Intellitest Pex Parameterize Mock - pex

public enum SystemConstants
public interface ISystemBaseObject
SystemConstants SystemType();
public class ExploreMockExample
ISystemBaseObject systemBaseObject;
public ExploreMockExample(ISystemBaseObject systemObject)
systemBaseObject = systemObject;
public int MethodToBeTested()
if (systemBaseObject.SystemType() == SystemConstants.SystemTypeDocument)
return 1;
return 2;
Using intellitest along with NUnit3.
When I right click MethodToBeTested, and then select run intellitest, expected outcome is Intellitest test should achieve maximum code coverage and create test case with valid test data to cover both if (systemBaseObject.SystemType() == SystemConstants.SystemTypeDocument) and else branch statement.
Some blogs suggested to create factory for class and create mock object of interface. And use PexChoose static method to allow pex framework to explore code to achieve maximum code coverage.
public static ExploreMockExample CreateMock()
var mockComosBaseObject = new Mock<ISystemBaseObject>();
mockComosBaseObject.Setup(c =>c.SystemType()).
return new ExploreMockExample(mockComosBaseObject.Object);
With above setup, Intellitest could above to generate only one test case which is covering if statement, if (systemBaseObject.SystemType() == SystemConstants.SystemTypeDocument).
What can be done, to allow intellitest to create test case which will cover else statement having result value as 2.

Create mock implementation for your interface. Like mentioned below,
public class SystemBaseObject : ISystemBaseObject
public SystemConstants SystemType()
return PexChoose.EnumValue<SystemConstants>("SystemConstants");
PexChoose will help intellitest to explore code, return value will depend upon uses of SystemConstants in original class.
Then, create factory of ExploreMockExample using SystemBaseObject,
public static ExploreMockExample Create()
return new ExploreMockExample(new SystemBaseObject());
Run Intellitest on actual method MethodToBeTested, Intellitest will create 2 unit test case to cover both if else branch statement.
First test case,
public void MethodToBeTested806()
ExploreMockExample exploreMockExample;
int i;
exploreMockExample = ExploreMockExampleFactory.Create();
i = this.MethodToBeTested(exploreMockExample);
PexAssert.AreEqual<int>(1, i);
Kindly observe PexAssert.AreEqual(1, i), which will cover if branch.
Second test case,
public void MethodToBeTested792()
ExploreMockExample exploreMockExample;
int i;
exploreMockExample = ExploreMockExampleFactory.Create();
IPexChoiceRecorder choices = PexChoose.Replay.Setup();
.At(0, "SystemConstants", (object)(SystemConstants.ApplicationTypeDocument));
i = this.MethodToBeTested(exploreMockExample);
PexAssert.AreEqual<int>(2, i);
Kindly observe PexAssert.AreEqual(2, i), which will cover else branch.
Using PexChoose.Replay.Setup() it will return IPexChoiceRecorder, and it will make choice about to have SystemConstants.ApplicationTypeDocument as argument value to cover else block.


Polymorphism on a REST service

I am trying to clean and refactor my service code which currently looks like this-
public void generateBalance(Receipt receipt) {
if (receipt.getType().equals(X) && receipt.getRegion.equals(EMEA)) {
// do something to the receipt that's passed
} else if (receiptType.equals(Y)) {
// do something to the receipt
} else if (receipt.getRegion.equals(APAC) {
// call an external API and update the receipt
// finally;
Basically there's a bunch of conditionals that are in this main service which look for certain fields in the object that is being passed. Either it's the type or the region.
I was looking to use this design pattern-
However, I am not sure how this would work for a service class. Currently my REST handler calls this particular service. Also how can I do polymorphism for both the "receiptType" and "region"?
Is there a way I can just do all the updates to the receipt once in different services, then finally save the receipt at one location? (maybe a base class?) I am really confused on how to start. TIA!
If your classes should have the same behaviour, then it becomes pretty simple to use polymorpism. The pattern is called as Strategy. Let me show an example.
At first we need to use enum. If you do not have enum, then you can create a method which will return enum value based on your conditions:
if (receipt.getType().equals(X) && receipt.getRegion.equals(EMEA)) // other
// code is omitted for the brevity
So enum will look like this:
public enum ReceiptType
Emea, Y, Apac
Then we need an abstract class which will describe behaviour for derived classes:
public abstract class ActionReceipt
public abstract string Do();
And our derived classes will look this:
public class ActionReceiptEmea : ActionReceipt
public override string Do()
return "I am Emea";
public class ActionReceiptY : ActionReceipt
public override string Do()
return "I am Y";
public class ActionReceiptApac : ActionReceipt
public override string Do()
return "I am Apac";
Moreover, we need a factory which will create derived classes based on enum. So we can use Factory pattern with a slight modification:
public class ActionReceiptFactory
private Dictionary<ReceiptType, ActionReceipt> _actionReceiptByType =
new Dictionary<ReceiptType, ActionReceipt>
ReceiptType.Apac, new ActionReceiptApac()
ReceiptType.Emea, new ActionReceiptEmea()
ReceiptType.Y, new ActionReceiptY()
public ActionReceipt GetInstanceByReceiptType(ReceiptType receiptType) =>
And then polymorpism in action will look like this:
void DoSomething(ReceiptType receiptType)
ActionReceiptFactory actionReceiptFactory = new ActionReceiptFactory();
ActionReceipt receipt =
string someDoing = receipt.Do(); // Output: "I am Emea"
You can create some helper method which will return enum value based on
your logic of region and receiptType:
public class ReceiptTypeHelper
public ReceiptType Get(ActionReceipt actionReceipt)
if (actionReceipt.GetType().Equals("Emea"))
return ReceiptType.Emea;
else if (actionReceipt.GetType().Equals("Y"))
return ReceiptType.Y;
return ReceiptType.Apac;
and you can call it like this:
void DoSomething()
ReceiptTypeHelper receiptTypeHelper = new ReceiptTypeHelper();
ReceiptType receiptType = receiptTypeHelper
.Get(new ActionReceiptEmea());
ActionReceiptFactory actionReceiptFactory = new
ActionReceipt receipt =
string someDoing = receipt.Do(); // Output: "I am Emea"

test objects created inside a method jmockit

The method which I wanted to test looks like:
public void method1(String str) {
ParmaObjectRequest request = new ParmaObjectRequest(str);;
I wanted to test if is called with an ParmaObjectRequest object with str value using jmockit.
The test case I have written looks like below and I am able to test that my method is called 1 times but not the parameter inside it.
public void testMethod1() {
new Expectations() {
{ any);
times = 1;
But I also wanted to test that is called with object containing "dummyString".
In the Expectations block, change "this.instanceVar" to "testObject.instanceVar"

Difference Stub Fixture

I am learning codeception and I wonder what is the difference between stubs and fixtures.
Both help me to load well-defined data and kepp tessts simple.
But when do I use
\Codeception\Util\Stub and when do I use
So a stub is what Codeception uses to mock objects. In short, mocking is creating objects that simulate the behaviour of real objects.
Here is an example:
class UpdateBalance
public $balanceRepository;
public function __construct(BalanceRepositoryInterface $balanceRepository)
$this->balanceRepository = $balanceRepository;
public function subtract($amount, $id)
$updatedAmount = $this->balanceRepository->subtract($amount, $id);
if ($updatedAmount < 0) {
throw NegativeBalanceException($updatedAmount, $id);
return $updatedAmount;
class UpateBalanceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testSubtractThrowsNegativeBalanceException()
$balanceRepository = Stub::make(
'subtract' => Stub::atLeastOnce(function() { return -100 })
$updateBalance = new UpdateBalance($balanceRepository);
$updateBalance->subtract(100, 1);
Note that we don't have a BalanceRepsository class. We have used Codeception stubs and pretended that the BalanceRepository class exists. By pretending it exists we can test the functionality of the UpdateBalance::subtract function by checking that the NegativeBalanceException is thrown.
Fixtures on the other hand would be for sharing test data throughout all your tests. If we use the UpdateBalance::subtract() example again, we could stress test the amount field ensuring it throws the correct exception depending on the amount being passed through:
// In some bootstrap or setup function
Fixtures::add('zero-amount', 0);
Fixtures::add('negative-amount', -1);
Fixtures::add('string-negative-amount', '-1');
class UpdateBalance
// ...
public function subtract($amount, $id)
if ($amount < 0) {
throw new
// ...
class UpateBalanceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
// ...
public function testSubtractThrowsCantSubtractNegativeAmountException()
$balanceRepository = Stub::make(
$updateBalance = new UpdateBalance($balanceRepository);
$updateBalance->subtract(Fixture::get('negative-amount'), 1);
Now we can use our pre-defined fixtures throughout all our tests. I would like to point out that using fixtures in the above example would probably be overkill, but for more complex test data like checking hexadecimal values are valid then it would be a lot more useful.

Mocking a static methods return called with in a Method being tested in groovy

I have a
class A {
public static boolean isRunning() {
if (ctx == null) { .. }
return ctx.isRunning();
I am testing a method that in the middle calls A.isRunning();
class B {
public void methodToBeTested() {
// do somthing
I want to test this in a way that when A.isRunning() is called it right away returns true and does not go initializing the context.
As class B does not have a property for type A, I am not sure what is the way to test this method?
You can redefine your A.isRunning() through metaprogramming:
A.metaClass.static.isRunning = { true }
If you run that line before your test, it will make that method always return true

Rhino moq Property.value constraint

My following straight forward test doesn't pass (Though I feel it should). Either I am missing something or is not clear of Property.value constraint. please help me in understanding concept of property.value constraint.
public interface ISomeInterface
void SomeMethod(string x, string y);
public class SomeClassTest
public void SomeMethodTest()
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
ISomeInterface mockservice = mocks.StrictMock<ISomeInterface>();
using (mocks.Record())
mockservice.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue");
LastCall.Constraints(Property.Value("x", "xValue"),
Property.Value("y", "yValue"));
mockservice.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue");
Exception raised:
Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException : ISomeInterface.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue"); Expected #0, Actual #1.
ISomeInterface.SomeMethod(property 'x' equal to xValue, property 'y' equal to yValue); Expected #1, Actual #0.
I would recommend you the following syntax (AAA syntax):
// arrange
var mockservice = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ISomeInterface>();
// act
mockservice.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue");
// assert
x => x.SomeMethod("xValue", "yValue")
This sample class illustrates the options for asserting methods were called with appropriate properties:
public class UsesThing
private IMyThing _thing;
public UsesThing(IMyThing thing)
_thing = thing;
public void DoTheThing(int myparm)
_thing.DoWork(myparm, Helper.GetParmString(myparm));
public void DoAnotherThing(int myparm)
AnotherThing thing2 = new AnotherThing();
thing2.MyProperty = myparm + 2;
Using simple values for assertions may work for methods like the DoTheThing method which uses value types:
public void TestDoTheThing()
IMyThing thing = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyThing>();
UsesThing user = new UsesThing(thing);
thing.AssertWasCalled(t => t.DoWork(1, "one");
However, if you need to create an object in your method and pass it as a parameter like in the DoAnotherThing method, this approach will not work since you will not have a reference to the object. You have to check the property values of the unknown object, like this:
public void TestDoAnotherThing()
IMyThing thing = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyThing>();
UsesThing user = new UsesThing(thing);
thing.AssertWasCalled(t => t.DoMoreWork(null), t => t.IgnoreArguments().Constraints(Property.Value("MyProperty", 3))));
The new Rhino syntax would look like the following, but I am crashing VS 2008 when I use it:
thing.AssertWasCalled(t => t.DoMoreWork(Arg<AnotherThing>.Matches(Property.Value("MyProperty", 3))));