histogram of duplicate id [sql] - sql

I have table that each ID appear many times.
I want to create table that show me how many ID appear one time, how many appear two times and ets.
for example:
value count
1 123
2 513
3 215
value 1 mean that 123 ID apear one time . 513 ID apear 2 times (513 ID have two rows)

select id,count(id)as count_of_id
from your_table
group by id
having count(id)>1

SELECT value, COUNT(*)
FROM your_table
GROUP BY value
ORDER BY value

You can try this:
select count(id) as value
,id as count
from your_table_name
group by id
order by count(id)


Merge and aggregate two columns SQL

I have a table with id, name and score and I am trying to extract the top scoring users. Each user may have multiple entries, and so I wish to SUM the score, grouped by user.
I have looked into JOIN operations, but they seem to be used when there are two separate tables, not with two 'views' of a single table.
The issue is that if the id field is present, the user will not have a name, and vice-versa.
A minimal example can be found at the following link: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/ce0629/11
Essentially, I have the following data:
id name score
--- ----- ------
1 '' 15
4 '' 20
NULL 'paul' 8
NULL 'paul' 11
1 '' 13
4 '' 17
NULL 'simon' 9
NULL 'simon' 12
What I want to end up with is:
id/name score
-------- ------
4 37
1 28
'simon' 21
'paul' 19
I can group by id easily, but it treats the NULLs as a single field, when really they are two separate users.
SELECT id, SUM(score) AS total FROM posts GROUP BY id ORDER by total DESC;
id score
--- ------
4 37
1 28
Thanks in advance.
The target environment for this query is in Hive. Below is the query and output looking only at the id field:
hive> SELECT SUM(score) as total, id FROM posts WHERE id is not NULL GROUP BY id ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 10;
29735 87234
20619 9951
20030 4883
19314 6068
17386 89904
13633 51816
13563 49153
13386 95592
12624 63051
12530 39677
Running the query below gives the exact same output:
hive> select coalesce(id, name) as idname, sum(score) as total from posts group by coalesce(id, name) order by total desc limit 10;
Running the following query using the new calculated column name idname gives an error:
hive> select coalesce(id, name) as idname, sum(score) as total from posts group by idname order by total desc limit 10;
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 1:83 Invalid table alias or column reference 'idname': (possible column names are: score, id, name)
Your id looks numeric. In some databases, using coalesce() on a numeric and a string can be a problem. In any case, I would suggesting being explicit about the types:
select coalesce(cast(id as varchar(255)), name) as id_name,
sum(score) as total
from posts
group by id_name
order by total desc;
SELECT new_id, SUM(score) FROM
(SELECT coalesce(id,name) new_id, score FROM posts)o
GROUP BY new_id ORDER by total DESC;
You could use a COALESCE to get the non-NULL value of either column:
COALESCE(id, name) AS id
, SUM(score) AS total
COALESCE(id, name)
ORDER by total DESC;

totalling rows for distinct values in SQL

I haven't had much experience with SQL and it strikes me as a simple question, but after an hour of searching I still can't find an answer...
I have a table that I want to add up the totals for based on ID - e.g:
ID Quantity
1 30
2 11
1 4
1 3
2 17
3 16
After summing the table should look something like this:
ID Quantity
1 37
2 28
3 16
I'm sure that I need to use the DISTINCT keyword and the SUM(..) function, but I can only get one total value for all unique value combinations in the table, and not separate ones like above. Help please :)
Select ID, Sum(Quantity) from YourTable
Group by ID
You can find here some resources to learn more about "Group by": http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_groupby.asp
Select ID, Sum(Quantity) AS Quantity
from table1
Group by ID
Replace table1 with name of the table.
Just posting a complete answer that aliases the column and orders the results:
SELECT ID, SUM(Quantity) as [Quantity]
FROM TableName

Count items in column SQL query

Let's say I have a table that looks like,
How do I get something like,
id count
2 2
3 1
4 1
5 3
where the count column is just the count of each id in the id column?
You want to use the GROUP BY operation
FROM table
select id, count(id) from table_name group by id
select id, count(*) from table_name group by id
This is your query:
FROM table
What GROUP BY clause does is this:
It will split your table based on ids i.e all your 1's are separated, then the 2's , 3's and so on. You can assume it like new tables are created where in one table all the 1's are stored, 2's in another , 3's in yet another and so on.
Then after that the SELECT query is applied on each of these separate tables and the result is returned for each of these "groups".
Good luck!
Kudos! :)

Selecting distinct values from table using two columns

I have following data in the table.
Id Name
1 Abc
2 Abc
3 Xyz
4 Xyz
5 def
6 def
I want following results from the query
Id Name
1 Abc
2 Xyz
3 def
I want to avoid duplicates in the name column.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Select distinct
id, name
from table A
will not work as ids are having a different values.
Use a group by instead.
min(id), [name]
group by [name]
Note that in your example, the ids that corresponds with Xyz are 3 and 4, so getting a 2 next to Xyz is only possible if you break the integrity of the table. If you are just looking for an auto number next to the ids you can do this:
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY min(id)) id,
FROM tableA
group by name
You can get your specific result using:
select row_number() over (order by min(id)) as id, name
from table A
group by name;
Renumbering the rows seems strange, but row_number() will do that.

Getting Number of records in oracle

Am trying to fetch the number of records in the table using Count(*) along with my query condition
Sample Table is
Id Name
1 Steven
2 smith
2 Ben
1 Willy
My query is
select std.name
from STUD_Name where id='2'
for this it will display the output as "Smith" and "Ben", along with i need the total number of records in the STUD_NAME table.
By right it should display the total records as "4", please help me out to solve this issue and how to form the query in this case
SELECT name,
cnt as total_count
count(*) over () as cnt
FROM stud_name
) t
WHERE id = 2
Assuming that id is a numeric column the single quotes around the value 2 are not needed (and are actually harmful due to the implicit data type conversion that happens in the background)
What about:
,(select count(1) from STUD_Name) nrofstds
from STUD_Name std where std.id='2'
select STUD_NAME.name, CNT.count
, (select count(*) COUNT from STUD_NAME) CNT
where id='2'