Is there a version of Pandas that will work with MicroPython? - pandas

I have a program that utilizes Pandas and Numpi which I want to operate on an ESP32 micro controller. Is there a version of Pandas and Numpi that will work on the ESP32 so I can run the existing code program?
If yes, does anyone know of any tutorials or documentation I can reference to learn? I know enough about Python and micro controllers to be dangerous. So please dumb it down 🤣.

About Numpy, I think the most advance library is


Attatching a Python Console to a PyQt app

Apologies if the answer to this question is already all over the internet, I just couldn't find an answer which was sufficiently dumbed-down for me to make use of it.
I'm making an app in PyQt for scientific computation purposes and I thought it would be nice to give the user that extra level of control and transparency into the workings of the app by attaching a python interpreter to the app.
The idea is that the interpreter should be able to access all variables that the app is also running on. In other words, I want to be able to start my PyQt app, and immediately write in the console 'print(someVariableKnownToTheApp)' and view the output as if written in the debugger in pycharm.
Doing a bit of searching online, I came across the classes 'InteractiveInterpreter' and 'InteractiveConsole' in the 'code' package, but I'm not sure how I would use these for my purpose.
Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Has Anyone Successfully Embedded a Matplotlib Graph Inside An FLTKHS GUI?

I am new to both FLTKHS and the Haskell matplotlib library, so please forgive if question is dumb.
FLTK is C++ under the hood.
matlplotlib is Python under the hood.
It seems to me that passing a handle for the graph into the GUI frame might not work well.
On the other hand, the Haskell community has come up with a lot of clever solutions before, so maybe it works just fine.
Has anyone successfully done this?
If so, can you post a short example that illustrates how you did it?

Arduino compatibility with unofficial modules

Completely new to Arduino and am looking to really dive in. An idea I have requires a small form factor for a gsm/gprs module, something that could work with one of the micro arduinos. I can't find any sort of really small gprs modules.
My question:
Is it possible to use the module from an old cell phone and adapt it to arduino? Or is that an outrageous concept? I also found one that looked interesting on (ebay) would it be possible to adapt to something like that?
I am aware that it'd be a big undertaking!
Thanks for the help.
It is possible! most of the modules serially communicates you only need to get the baud-rate correct.
There are examples and tutorials you can find on the internet this Instructables tutorial is worth seeing.

Workflow for going from Numpy to Embedded C?

I'm pretty new with Embedded C, but I've got some operations on numpy arrays that I think I would like to try to put into an embedded system.
I can't seem to find any documentation or recommendations on this, but I would imagine there is a recommended workflow.
Any thoughts?

Lightweight, cross-platform input library

I'm trying to write a game with support for Joypads as well as mouse/keyboard. I've tried finding information about that, but it's either outdated or not portable enough.
Does anybody know of any good, lightweight libraries that can abstract Joypad reading? I want to use the 360 controller, but I would like support for more than that.
I'm primarily going to be writing on Windows, but I really don't want to use DirectInput/XInput, in case I ever wish to port my code.
Have you ever tryied OIS (Object Oriented Input System)? An efficient and light weight library.
I am very satisfied with it.
I have never tried with the 360 controller, but it should work fine.
This maybe an older question and is already answered but..
Someone on tigsource made a lightweight cross-platform gamepad library
that you might find useful.
You can view the post on it here.
What about SDL?
Maybe it's not what you mean by lightweight (it has the graphic and audio subsystems too), but it's very portable.
I know this thread is very old and by now you might have gotten what you need, but im answering this just in case someone stumbles on it and needs help as well.
I stumbled upon this library gainput and it seems like it makes alot of sense. You can try it out, if it helps.
Gainput is a lightweight c++ library, that enables you use the same interface for Joypads, macs, pc, linux as well as mobiles, and it is very easy to integrate to your project.
A link to gainput can be found here (
Have you looked at XNA game framework?
There is also
Try that out