tensorboard not rendering when I use local runtime for colab - google-colaboratory

I am connecting to local run time in Google colab. I tried loading tensorboard. It does not give any error but I can only see a blank space. It works fine if I connect to hosted runtime in colab.

You can refer to this article and colab to setup tensorboard in Google Colab.
In some cases, the logdir you're pointing tensorboard to probably does not exist, Please check and make sure you are pointing to correct log directory. Thank you!


How to connect to local runtime in Google Colab for this specific notebook WhisperWithVAD

I wish someone could help me to connect local runtime on this specific notebook on Google Colab at this link:
Basically it is a modified version of OpenAI's Whisper for Speech-to-Text for my videos to learn languages, with this model it take use of GPU accellation acceleration
I have been using the free version but it has been restricted due to the fact that it is not unlimited to use this model through Google's host. Since I am not really a dev, I have difficulties with the setup. It would be also if you can give me a clear instruction.
Corresponding with error in Colab: Unable to connect to runtime
You can follow these instructions to install Jupyter on your local machine and then connect the WhisperWithVAD notebook to your local runtime: https://research.google.com/colaboratory/local-runtimes.html
I was able to get this up running, but had to comment out some code in the Run Whisper block where the notebook was getting hung up:
#from google.colab import files (near the top of the block)
#files.download(out_path) (at the bottom of the block)

colab restart inn between cnn training

my colab restart after showing memory error.
I am trying to train cnn model on google colab notebook but after fist epoch my notebook restart itself by showing the error of memory allocation issue.
I was running the same one day before and it was running fine.
Logs are attached here.
It sounds like you might be running out of memory in google Colab.
One way to get around this might be to use your own computer. The method for this with anaconda is:
open anaconda
type in to anaconda: pip install jupyter
Once it is downloaded, type: jupyter notebook
this then opens a webpage, in the webpage there is a dropdown (I think called new) which you should click on, then click on terminal
in the terminal, you should type in (all on one line): jupyter notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin='https://colab.research.google.com' --port=8889 --NotebookApp.port_retries=0
There will then be 3 output links, copy the second one.
back in colab, click the dropdown in the top right next to connect, then click connect to local runtime
Then input the copied URL into the prompt, then connect.

Issue Regarding Running .ipynb file on Google Colab

After successfully importing the notebook into colab, I try to run it, but failed. Can someone tell me what the problem is? Thanks.
enter image description here

"First steps with Tensorflow", how to access the data files outside of colab?

I'm Attempting to run "First steps with Tensorflow" locally, outside of colab. Not really familiar with colab so I don't know how to access the "dataframes" such as "california_housing_dataframe", etc. Evidently colab "knows" how to access the dataframes in the example but I am attempting to run the exercise natively on my local system.
Thank You
I think you should have Pandas library locally installed. Then, I think it would run natively.

GUI is not possible on Google Colab

I understand the GUI (such as those powered by tkinter) does not work on Google Colab, any alternatives at this point?
Error message
TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable in google's colab
To use these notebooks you need to install binary MoebInv libraries and their dependencies.
In short, you simply need to execute it in CoLab or your Ubuntu-18.04 desktop the next cell