Translate(G_.Pan(0), G_.Pan(1), 0)
Then I zoom by doing this:
GL.Ortho(-G_.Size * 1.5 ^ G_.ZoomFactor, G_.Size * 1.5 ^ G_.ZoomFactor, G_.Size * 1.5 ^ G_.ZoomFactor, -G_.Size * 1.5 ^ G_.ZoomFactor, -1, 1)
G_.Size is a constant that only varies on startup depending on parameters, zoom factor ranges from -1 to -13
What I want to be able to do is check if 1 of the 16 tiles is within the visible area, so then I stop them drawing when they are not on screen. I had found some quite complex methods for doing it, but it was 3D and seemed like a lot of work for something that should be simple. I would of thought it would of been something like just checking if a point is within the bounds of visible area, but I have no idea on how to get the visible area.
Andon M Coleman already suggested you to implement projection volume culling (a generalized form of frustum culling). This is however outside the scope of OpenGL. You must understand that OpenGL is not a "magical" scene graph that does scene management and the likes. It's mere drawing API; what it does is putting shaded, textured points, lines or triangles on the screen and that's it. The rest is up to you, or the libraries you choose to implement it.
In the case of projection volume culling you're testing if a given piece of geometry intersects with the volume defined by the planes that form the borders of the volume. Your projection matrix defines such planes, specifically it transform the view space vertex position volume into the range [-1;1]×[-1;1]×[0;1] of perspective divided clip space. So by inverting the projection matrix and unprojection the corners of the [-1;1]×[-1;1]×[0;1] cube through that you determine the limiting planes of the projection volume in view space.
You then use that information to intersect your quads with the volume to see if they cross it, i.e. are in any way visible.

opengl texture mapping off by 5-8 pixels

I've got a bunch of thumbnails/icons packed right up next to each other in a texture map / sprite sheet. From a pixel to pixel relationship, these are being scaled up from being 145 pixels square to 238 screen pixels square. I was expecting to get +-1 or 2 pixel accuracy on the edges of the box when accessing the texture coordinates, so I'm also drawing a 4 pixel outline overtop of the thumbnail to hide this probable artifact. But I'm seeing huge variations in accuracy. Sometimes it's off in one direction, sometimes the other.
I've checked over the math and I can't figure out what's happening.
The the thumbnail is being scaled up about 1.64 times. So a single pixel off in the source texture coordinate could result in around 2 pixels off on the screen. The 4 pixel white frame over top is being drawn at a 1-1 pixel to fragment relationship and is supposed to cover about 2 pixels on either side of the edge of the box. That part is working. Here I've turned off the border to show how far off the texture coordinates are....
I can tweak the numbers manually to make it go away. But I have to shrink the texture coordinate width/height by several source pixels and in some cases add (or subtract) 5 or 6 pixels to the starting point. I really just want the math to work out or to figure out what I'm doing wrong here. This sort of stuff drives me nuts!
A bunch of crap to know.
The shader is doing the texture coordinate offsetting in the vertex shader...
v_fragmentTexCoord0 = vec2((a_vertexTexCoord0.x * u_texScale) + u_texOffset.s, (a_vertexTexCoord0.y * u_texScale) + u_texOffset.t);
gl_Position = u_modelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(a_vertexPosition,1.0);
This object is a box which is a triangle strip with 2 tris.
Not that it should matter, but matrix applied to the model isn't doing any scaling. The box is to screen scale. The scaling is happening only in the texture coordinates that are being supplied.
The texture coordinates of the object as seen above are 0.00 - 0.07, then in the shader have an addition of an offset amount which is different per thumbnail. .07 out of 2048 is like 143. Originally I had it at .0708 which should be closer to 145 it was worse and showed more like 148 pixels from the texture. To get it to only show 145 source pixels I have to make it .0.06835 which is 140 pixels.
I've tried doing the math in a calculator and typing in the numbers directly. I've also tried doing like =1305/2048. These are going in to GLfloats not doubles.
This texture map image is PNG and is loaded with these settings:
but I've also tried GL_LINEAR with no apparent difference.
I'm not having any accuracy problems on other textures (in the same texture map) where I'm not doing the texture scaling.
It doesn't get farther off as the coords get higher. In the image above the NEG MAP thumb is right next to the HEAT MAP thumb and are off in different directions but correct at the seam.
here's the offset data for those two..
filterTypes[FT_gradientMap20].thumbTexOffsetS = 0.63720703125;
filterTypes[FT_gradientMap20].thumbTexOffsetT = 0.1416015625;
filterTypes[FT_gradientMap21].thumbTexOffsetS = 0.7080078125;
filterTypes[FT_gradientMap21].thumbTexOffsetT = 0.1416015625;
==== UPDATE ====
A couple of things off the bat I realized I was doing wrong and are discussed over here: OpenGL Texture Coordinates in Pixel Space
The width of a single thumbnail is 145. But that would be 0-144, with 145 starting the next one. I was using a width of 145 so that's going to be 1 pixel too big. Using the above center of pixel type math, we should actually go from the center of 0 to the center of 144. 144.5 - 0.5 = 144.
Using his formula of (2i + 1)/(2N) I made new offset amounts for each of the starting points and used the 144/2048 as the width. That made things better but still off in some areas. And again still off in one direction sometimes and the other other times. Although consistent for each x or y position.
Using a width of 143 proves better results. But I can fix them all by just adjusting the numbers manually to work. I want to have the math to make it work out right.
... or.. maybe it has something to do with min/mag filtering - although I read up on that and what I'm doing seems right for this case.
After a lot of experiments and having to create a grid-lined guide texture so I could see exactly how far off each texture was... I finally got it!
It's pretty simple actually.
uniform mat4 u_modelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform mediump vec2 u_texOffset;
uniform mediump float u_texScale;
attribute vec3 a_vertexPosition;
attribute mediump vec2 a_vertexTexCoord0;
The precision of the texture coordinates. By specifying mediump it just fixed itself. I suspect this also would help solve the problem I was having in this question:
Why is a texture coordinate of 1.0 getting beyond the edge of the texture?
Once I did that, I had to go back to my original 145 width (which still seems wrong but oh well). And for what it's worth I ended up then going back to all my original math on all the texture coordinates. The "center of pixel" method was showing more of the neighboring pixels than the straight /2048 did.

Calculating total coverage area of a union of polygons

I have a number of 2D (possibly intersecting) polygons which I rendered using OpenGL ES on the screen. All the polygons are completely contained within the screen. What is the most timely way to find the percentage area of the union of these polygons to the total screen area? Timeliness is required as I have a requirement for the coverage area to be immediately updated whenever a polygon is shifted.
Currently, I am representing each polygon as a 2D array of booleans. Using a point-in-polygon function (from a geometry package), I sample each point (x,y) on the screen to check if it belongs to the polygon, and set polygon[x][y] = true if so, false otherwise.
After doing that to all the polygons in the screen, I loop through all the screen pixels again, and check through each polygon array, counting that pixel as "covered" if any polygon has its polygon[x][y] value set to true.
This works, but the performance is not ideal as the number of polygons increases. Are there any better ways to do this, using open-source libraries if possible? I thought of:
(1) Unioning the polygons to get one or more non-overlapping polygons. Then compute the area of each polygon using the standard area-of-polygon formula. Then sum them up. Not sure how to get this to work?
(2) Using OpenGL somehow. Imagine that I am rendering all these polygons with a single color. Is it possible to count the number of pixels on the screen buffer with that certain color? This would really sound like a nice solution.
Any efficient means for doing this?
If you know background color and all polygons have other colors, you can read all pixels from framebuffer glReadPixels() and simply count all pixels that have color different than background.
If first condition is not met you may consider creating custom framebuffer and render all polygons with the same color (For example (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for backgruond and (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) for polygons). Next, read resulting framebuffer and calculate mean of red color across the whole screen.
If you want to get non-overlapping polygons, you can run a line intersection algorithm. A simple variant is the Bentley–Ottmann algorithm, but even faster algorithms of O(n log n + k) (with n vertices and k crossings) are possible.
Given a line intersection, you can unify two polygons by constructing a vertex connecting both polygons on the intersection point. Then you follow the vertices of one of the polygons inside of the other polygon (you can determine the direction you have to go in using your point-in-polygon function), and remove all vertices and edges until you reach the outside of the polygon. There you repair the polygon by creating a new vertex on the second intersection of the two polygons.
Unless I'm mistaken, this can run in O(n log n + k * p) time where p is the maximum overlap of the polygons.
After unification of the polygons you can use an ordinary area function to calculate the exact area of the polygons.
I think that attempt to calculate area of polygons with number of pixels is too complicated and sometimes inaccurate. You can see something similar in stackoverflow answer about calculation the area covered by a polygon and if you construct regular polygons see area of a regular polygon ,