When does RTCIceConnectionState.count get fired - webrtc

From Mozilla doc it doesn't say anything about RTCIceConnectionStateCount.


ghcjs-dom-hello world does not respond to mouse clicks - ghc 7.10.1

I suppose this example should respond to mouse clicks: https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs-dom-hello , right ? But when I try it with GHC 7.10.1 under Firefox and Chrome nothing happens when I click on the page.
Any ideas ? I haven't tried it with GHC 7.8.4 yet. But I will.
One thing it could be is that ghcjs-dom-hello currently uses onclick on the body of the document. Not all of the window will be clickable. Try clicking on the Hello World text.
The new version of ghcjs-dom in github (currently requires the imporved-base version of ghcjs) includes document events (I left them out of the old version by mistake). I'll update ghcjs-dom-hello to use them once improved-base is merged into master and the updated ghcjs-dom is in hackage.

How to get the raw text from Opera's omnibox when the text is not a valid URI

Since Opera no longer implements the shortcut "/." to visit slashdot.org, I thought to write an extension that replaces that functionality.
I have not previously written an Opera extension, so I hit the docs.
Setting up an omnibox extension doesn't work, because it requires the user to put a space after the keyword.
As "/." isn't a valid URL, I'm not seeing an obvious way to intercept it.
My issue boils down to "how do I get the text before Opera assumes the user is trying to do a keyword search?"
"/." is valid url, but this is not working in Opera.
This is bug which should be fixed soon. But still you will have to wait until
user will put space and the start typing text to omnibox.
Event onInputStarted is the earliest event you can catch. I tried
chrome.omnibox.onInputStarted.addListener(function () {
and browser create tab after user type first letter.

This code needs to execute without adding objects in local object repository

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\MozillaFirefox\firefox.exe","https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=http://mail.google.com/mail/&scc=1&ltmpl=default&ltmplcache=2"
Browser ("text=Google - Mozilla Firefox").Page("text=Google - Mozilla Firefox").WebEdit("text=Google - Mozilla Firefox").Set "Ram"
Browser ("text=Google - Mozilla Firefox").Page("text=Google - Mozilla Firefox").WebButton("text=Google - Mozilla Firefox").Click
I am using Quick test professional and I want to open google in mozilla and want to search "Ram".when i am executing this code its showing Object not found in object repository but this is descriptive programming,no need to add object in local object repository.
You should use the object spy in qtp to identify correct object properties. The Browser object here does not have the text property, instead you should have used title as the identifying property.
Also the url you've given seems to be pointing to Gmail instead of Google search.
Here's an example for IE, hope that helps
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "www.google.com"
Browser("title:=Google").Page("title:=Google").WebEdit("name:=q").Set ("Ram")

Safari extension options pages with access to background page

I'm developing a cross-platform browser extension, and have based all my code on the Chrome-way of doing this. I have counted on that the background page will be accessible from the options page, which in Safari extensions turns out to be not possible (since there is no such thing as an options-page). You can only access safari.extension.globalPage.contentWindow from within the extension popup, and the background page itself.
Now, I have an options page, which is an html-page within the extension bundle, and so far I haven't found a way for Safari to give it extension "rights". The closest I have come is adding a content script that's only added on the options page. This seems a bit silly, since the html page itself is in the extension bundle?!
Others have suggested using asynchronous ping-pong style message event handlers, and even the canLoad-mechanism (which is "only" able to run in a beforeload-event). I have been able to hack the canLoad-mechanism for synchronous messaging by forging the BeforeLoadEvent:
// Content script (run from anywhere)
var result = safari.self.tab.canLoad(new BeforeLoadEvent, "data")
-> "return value"
// Background page
safari.application.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
if ( e.name === "canLoad" )
e.message = "return value";
}, true);
It's a hack, but it works. However, I am crippled by the message transport serialization, since I need to be able access methods and data on my objects from the background page. Is there anyway around this?
Possible ways that might work but I don't know if possible:
Access options-page window-object from backgrounds page. Is that possible?
Message passing, need to bypass message serialization
Any shared/global object that I can attach objects to and fetch from the options page?
Make Safari run the options.html page from outside the content-script sandbox? It works in Chrome since they are both within the extension-bundle. It's quite annoying that safari doesn't do this too.
Run the options-page from within the popup. This is promising, but it crashes safari (which is very promising!). However, from the looks of it it's just something to do with a CSS animation in my options.html page. The biggest issue is that it has to be able to open an OAuth2 popup, but thanks to being able to programmatically open the popover, it might be a non-issue. However, this option is the most realistic, but I would rather have it open in a new tab.
Any suggestions and hackish workarounds would really help.

Why do I have an error on some Flattr buttons?

I've integrated Flattr with my Dotclear blog, using the appropriate plugin, and it works fine.
Except that, from time to time, some older posts have errors and I don't understand why.
those posts have nothing special and, yet, cannot be Flattered.
Could it be an issue on Flattr side ? Do you see what can cause that problem ?
Thanks in advance,
Seems like you're both using the new 0.6 version of the Flattr JavaScript API and a quite old 0.2 version. Using two versions at the same page can probably result in some pretty strange things - I would suggest just using the newer version that is documented here: https://flattr.com/support/integrate/js
Regarding why the button show an error - here's a bit of a secret way to find out: Look at the HTML for the button iframe and look within the div-tag with a "button-wrapper"-class - there you should find an HTML-comment that states the reason for the button error.
In your case the HTML-comment in the button iframe says "ERRORS: User couldn't be found and no owner specified." - which isn't strange since the iframe's URL has "0" specified as the uid-parameter - it should be a username instead.
Your script is disrupted by doublequotes in "var flattr_tle=", you should encode them with '"'