FullCalendar - Get info range when use eventMouseEnter - vue.js

In my case I have setup the timeline like:
events: [{
title: 'My schedule'
start: '2021-07-08T01:00:00Z',
end: '2021-07-08T03:00:00Z',
Which mean that my time 00:00UTC will be shifted to local time GMT+7 and timeZone:'local' (as default) , follow as this doc https://fullcalendar.io/docs/date-parsing
At ui view is render timeline exactly what I want that 2021-07-08T08:00:00Z GMT+7 & 2021-07-08T10:00:00Z GMT+7 (Perfect).
But when I try to get back that info with:
eventMouseEnter(info) {
I get this:
end: Wed Jul 08 2021 15:08:10 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) {}
start: Wed Jul 08 2021 17:08:10 GMT+0700 (Indochina Time) {}
Don't know why but, is seem like i get the wrong info or that info just add more GMT+7?


Custom date for Quarto YAML header pdf document

The custom date works in RMarkdown-pdf but I noticed Quarto doesn't.
How can I use custom date in Quarto YAML?
title: "Some pdf document"
author: "me"
date: "Spring 2022" <- I would like to use this
format: pdf
title: "Some pdf document"
author: "me"
date: "Last update : `r Sys.Date()`" <- Or, like this
format: pdf
Current Quarto-pdf generates %m/%d/%Y format date only.
You can provide last-modified keyword (which refers to the last modified date and time of the file containing the date) to date and use date-format to modify the date. Also you can put additional words in between square brackets which will be then escaped and kept as is.
title: "Some pdf document"
author: "me"
date: last-modified
date-format: "[Last Updated on] MMMM, YYYY"
format: pdf
Now, since there is no format-string for season name, it is possible make one using Pandoc Lua filter.
title: "Some pdf document"
author: "None"
date: last-modified
date-format: "[Last Updated on] %MMM%, YYYY"
format: pdf
- custom-date.lua
Note Here we have used %MMM%, which will be replaced by season name.
local function replace_mon_with_season(date)
local season_table = {
Jan = "Winter", Feb = "Winter", Mar = "Spring",
Apr = "Spring", May = "Spring", Jun = "Summer",
Jul = "Summer", Aug = "Summer", Sep = "Autumn",
Oct = "Autumn", Nov = "Autumn", Dec = "Spring"
local date = pandoc.utils.stringify(date)
local mon = date:match("%%(%a+)%%")
local season = season_table[mon]
return date:gsub("%%" .. mon .. "%%", season)
function Meta(m)
m.date = replace_mon_with_season(m.date)
return m

vuejs hotel date picker #check-in-changed cannot send value

i have been trying to send #check-in-changed and #check-out-changed values to modal title and when i console log getStartDate method i get correct date but when i send it to modal title i get value of undefined. Can you please help?
<HotelDatePicker :gridStyle="false" :showSingleMonth="true" :minNights="7" :alwaysVisible="true"
:showPrice="true" priceSymbol='€' :periodDates="detail.periodDates"
:disabledDates="detail.disabledDates" #check-in-changed="getStartDate"
getStartDate(newDate) {
return (newDate)
return (newDate)
console.log of getStartDate:
Date Mon Nov 22 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)

Single log is getting split into two events

I am not using props.conf. So I guess it is the default behavior.
Below is the single log:
2018-07-19 13:30:40.293 +0000 [http8080] INFO RequestFilter- {
"transaction_id" : "aaaaaaaaawwwwwwww",
"http_method" : "POST",
"date_time" : "2018-07-19 13:30:34.694 +0000",
"requestId" : "20180719-dc7bc01d-b02c-43c8-932b-42af542ccefb"
But it is coming in 2 events
2018-07-19 13:30:40.293 +0000 [http8080] INFO RequestFilter- {
"transaction_id" : "aaaaaaaaawwwwwwww",
"http_method" : "POST",
"date_time" : "2018-07-19 13:30:34.694 +0000",
"requestId" : "20180719-dc7bc01d-b02c-43c8-932b-42af542ccefb"
It is always breaking from "date_time"
Any suggestions? how can i fix it?
You will need to adjust your props.conf to change the event break logic. By default, it will break whenever it detects a valid timestamp which suits most log formats.
This regex should match just the initial row:
LINE_BREAKER = \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}\s+\+\d{4}\s+\[.*\]

Get the corresponding value based on created time

cat input.txt | awk '/ID/;/TimeReceived/ {print $2,$3,$4}'
ID: f7a570c2
03/26/14 18:22:50 GMT
ID: f7f810a2
08/13/14 23:50:59 GMT
ID: f8e76dd2
04/25/14 06:13:10 GMT
ID: f92e90c2
03/19/14 12:51:23 GMT
ID: f98ac152
08/01/14 00:10:43 GMT
ID: faef4812
04/21/14 16:29:15 GMT
ID: fb6b38d4
05/06/14 17:32:20 GMT
ID: fbfb0d92
08/26/14 04:24:07 GMT
ID: fc15d932
05/27/14 18:44:48 GMT
ID: fc235e12
06/03/14 12:39:17 GMT
ID: fc988622
06/23/14 16:02:29 GMT
ID: fcb1e6c2
03/25/14 17:37:48 GMT
ID: fd025382
05/28/14 16:50:29 GMT
ID: fd061b12
04/21/14 18:41:41 GMT
ID: fd7efde2
08/15/14 18:01:27 GMT
ID: fdd30022
05/28/14 15:51:29 GMT
ID: fdf73792
03/31/14 20:13:00 GMT
ID: fe9d3a22
04/15/14 16:15:37 GMT
ID: fea03cf2
08/04/14 02:06:00 GMT
ID: ff7e3de2
07/07/14 10:51:41 GMT
The above output isn't sorted based on time. I want to extract all the "ID" which has the created time should be olderthan a month . can some one help me to code it ?
With GNU awk and GNU date the following should work:
awk -vcutoff="$(date -d"-1 month" +%s)" '
/^ID:/ {
/^TimeReceived:/ {
split($2, d, /\//)
gsub(/:/, " ", $3)
tm=mktime("20"d[3]" "d[1]" "d[2]" "$3)
if (tm<cutoff) {
print ID
}' input
As per discussion in the comments some examples of how date does its calculations:
$ date -d "03/31/2014 - 1 month"
Mon Mar 3 00:00:00 EST 2014
$ date -d "06/26/2014 - 1 month"
Mon May 26 00:00:00 EDT 2014
The info page for date has a little more information about these calculations in section 28.6 Relative items in date strings.

Loading date/time into Sencha Touch Model

I'm using Sencha Touch 1.1. I have the following model and store:
Ext.regModel(TrafficResponse.Models.IncidentReports, {
idProperty: 'Id',
fields: [
{name: 'Id', type: 'int'},
{name: 'TMCRequestedTime', type: 'date'},
{name: 'TRUDetectedTime', type: 'date'},
{name: 'SiteArrivalTime', type: 'date'},
{name: 'SiteDepartedTime', type: 'date'}
proxy: {
type: 'localstorage',
id: TrafficResponse.Stores.IncidentReports
writer: {
type: 'json'
truApp.stores.incidentReportStore = new Ext.data.Store({
model: TrafficResponse.Models.IncidentReports,
id: TrafficResponse.Stores.IncidentReports,
autoLoad: true
I set the date value using a date/time picker (not a standard Sencha control) and use the updateRecord method of the form to update the model with the values on the form.
After sync() has been done the record in localstorage has the date value in the following format:
The value on the date/time picker is Friday, February 10 2012 08:15 so it appears as though the GMT value is being stored.
After refreshing the browser and loading the model from localstorage, the value in localstorage is retained as above but it is not loaded into the model. The value in the model is null.
If I change the model and add dateFormat: 'c' to the field configuration, the date is loaded into the model with the following value:
Thu Feb 09 2012 22:15:00 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time)
The date is displayed on the form with that value as well which is 10 hours before the date that was set originally.
What can I do to get the date to load correctly and retain the timezone?
After a lot of stepping though code I discovered that the issue was caused by date-js. I removed date-js and used Sencha Date functions and everything now works correctly.