What is the _intended_ value of &?ROUTINE? - raku

The Rakudo implementation of Raku tracks multiple issues about the (very useful!) &?ROUTINE variable not providing the correct value (e.g., #1768 and 2362), so I realize that it's not behaving quite correctly. But I'm trying to understand what it's intended behavior is – which seems like an essential first step in fixing that behavior.
Running this code with Rakudo v2021.06 produces the output noted in the comments. Which parts of this output are correct, and which represent bugs?
sub foo {
note '## ifs:';
do if True { say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «foo»
if True { say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «<unit>»
note '## ifs w/ topic:';
do if True -> $a { say $a; say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «True», # OUTPUT«""»
if True -> $a { say $a; say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «True», # OUTPUT«foo»
note '## fors:';
for 1 { say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «foo»
say &?ROUTINE.name for 1; # OUTPUT: «""»
note '## methods:';
42.&{ say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «foo»
my method m($a:) { say &?ROUTINE.name }
42.&m; # OUTPUT: «m»
The relevant docs say that &?ROUTINE returns "an instance of Sub", which makes it sound like all of the above should be 'foo'. On the other hand, a Method is a Routine, so I'm somewhat inclined to think that the last two (an anonymous method and a named method) should not be 'foo'. I'm also unsure whether all the '' and "" values represent bugs, or if there's a principle at work that makes some (or all?) of those intended behavior.
(I also tested the above code with the use soft pragma to make sure that inlining wasn't having an effect that I could fix with that pragma; it had no effect on the output)

The &?ROUTINE symbol should evaluate to an object representing the nearest lexically enclosing routine - that is, the nearest enclosing declaration of type Routine. This includes both Sub and Method. Furthermore, given these are all in principle closures, it should evaluate to the correct closure clone of the routine.
Thus a correct implementation would produce:
sub foo {
note '## ifs:';
do if True { say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «foo»
if True { say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «foo»
note '## ifs w/ topic:';
do if True -> $a { say $a; say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «True», # OUTPUT«foo»
if True -> $a { say $a; say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «True», # OUTPUT«foo»
note '## fors:';
for 1 { say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «foo»
say &?ROUTINE.name for 1; # OUTPUT: «foo»
note '## methods:';
42.&{ say &?ROUTINE.name } # OUTPUT: «foo»
my method m($a:) { say &?ROUTINE.name }
42.&m; # OUTPUT: «m»
Current Rakudo is thus getting this wrong in a number of cases. Despite having worked extensively on the compiler, I don't have a good guess what it's doing here; I do know that I won't be copying the current implementation when I get to adding &?ROUTINE support in the new compiler frontend that I'm working on!

Per #Larry's spec[1]:
&?ROUTINE is always an alias for the lexically innermost Routine (which may be a Sub, Method, or Submethod) ...
You can get the current routine name by calling &?ROUTINE.name. Outside of any [routine] declaration, this call returns failure.
Note that &?ROUTINE refers to the current single [routine], even if it is declared multi. To redispatch to the entire suite under a given short name, just use the named form to call the proto, since there are no anonymous multis.
[1] "#Larry" is/was historical shorthand for the evolving de facto Raku design team. "spec" is/was historical shorthand for the evolving design. The above quotes are from S06 section The &?ROUTINE object


Raku Ambiguous call to infix(Hyper: Dan::Series, Int)

I am writing a model Series class (kinda like the one in pandas) - and it should be both Positional and Associative.
class Series does Positional does Iterable does Associative {
has Array $.data is required;
has Array $.index;
### Construction ###
method TWEAK {
# sort out data-index dependencies
$!index = gather {
my $i = 0;
for |$!data -> $d {
take ( $!index[$i++] => $d )
### Output ###
method Str {
### Role Support ###
# Positional role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Positional
method of {
method elems {
method AT-POS( $p ) {
method EXISTS-POS( $p ) {
0 <= $p < $!data.elems ?? True !! False
# Iterable role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Iterable
method iterator {
method flat {
method lazy {
method hyper {
# Associative role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Associative
method keyof {
method AT-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return $p.value if $p.key ~~ $k
method EXISTS-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return True if $p.key ~~ $k
#`[ solution attempt #1 does NOT get called
multi method infix(Hyper: Series, Int) is default {
die "I was called"
my $s = Series.new(data => [rand xx 5], index => [<a b c d e>]);
say ~$s;
say $s[2];
say $s<b>;
So far pretty darn cool.
I can go dd $s.hyper and get this
HyperSeq.new(configuration => HyperConfiguration.new(batch => 64, degree => 1))
BUT (there had to be a but coming), I want to be able to do hyper math on my Series' elements, something like:
say $s >>+>> 2;
But that yields:
Ambiguous call to 'infix(Hyper: Dan::Series, Int)'; these signatures all match:
(Hyper: Associative:D \left, \right, *%_)
(Hyper: Positional:D \left, \right, *%_)
in block <unit> at ./synopsis-dan.raku line 63
How can I tell my class Series not to offer the Associative hyper candidate...?
Note: edited example to be a runnable MRE per #raiph's comment ... I have thus left in the minimum requirements for the 3 roles in play per docs.raku.org
After some experimentation (and new directions to consider from the very helpful comments to this SO along the way), I think I have found a solution:
drop the does Associative role from the class declaration like this:
class Series does Positional does Iterable {...}
leave the Associative role support methods in the body of the class:
# Associative role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Associative
method keyof {
method AT-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return $p.value if $p.key ~~ $k
method EXISTS-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return True if $p.key ~~ $k
This gives me the Positional and Associative accessors, and functional hyper math operators:
my $s = Series.new(data => [rand xx 5], index => [<a b c d e>]);
say ~$s; #([a => 0.6137271559776396 b => 0.7942959887386045 c => 0.5768018697817604 d => 0.8964323560788711 e => 0.025740150933493577] , dtype: Num)
say $s[2]; #0.7942959887386045
say $s<b>; #0.5768018697817604
say $s >>+>> 2; #(2.6137271559776396 2.7942959887386047 2.5768018697817605 2.896432356078871 2.0257401509334936)
While this feels a bit thin (and probably lacks the full set of Associative functions) I am fairly confident that the basic methods will give me slimmed down access like a hash from a key capability that I seek. And it no longer creates the ambiguous call.
This solution may be cheating a bit in that I know the level of compromise that I will accept ;-).
Take #1
First, an MRE with an emphasis on the M1:
class foo does Positional does Associative { method of {} }
sub infix:<baz> (\l,\r) { say 'baz' }
foo.new >>baz>> 42;
Ambiguous call to 'infix(Hyper: foo, Int)'; these signatures all match:
(Hyper: Associative:D \left, \right, *%_)
(Hyper: Positional:D \left, \right, *%_)
in block <unit> at ./synopsis-dan.raku line 63
The error message shows it's A) a call to a method named infix with an invocant matching Hyper, and B) there are two methods that potentially match that call.
Given that there's no class Hyper in your MRE, these methods and the Hyper class must be either built-ins or internal details that are leaking out.
A search of the doc finds no such class. So Hyper is undocumented Given that the doc has fairly broad coverage these days, this suggests Hyper is an internal detail. But regardless, it looks like you can't solve your problem using official/documented features.
Hopefully this bad news is still better than none.2
Take #2
Where's the fun in letting little details like "not an official feature" stop us doing what we want to do?
There's a core.c module named Hyper.pm6 in the Rakudo source repo.
A few seconds browsing that, and clicks on its History and Blame, and I can instantly see it really is time for me to conclude this SO answer, with a recommendation for your next move.
To wit, I suggest you start another SO, using this answer as its heart (but reversing my presentation order, ie starting by mentioning Hyper, and that it's not doc'd), and namechecking Liz (per Hyper's History/Blame), with a link back to your Q here as its background. I'm pretty sure that will get you a good answer, or at least an authoritative one.
1 I also tried this:
class foo does Positional does Associative { method of {} }
sub postfix:<bar>(\arg) { say 'bar' }
but that worked (displayed bar).
2 If you didn't get to my Take #1 conclusion yourself, perhaps that was was because your MRE wasn't very M? If you did arrive at the same point (cf "solution attempt #1 does NOT get called" in your MRE) then please read and, for future SOs, take to heart, the wisdom of "Explain ... any difficulties that have prevented you from solving it yourself".

How do I take a reference to new?

Suppose I have the following code:
my constant #suits = <Clubs Hearts Spades Diamonds>;
my constant #values = 2..14;
class Card {
has $.suit;
has $.value;
# order is mnemonic of "$value of $suit", i.e. "3 of Clubs"
multi method new($value, $suit) {
return self.bless(:$suit, :$value);
It defines some suits and some values and what it means to be a card.
Now, to build a deck, I essentially need to take the cross product of the suits and the values and apply that to the constructor.
The naiive approach to do this, would of course be to just iterate with a loop:
my #deck = gather for #values X #suits -> ($v, $c) {
take Card.new($v, $c);
But this is Raku, we have a cross function that can take a function as an optional argument!, so of course I'm gonna do that!
my #deck = cross(#values, #suits, :with(Card.new));
# Unexpected named argument 'with' passed
# in block <unit> at .\example.raku line 36
... wait no.
What about this?
my #deck = cross(#values, #suits):with(Card.new);
# Unexpected named argument 'with' passed
# in block <unit> at .\example.raku line 36
Still nothing. Reference maybe?
my #deck = cross(#values, #suits):with(&Card.new);
# ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling D:\Code\Raku/.\example.raku
# Illegally post-declared type:
# Card used at line 36
I read somewhere I can turn a function into an infix operator with []
my #deck = cross(#values, #suits):with([Card.new]);
# Unexpected named argument 'with' passed
# in block <unit> at .\example.raku line 36
That also doesn't work.
If classes are supposed to just be modules, shouldn't I then be able to pass a function reference?
Also why is it saying 'with' is that's unexpected? If I'm intuiting this right, what it's actually complaining about is the type of the input, rather than the named argument.
The error message is indeed confusing.
The :with parameter expects a Callable. Card.new is not a Callable. If you write it as :with( { Card.new($^number, $^suit) } ), it appears to work.
Note that I did not use $^value, $^suit, because they order differently alphabetically, so would produce the values in the wrong order. See The ^ twigil for more information on that syntax.
The error is LTA, this makes it a little bit better.
To get back to your question: you can find the code object that corresponds to Card.new with ^find_method. However, that will not work, as Card.new actually expects 3 arguments: the invocant (aka self), $value and $suit. Whereas the cross function will only pass the value and the suit.
The title of your question is “How do I take a reference to new?”, but that is not really what you want to do.
Raku being Raku, you can actually get a reference to new.
my $ref = Card.^lookup('new');
You can't use it like you want to though.
$ref(2,'Clubs'); # ERROR
The problem is that methods take a class or instance as the first argument.
$ref(Card, 2,'Clubs');
You could use .assuming to add it in.
$ref .= assuming(Card);
But that isn't really any better than creating a block lambda
$ref = { Card.new( |#_ ) }
All of these work:
cross( #values, #suits ) :with({Card.new(|#_)}) # adverb outside
cross( #values, #suits, :with({Card.new(|#_)}) ) # inside at end
cross( :with({Card.new(|#_)}), #values, #suits ) # inside at beginning
#values X[&( {Card.new(|#_)} )] #suits # cross meta-op with fake infix op
do {
sub new-card ($value,$suit) { Card.new(:$value,:$suit) }
#values X[&new-card] #suits
do {
sub with ($value,$suit) { Card.new(:$value,:$suit) }

(Identifier) terms vs. constants vs. null signature routines

Identifier terms are defined in the documentation alongside constants, with pretty much the same use case, although terms compute their value in run time while constants get it in compile time. Potentially, that could make terms use global variables, but that's action at a distance and ugly, so I guess that's not their use case.
OTOH, they could be simply routines with null signature:
sub term:<þor> { "Is mighty" }
sub Þor { "Is mighty" }
say þor, Þor;
But you can already define routines with null signature. You can sabe, however, the error when you write:
say Þor ~ Þor;
Which would produce a many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1, unlike the term. That seems however a bit farfetched and you can save the trouble by just adding () at the end.
Another possible use case is defying the rules of normal identifiers
sub term:<✔> { True }
say ✔; # True
Are there any other use cases I have missed?
Making zero-argument subs work as terms will break the possibility to post-declare subs, since finding a sub after having parsed usages of it would require re-parsing of earlier code (which the perl 6 language refuses to do, "one-pass parsing" and all that) if the sub takes no arguments.
Terms are useful in combination with the ternary operator:
$ perl6 -e 'sub a() { "foo" }; say 42 ?? a !! 666'
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
Your !! was gobbled by the expression in the middle; please parenthesize
$ perl6 -e 'sub term:<a> { "foo" }; say 42 ?? a !! 666'
Constants are basically terms. So of course they are grouped together.
constant foo = 12;
say foo;
constant term:<bar> = 36;
say bar;
There is a slight difference because term:<…> works by modifying the parser. So it takes precedence.
constant fubar = 38;
constant term:<fubar> = 45;
say fubar; # 45
The above will print 45 regardless of which constant definition comes first.
Since term:<…> takes precedence the only way to get at the other value is to use ::<fubar> to directly access the symbol table.
say ::<fubar>; # 38
say ::<term:<fubar>>; # 45
There are two main use-cases for term:<…>.
One is to get a subroutine to be parsed similarly to a constant or sigilless variable.
sub fubar () { 'fubar'.comb.roll }
# say( fubar( prefix:<~>( 4 ) ) );
say fubar ~ 4; # ERROR
sub term:<fubar> () { 'fubar'.comb.roll }
# say( infix:<~>( fubar, 4 ) );
say fubar ~ 4;
The other is to have a constant or sigiless variable be something other than an a normal identifier.
my \✔ = True; # ERROR: Malformed my
my \term:<✔> = True;
say ✔;
Of course both use-cases can be combined.
sub term:<✔> () { True }
Perl 5 allows subroutines to have an empty prototype (different than a signature) which will alter how it gets parsed. The main purpose of prototypes in Perl 5 is to alter how the code gets parsed.
use v5;
sub fubar () { ord [split('','fubar')]->[rand 5] }
# say( fubar() + 4 );
say fubar + 4; # infix +
use v5;
sub fubar { ord [split('','fubar')]->[rand 5] }
# say( fubar( +4 ) );
say fubar + 4; # prefix +
Perl 6 doesn't use signatures the way Perl 5 uses prototypes. The main way to alter how Perl 6 parses code is by using the namespace.
use v6;
sub fubar ( $_ ) { .comb.roll }
sub term:<fubar> () { 'fubar'.comb.roll }
say fubar( 'zoo' ); # `z` or `o` (`o` is twice as likely)
say fubar; # `f` or `u` or `b` or `a` or `r`
sub prefix:<✔> ( $_ ) { "checked $_" }
say ✔ 'under the bed'; # checked under the bed
Note that Perl 5 doesn't really have constants, they are just subroutines with an empty prototype.
use v5;
use constant foo => 12;
use v5;
sub foo () { 12 } # ditto
(This became less true after 5.16)
As far as I know all of the other uses of prototypes have been superseded by design decisions in Perl 6.
use v5;
sub foo (&$) { $_[0]->($_[1]) }
say foo { 100 + $_[0] } 5; # 105;
That block is seen as a sub lambda because of the prototype of the foo subroutine.
use v6;
# sub foo ( &f, $v ) { f $v }
sub foo { #_[0].( #_[1] ) }
say foo { 100 + #_[0] }, 5; # 105
In Perl 6 a block is seen as a lambda if a term is expected. So there is no need to alter the parser with a feature like a prototype.
You are asking for exactly one use of prototypes to be brought back even though there is already a feature that covers that use-case.
Doing so would be a special-case. Part of the design ethos of Perl 6 is to limit the number of special-cases.
Other versions of Perl had a wide variety of special-cases, and it isn't always easy to remember them all.
Don't get me wrong; the special-cases in Perl 5 are useful, but Perl 6 has for the most part made them general-cases.

Binding of private attributes: nqp::bindattr vs :=

I'm trying to find how the binding operation works on attributes and what makes it so different from nqp::bindattr. Consider the following example:
class Foo {
has #!foo;
submethod TWEAK {
my $fval = [<a b c>];
use nqp;
nqp::bindattr( nqp::decont(self), $?CLASS, '#!foo',
##!foo :=
FETCH => -> $ { $fval },
STORE => -> $, $v { $fval = $v }
method check {
say #!foo.perl;
my $inst = Foo.new;
It prints:
$["a", "b", "c"]
Replacing nqp::bindattr with the binding operator from the comment gives correct output:
["a", "b", "c"]
Similarly, if foo is a public attribute and accessor is used the output would be correct too due to deconterisation taking place within the accessor.
I use similar code in my AttrX::Mooish module where use of := would overcomplicate the implementation. So far, nqp::bindattr did the good job for me until the above problem arised.
I tried tracing down Rakudo's internals looking for := implementation but without any success so far. I would ask here either for an advise as to how to simulate the operator or where in the source to look for its implementation.
Before I dig into the answer: most things in this post are implementation-defined, and the implementation is free to define them differently in the future.
To find out what something (naively) compiles into under Rakudo Perl 6, use the --target=ast option (perl6 --target=ast foo.p6). For example, the bind in:
class C {
has $!a;
submethod BUILD() {
my $x = [1,2,3];
$!a := $x
Comes out as:
- QAST::Op(bind) :statement_id<7>
- QAST::Var(attribute $!a) <wanted> $!a
- QAST::Var(lexical self)
- QAST::WVal(C)
- QAST::Var(lexical $x) $x
While switching it for #!a like here:
class C {
has #!a;
submethod BUILD() {
my $x = [1,2,3];
#!a := $x
Comes out as:
- QAST::Op(bind) :statement_id<7>
- QAST::Var(attribute #!a) <wanted> #!a
- QAST::Var(lexical self)
- QAST::WVal(C)
- QAST::Op(p6bindassert)
- QAST::Op(decont)
- QAST::Var(lexical $x) $x
- QAST::WVal(Positional)
The decont instruction is the big difference here, and it will take the contents of the Proxy by calling its FETCH, thus why the containerization is gone. Thus, you can replicate the behavior by inserting nqp::decont around the Proxy, although that rather begs the question of what the Proxy is doing there if the correct answer is obtained without it!
Both := and = are compiled using case analysis (namely, by looking at what is on the left hand side). := only works for a limited range of simple expressions on the left; it is a decidedly low-level operator. By contrast, = falls back to a sub call if the case analysis doesn't come up with a more efficient form to emit, though in most cases it manages something better.
The case analysis for := inserts a decont when the target is a lexical or attribute with sigil # or %, since - at a Perl 6 level - having an item bound to an # or % makes no sense. Using nqp::bindattr is going a level below Perl 6 semantics, and so it's possible to end up with the Proxy bound directly there using that. However, it also violates expectations elsewhere. Don't expect that to go well (but it seems you don't want to do that anyway.)

How can I test that an imported Perl 6 routine exists?

I want to check that an exportable subroutine isn't defined in the current scope, and I also want to test that a subroutine isn't defined. Both of these should happen without running the code and I'd really like a way to do it without an EVAL. The examples I found in the roast executed the subroutines that the testers assumed were already there.
Here's what I cobbled together, but it's mostly unsatisfying for a language where I expect to be able to inspect things:
use Test;
module Foo {
sub this-exists is export { say "This exists"; return 1 }
sub this-is-a-stub is export { !!! }
sub this-is-a-todo is export { ... }
sub not-exported { say "Not exported" }
import Foo; # https://github.com/perl6/doc/issues/359
# Is the class there?
ok ::("Foo") !~~ Failure, "module Foo is defined";
ok ::("Bar") ~~ Failure, "module Bar is not defined";
# this should work, but note the first one compiles because it works.
# if the routine isn't there, the &some-name is a compilation error.
ok &this-exists, "this-exists is there";
ok &("not-there"), "this-exists is there";
# these are exported but they aren't "defined" because they
# are stubs. How is this supposed to work?
dies-ok { EVAL Q/&this-is-a-stub/ }, "this-is-a-stub is not defined";
nok &("this-is-a-stub"), "this-is-a-stub is not defined";
nok &("this-is-a-todo"), "this-is-a-todo is not defined";
# these shouldn't be defined here
dies-ok { EVAL Q/ &not-exported / }, "not-exported is not defined";
dies-ok { EVAL Q/ &not-there / }, "not-there is not defined";
say so ::('&non-existent'); # False
say so ::('&say'); # True
if ::('&say') -> &say {
say 4; # 4␤
Note that these also work to reference a subroutine that may or may not exist.
::<&say &put> # similar to previous line
CORE::<&say &put> # similar to previous line
Also &(…) is for coercing something to a code type object, so only works on things that are already a Callable or have a CALL-ME method.