How Can I change or style the Arrow inside the "rightcircle" Icon in React Native? - react-native

How Can I change the Color or style the Arrow inside the "rightcircle" Icon in React Native?
the default Color of the Arrow is White

The SVG of that icon is the filled part, that means the arrow is not white, is actually transparent, so you need to wrap the icon on a sized view and change the background color:
<View style={{
<AntDesign style={{
}} name="rightcircle" size={24} color="black"/>


How to make filled out buttons in React Native

When I make buttons on React Native and use the Expo app on Iphone, the buttons render as only text. I need the buttons to fully render with a colored background and border radius etc.
Add styles to the button. This is a good example provided by expo:Expo Button styles
//You can also add a height and width to the styles
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => console.log("pressed")}
style={{backgroundColor: 'tomato', padding: 15, borderRadius:10}}>
<Text>Press Me!</Text>

React Native | Default Set Width Style

I noticed that while adding 'View' with React native, it behaves as if "width: '100%'" was assigned even though I did not enter any style. Same situation exists for any component. It covers the whole area horizontally. What is the cause and solution?
return (
<View style={{flex:1}}>
{/* paints the line he is in full red but should only paint as much as the line of the text */}
<View style={{backgroundColor:'red'}}>
</View >
If you want the background color to only encompass the text, you can use this:
<Text style={{backgroundColor: 'red', alignSelf: 'flex-start'}}>

Don't grey out Disabled TextInput in React Native Elements

I am trying to change the color of disabled React-native-elements component TextInput. Default behaviour is to grey out everything but I would like to have solid black color of the text even if it's disabled. Has anybody tips of how to do it?
Same question as Don't grey out Disabled Input in React Native Elements but for TextInput component.
TextInput don't have a disabledInputStyle prop.
You can use editable. It won't grey out it.
<View style={}>
style={{ height: 40, borderColor: "gray", borderWidth: 1 }}

How to change button fontSize in React Native?

How can I change the following button's font size? Using the style attribute with fontSize doesn't work.
style={{fontSize: 32}}
Some text
The React Native Button is very limited in what you can do, see;
It does not have a style prop, and you don't set fontSize.
If you want to have more control over the appearance you should use one of the TouchableXXXX' components like TouchableOpacity They are really easy to use :-)
I have make a button for you . hope it will useful for you
<TouchableOpacity style={{height:50,backgroundColor:"skyblue",alignItems:'center',justifyContent:'center'}}>
<Text style={{fontSize:32,}}>Some Text</Text>
I use the Text component inside TouchableXXX for every button, it's more flexible and works fine, you can also try to make you own button component and passing props that you want to control (fontsize, colors ...):
<TouchableHighlight onPress={handelPress} style={styles.buttonStyle}>
<Text style={styles.buttonTextStyle}>Click here</Text>
If you are using 'react-native-elements' button, use titleStyle to set font size.
import {Input, Button} from 'react-native-elements';
color: "white",
fontSize: 16,
backgroundColor: "white",
borderRadius: 60,
flex: 1,
title="Click here"
For React-native Button, you can use use TouchableOpacity.
<TouchableOpacity style={{height:50}}>
<Text style={{fontSize:36}}>Click here</Text>

how to set background color to the text only in react native

in html I can achieve this by
<span style="background-color:red">ketan</span>
but in react native how to implement this so that color will be applied to the text only.
If you want the background color to only encompass the text, you can use this:
<Text style={{backgroundColor: 'blue', alignSelf: 'flex-start'}}>
And just change alignSelf as needed, you need to set this property if you dont want the text to take the whole width of the container
In react native you can directly use "Text" component and apply "backgroundColor" style to it as follows:
<Text style={{ backgroundColor: "red", color: "white" }}>color
In react native you have Text component to display text.
To set color of Text, you can use color property of it
<Text style={{color:'#ff0000'}}>Your Text</Text>
And for background color of that text, you can use View and than set backgroundColor of that View
you can't on IOS. set backgroundColor for extra View
<View style={{backgroundColor: 'red',flex:1}}><Text >ketan
try this one:
<Text style={{backgroundColor:'red', color:'white'}}>{'Message'}</Text>
import { Text } from 'react-native';
<Text style={{backgroundColor: 'green'}}>
In order to put text in ReactNative, you need Text component. And you can apply backgroundColor onto style property.
Here's a snack as a demo to show usage and as playground for you to play around