I'm new to vueJS. I am creating a news system to train myself. I'm a little problem. Here is the link that allows me to go to the detail of an article:
<router-link :to="{ name: 'Blog Details', params: { id: 1 }}"><img v-bind:src="postThumbnail" v-bind:alt="title"></router-link>
My component on which this link is located, has several props including the article id (actu_id).
In the link to the article, I would like the id located in the params not to be hard "1", but actu_id.
I do not know how to do.
When building things like this, first think how the data gets to your page. It's probably most efficient to use loops here, assuming you'll have multiple blog posts. Save them in the data in an array:
blogs: [
name: "Post 1",
id: 1,
thumbnail: "agsrgsghr.jpg",
name: "Post 2",
id: 2,
thumbnail: "agsrgsghr2.jpg",
And you can use template literals to set the router link parameters
<div v-for="blog in blogs" :key="blog.id">
<router-link :to="{ name: `${blog.name}`, params: { id: `${blog.id}` } }"
><img :src="blog.thumbnail" :alt="blog.name"
Very simple question. I'm learning VueJS and have created a simple component:
Vue.component('blog-post', {
props: ['title'],
template: '<h3>{{ title }}</h3>'
I then have parsed some data to it like this:
new Vue({
el: '#blog-post-demo',
data: {
posts: [
{ id: 1, title: 'My journey with Vue' },
{ id: 2, title: 'Blogging with Vue' },
{ id: 3, title: 'Why Vue is so fun' }
My question is how can get the title of a specefic element based on the id in my HTML? For now I can only render through the items and get them all, but I want to be able to specify which title I want to display based on the Id. Here is my HTML which gives me all the data:
<div id="blog-post-demo">
v-for="post in posts"
You can achieve with COMPUTED property, like that
<div id="blog-post-demo">
<p v-for="post in thisOne" :key="post.id" >
export default {
el: '#blog-post-demo',
data() {
return {
posts: [
{ id: 1, title: 'My journey with Vue' },
{ id: 2, title: 'Blogging with Vue' },
{ id: 3, title: 'Why Vue is so fun' }
},computed: {
return this.posts.filter(x => x.id === 3); /*choose your id*/
Or you can use event too to select the id of the posts to display (more dynamically)
Tip: If you start with VueJS, learn about the properties of VueJs (DATA, COMPUTED, CREATED, METHOD) and look at the uses and strengths of each one. For my part, the VueJS site is very very well done for beginners: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/
I'm not sure if I understand correctly what you want to do. But if you want to go through all posts and display title of particular post then you can try this way:
v-for="post in posts"
(: instead of :v-bind it's a short form, also if you don't pass slots in your component you can go with self-closing tag)
Then in your methods section you can create a method:
setTitle(post) {
if(post.id === 2) return post.title
I am trying to create a dropdown (v-select/q-select (using quasar)), which allows me to select from an array in my vuex-storage and then eventually save the selected item (content of it) in a variable. Currently I have no problem to access the vuex-storage, but face the problem, that the v-select expects a string and not an object.
My code looks like the following.
// vuex storage:
const state = {
id: "1",
system: {...}
id: "2",
system: {...}
// example of the vuex storage out of my viewdevtools
systemsconstant: Object
status:"not defined"
status:"not defined"
// dropdown:
label="selectsystem" />
// computed to get systems from vuex:
computed: {
savedsystems() {
return this.$store.getters['systemsconstant/getsavedsystems']
I used the following example https://codepen.io/sagalbot/pen/aJQJyp as inspiration and tried a couple of different setups stringifying resulting in nothing really.
If one would try to apply my case to a similar problem (v-select displays object Object), the mentioned formatlabel would be an object instead of a string.
How can I modify the (with a getter) imported array of objects "savedsystems", so it can be used both as label to select it and furthermore then to connect it properly to the values, so I can save the selected as a variable.
Or can I change something in my v-select, e.g. varying what comes behind :options/options?
I'd appreciate any help!
You should use the property option-label
<div id="q-app">
<div class="q-pa-md" style="max-width: 300px">
<div class="q-gutter-md">
<q-badge color="secondary" multi-line>
Model: "{{ model }}"
<q-select filled v-model="model" :options="options" label="Standard" option-label="description"></q-select>
{{ model }}
new Vue({
el: '#q-app',
data () {
return {
model: null,
options: [
label: 'Google',
value: 'Google',
description: 'Search engine',
category: '1'
label: 'Facebook',
value: 'Facebook',
description: 'Social media',
category: '1'
label: 'Twitter',
value: 'Twitter',
description: 'Quick updates',
category: '2'
I am new to vue and vue router and am using Vue router in history mode. The app contains a menu which is dynamically loaded
v-for="item in menu"
:exact="item.slug === '/' ? true : false">{{ item.content }}
It works well as long as I stay in the parent routes like http://localhost:8080/posts As soon as I navigate a level deeper, e.g. to a post with the id 8 http://localhost:8080/posts/8 with a routerlink inside the Template
:to="{ name: 'post', params: { id: post.id }}">
{{ post.title.rendered }}
it works in one way, but doesnt go back to the parent route when I click the main navigation links. Instead just adds the link of the main menu to the end of the route, e.g. instead of http://localhost:8080/posts
The router
const router = new Router({
mode: 'history',
base: '',
routes: [
{ path: '/', name: 'home', component: HomePage },
{ path: '/posts', name: 'posts', component: PostsPage },
{ path: '/posts/:id', name: 'post', component: SinglePost },
{ path: '/projects', name: 'projects', component: ProjectsPage },
{ path: '/projects/:id', name: 'project', component: ProjectPage },
{ path: '/:page', name: 'page', component: SinglePage },
{ path: "*", redirect: '/' },
// etc..
I guess I am making a common mistake, but I canĀ“t find a solution. Any help appreciated.
You can use absolute paths. Instead of
:to="{ name: 'post', params: { id: post.id }}">
{{ post.title.rendered }}
:to="{ name: '/post', params: { id: post.id }}">
{{ post.title.rendered }}
The change is /post vs post in router-link's :to attribute.
You could and probably should use nested routes and components for posts posts/:id, but this a little more work and you my not need it at the moment. More on nested routes here.
In my angular5 application, i am trying to make everything localized and translated. I am following steps mentioned in this link: https://angular.io/guide/i18n
How to mark text with i18n tag for text in TS files?
For example:
The text in the name field of array needs to be translated:
pageList = [
{ id: 1, path: '/dashboard', name: 'Dashboard' },
{ id: 2, path: '/list', name: 'List' }
This array is used in the dropdown:
<button class="dropdown-item" *ngFor="let page of pageList" (click)="changePage(page.path)">{{ page.name }}</button>
How to mark text displayed in an expression to be translated?
For example:
<h1 lass="page-title">{{ pageTitle }}</h1>
I was looking around the documentation of the structures of these route-info object, but I didn't find any. Since Durandal use other JS libs, I don't sure what is this belong to (maybe sammy?).
I am facing 2 problems:
Problem #1 I want to use an icon in the route information, and I found that I could use title or caption to accomplish that...
Ugly Option 1: using icon info in the caption
{ route: 'dashboard', title: 'Dashboard', moduleId: 'viewmodels/dashboard', nav: true, caption: 'icon-dashboard' },
and do some binding like this:
<i data-bind="attr: { 'class': caption}"></i>
<a data-bind="attr: { href: hash }, html: title"></a>
or Ugly Option2: using icon html code in the model
{ route: 'dashboard', title: 'Dashboard', moduleId: 'viewmodels/dashboard', nav: true, caption: '<i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> Dashboard' }
and the binding will be:
<a data-bind="attr: { href: hash }, html: caption"></a>
I personally like option 1, because the is separation of data and display. But the property (caption) is not the best place to put it... what other options are??? I saw people using setting, but again, what settings-options are?? can I create my own icon property?
Other Problem How to design sub-menu... if is there a property to reference a parent-route??
Update 8/23/2013 I found this info about Child Routers
You can add your own properties to the route object. This is the good thing about JavaScript!
So as you say, you could add a settings object to the route like this:
{ route: 'dashboard', title: 'Dashboard', moduleId: 'viewmodels/dashboard', nav: true, settings : { caption: 'icon-dashboard', another :'property'} }
And just do the binding the same way you were doing:
<i data-bind="attr: { 'class': settings.caption}"></i>
<a data-bind="attr: { href: hash }, text: title"></a>
Just make sure that all your objects that will be bound in the UI contain the settings.captionor add extra logic in the binding to manage route objects that which property isundefined.