How to get Bearer access token in Jmeter - authentication

I have problems to get Bearer access token in Jmeter. Problem's cause most probably is in
server authentication - do not really understand how to properly setup this in Jmeter.
curl consist of several parts:
curl -X POST -v -u
-d "grant_type=password" -d "username=xxxxxxx" -d "password=xxxxxx" -d "scope=scop"
I have tried to use HTTP AuthorizationManager, HTTP Request and HTTP Header Manager without any successful results. Any advices?

I think you should do something like:
HTTP Request sampler:
these protocol and Server Name bits can be moved to HTTP Request Defaults so you won't have to specify them for each and every HTTP Request sampler
HTTP Authorization Manager:
In general since JMeter 5.1 it's possible to create a test plan from curl command line, the option lives under "Tools -> Import from cURL" main menu entry:


Apache load balancer: enable/disable workers does not work anymore

I have a script that sends POST requests to Apache load balancer to change status_D parameter of the specified worker. This is supposed to enable or disable worker (0 - enable, 1 - disable).
This used to work, but not anymore. Script is in Perl, but I tried sending the same request using curl, same result - status does not change.
If I open load balancer web page in browser and change it from there - it works.
I even captured browser's POST request parameters from the Apache log, copied and pasted them into curl command, but it still did not work, which makes me think that parameters are fine, but perhaps something has changed in Apache or proxy_balancer_module recently? Apache version is
In new versions you need to add the referer in the http request.
curl -s -o /dev/null -XPOST "http://${server}:${port}/${manager}?" \
-H "Referer: http://${server}:${port}/${manager}?b=${balancer}&w=${worker}&nonce=${nonce}" -d b="${balancer}" \
-d w="${worker}" -d nonce="${nonce}" -d w_status_D=1

Keycloak invalid_grant with Authorization Grant flow

So this is what I did,
I have a Keycloak server running on localhost:8080 and I have configured a public client called myclient inside a realm myrealm.
I have added a response_url address as http://localhost:3000/*
I invoke a code request using this URL
I am challenged for a login and then after successful login I login get a callback something like this. which obviously gives me a Not found as I don't have anything running on 3000 Port.
I pick the code from above and then make a curl call below
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&code=e2082b9d-4199-4f0e-a3de-d9216ab70ac5.6af80f75-19b0-4c65-8d8b-89ca1cf5fd0d.8fa6724d-ffd2-4bb4-9ed9-7302acb432e8&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/&client_id=myclient" http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/token
I get an error saying
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Code not valid"}
when I try the same thing with it works. What am I missing here?

CURL with 'Bearer token' works fine but same API isn't working on POSTMAP

My Below API using terminal works fine
curl -v --header "Authorization: Bearer LgiffI2nL4lEiCle" -X POST "https://<my-url>/api/source/loadAccounts/85296"
But When I'm trying the same usimng POSTMAN it's not, why ? I'm getting 403 forbidden
The token expiration time is 1 hour long, so I'm sure token isn't expired.
it is possible that postman's user-agent is not white-listed, while curl's user-agent is white-listed. (and going by the comments, this is probably the case)
another possibility could be that it's an IP block, and your terminal/curl is using an allowed IP (ssh'ed into something?), and you're running postman from a not white-listed IP.
Incase your App server blocking X-CSRF request and terminal/curl is enabled, you need to install Standalone POSTMAN and use User-Agent: curl/7.52.1

In uploadcare, I'm getting an empty 403 error when using the upload POST endpoint

I'm using a raw post since I'm using react native and I didn't see a react-native library.
I'm getting a 403 response when trying to upload using the raw upload form post- is there a setting that I need to set or is my public key not activated or something? I don't see a text response in the 403 response so not sure what the specific error is.
Here's my sample CURL from postman
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=..."
-F "file=#logo.jpg" ""
Here are few things you should look at:
content-type is not needed here
reason for 4xx should be stated in response body or headers
make sure that you don't have typos in API key
make sure that automatic storing is enabled in the project or send "UPLOADCARE_STORE=auto"
make sure that your account is not blocked, has some quota left, file type is allowed, etc.
don't rely on Postman, check the command with cURL
This works:
curl -vv -X POST \
-F "UPLOADCARE_PUB_KEY=demopublickey" \
-F "file=#logo.png" "
I see you are trying to use multipart upload, how big is logo.jpg? Are you able to upload the same file using the dashboard?

Curl request with ntlm authentication fails if password is set

I try to fetch some data from a Microsoft Dynamics Nav WebService.
This service uses the NTML authentication.
If I open the webservice url in a browser and use the given credentials everything works fine.
For setting up the environment for the WebService Client, I used the command line to check whether everything is working fine, I was, at a specific point, unable to authenticate.
Thats the command I am using:
curl --ntlm -u "DOMAIN\USERNAME" -k -v "http://hostname:port/instance/Odata/Company('CompanyName')/Customer"
The command will prompt for the password.
I copy in the password and everything is doing fine.
But when I use this command, with the password already included, it stops working and the authentication fails:
curl --ntlm -u "DOMAIN\USERNAME:PASSWORD" -k -v "http://hostname:port/instance/Odata/Company('CompanyName')/Customer"
The password contains some special chars, so I tried to use the percent encoding, which had no effect at all.
It is very difficult to research this kind of issue. Searching for curl + ntlm authentication issues provides a lot of results, but nothing is related to this specific kind of issue.
Does anyone of you guys already had experience with this kind of issue?
I had a problem with authentication because of cookies. I solved this containing cookies in txt file and using exactly this file through all requests. For example, after login request I saved this cookies:
curl -X POST -u username:password https://mysite/login -c cookies.txt
And with next request I used this file like this:
curl -X POST -u username:password https://mysite/link -b cookies.txt
This solution worked for me, I don't know if your problem is similar, but, I think, you may try this.
I was struggling with similar issue for a long time and finally I found this curl bug report #1253 NTLM authentication fails when password contains special characters (british pound symbol £) .
NTLM authentication in cURL supports only ASCII characters in passwords! This is still the case in version 7.50.1 on Ubuntu but I tested this on many different distributions and it is always the same. This bug also will break curl_init() in PHP (tested on PHP7). The only way to solve that is to avoid non ASCII characters in NTLM authentication passwords.
If you are using Python then you are lucky. Apparently Python developers rewrote cURL implementation and it works with non ASCII characters if you use HttpNtlmAuth package.
Try with nltm flag.
Something like this:
curl -v --proxy-nltm -u 'username:password' someURL
from > curl --help
-x, --proxy [PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT] Use proxy on given port
--proxy-anyauth Pick "any" proxy authentication method (H)
--proxy-basic Use Basic authentication on the proxy (H)
--proxy-digest Use Digest authentication on the proxy (H)
--proxy-negotiate Use Negotiate authentication on the proxy (H)
--proxy-ntlm Use NTLM authentication on the proxy (H)