How do I need to configure MongooseIM to allow registering new users? Getting error: Can't register user at node: not_allowed - mongoose-im

I am currently trying to add chat functionality with MongooseIM to an app that already comes with users/accounts.
The idea was to add a mongooseIM chat server and register all existing (and future) users with their user ID in mongooseIM.
I am working with the mongooseIM docker container and have set up a docker compose that loads custom configuration.
In the custom configuration, I have added the admin REST API and can do requests like listing all registered users or the available commands.
Whenever a new user should be registered through the API, I get the response:
Can't register user at node: not_allowed and a 500 status code.
Trying to register a user through mongooseimctl returns Error: account_unprivileged.
What I tried
I think I have been reading through the documentation and google results for about 6 hours by now.
Testing with the standard docker container (and no extra configuration) works from the command line, but I failed testing the API because I do not know how to access the API then (or if it is enabled at all). Maybe someone has a hint on this for me?
One idea was that the action really is not allowed, but the /commands route of the admin interface contains the register_user action in the results, so I think its enabled/allowed:
"action" => "create",
"category" => "users",
"desc" => "Register a user",
"name" => "register_user"
When using the default docker container and trying to register a user for a non-existent domain also results in "not_allowed", so this could be a configuration problem. I have a host name configured in my mongooseim.toml config file:
loglevel = "warning"
hosts = ["myhost"]
default_server_domain = "myhost"
language = "en"
I am quite positive I am missing some configuration/setup somewhere and would appreciate any hints/help.
Edit 1
I added dummy authorization (== no authorization) to the config file:
methods = ["dummy"]
Now, I no longer get a "not_allowed" error.
Instead, the response always states the user already exists, while requesting the user list always returns an empty list.
I tried sending messages between made-up user jids, i get no errors, but also no messages are returned for any users.

"dummy" method is for testing only. It makes any user to exist (check ejabberd_auth_dummy.erl code, it is really just a dummy without any implementation).
You should use internal or rdbms auth_methods instead.
rdbms method would need an rdbms connection configured.
internal method is used to store users in Mnesia (but Mnesia backends are not recommended because RDBMS just works more reliably and efficiently).


Persistent access control exception error message on Moodle

I am trying to enroll a user on my Moodle site via using the Moodle API.
My Moodle instance is hosted on AWS and all relevant ports are open and listening. So, from the network perspective, I can commit that is all ok.
The steps I have already done based on Moodle Documentation:
I have enabled web services on Administration > Mobile app >Mobile settings
I have gone through the 10 steps on the overview of allowing an external system to control Moodle as explained in the documentation (shown also in this Youtube video)
For testing purposes, I am using Postman. Some requests are going through (e.g. getting the token for a certain user, getting the list of all courses, etc.)
But when I try to i.e. create a user or enroll a user in an existing course I am getting this error:
"exception": "webservice_access_exception",
"errorcode": "accessexception",
"message": "Access control exception"
The way I am trying to i.e. create the user is as follows:
In the body section I am sending the following data:
Based on my research, most of the contributors suggested enabling web services, but as mentioned above I have enabled them but the problem persists.
Can someone help me solve the issue here or maybe suggest a way of debugging it?
Fortunately, I managed to solve the issue for both user creation and user enrollment.
Here is a great guide that helped me. In addition, you need to add some additional functions to the web service (roles wary based on what you want to do in Moodle) and also you need to alter the permissions of the new user (again depending on what you want to do)...

identity server multiple issues after deployment

My current setup is like this. The entire project was built using the official docs here -
API Server
Auth Server with local login, google login and github login
Console based c# client
JS based client
MVC based client.
(all of it, as described in the official docs)
Locally, all of them work beautifully. Able to login, access api endpoints, logout, redirect, the whole thing works smooth.
I have deployed all 5 of them to five different azure web apps. They all have the standard domains ready to use. Now, I have run into some problems.
the console C# client is able to talk to the deployed auth server, collect token using a local account on the auth server and make calls to the deployed API server. Based on this, I assume that both the api server and the auth server working hand in hand, as they should.
Problem #1 - the JS client keeps saying
'The login is blocked because of CORS Missing Allow Origin '
Problem #2 - the MVC client loads the auth server, and then the auth server gives me this error.
Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client
Request Id: 80005c0f-0000-eb00-b63f-84710c7967bb
Note : I have set the CORS policy on the auth server, both these clients, under client definition as follows. I am not too concerned about keeping the auth server open, so dont mind if any and every domain can call the auth server.
AllowedCorsOrigins = { "*.*" },
Also Note : I have set the URLS in the code before deployment. all loclahost:port number lines have been replaced correctly with the corresponding now published URLs.
So, what am I missing out here?
Update 1
I was able to solve the CORS issue. Have posted a answer here on another question.
Not able to enable CORS for identity server 4 in core
Update 2
So, now, both the JS client and the MVC client, are giving identical errors.
Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client
Request Id: 80005c0f-0000-eb00-b63f-84710c7967bb
Update 3
I have opened an issue which has log details.
I am not sure if this counts as an answer, but posting for my own question, as it might might help others. Also, this is only a guess at this point.
I found out that the redirects were permanently stored in the database I used with EF migrations. That mean, local in memory redirects were being overwritten anyway by the database stored migrations. I believe this is the issue.
I also realized that the console app is working fine for it does not depend on redirect URLs where as the JS and MVC based clients dont work because they do depend on redirect URLs.
At this point, the best thing to do and for you (if you used EF migrations to store your auth server configuration) on database would be start over and switch to in memory only. Alternatively, you can try and update the database to suit your deployment requirements.
Ultimately, I believe, unless it is absolutely necessary, keep the auth server config (like redirects and CORS settings) in memory as they dont take up much value and are rarely changed.

Authenticating Domino REST Service Requests

I have installed "Domino Sample REST Service Feature" from 901v00_11.20141217-1000 version of XPages Extension Library. OpenNtfSample service ( works as it should in general and the only problem with it that it completely ignores authentication settings of the server.
I have tried both Basic and Session Authentication as described in Authenticating Domino REST Service Requests and the result I get is the following - the service returns data always and does not ask for any user name and password.
The server is configured with Session Authentication now and I get password prompt when I try to access
but does not get it when I open
After I had added this Web Site Rule
Description: DAS service
Type of rule: Override Session Authentication
Incoming URL pattern: /api/
the server changed password prompt for
remained open.
Has anybody experienced this kind of error? Can anybody help me password protect this sample service so that I could start developing my own once based this example?
The /api/sample resource is wide open on purpose. That just returns a link to the contacts resource -- /xpagesext.nsf/api/sample/contacts.
If you really want to prevent anonymous access to the /api/sample resource, there are two possible solutions: 1) Disable anonymous access for all HTTP requests, or 2) Make a change to the RootResource class. The first solution is a server config change. I'm sure you can find details about that elsewhere. Since this is StackOverflow, I'll focus on the second solution.
As you have already noticed, we don't allow anonymous access to the /api/data resource. You can mimic that behavior in the /api/sample resource with a simple change to RootResource.getLinks(). Near the top of the method, just add these lines of code:
boolean authenticated = false;
Session session = ContextInfo.getUserSession();
if ( session != null ) {
String userName = session.getEffectiveUserName();
if ( userName != null && !userName.equals("Anonymous")) {
authenticated = true;
if ( !authenticated ) {
throw new NoAccessSignal("Need user context");
By the way, you won't need to make the same change to the contacts resource class ( Because the contacts resource URL includes a database name (xpagesext.nsf), the web server will attempt to open the database before forwarding the request to the REST service. You can prevent anonymous access to the contacts resource by changing the ACL of xpagesext.nsf. Just make sure the default access is "No access".

Problems working with Google Calendar Api V3 and PHP

I'm just trying to make a little, simple application (that i already made two years ago in Objective-C with api V1) that presents a screen with time of event and description and a button : "insert event in your calendar".
Every user has, obviously, to configure the application with his google username and password.
The app simplifies some process using the first calendar available.
I had infinite problem trying to do it with javascript (this app will be made in html5), so, looking at docs, I ended up trying to make a back-end on my server in php5 (thought it could be easier...ohohoho).
So, i read docs from here :
What i did :
Get to the Google Developers Console.
Created a project.
I now have this (not real keys):
OAuth 2.0
Client ID
Email address
Service Account
Client ID
Email address
Public key fingerprints :ac15ddfxdffrtg5565fgfg545r
I installed Google APIs Client Library for PHP (beta) in my server.
doc says:
Using the Google APIs Client Library for PHP requires that you download the PHP source. In the future, packages will be provided. Refer to the project page for more details.
Run the following commands to download and install the source: svn blaj blah blah.
I copied the entire source in my server. Easy :)
3) You can now import the classes you will need using the following statements:
require_once "../src/apiClient.php";
require_once "../src/contrib/apiCalendarService.php";
Ok, i'll insert them in my php script !
4)" Configure your app"
You must instantiate a client to make requests to the API. All requests to the Google Calendar API require authorization.
The following code demonstrates how to configure an authorized service object using OAuth 2.0 for native applications. For more information, see Authorize Requests.
To find your project's client ID and client secret, do the following:
Go to the Google Developers Console.
Select a project.
In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth. In the displayed list of APIs, make sure the Google Calendar API status is set to ON.
In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.
Find the lines labeled Client ID and Client secret. Note that there may be a client ID without a client secret, for use with Compute Engine and App Engine; in that case, create a new client ID and client secret by selecting Create New Client ID.
Edit the src/config.php file to put in your developer API information.
global $apiConfig;
$apiConfig = array(
// Site name to show in Google's OAuth authentication screen
'site_name' => '',
// OAuth2 Setting, you can get these keys in Google Developers Console
'oauth2_client_id' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
'oauth2_client_secret' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
'oauth2_redirect_uri' => 'YOUR_REDIRECT_URL',
// The developer key; you get this from Google Developers Console
'developer_key' => 'YOUR_DEVELOPER_KEY',
// Which Authentication, Storage and HTTP IO classes to use.
'authClass' => 'apiOAuth2',
// Definition of service specific values like scopes, OAuth token URLs, etc
'services' => array(
'calendar' => array('scope' => ''),
But they are DIFFERENT from the key i have, what's wrong ????
What are client secrets ? redirect_url??
Please help.
I think you need to setup a service account access as described here:
I had difficulties to get it work as I made many trial and errors and my cache got filled with non-working token.
If ever you find yourself not able to access the calendar even after following all the steps, try to change this line of code:
$client->setAssertionCredentials(new Google_AssertionCredentials(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, array(''),$key));
to this:
$client->setAssertionCredentials(new Google_AssertionCredentials(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, array(''),$key, 'notasecret','',false,false));
The last false tells AssertionCredential class to not use any cache. I did it once and then it worked with it set to true afterward.
First go here that is where you configure your app...
Click on your project, then on the left side you will see APIs & Auth, click on Credentials. You will need to create your OAuth, and Public API Access keys.
Once you have done that you will then enter those into the appropriate client_id, secret, redirect etc.
The redirect uri is the same page your app is on, its the page the user gets sent back to after authorizing.
I had the same problem.
On this page, when you click on the Create new Client Id, choose Web application and it shoudl give you the client secret key as well.
Add a project etc.
Hope it helps

How to use 3Scale's `authrep` function from a server and client perspective?

I'm attempting to setup a prototype API using nodejs that uses 3Scale's API management.
I've been able to find their plugin intergration code, which is as follows:
var ThreeScale = require('3scale').Client;
// keep your provider key secret
var client = new ThreeScale("X");
// you will usually obtain app_id and app_key from request params
client.authrep({ app_id: "Y",
app_key: "Z" }, function(response){
if(response.is_success()) {
// continue
} else {
throw new Error("not authorized " + response.error_message);
Which makes some sense to me as part of a server module. But, I'm not sure where the client's credentials are in that equation....
I see it as the client is pointing to your app, and here's the password for the app...but what about the username/password for the actual client!? where does that get checked?
I feel like I'm not grasping their architecture (possible because it's my first real node project and definitely my first time using 3Scale)...
Further, what's a client's request then look like?
in 3scale system app_id and app_key (in this authentication method) kind of represent the user's (i.e. developer's) credentials. This is due to the fact that every user can have more than one application and one application belongs just to one user, so you don't need user credentials. The credentials are checked on the 3scale system side and if authorized, they report the usage and forward the call to your API.
provider_key identifies your account (API owner) and you have to keep it secret (if someone gets it, they can impersonate you).
Did you already check the 3scale's support site? There are many useful information on the system architecture, some tutorials on integration, etc.
You can check them here:
btw. the node.js plugin is a community plugin. You can also try integration via nginx reverse proxy.