Where to configure session timeout in Spartacus - spartacus-storefront

I have a client request where I need to show a pop up 5 min before session is expired in Spartacus, but I do not find anywhere in the framework where this is set up. Can someone please let me know where I can find it? So far I know it is 12 hours.

I'm assuming that you are using the default authentication flow (password flow) with the Hybris OAuth server. In this case, the session length is controlled through OAuth client settings in backoffice.
However to know when the session expires you can check the token payload (AuthStorageService.getToken). One of the properties would be expiration time which could be used to know when the session will actually end.

Marcin is correct. Spartacus is 100% API driven, interacting with Commerce backend by sending request to configured endpoints. These endpoints require an access token to be sent with the request, and this access token needs to be retrieved by following the Client Credentials Flow that is defined by the OAuth specification.
As long as you log in successfully, you can find access token issued by Commerce backend in Chrome dev tools, application tab -> Local storage as highlighted below:
the field expires_at stores the value of exact date and time when token will be expired.
you can use the code below in console to convert it to human readable string:
new Date(1627660784476).toGMTString();
You can control the token time-to-live value via configuration in backoffice by property: oauth2.accessTokenValiditySeconds
See document for detail:
if you need to code in Spartacus to know when the token will be expired, inject AuthStorageService in your app.module.ts, and then access expires_at property of result returned by getToken method.
export class AppModule {
constructor(private authService: AuthStorageService){
const token: Observable<AuthToken> = this.authService.getToken();
token.subscribe((token) => console.log('expire at:' , token.expires_at));


How to track a user is logged in or not using api?

I am creating api using cakePHP. I have created an api for user log in. This log in functionality is working fine.
Here is the log in function -
public function login(){
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$user = $this->Auth->identify();
Now, the I am facing problem is, how I can test from other api that is the user is logged in or not? In web application it can be done by default auth system ($this->Auth->user()). But I am not getting how I can check is this user logged in or not from another api. Do I need to send api parameter to each api request ? or any other suggestion ?
Note : I can't send any token in header. Because in header I am sending jwt token. Because in my application there are two kind of authentication. One is log in or not? and another one is depending some other input from user. That is handling by jwt. So jwt token I am already sending by header. So header is already used.
A couple of things to clarify.
In a regular app, the user logs in with a post request and on successful authentication a session is created. This session is a bit of information that the user supplies in each of the following requests and the server then recognises the user. This accomplished by the Auth component in it's default settings.
In an API you could do the same: the user logs in, receives the session and attaches the session cookie-like object on each following requests. (Example of such a Python client.) However, this is not considered good practice as APIs should be stateless (so without requiring something like cookies). The solution of working with tokens, for instance hashes of some secret token together with a timestamp. The Auth component also supports this pretty well. After setting it up, you can simply call $this->Auth->user(), like you would normally and it returns either false or an array of user information. See link below.
Note that by default this authentication type will block unauthenticated users, so you will never see ->user() return false unless you make pages as public.
See also:
(Cookbook > Authentication > Creating stateless authentication systems)

django rest framework - token authentication logout

I have implemented the Token Authentication according to the django rest framework Docs.
Form what I read, the Token Authentication of DRF is quite simple - one token per user, the token doesn't expire and is valid for use always (am I right?).
I understand that there are better practices out there, but for now the DRF token authentication is fine for me.
my question is- what is the best practice for logout with the normal DRF token authentication?
I mean, when the user logs out, should I delete the token from the client side? and then on login get the token again? should I delete the token and generate a new one?
Anyone with experience with this?
Here's a simple view that I'm using to log out:
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import APIView
class Logout(APIView):
def get(self, request, format=None):
# simply delete the token to force a login
return Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Then add it to your urls.py:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^logout/', Logout.as_view()),
Normally in authentication services, there is a lifetime associated with a token. After a specific time, the token will get expired. Here, we get an access token which has an expiry time sent along with it by the server. Now the client needs to send this token everytime in the request header so that the server can identify who the user is. Either we can keep track of when it expires or we can just keep using it until we get an INVALID_TOKEN error. In that case we would have to again get the token from the server.
The lifetime of the access_token is independent of the login session of a user who grants access to a client. OAuth2,lets say, has no concept of a user login or logout, or a session. The token is just used to identify the user if he is who he says he is.
The token is unique for a user and client. You may save it to cookies to enable something like remember me but on the server you don't need to delete it. Whenever the token expires, the client need to send a request to the server to obtain the token again.
Token Expiry in DRF Token Authetication:
Currently, DRF Token authentication does not support this functionality. You would have to implement it yourself or use a third party package which provides this functionality. It should check for token expiry and raise an exception if the token has expired.
To implement it yourself, you can subclass from the DRF Token Authentication class and add your logic.
You can even use a third-party package django-rest-framework-expiring-tokens.
Some References:
1. Token Authentication for RESTful API: should the token be periodically changed?
2. How to Logout of an Application Where I Used OAuth2 To Login With Google?
It sounds like SessionAuthentication is what you are really looking. You can start(login) a session via BasicAuthentication or TokenAuthentication. Then use sessionid as your "token" for the rest of api calls. The "token" expires when you logout or exceed certain timing.
If you run into csrftoken issue using session authentication, this could be a very helpful.

OAuth v2 (Google API) expiry Access Token

I am building an integration component using a graphical framework who has a pre-build OAuth2 connector.
This framework required following fields for OAuth v2:
Grant type
Auth Server URL
Client Id
Client Secret
Access Token
Refresh token
I need to get data from Google Analytics API, so I went to Google Dev Console
(https://console.developers.google.com/project/927890000889/apiui/credential). I generated a 'Client ID for web application'. From the parameter of this object I was able to fill some of the parameters above
Grant type : 'authorisation_code'
Client Id : 'RANDOMCHARSam5o37nsiu730d.apps.googleusercontent.com'
Client Secret : 'RANDOMCHARSiSwBA5OH5qYLUa'
Then using Google Oauth Playground (https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground) I was able to fill the missing bits
Scope : 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth/analytics'
Auth Server URL : 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth'
Access Token : 'RANDOMCHARSQAQv4HRF5-JsQEzUS61lj2YremyCocv0PQ4-agpzJe'
Refresh token : 'RANDOMCHARSLPJnL4FPaDc2KP6V8kCzjjHO2Kj4Np_3X0'
Everything works fine, I am authorised to access and I get data from Google Analytics, but just for a while, after few minutes if I retry I receive an authorisation failure error.
I believe that the problem is related to the expiration of the Access Token, but I don't know how to solve that.
Worth to mention that this activity it's batch (no human interaction), so nobody can request a new access token.
The integration framework is not extensible (I cannot write code to renew the code) so I believe there's a way to get a access token that never expire or some other mechanism to achieve the same result.
Bottom line, I am not sure if I approached the requirement correctly since the beginning (Client ID for web application).
Any help is much appreciated,
Access tokens typically expire after 60 minutes. If you have a refresh token you can use the refresh token to get a new (valid) access token.
This doc explains how to do that:
To answer your overarching question, yes, you are approaching everything correctly. All you need to do is handle the case where the access token has expired by refreshing it. Also, when you originally requested the access token the response should tell you how long it's valid for, so you should only refresh that token if it's expired.
You can use Refresh tokens to make it more long used.
The Google Auth server issued Refresh tokens never expire,
A token might stop working for one of these reasons:
The user has revoked access.
The token has not been used for six months.
The user changed passwords and the token contains Gmail scopes.
The user account has exceeded a certain number of token requests. There is currently a limit of 50 refresh tokens per user account
per client.If the limit is reached, creating a new token automatically invalidates the oldest token without warning.
This limit does not apply to service accounts.
from: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2

Web API 2, OWIN Authentication, SignOut doesn't logout

I'm doing some research for work with a view to using Bearer tokens as an authentication mechanism (i.e. AngularJS UI, authenticates via OWIN in a Web API [2] project).
I have the login working fine, role information and all that is fine, but I cannot get the token to logout.
My startup configuration is this:
OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions() {
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(PublicClientId),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = SESSION_TIMEOUT,
AllowInsecureHttp = true
And my logout action is simply this:
public HttpResponseMessage Logout() {
var authentication = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication;
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
I've left all the authentication stuff out for brevity, but to confirm I am using ExternalBearer when setting up the token.
In my UI I'm storing the token in local storage (no cookies are involved here, which is a deliberate design decision). So I have a logout button on my UI, the Logout action is hit and the code runs fine.
However if I subsequently hit the an action on the API which requires authorisation, the request still goes through (i.e. the user is still authenticated even though they should have been signed out.
Either I'm missing something really obvious (wouldn't be the first time ;-) or there's something more fundamental going on here - finally I'm pinging #leastprivilege as I know this is their area.
Any help or insight would be gratefully received.
Only thing I can think of is that the token is stateless on the server/API side and hence can't be expired or signed out.
If that is the case I guess I could either:
a) Add a refresh token which creates a new token that expires in the past - would this even work? - actually cancel that, it would issue a new token ... the old one would still be valid
b) Store the bearer token in the database and check each time, removing the token on logout (naturally salted, hashed, etc). However this is just bringing us back to having a stateful server.
c) I can (and will) be removing the token from local storage when someone explicitly logs out, however the token is still technically valid if a baddy can intercept the token. Naturally all the above will be over SSL anyway, which should inhibit the bad guys/girls.
d) Perhaps this is why lots of people are storing the Bearer token in a cookie (as a storage mechanism) so once you logout as least the cookie will be removed on the next refresh.
Sorry the above is a bit of a brain dump, just wanting to pre-empt any questions
Since OAuth is not an authentication protocol, there is no notion of signout. Delete the access token on the client - that's all you can do.
If you want to invalidate the token on the server side, add a unique id to it and keep track in your service - you would need to manually build something like that.
I have a beautiful solution here: http://www.nakov.com/blog/2014/12/22/webapi-owin-identity-custom-login-service/. It is custom user session implementation for Web API OAuth bearer token authorization based on OWIN and the standard ASP.NET Identity (Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework). It works as most people may expect:
Web API sessions die after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Session’s life is extended at each authorized HTTP request with additional 30 minutes.
Logout works correctly: after logout the bearer access_token becomes invalid (its is revoked).
Full working source code is available at GitHub: https://github.com/SoftUni/SPA-with-AngularJS/tree/master/Ads-REST-Services
This question has been here for ages (and answered too), but I only wanted to chime in my thoughts.
I would do similar to your (C) option, but use a shorter expiry on the bearer access token something like 10 or 20 minutes, so that when you have logged out and deleted the token on the client, although technically the token is still valid, the bad man will have only the remainder of the expiry time to play with your valid token.
In practice, I would use this together with a long-lived refresh token, so that I can get a new bearer token if it expires and want to continue interacting with the API resources, without having to authenticate again.
As long as I know the bearer token lives in the client side so I don't think that you need a server side "logout" function. Just remove the token from the client local storage should log you out.

ASP.NET MVC DotNetOpenAuth authorization server how-to

I have this scenario: a corporate site (MVC 4) and a web shop; add OAuth 2 SSO functionality. Both sites have their own members, but the corp site (for which I'm responsible) must also work as an OAuth 2 authorization server and will store a web shop user id for each member. The shop requested the following endpoints:
Auth endpoint
• authorization:
• token
API endpoint
• getid (will return JSON with the shop id of the member):
I don't have experience with OAuth, so I was looking at the DotNetOpenAuth samples and have concluded that I need to implement an OAuthAuthorizationServer, but modifying the sample to fit my requirements is difficult as it seems to do more and is complex.
As researching DotNetOpenAuth seems to be so time consuming, I'd like to ask: is modifying the OAuthAuthorizationServer sample the right approach? Or should I try to make a native implementation or try a different OAuth library that may be easier to use in my situation?
Please comment on my overall plan:
-keep the corp site member login flow standard forms auth, straightforward LogOn controller
-add an OAuth controller that will implement the three required endpoints as actions
-when the authorization action is reached, I validate the client and redirect to LogOn passing on the redirect_uri; I think the Authorize ActionResult from OAuthController.cs from the sample is where I should start investigating this, and return an AccountAuthorizeModel. Is this correct?
-after the user logs in, and if the login page was reached from the authorization endpoint, I redirect to redirect_uri with the code attached; I don't know where to start with this one. PrepareApproveAuthorizationRequest then PrepareResponse? Where does the code come from? Where in the flow should I add a new ClientAuthorization in the database?
-the shop will then use the code to get or refresh the token, from the /token endpoint; simply return HandleTokenRequest?
-with the token the shop site will be able to get the member data JSON; have to find out how to validate the token
Now, besides adding a Clients table to store the client ids and secrets, and ClientAuthorization to keep track of who's authorized, I don't know if the other tables from the DotNetOpenAuth sample are used and when: Nonce, SymmetricCryptoKey, User.
Modifying OAuth2AuthorizationServer.cs seems straightforward, I only have to add real certificates and make sure the clients are pulled from my data context.
I think you are right in most of the points. Let's comment them:
OAuth server should have 2 endpoints (not 3), as requesting token and refreshing token goes to the same endpoint (TokenEndpoint).
It depends if your are going to implement a different authentication server (or controller), or you are going to implement the authentication responsibility inside the authorization server. In case they are separated, the authentication server should be the one responsible of displaying the logon, authenticate and communicate with authorization server using OpenID protocol (Also supported by DotNetOpenAuth).
Once the user is authenticated, the authorization server should store the data of the user identity somehow, and return the authorization code (if using this Oauth flow) using DotNetOpenAuth functions:
var response =
return this.AuthServer.Channel.PrepareResponse(response);
I don't think you need to save nothing about the authorization process in the database, and the code is generated by DotNetOpenAuth and sent to the client into the query string of the redirection.
Then, the client should get the code (ProcessUserAuthorization) and call the TokenEndpoint. This endpoint is just returning HandleTokenRequest, that internally is calling to some OAuthAuthorizationServer functions, such as CreateAccessToken.
Once the client has the access token, it should call the resources, sending the token into the HTTP Header 'Authorization'. The resource server is the responsible to validate the token.
var resourceServer = new ResourceServer(new
StandardAccessTokenAnalyzer(signing, encrypting));
AccessToken token = resourceServer.GetAccessToken(request, scopes);
A store provider for nonce and crytoKeys is needed using this flow. Have a look to class InMemoryCryptoKeyStore in:
Hope this helps!