How can i click the following Button with puppeteer? - automation

I'm trying to click a button on a website with puppeteer but it doesn't work for me.
<button aria-label="Alles akzeptieren" role="button" data-testid="uc-accept-all-button" class="sc-gtsrHT gqGzpd">OK</button>
My Code:
async function checkout(){
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false});
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(product_url);
await page.waitFor(3000);
await"Button[class='sc-gtsrHT gqGzpd']", elem =>;
Error Message:
Error: No node found for selector: Button[class='sc-gtsrHT gqGzpd']
at Object.assert (C:\Coding\Ticket-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\assert.js:26:15)
at (C:\Coding\Ticket-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\DOMWorld.js:277:21)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async checkout (C:\Coding\Ticket-Bot\bayern.js:14:5)
Pictures: (Button Info) (Button)
what is the correct code so that the button will be clicked?

You get the error due to the element does not exist on the page, it may be caused by the fact that CSS classes are autogenerated as #Sirko suggests.
You can even inspect the element's class name in DevTools if you launch puppeteer in headful mode.
You will need to find those selectors that will remain the same, e.g.:
await'[aria-label="Alles akzeptieren"]');
Note: I am not sure if you need elem => in the click options.


webdriverio - download pdfs in chrome

I am new to using webdriverio, and attempting to automatically download a pdf file. The file opens in the browser and I cannot figure out how to download it - ideally to a folder specified on my local machine. I see some old forum posts which possibly suggest using chromedriver, however, due to minimal code snippets provided, I cannot understand if it's the correct approach though. Here is what I have this far (although the last two lines do not work):
const LoginPage = require('../pageobjects/');
describe('Payroll Download Application', () => {
it('Login Fail Page', async () => {
await LoginPage.login();
await $("a[href='PayCycleReports']").click()
await $('a=Payroll Summary').click()
const handles = await browser.getWindowHandles()
await browser.switchToWindow(handles[1])
const elem = await $("#viewer").shadow$("#toolbar").shadow$("#downloads").shadow$("#downloads").shadow$("#download")
Any help to figure it out would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
This can be done with browser.execute.
It will be necessary to select the element through JS and add the 'download' attribute to it. If you click on an element with the 'download' attribute, the pdf will not open but will be downloaded.
await browser.execute(function(){
.querySelector("#node-32 > div > div > div > ul:nth-child(4) > li:nth-child(1) > a")
.setAttribute("download", "download")
If you need a different selector (not CSS) you can use getElementById , getElementsByName, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByClassName, getElementByXPathand others.

Does TestCafe support multiple tab testing

I have a scenario where clicking on a button opens a new tab but when I try with testCafe it opens in a new window instead of new tab.Why is this ? Doesn’t testCafe support new tab scenarios?
I think using multiple tabs is not really necessary. Usually people try to test that a link opens up in a new tab, but why?
<a class="c-cookie-bar__text-link" target="_blank" href="/private-data-info">More information</a>
You know that a link with target="_blank" will open up in a new tab. This is nothing that would be programmed by your team, this is how a browser works. Just every imaginable browser behaves the same if it encounters this attribute in a link. It's been tested, you don't need to retest it on your website.
However, you still might need to test that the target content loads or that the link looks the way you want. That's ok, but you don't need multiple tabs for that. The following scenarios make sense:
check that the link has the target="_blank" attribute:
('Check Target Attr', async t => {
await t
.expect(Selector('.c-cookie-bar__text-link').withAttribute('target', '_blank').exists)
check that the href attr is what it should be:
('Check Href Attr', async t => {
await t
check that the content loads in the same tab:
import getBaseUrl from '../Helpers/baseUrl';
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
const baseUrl = getBaseUrl();
fixture `Link Handling`
('Go To Resource', async t => {
const resource = await Selector('.c-cookie-bar__text-link')
await t
.navigateTo(baseUrl + resource);
// possibly some other assertions follow
check the http status code (I use axios here, but it's not all visible in my example):
import getBaseUrl from '../Helpers/baseUrl';
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
import request from '../Helpers/networkRequest';
const baseUrl = getBaseUrl();
fixture `Link Handling`
('Check Status Code', async t => {
const resource = await Selector('.c-cookie-bar__text-link')
const networkReq = await request({
method: 'GET',
url: baseUrl + resource
await t
If you actually ignore all this and just click the link in TestCafe:
await t
it will be opened in a new window like so:

Playwright webkit is not working on Windows 10

I'm trying to write a simple e2e test.
import {chromium, webkit, firefox} from "playwright";
(async () => {
for (const browserType of [chromium, firefox, webkit]) {
const browser = await browserType.launch({ headless: false });
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto("");
await page.fill('input[aria-label="Search GitHub"]', "Playwright");
await'input[aria-label="Search GitHub"]', "Enter");
await".repo-list-item:nth-child(1) a");
await page.screenshot({path: `screenshots/security-${}.png`, fullPage: false});
await page.close();
await browser.close();
This code is working fine with chromium and firefox. However, when I use webkit it breaks on the second screen.
Webkit error logs:
^ Protocol error (Runtime.awaitPromise): The page has been closed.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector ".repo-list-item:nth-child(1) a"
selector resolved to visible <a class="v-align-middle" href="/microsoft/playwrig…>…</a>
attempting click action
waiting for element to be visible, enabled and not moving
element is moving - waiting...
element is visible, enabled and does not move
scrolling into view if needed
done scrolling
checking that element receives pointer events at (468,222)
<div class="mr-3">↵ Apache-2.0 license↵ </div> from <div>…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
retrying click action
waiting for element to be visible, enabled and not moving
element is moving - waiting...
element is visible, enabled and does not move
scrolling into view if needed
done scrolling
checking that element receives pointer events at (468,222)
<div class="mr-3">↵ Apache-2.0 license↵ </div> from <div>…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
retrying click action
I'm on Windows 10.

Testcafe - Unable to click on a button

I am trying to click on a button but for some weird reason, I am not able to. Here is the code.
import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
fixture `Fixture`
.page ``
test(`test`, async t => {
await t.maximizeWindow();
await t.wait(3000);
const fullScreen = Selector('.sp-controls-btn.js-sp-fullscreen-button').filterVisible();
//await t.debug();
await t
.expect(fullScreen.with({visibilityCheck: true}).exists)
.ok({timeout: 30000})
await t.wait(4000);
But if I go through debug mode using .debug() and then use Next-Action option in the debugger, the .click() works.
I am not able to understand what is going on here. Why is it .click() is working in .debug() but not in normal flow.
When the Testcafe click action is executed on a DOM element, it calls the method. Mentioned 'Failed to execute 'requestFullscreen' on 'Element' error means that click event handler calls the requestFullscreen method, which must be called inside a user interaction only. This is a browser's security restriction and there is no way to overcome it.

How to close the safari pop up dialogue when running automate script with nightwatch on BrowserStack?

I use Browserstack to do the E2E testing, now I met a problem when I try to run the mobile automate script in safari on Browserstack, there will have a pop-up dialogue show when I click a button which will result in opening a new tab, the dialogue show message like this: 'this site is attempting to open a popup window', I must close it and the script can continue executing.
Now the problem is:
1. When I click the button which will trigger this pop-up dialogue, there will always show an exception in the log: 'Error while running .clickElement() protocol action: Appium error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Did not get any response after 20s'.
2. I can use the XPath to locate the button on the pop-up dialogue and click it to close the dialogue, but it takes serval minutes, is there another way to do this operation more efficient?
const { client } = require('nightwatch-api')
const { Given, Then, When} = require('cucumber')
Given('open mobile 163 news', async function () {
await client.url('')
When('choose share by QQ', async function () {
await client.waitForElementVisible('.sharelogo')
Then('the popup should show', async function () {
await client.waitForElementVisible('.qzone')
await client.setContext('NATIVE_APP')
await client.source(function(res){
await client.useXpath()
await client.contexts(function(result) {
client.setContext(result.value[result.value.length - 1])
Have you tried adding the capability 'nativeWebTap' and setting it to the value 'true' in the test scripts?