How can I open a pdf in Edge like in Internet-Explorer with args search tag from command line? - pdf

#echo off
START /max iexplore.exe http://stwfue/svn/y//4cs-gw/51_integration/product_systems/ecad/CP4/tags/cp4_v01_t05/result/pdf/Y_4CS-GW_SP4.pdf#search=Fensterkomparator

Edge now uses the chromium engine and you can find an open issue on chromium project:
Issue 792647: Implement "search" PDF Open Parameter in PDF Viewer
"search" parameter is not implemented in Edge/Chrome PDF viewer, so you can't use it in Edge.
I suggest that you can star the issue to add a vote. Besides, you can raise a feature request about adding "search" parameter by pressing Alt+Shift+I in Edge. Edge team will check the feedback and improve the product continuously. Thanks for your understanding.

Edge PDF reader is not Acrobat so only a subset of Adobe URLs appear to be available.
As a side comment, my Acrobat Reader will accept #page or #nameddest but not #search because of my security settings to block actions.
"#search=wordList Opens the Search UI and performs a search for the specified word list in the document."
The correct default to call Edge is
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" "file:///C:/users/name/downloads/PDFOpenParameters.pdf#zoom=200&nameddest=Resources"
Note the order here in Edge is zoom first but the nameddest is on page 3 which is respected HOWEVER the destination is not showing ! But If I reverse order the zoom is not actioned, yet again your mileage may vary.
SumatraPDF could in the past be scripted to search via vbs, but that is no longer needed in latest 3.4 Pre-release as -search has been added to command line options, and can be mixed with others for example:-
curl -o sample.pdf & SumatraPDF.exe -zoom "fit width" -page 1 -search "continued from page 1" "sample.pdf"
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 3028 100 3028 0 0 3028 0 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0:00:01 4723


can I create a PDF from ImageMagick which will always open at zoom 100%? [duplicate]

I am running into an issue with PNG to PDF conversion.
Actually I have big PNG files not in size but in contents.
In PDF conversion it creates a big PDF files. I don't have any issue with its quality, but whenever I try to open this PDF in PDF viewer, it opens in "Fit to Page" mode.
So, I can't see the created PDF in the initial view, but I need to zoom it up to 100%.
My question is: can I create a PDF which will always open at zoom 100% ?
You can possibly achieve what you want with the help of Ghostscript.
Ghostscript supports to insert PostScript snippets into its command line parameters via -c "...[PostScript code here]...".
PostScript has a special operator called pdfmark. This operator is not understood by most PostScript interpreters, but is understood by Acrobat Distiller and (for most of its parameters) also by Ghostscript when generating PDFs.
So you could try to insert
-c "[ /PageMode /UseNone /Page 1 /View [/XYZ null null 1] \
/PageLayout /SinglePage /DOCVIEW pdfmark"
into a PDF->PDF conversion Ghostscript command line.
Please take note about various basic things concerning this snippet:
The contents of the command line snippet appears to be 'unbalanced' regarding the [ and ] operators/keywords. But it is not! The initial [ is balanced by the final pdfmark keyword. (Don't ask -- I did not define this syntax...)
The 'inner' [ ... ] brackets delimit an array representing the page /View settings you desire.
Not all PDF viewers do respect the view settings embedded in the PDF file (Acrobat software does!).
Most PDF viewers allow users to override the view settings embedded in PDF files (Acrobat software also does this). That is, you can tell your viewer to never respect any settings from the PDF files it opens, but f.e. to always open it with "fit to width".
Some specific things about this snippet:
The page mode /UseNone means: the document displays without bookmarks or thumbnails. It could be replaced by
/UseOutlines (to display bookmarks also, not just the pages)
/UseThumbs (to display thumbnail images of the pages, not just the pages
/FullScreen (to open document in full screen mode)
The array for the view mode constructed as [/XYZ <left> <top> <zoom>] means: The zoom factor is 1 (=100%), the left distance from the page origin is the special 'null' value, which means to keep the previously user-set value; the top distance from the page origin is also 'null'. This array could be replaced by
/Fit (to adapt the page to the current window size)
/FitB (to adapt the visible page content to the current window size)
/FitH <top>' (to adapt the page width to the current window width);` indicates the required distance from page origin to upper edge of window. several others I cannot remember right now.
So to change the settings of an existing PDF file, you could do the following:
gs \
-o out.pdf \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-c "[ /PageMode /UseNone /Page 1 /View [ /XYZ null null 1 ] " \
-c " /PageLayout /SinglePage /DOCVIEW pdfmark" \
-f in.pdf
To check if the Ghostscript command worked, open the PDF in a text editor which is capable of handling binary files. Search for the /View or the /PageMode keywords and check if they are there, inserted as values into the PDF root object.
If it worked, check if your PDF viewer honors the settings. If it doesn't honor them, see if there is an overriding setting within the viewers preference settings.
I did a quick test run on a sample PDF of mine. Here is how the PDF root object's dictionary looks now, checked with the help of -s Catalog a.pdf
obj 1 0
Type: /Catalog
Referencing: 3 0 R, 9 0 R
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 3 0 R
/PageMode /UseNone
/Page 1
/View [/XYZ null null 1]
/PageLayout /SinglePage
/Metadata 9 0 R
To learn more about the pdfmark operator, google for 'pdfmark reference filetype:pdf'. You should be able to find it on the Adobe website and elsewhere:
In order to let ImageMagick create a PDF as you want it, you may be able to hack the file defining your delegate settings. For more help about this topic see for example here:
PDF specification supports this functionality in this way: create a GoTo action that goes to first page and sets the zoom level to 100% and then set the action as the document open action.
How exactly you implement it in real life depends very much on the tool you use to create the PDF file. I do not know if ImageMagick can create such actions.

Getting Margin size on 1000 pdf files and loaded fonts

I have over 1000 PDF files that I need to determine which ones have a margin size smaller than 1/4 inch. I have looked at Ghostscript, and it looks promising, but I have not be able to figure out how to do more than 1 pdf at a time.
As a second requirement, I need to check if the PDF files have the fonts loaded in them. I am stuck on this requirement and have no clue what I can do to automate this task.
I am fairly limited in my scripting knowledge and stick mostly to VBscript, some VB, and WSH
Ghostscript has a device -sDEVICE=bbox which should help you.
The undocumented option -csp3 in cpdf uses ghostscript in this way and extracts and prints the results, one for each page.
feast: john$ ./cpdf -gs /usr/local/bin/gs -csp3 ~/trunk/PDFTests/car.pdf
16.802291, 13.982754, 23.792892, 10.398033
16.882926, 14.002913, 8.798058, 13.134733
16.802291, 13.974525, 8.855073, 15.244272
16.802291, 13.962596, 8.862199, 13.391299
16.802291, 10.313868, 8.847946, 13.377045
16.802291, 13.962596, 8.855073, 17.040232
16.802291, 13.902119, 8.855073, 13.391299
For your second problem:
cpdf -missing-fonts file.pdf
will print any missing fonts out.

How to convert a vector eps file to pdf?

I have a EPS file in vector format that I need to convert to PDF, retaining its vector format. I'm using a Windows 7 system, and I'm trying to find a tool that I can redistribute with my application. It can't be GUI or online based; I need my application to use it as a library or via a system call.
I have tried the following tools without success:
ghostscript 9.06 - ps2pdf - Outputs a blank pdf.
ImageMagick - Generates a pdf with the correct image, but it's a raster converter so it does not preserve the vector format.
UniConvertor - Outputs a blank pdf.
pstoedit - Outputs a blank pdf.
Of course, I'm not an expert with any of these tools listed so it's quite possible I'm just not running the tool with the correct configuration; if anyone recognizes a blank pdf as being a symptom of an incorrectly configured run with one of the tools, please let me know of possible fixes. Thank you for any help.
Here is the header of the eps file:
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
%%Creator:Adobe Illustrator(TM) 1.1
%%CreationDate:7/27/87 3:40 PM
%%DocumentProcSets:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0
%%DocumentSuppliedProcSets:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0
%%BoundingBox:000 -750 650 50
%%TemplateBox:288 -360 288 -360
%%BeginProcSet:Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 0 0
The Bounding box says the marks extend from 0,-750 to 650, 50
So almost the entire content (750/800) is below the page. Note that Ghostscript ignores DSC comments, they are, after all, comments.
In order to position this on the page, you must translate the origin and potentially scale the page. Please note that EPS files are intended for inclusion in other documents, not for printing on their own, and its up to the document manager to read the BoundingVox comments and position the EPS correctly.
In the absence of a document manager, you will have to do this yourself. Note that changing the comments will have no effect at all.
I would suggest you start by prepending the line:
0 750 translate
which will move the origin 750 units vertically and so the page will then extend from 0,0 to 650,800 and see what effect that has.

Rendering the whole media box of a pdf page into a png file using ghostscript

I'm trying to render Pdfs pages into png files using Ghostscript v9.02. For that purpose I'm using the following command line:
gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=png16m -o outputFile%d.png mypdf.pdf
This is working fine when the pdf crop box is the same as the media box, but if the crop box is smaller than the media box, only the media box is displayed and the border of the pdf page is lost.
I know usually pdf viewers only display the crop box but I need to be able to see the whole media page in my png file.
Ghostscript documentation says that per default the media box of a document is rendered, but this does not work in my case.
As anyone an idea how I could achieve rendering the whole media box using ghostscript?Could it be that for png file device, only the crop box is rendered? Am I maybe forgetting a specific command?
For example, this pdf contains some registration marks outside of the crop box, which are not present in the output png file. Some more information about this pdf:
media box:
width: 667
height: 908 pts
crop box:
width: 640
height: 851
OK, now that revers has re-stated his problem into that he is looking for "generic code", let me try again.
The problem with a "generic code" is that there are many "legal" formal representations of "CropBox" statements which could appear in a PDF. All of the following are possible and correct and set the same values for the page's CropBox:
/CropBox[10 20 500 700]
/CropBox[ 10 20 500 700 ]
/CropBox[10 20 500 700 ]
/CropBox [10 20 500 700]
/CropBox [ 10 20 500 700 ]
/CropBox [ 10.00 20.0000 500.0 700 ]
/CropBox [
The same is true for ArtBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, CropBox and MediaBox. Therefor you need to "normalize" the *Box representation inside the PDF source code if you want to edit it.
First Step: "Normalize" the PDF source code
Here is how you do that:
Download qpdf for your OS platform.
Run this command on your input PDF:
qpdf --qdf input.pdf output.pdf
The output.pdf now will have a kind of normalized structure (similar to the last example given above), and it will be easier to edit, even with a stream editor like sed.
Second Step: Remove all superfluous *Box statements
Next, you need to know that the only essential *Box is MediaBox. This one MUST be present, the others are optional (in a certain prioritized way). If the others are missing, they default to the same values as MediaBox. Therefor, in order to achieve your goal, we can simply delete all code that is related to them. We'll do it with the help of sed.
That tool is normally installed on all Linux systems -- on Windows download and install it from (Don't forget to install the named "dependencies" should you decide to use the .zip file instead of the Setup .exe).
Now run this command:
sed.exe -i.bak -e "/CropBox/,/]/s#.# #g" output.pdf
Here is what this command is supposed to do:
-i.bak tells sed to edit the original file inline, but to also create a backup file with a.bak suffix (in case something goes wrong).
/CropBox/ states the first address line to be processed by sed.
/]/ states the last address line to be processed by sed.
s tells sed to do substitutions for all lines from first to last addressed line.
#.# #g tells sed which kind of substitution to do: replace each arbitrary character ('.') in the address space by blanks (''), globally ('g').
We substitute all characters by blanks (instead of by 'nothing', i.e. deleting them) because otherwise we'd get complaints about "PDF file corruption", since the object reference counting and the stream lengths would have changed.
Third step: run your Ghostscript command
You know that already well enough:
gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=png16m -o outputImage_%03d.png output.pdf
All the three steps from above can easily be scripted, which I'll leave to you for your own pleasure.
First, let's get rid of a misunderstanding. You wrote:
"This is working fine when the pdf crop box is the same as the media box, but if the crop box is smaller than the media box, only the media box is displayed and the border of the pdf page is lost."
That's not correct. If the CropBox is smaller than the MediaBox, then only the CropBox should be displayed (not the MediaBox). And that is exactly how it was designed to work. This is the whole idea behind the CropBox concept...
At the moment I cannot think of a solution that works automatically for each PDF and all possibly values that can be there (unless you want to use payware).
To manually process the PDF you linked to:
Open the PDF in a good text editor (one that doesn't mess with existing EOL conventions, and doesn't complain about binary parts in the file).
Search for all spots in the file that contain the /CropBox keyword.
Since you have only one page in the PDF, it should find only one spot.
This could read like /CropBox [12.3456 78.9012 345.67 890.123456].
Now edit this part, carefully avoiding to add to (or lose from) the number of already existing characters:
Set the value to your wanted one: /CropBox [0.00000 0.00000 667.00 908.000000]. (You can use spaces instead of my .0000.. parts, but if I do, the SO editor will eat them and you'll not see what I originally typed...)
Save the file under a new name.
A PDF viewer should now show the full MediaBox (as of your specification).
When you convert the new file with Ghostscript to PNG, the bigger page will be visible.

Is there an "Export to Pdf" plugin for Tiddlywiki?

Has anyone put together a plugin or tool for exporting a Tiddlywiki to pdf?
No, there isn't.
As a workaround, I write or find a decent printable stylesheet, then print to PDF.
Why not select the target tiddler to "Open in new window", and print it to PDF with any installed PDF printer?
To accomplish this I used a tool to convert HTML to PDF. These steps are a bit long but well worth it. Once you've got it working it is easily repeated.
In each tiddler that I want in my PDF, I mark with a specific tag; I used TableOfContents.
In each tiddler that is marked with this tag, I added an order field--to be used to define the order of tiddlers to appear in the PDF.
Ensure your HTML headers are properly defined for the document. I think tiddler titles use <h2>, so properly defining subheadings using <h3><h4> etc will ensure, if you want, a nice auto-generated Table of Contents in your PDF.
If you want each tiddler to start on a new page (in the PDF), we need to add this HTML to the end of each tiddler:
<div style = "display:block; clear:both; page-break-after:always;"></div>
With a completed TiddlyWiki document export the tiddlers to a single HTML file--this will be used to generate a PDF document. To export, go to the AdvancedSearch, select the Filter tab. In the search textbox enter your filter criteria--for me that was:
You'll see, immediately, on-screen a list of the tiddlers the system found based on that criteria. Then click on the Export icon and select Static HTML.
Optionally, but I think it's a great idea, manually create a cover page (in your favorite editor)--this will be a single HTML file to act as the cover page in the PDF document; call it cover.html. More on this later.
Download and install wkhtmltopdf (command-line tool to generate PDF from an HTML file).
Learn and get familiar with the wkhtmltopdf command line syntax. There are numerous features here so the command you end up with maybe lengthy. Use wkhtmltopdf /? to view general help, then wkhtmltopdf --extended-help to view details (well worth the read).
Generate a PDF document. At the command prompt navigate to the folder where your TiddlyWiki document is located. Here is a list of my favorite command-line switches. My app is installed in C:\Program Files..., so my command line starts with that...
"c:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe"
Add this switch for a header on the left:
--header-left "My document title"
For a header on the right:
--header-right "v1.0.0.1"
Font size of header:
--header-font-size 8
Display a line below the header:
Spacing between header and content in mm (default 0):
--header-spacing 5
A left-footer ([section] is replaced with the name of the current section:
--footer-left "[section]"
A centered footer:
--footer-center "Page [page] of [topage]"
Footer font size:
--footer-font-size 8
Footer spacing:
--footer-spacing 5
If you want titles to hyperlink (in the PDF) to go back to the TOC:
Make sure no background images get printed:
I added special styles in the TiddlyWiki document for print media--to hide tags and clean up the spacing. Then I used this switch to ensure print media is used:
Being in North America I want letter-size pages; I think the default is A4:
-s Letter
IMPORTANT--give the tool access to local files, otherwise your images will be missing in the PDF:
Use this if you want to have a cover page (see step 6 above):
cover "cover.htm"
And use this if you want a TOC automatically generated. Without a cover page, the TOC will be your first page, so create a cover page:
After the toc identify your exported tiddler HTML file as input to the tool:
And, the final argument on the command line is the output PDF file name:
Export the tid to html.
Then in the terminal, issue:
html2pdf $myTid.html $myTid.pdf
$myTid is only a var and can be any name