Spartacus3.2 - Auth0 Logout Giving CORS error - auth0

I am trying to logout with Spartacus Auth0. I have used "OAuthLibWrapperService" and logout method. Where it is clearing access token only. Can I know how can I redirect to Auth0 login screen on logout button click.
Also tried with "OAuthService" and logout method clearing only access token not able to redirect to Auth0.
Tried with "OAuthService" and revokeTokenAndLogout method In network tab logout API shows CORS error.
Any help on this please to fix logout?

corsfilter.oauth2.allowedHeaders=origin content-type accept authorization Check if this property is present or not


expo-auth-session, how to get redirected to the app, when not using a local redirectUri

I'm trying to make an authentication functionality in my app, so when I press the login button, a web browser opens and I get to verify my account, and then I get a token in the URL, the problem is that in order for me to get redirected to my app, I need to make the redirect_uri as so AuthSession.makeRedirectUri( 'gecond://' )
but the website from where I'm getting my authentication doesn't allow this type of redirect_uri ( this is the URI that's being used: ""),
it only allows a specific redirect_uri (like so "''&client_id=123456789&response_type=token&state=UOgf2pE6S0"), but when I use this URI, I do manage to get an access token in the URL of the page, but I'm not redirected back to my app.
I'm fairly new to this type of topic, so I might be missing a few steps.
I'm quite sure you misread the documentation. The reply URL is where you add you application's page where the user is redirected after login.
The URL you used is the example URL from the documentation.
Please check the official documentation.

Attempting to implement silent refresh with fusion auth

I'm currently trying to implement silent refresh follow this workaround
However, even when I'm logged in, if I try to do an AJAX GET request to the oauth2/authorize endpoint, I get a status of 200. I tried going to the URL in the browser directly, and it worked. Do I need to pass additional information?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I ended up solving my own problem and was able to not have to use an iframe.
Solution to original problem (I was using authorization code flow):
Set up an endpoint on your server with a silent response that FusionAuth can redirect to (endpoint 1).
Set up an endpoint that you will call from your app to perform the silent refresh (endpoint 2).
From the app, send AJAX GET request to endpoint 2.
On the server side of endpoint 2, send AJAX GET request to FusionAuth with redirect_uri=(endpoint 2)
On success, get redirected url. (In express.js with axios I did response.request.res.responseUrl)
If the url is current server host and not the fusionauth service host, complete auth code flow. Return the token and tell the browser that the user is logged in.
In all other cases the user is not logged in, so return to app that user is not logged in.

auth0 still auto-logs in seamlessly even after calling /logout url

Simple problem, I want to login and out of an app with various users to check different app functionality. App is using Auth0 for user management.
I am calling the /v2/logout url as a part of my flow.
But somehow, after logging out, when I login again the seamless SSO behavior runs and I'm immediately logged in again with no prompts -- it's as if the logout URL was never called.
Only way to get a login prompt again, is to clear my browser cache. Is there an auth0 cookie somewhere I need to delete as well? Or am I missing something? I'm reading the seamless SSO docs but don't see anything beyond calling /v2/logout.
Calling the Auth0 /v2/logout API endpoint will log the user out of Auth0 and optionally the IdP (if you specify federated parameter). It will not log out the user from your Application so you will need to implement that in your application.
Here in the Javascript SPA example, in the setSession() we are storing the Access token(along with its expiry) and the ID token in localStorage. In the logout() function we are then removing these entries. This is logging out from the Application user session. You can optionally redirect to /v2/logout to clear the Auth0 and IdP session as well in this function. That way, when you are checking if user is authenticated, the isAuthenticated() returns false and we force the user log in again.
So turns out, the issue is around redirecting the user as opposed to calling the logout url directly. I was using a separate ajax api call to the logout url. However when I use window.location.replace(logoutUrl), the logout actually happens.
From the auth0 docs:
To force a logout, redirect the user to the following URL:
Redirecting the user to this URL clears all single sign-on cookies set by Auth0 for the user.
So a separate call doesn't work -- have to redirect. Which I suppose makes sense -- a separate ajax call doesn't have the user session context.

Spotify API authentication doesn't redirect with access token

I'm using the Spotipy library, which uses the Spotify API. When I attempt to get my access token using the 'Authorization Code Flow', I get sent to a spotify web page that asks for me authenticate the access of the app to my user's data. When I click the Okay button, that's supposed to redirect me to my redirect_uri with the access token, it simply does nothing. I get no error message or anything. When I click the Cancel button, I do get redirected to my redirect_uri page, but I don't receive the access token. Is this a bug with the API? Am I doing anything wrong?
I added the redirect_uri to the whitelist of redirect pages in my app's page by the way.
The answer for this for future readers: Make sure your redirect_uri is EXACTLY the same as the one you have saved in the developer dashboard, right down to the http and the trailing slash.

Redirect on successful Login using servicestack

I've recently decided to migrate over to using servicestack authentication. From what I can tell, to have a redirect after a successful login of an oauth provider, you add the url to the appSettings of your web.config, i.e. oauth.GoogleOpenId.RedirectUrl.
My question is, is there anyway to make this more dynamic so that if a user get's redirected to the log on page when trying to access an authorized page, say their profile page, that once they log on successfully they get routed to their profile page instead of what's configured in the web.config? Forms authentication did this by using a 'returnUrl' query parameter.
Any help would be appreciated.
The behavior of accessing a protected page, redirecting to a /login page (overridable with HtmlRedirect on AuthFeature or Authenticate attribute) and on successful login should automatically redirect to the previously attempted protected page.
To do this you want to specify the redirect url in the continue or ReturnUrl FormData POST variable or QueryString when attempting to authenticate with the /auth service.