MS Access 2019 - SQL alias on a column converts data to uppercase - sql

I have a strange situation ...
I have a Table with autoincrement field, a number field and a Short Text field all created with default properties
There are only 10 rows in the table and the first 5 rows look like this:
If I run the this query
SELECT Top 5 CustomerID, RegNo, TRIM(RegNo) AS xx
FROM Workordersxx
I get the following:
... as you would expect.
But if I change the query to
SELECT Top 5 CustomerID, RegNo, TRIM(RegNo) AS xxx
FROM Workordersxx
(Note the alias is now "xxx"), I get this:
... with the aliased column now in uppercase.
For clarity, I changed the SQL to show all columns and all rows.
SELECT WorkorderID, CustomerID, RegNo, TRIM(RegNo) AS xxx
FROM Workordersxx
Note that there are no indexes on this table
What am I missing here?


Why is this join not working in Oracle SQL

I am trying to output everything for table one where there is a mention like something from table two
table one is the aoldataleak from 2006 and table two is a created table of all contestants in a horse race at that time period
select query,
from AOLDATA.querydata,
where query like ( '%' ||PFERDENAME||'%')
Pferdename is a column in table 2 and query is a column in table one
both are chars and the output I get is just a blank table, but I know for a fact there are querys in the first table that are like Pferdenamen in the second one.
I tried this same statement with a dummy table with only a few entries and there it worked just fine
So here's error cause:
Pferdename CHAR (25) PRIMARY KEY
CHAR datatype right-pads values with spaces up to the max column length. So, if horse name is "Max", Oracle stores it as "Max" followed by 22 spaces (which alltogether make 3 + 22 = 25 characters).
You shouldn't
use CHAR in such a case; use VARCHAR2 instead
name is not the best choice for a primary key; it means that there can't be two horses whose names are "Max"
If it must be CHAR, then you'd better trim it, e.g.
select query, PFERDENAME
from AOLDATA.querydata, Pferde
where query like ( '%' || trim(PFERDENAME) ||'%')
SQL> with
2 querydata (query) as
3 (select 'This is Max, my favorite horse' from dual),
4 pferde (pferdename) as
5 (select 'Max ' from dual)
6 select query, pferdename
7 from querydata, pferde
8 where query like ( '%' || trim(pferdename) ||'%')
9 order by pferdename;
------------------------------ -----------
This is Max, my favorite horse Max

Using LIKE in SQL to find two values in 1 string in 1 column

I need a like statement to find two strings in 1 column, ie.
Table name is CustomerNumber
Column name is ID
Sample strings in column ID would be:
I want to find the row that contains 456 and 654.
My SQL statement is:
Select *
from CustomerNumber
where ID like all (values ('%456%'), (%654%'))
But I am getting expression errors.
You can use like:
select cn.*
from customernumber cn
where like '%456%' and like '%654%';
If you want them in a particular order, then use one like pattern:
select cn.*
from customernumber cn
where like '%456%654%';
I have never seen the construct like all nor like with a subquery that returns multiple rows. I imagine that generates a syntax error.
FROM CustomerNumber
WHERE ID like '%456%' AND ID like %654%'

SQL unpivot & insert

Sorry for the lack of info -- SQL Server 2008.
I'm struggling to get a couple of column values from table A into a new row in table B for each row in A where a column isn't null.
Table A's structure is as:
UserID | ClientUserID | ClientSessionID | [and a load of other irrelevant columns)
Table B:
UserID | Name | Value
I want to create rows in table B for each non-null ClientUserID or ClientSessionID in A - using the column name as B's "Name", and column value as "B's Value".
I'm struggling to write my "unpivot" statement - just getting the syntax correct! I'm trying to follow along with some samples but can't
Here's my SQL query so far - any further help would be appreciated (just getting this SELECT is frustrating me, let alone doing the insert!)
SELECT UserID, ClientUserID, ClientSessionID FROM websiteuser WHERE ClientSessionID IS NOT null
This gives me the rows that I need to perform actions upon -- but I just can't get the syntax correct for UNPIVOTing this data and turning it into my insert.
You can unpivot records in this fashion by using UNION to get each new row:
INSERT INTO TableB (UserID, Name, Value)
SELECT UserID, 'ClientUserID' AS Name, ClientUserID AS Value
SELECT UserID, 'ClientSessionID' AS Name, ClientSessionID AS Value
I am using UNION ALL in this case as UNION implies a DISTINCT operation across the entire set, which should normally be unnecessary when pivoting unique records.
If your ClientUserID and ClientSessionID columns are not the same datatype, you may have to cast one or both to the same.

oracle unique constraint

I'm trying to insert distinct values from one table into another. My target table has a primary key studentid and when I perform distinct id from source to target the load is successful. When I'm trying to load a bunch of columns from source to target including student_id, I'm getting an error unique constraint violated. There is only one constraint on target which is the primary key on studentid.
my query looks like this (just an example)
insert into target(studentid, age, schoolyear)
select distinct id, age, 2012 from source
Why does the above query returns an error where as the below query works perfectly fine
insert into target(studentid)
select distinct id from source
help me troubleshoot this.
Thanks for your time.
In your first query you are selecting for distinct combination of three columns ie,
select distinct id, age, 2012 from source
Not the distinct id alone. In such case there are possibility for duplicate id's.
For example, Your above query is valid for this
id age
1 23
1 24
1 25
2 23
3 23
But in your second query you are selecting only distinct id's
select distinct id from source
So this will return like,
In this case there is no way for duplicates and your insert into target will not
If you really want to do bulk insert with constrain on target then go for
any aggregate functions
select id, max(age), max(2012) group by id from source
Or if you dont want to loose any records from source to target then remove your constraint on target and insert it.
Hope this helps

How can I write this SQL SELECT query for this table?

I have this situation in a certain table:
id | name
1 'Test'
2 'Test'
3 'Test'
How can I make a query to SELECT by distinct the name? I also need the ID column, even if I get the first occurrence of the element, e.g. "if the name column repeats, give me the first record with this repetition."
select name, MIN(ID)
from aCertainTable
group by name