How to use diffClamp in reanimated 2? - react-native

I am trying to hide and show the header based on the scroll event from reanimated 2 useAnimatedScrollHandler and I need to use the diffClamp so whenever the user scrolls up the header should be shown in less time than the whole scroll event contentOffset.y value but the problem is diffClamp is I think from reanimated v1 and I need to use useAnimatedStyle hook in order to animate styles in reanimated v2 and finally it gives an error.
Can someone please help with it?

const clamp = (value, lowerBound, upperBound) => {
return Math.min(Math.max(lowerBound, value), upperBound);
const scrollClamp = useSharedValue(0);
const scrollHandler = useAnimatedScrollHandler({
onScroll: (event, ctx) => {
const diff = event.contentOffset.y - ctx.prevY;
scrollClamp.value = clamp(scrollClamp.value + diff, 0, 200);
onBeginDrag: (event, ctx) => {
ctx.prevY = event.contentOffset.y;
const RStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
const interpolateY = interpolate(
[0, 200],
[0, -200],
return {
transform: [
{ translateY: interpolateY }


Why variable value inside of canvas function not incrementing?

Here is an open GitHub issue Github Issue
Here is a Expo Snack
For some reason, variables are not incrementing inside the canvas function while outside works just fine. Please have a look at my code:
function home ({ navigation }) {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(330);
useEffect(() => {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
setCounter(counter + 1);
}, 1000);
return () => {
}, [counter]);
console.log('outside ', counter);
const _onGLContextCreate = (gl) => {
var ctx = new Expo2DContext(gl);
// setInterval(() => {
// console.log('set interval doesnt refresh too ', counter);
// }, 1000);
console.log('inside ', counter);
let circle = {
x: counter,
y: 100,
radius: 30,
color: 'black'
let circle2 = {
x: 400,
y: 100,
radius: 30,
color: 'blue'
function drawCircle() {
ctx.arc(circle.x, circle.y, circle.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.fillStyle = circle.color;
function drawCircle2() {
ctx.arc(circle2.x, circle2.y, circle2.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);
ctx.fillStyle = circle2.color;
function update() {
function animate() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.width, ctx.height);
return (
<GLView style={{ flex: 1 }} onContextCreate={_onGLContextCreate} />
export { home };
Here is what logs show:
outside 330
inside 330
outside 331
outside 332
outside 333
outside 334
outside 335
outside 336
outside 337
Does anybody know why is being read once in canvas and what could be the solution to increment it as in ouside in canvas function?
I don't know exactly what is the cause, but I found issues in the architecture, and when I fixed them it worked.
TL;DR see result here
You don't need to rerender the component because you update only the canvas so the useState will be swapped with useRef. Also, you probably meant to update the counter every second so for that I changed useTimeout with useInterval. (The useTimeout worked only because it was in a useEffect with the counter dependency which was updated, sort of like calling himself. The correct way was to use a useEffect when the component was loaded and a setInterval)
After that you needed to swap counter with counter.current
Keep in mind that the _onGLContextCreate is running only once so the circle and circle2 objects aren't changing. That's we I changed changed the x value in the update
Besides those, everything looks fine, I guess you optimize the code a little bit, like create a single DrawCircle function that takes x,y as parameters, and so on.

React native reanimated runOnJs - does not update state every time

I have a list of items that should change state when they are swiped passed a certain threshold. I'm using runOnJs to call a function to change the state. Now when I swipe an item the first time, it updates it's state but every swipe after that does nothing. Can someone please explain to me what I'm missing here?
let [cleaned, setCleaned] = useState(false);
let handleCleanPress = () => {
translateX.value = withTiming(0);
let panGesture = useAnimatedGestureHandler<PanGestureHandlerGestureEvent>({
onStart: (_, context) => {
context.startX = translateX.value;
onActive: (event, context) => {
let start = context.startX + event.translationX;
if (start < 0) {
translateX.value = start;
onEnd: () => {
let shouldTriggerClean = translateX.value < translateXThreshold;
translateX.value =
translateX.value >= snapThreshold && translateX.value < -BUTTON_WIDTH
? withTiming(snapPoint, { duration: 200 })
: withTiming(0, { duration: 200 });
if (shouldTriggerClean) {
Feels a bit wrong doing it like this but it works. Maybe someone can suggest a better way or confirm this is correct?
let setCleanState = () => {
let handleCleanPress = () => {
translateX.value = withTiming(0, { duration: 200 }, (finished) => {
if (finished) {
I think part of the problem here may be that you're mixing the "JS in UI Thread"("worklets", translateX.value) with the "Main React Native JS Thread"(setState).
Read more about that [here][1].
You fixed that in your follow-up comment by only using runOnJS on setCleanState. Which I think is why it was working, albeit not reliably.
Did you also remove the withTiming functions in your onEnd() after your comment?

How to zoom to bounds of arcs with

I've created some arcs using When you click on different points/polygons, different arcs appear between countries. When doing this, I want the map to zoom to the bounds of those arcs.
For clarity, here is an example: When clicking on Glasgow, I'd want to zoom to the arc shown (as tightly as possible):
It appears that with WebMercatorViewport, you can call fitBounds
It's not clear to me how this gets used, though. I've tried to find examples, but have come up short. How can I add this to what I have?
Here is the code for the arcs:
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
const inFlowColors = [
[0, 55, 255]
const outFlowColors = [
[255, 200, 0]
const countyLayer = new deck.GeoJsonLayer({
id: 'geojson',
data: data,
stroked: true,
filled: true,
autoHighlight: true,
lineWidthScale: 20,
lineWidthMinPixels: 1,
pointRadiusMinPixels: 10,
getFillColor: () => [0, 0, 0],
getLineColor: () => [0,0,0],
getLineWidth: 1,
onClick: info => updateLayers(info.object),
pickable: true
const deckgl = new deck.DeckGL({
mapboxApiAccessToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoidWJlcmRhdGEiLCJhIjoiY2pudzRtaWloMDAzcTN2bzN1aXdxZHB5bSJ9.2bkj3IiRC8wj3jLThvDGdA',
mapStyle: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
initialViewState: {
longitude: -19.903283,
latitude: 36.371449,
zoom: 1.5,
maxZoom: 15,
pitch: 0,
bearing: 0
controller: true,
layers: []
data.features.find(f => == 'United States' )
function updateLayers(selectedFeature) {
const {exports, centroid, top_exports, export_value} =;
const arcs = Object.keys(exports).map(toId => {
const f = data.features[toId];
return {
source: centroid,
value: exports[toId],
top_exports: top_exports[toId],
export_value: export_value[toId]
arcs.forEach(a => {
a.vol = a.value;
const arcLayer = new deck.ArcLayer({
id: 'arc',
data: arcs,
getSourcePosition: d => d.source,
getTargetPosition: d =>,
getSourceColor: d => [0, 55, 255],
getTargetColor: d => [255, 200, 0],
getHeight: 0,
getWidth: d => d.vol
layers: [countyLayer, arcLayer]
Here it is as a Plunker:
I try to make it simple, starting from a raw implementation with ReactJs then try to translate into vanilla.
In ReactJS I will do something like that.
Import LinearInterpolator and WebMercatorViewport from react-map-gl:
import {LinearInterpolator, WebMercatorViewport} from 'react-map-gl';
Then I define an useEffect for viewport:
const [viewport, setViewport] = useState({
latitude: 37.7577,
longitude: -122.4376,
zoom: 11,
bearing: 0,
pitch: 0
Then I will define a layer to show:
const layerGeoJson = new GeoJsonLayer({
id: 'geojson',
data: someData,
pickable: true,
onClick: onClickGeoJson,
Now we need to define onClickGeoJson:
const onClickGeoJson = useCallback((event) => {
const feature = event.features[0];
const [minLng, minLat, maxLng, maxLat] = bbox(feature); // Turf.js
const viewportWebMercator = new WebMercatorViewport(viewport);
const {longitude, latitude, zoom} = viewport.fitBounds([[minLng, minLat], [maxLng, maxLat]], {
padding: 20
viewportWebMercator = {
transitionInterpolator: new LinearInterpolator({
around: [event.offsetCenter.x, event.offsetCenter.y]
transitionDuration: 1500,
}, []);
First issue: in this way we are fitting on point or polygon clicked, but what you want is fitting arcs. I think the only way to overcome this kind of issue is to add a reference inside your polygon about bounds of arcs. You can precompute bounds for each feature and storage them inside your geojson (the elements clicked), or you can storage just a reference in to point another object where you have your bounds (you can also compute them on the fly).
const dataWithComputeBounds = {
'firstPoint': bounds_arc_computed,
'secondPoint': bounds_arc_computed,
bounds_arc_computed need to be an object
bounds_arc_computed = {
minLng, minLat, maxLng, maxLat,
then on onClick function just take the reference
const { minLng, minLat, maxLng, maxLat} = dataWithComputedBounds[event.features[0].properties.reference];
const viewportWebMercator = new WebMercatorViewport(viewport);
Now just define our main element:
return (
At this point we are pretty close to what you already linked (, but you need to use deckgl.setProps() onClick function instead of setViewport to change your viewport.
Does it make sense to you?

React-Native Flatlist's onViewableItemChanged error

I am trying to account for changes when the element in view changes.
I get the following
Invariant Violation: Changing onViewableItemsChanged on the fly is not supported
I have the following
...//other properties
and my functions are
const onViewableItemsChanged = ({
}: {
viewableItems: Array<number>;
}) => {
const insightsById = savedInsights.byId;
console.log('byId:!', insightsById);
if (!viewableItems.length) {
const visibleInsightId =
insightsById[viewableItems[Math.max(viewableItems.length - 2, 0)].index];
Analytics.logViewItem({ insight_id: visibleInsightId });
// const visibleInsightIndex = insightsById.indexOf(visibleInsightId);
const carouselViewabilityConfig = {
waitForInteraction: false,
minimumViewTime: 100,
viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold: 50,
I saw a method using refs but it didn't work, my function wouldn't run.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Save Sketched lines in LocalStorage

Sorry im posting this here
I want to save the info of each line i drew on canvas(the save action would be called onChange)
so i can retrieve this data and draw it on canvas again in case the user change screen or something.
I'm using expo-pixi to draw a image and sketch over it
onChangeAsync = async (param) => {
// here i want on change code i get the line informantion and store it
onLayout = async ({
nativeEvent: {
layout: { width, height },
}) => {
layoutWidth: width,
layoutHeight: height,
onReady = async () => {
const { layoutWidth, layoutHeight, points } = this.state; = new PIXI.Graphics();
if (this.sketch.stage) {
if (layoutWidth && layoutHeight) {
const background = await PIXI.Sprite.fromExpoAsync(this.props.image);
background.width = layoutWidth * scaleR;
background.height = layoutHeight * scaleR;
// The sketch component is pretty much as the example which comes with the lib
ref={ref => (this.sketch = ref)}
Does anyone have any clue? im kind of desperate