Vue - is it possible to pass in a data property into a method to be modified? - vue.js

I have a component that displays balances for 4 separate tokens. I'd like to have a function like this:
async updateTokenBalance(token, balance) {
balance = await getTokenBalance(token);
balance = balance.value.uiAmount;
which I can call like so:
updateTokenBalance(this.a_acc, this.a_balance);
updateTokenBalance(this.b_acc, this.b_balance);
updateTokenBalance(this.c_acc, this.c_balance);
updateTokenBalance(this.d_acc, this.d_balance);
unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. The only way I've gotten it to work so far is by having 4 separate functions:
async updateATokenBalance() {
let balance = await getTokenBalance(this.a_acc);
this.a_balance = balance.value.uiAmount;
// the other 3 analogous
in particular, it's the second line of the function where I try to assign the balance to a data property of this.a_balance that breaks if this.a_balance is passed in as arg.
Is there a way to make it work?

If your data come from an API, you should iterate through the incoming object list and run the function for each item with the analogous arguments.


Create a transaction with data using etherjs

I'm studying the Solidity, and I want to understand how to interact with a smartcotnract and etherjs.
I have a simple function like this:
function buyNumber(uint256 _number) public payable {
if(msg.value < 0.1 ether){
revert("more eth!");
And I have the test
const tx = {
from: owner.address,
to: myContract.address,
value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.1'),
data: '0x4b729aff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'
let sendTx = await owner.sendTransaction(tx);
Now, the transaction works because I get 0x4b729aff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 the function signature and parameters with
let iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(ABI)
iface.encodeFunctionData("buyNumber", [ 1 ])
Can I get the same result in easy way? How can I call a function in my contract with params? I could put the msg.value as parameter, but I prefer to use less parameters
You can use the ethers Contract helper class, which allows invoking its methods in a more developer-friedly way, based on the provided contract ABI JSON.
It does the same thing in the background as your script - encodes the function call to the data value.
const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, signerInstance);
// the Solidity function accepts 1 param - a number
// the last param is the `overrides` object - see docs below
await contract.buyNumber(1, {
value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.1')
You can also use the overrides object to specify non-default transaction params. Such as its value (the default value is 0).

How to call a shared helper function from within a mutation or action in Vuex

I am trying to separate out some code that is common among many calls in my Vuex mutations. I am getting the feeling that this is discouraged but I don't understand why.
Have a look at an image of some sample code below:
I have added this 'helpers' entry in the Vuex - this obviously doesn't exist but how can I call the shared helper function 'getColumn' from mutations and/or actions?
Or do I have resort to calling a static method on a 'VuexHelper' class? :(
Something like:
I have already looked at the following:
Vue Mixins - yes, something like that could work but is not
supported in Vuex - also, vue methods don't return a value...
I have looked at Modules but these still don't give me what I need, i.e. a simple re-usable function that returns a value.
I don't see why you may want to put the helper function within the store. You can just use a plain function.
function getColumn(state, colName) {
// Do your thing.
const vstore = new Vuex.Store({
// ....
mutations: {
removeColumn(state, colName) {
var column = getColumns(state, colName);
On the other hand, if you really need that, you can access the raw module and all that's included:
var column = this._modules.root._rawModule.helpers.getColumns(state, colName);
Although this syntax is not documented and can change for later versions.
You can implement your Vuex getter as a method-style getter. This lets you pass in the specific column as an argument:
getters: {
getColumn: state => colName => {
return state.columns[colName] || null
Then getColumn can be used within the store like so:
let column = getters.getColumn('colNameString')
vuex docs > getters > method style access

Cloud Function retrieving a value based on URL parameter

I am trying to write a Cloud Function in node where I can return a token from a parameter.
The URL I use is...
my function is this... and its wrong. I suspect I am not assigning TT properly.
var functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.GetAccount = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const t = admin.database().ref('/newaccout/'+req.query.account)
const tt = t.child(token)
res.send( "res is " + tt );
req.query.account is the Key. One of the Items in the document is token
ideally, I would like to get something like...
Could I get a node hint please... thanks
Though, I am not a firebase geek. What it seems from the documentation is that you will have two events that you can use to listen for retrieving child data. You can read further more here. The given options are used for different cases. Please follow through the mentioned link to have clear view.
Inside your cloud function you can try doing following:
const t = admin.database().ref('/newaccout/'+req.query.account)
t.on('child_added', function(data) {
token: data.token
Or maybe like this:
const t = admin.database().ref('/newaccout/'+req.query.account)
t.once('value', function(snapshot) {
//Process it like above
//But here you will get al child elements at once
It looks like you are expecting to query the value found at a database reference stored at t. Unfortunately, you haven't actually performed a query yet. tt is just yet another Reference object that points to a location in the database. You should use the once() method on Reference to query a database location. Also bear in mind that you are using a variable called token, but you haven't defined yet in your code. To me, that looks like it would generate an error to me.
You might be well served by looking at a bunch of the sample code.

FETCH API return undefined

I want to use Fetch API but i don' t really understand it's mecanism.
I have an in my HTML and i want to assign the result of my fetch with this code :
const weather = "";
const array = [];
.then(blob => blob.json())
.then(data => {
document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = array[0];
i have the result with the console.log but the returns "undefined". can you explain why ?
thanks a lot
This is because the call to the API is asynchronous, meaning that the code is not executed just line by line as you write it. The callback only runs as soon as the call to the API has finished, basically meaning that
data => {
runs after
document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = array[0];
So when you try to set your h1, array is still empty. If you want to set it as soon the data is available, you have to do it within the callback function:
data => {
document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = array[0];
This might seem weird at first, but keep in mind that you're only registering an anonymous function but not running it yet. You just define the function that you want to trigger as soon as something happens, in this case: when your API call has finished.

dojo 1.7 QueryReadStore parameters

I am new to Dojo, I am using QueryReadStore as the store for loading my TreeGrid, working fine. But the QueryReadStore appends some paramters to the url, parameters like parentId, count, sort etc., I have looked at this link, but not able to understand.
Parameters are getting passed like this servlet/DataHandler?start=0&count=25
How to manipulate the parameters, like I want to set the value for parentId paramters so that I only get that particular row details.
In theory you wold have to create a new class by extending the "", in the link you posted have an example for doing exactly what you want. See if you get it now(changed a bit):
dojo.declare("custom.MyReadStore",, {
//append here your custom parameters:
var qs = {p1:"This is parameter 1",
request.serverQuery = qs;
// Call superclasses' fetch
return this.inherited("fetch", arguments);
So When come to create the QueryReadStore you actually create a object with the class you defined. something like this:
var queryReadStore = new custom.MyReadStore({args...})
Explore the request parameter passed to the function to see what else you can do.