Error in parse(text = x, srcfile = src): <text>:13:6: unexpected symbol 12: 13: This R ^ - kaggle

I am trying to create and run a simple .Rmd (RMarkdown file) on Kaggle.
When I create a new RMarkdown on Kaggle, when I click 'Run All' to run the Rmd code, I see:
Your Kernel is now running in the cloud.
Enter some code at the bottom of this console and press [Enter].
Session is starting...
Session started.
Error in parse(text = x, srcfile = src): <text>:13:6: unexpected symbol 12: 13: This R ^
How can I successfully run a sample RMarkdown on Kaggle?
Similar problem outlined 10 days ago here.
The comment isn't helpful (it's just a shortcut instead of pressing the 'Run All' button)
Problem also seems to be mentioned 2 days ago here
Reproducible example
When creating a new RMarkdown on Kaggle, I do the following.
From the homepage, click on 'Code' on the left hand side, then on 'New Notebook':
When I do this, it is immediately clear that the interpreter doesn't lint the code correctly (look at the colours):
For reference, the language is 'RMarkdown':
And the editor type is 'Script':
And when I click 'Run All':

Click 'Save Version' (top right of screen)
That will run (i.e. 'knit') your RMarkdown code (it may take a moment). A link to the knitted document pop up in the bottom left of screen. It's that easy!


How do I get input from the console in Red language

I'm writing a console program (target MSDOS) in Red language and I need to ask the user to enter a character or a string, then to press Enter.
I can't seem to find how to do it, I've read the docs here ( to no avail.
I tried something like this:
Red [
print "Please make your choice then press Enter"
x: input
print x
It works in the "Red Console" with red but when I compile with red -r -t MSDOS I get an error:
Compiling C:\apps\red-read\ ...
*** Compilation Error: undefined word input
*** in file: C:\apps\red-read\
*** near: [
How do I ask for input from a Red console program?
I'm using Red version: --== Red 0.6.3 ==--.
Okay, I did some testing and got it working on my end. You need 2 things.
1) You need the latest build, not 0.63. You can grab the automated build from master from the downloads page.
2) You need a reference in your file to use the console. Here is the updated code which will work on Windows with the latest version.
Red [
#include %environment/console/CLI/
print "Please make your choice then press Enter"
x: input
print x
This info was buried away in an article on github. Also, you were right about MSDOS.

How do you encrypt a message into a picture using Jython

I'm having problems with an assignment and am in no means looking for someone to do my homework for me. Our professor does not answer or provide adequate resources to our questions for our assignments. I have copied an example code that was given to us, but I am unable to make this itself run.
When I run this program all I receive in the command line is an ellipsis and nothing else.
Does anyone have an idea what the ellipsis means?
My code and command line screenshot
Screenshot of my example code
Attached will be the code:
def encode(msgPic,original):
# Assume msgPic and original have same dimensions
# First, make all red pixels even
for pxl in getPixels(original):
# Using modulo operator to test oddness
if (getRed(pxl) % 2) == 1:
setRed(pxl, getRed(pxl) - 1)
# Second, wherever there???s black in msgPic
# make odd the red in the corresponding original pixel
for x in range(0,getWidth(original)):
for y in range(0,getHeight(original)):
msgPxl = getPixel(msgPic,x,y)
origPxl = getPixel(original,x,y)
if (distance(getColor(msgPxl),black) < 100.0):
# It's a message pixel! Make the red value odd.
setRed(origPxl, getRed(origPxl)+1)
Below is the code that the example prompts to input into the command line:
- beach = makePicture(getMediaPath("beach.jpg"))
- explore(beach)"
- msg = makePicture(getMediaPath("msg.jpg"))
- encode(msg,beach)
- explore(beach)
- writePictureTo(beach,getMediaPath("beachHidden.png"))

Update current line with command line tool in Swift

I built a OS X command line tool in Swift (same problem in Objective-C) for downloading certain files. I am trying to update the command line with download progress. Unfortunately, I cannot prevent the print statement to jump to the next line.
According to my research, the carriage return \r should jump to the beginning of the same line (while \n would insert a new line).
All tests have been performed in the OS X Terminal app, not the Xcode console.
let logString = String(format: "%2i%% %.2fM \r", percentage, megaBytes)
Still, the display inserts a new line. How to prevent this?
Note: This won't work in Xcode's debugger window because it's not a real terminal emulator and doesn't fully support escape sequences. So, to test things, you have to compile it and then manually run it in a Terminal window.
\r should work to move to the beginning of the current line in most terminals, but you should also take a look at VT100 Terminal Control Escape Sequences. They work by sending an escape character, \u{1B} in Swift, and then a command. (Warning: they make some pretty ugly string definitions)
One that you'll probably need is \u{1B}[K which clears the line from the current cursor position to the end. If you don't do this and your progress output varies in length at all, you'll get artifacts left over from previous print statements.
Some other useful ones are:
Move to any (x, y) position: \u{1B}[\(y);\(x)H Note: x and y are Ints inserted with string interpolation.
Save cursor state and position: \u{1B}7
Restore cursor state and position: \u{1B}8
Clear screen: \u{1B}[2J
You can also do interesting things like set text foreground and background colors.
If for some reason you can't get \r to work, you could work around it by saving the cursor state/position just before you print your logString and then restoring it after:
let logString = String(format: "\u{1B}7%2i%% %.2fM \u{1B}8", percentage, megaBytes)
Or by moving to a pre-defined (x, y) position, before printing it:
let x = 0
let y = 1 // Rows typically start at 1 not 0, but it depends on the terminal and shell
let logString = String(format: "\u{1B}[\(y);\(x)H%2i%% %.2fM ", percentage, megaBytes)
Here's an example assuming some async task is taking place with callbacks that pass a Progress type.
// Print an empty string first otherwise whichever line is above the printed out progress will be removed
let someProgressCallback: ExampleAsyncCallbackType = { progress in
let percentage = Int(progress.fractionCompleted * 100)
print("\u{1B}[1A\u{1B}[KDownloaded: \(percentage)%")
The key part is \u{1B}[1A\u{1B}[K and then whatever you want to print out to the screen following.
Your example will only work on the actual command line, not in the debugger console. And you also need to flush stdout for every iteration, like this:
var logString = String(format: "%2i%% %.2fM \r", 10, 5)

Android MonkeyRunner unable to enter text

I recently started using MonkeyRunner to test the UI of my Android application (I am also using Espresso but wanted to play around with MonkeyRunner). The problem that I am having is that I am unable to enter text into EditText fields using the automation script.
The script navigates through my app perfectly but it doesn't seem to actually enter any text on call of the MonkeyRunner.type() command.
Please find my script below.
from import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
from import EasyMonkeyDevice, By
import commands
import sys
import os
# starting the application and test
print "Starting the monkeyrunner script"
# connection to the current device, and return a MonkeyDevice object
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
easy_device = EasyMonkeyDevice(device)
apk_path ='pm path com.mysample
if apk_path.startswith('package:'):
print "application installed."
print "not installed, install APK"
package ="com.mysample"
activity = ".SampleActivity"
print "Package: " + package + "Activity: " + activity
print "starting application...."
device.startActivity(component=package + '/' + activity)
print "...component started"
device.touch(205,361, "DOWN_AND_UP")
device.type("This is sample text")
result = device.takeSnapshot()
As you can see from the script above the text This is sample text should be placed in the EditText box. Both the emulator and screenshot that is taken show no text in the text field.
Am I missing a step or just doing something incorrectly?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I would rather use AndroidViewClient/culebra to simplify the task.
Basically, you can connect your device with adb and then run
culebra -VC -d on -t on -o
The script obtains references to all of the visible Views. Edit the script and add at the end
no_id10.type('This is sample text')
No need to worry about View coordinates, no need to touch and type, no need to add sleeps, etc.
NOTE: this is using no_id10 as an example, the id for your EditText could be different
First of all, I would not use the MonkeyRunner.sleep command, but I would rather use the time package and the time.sleep command. Just import the package
import time
and you should be good to go.
Moreover, I suggest you should wait some time between device.touch and device.type. Try with
device.touch(205,361, "DOWN_AND_UP")
device.type("This is sample text")

error when trying to import ps file by grImport in R

I need to create a pdf file with several chart created by ggplot2 arranged in a A4 paper, and repeat it 20-30 times.
I export the ggplot2 chart into ps file, and try to PostScriptTrace it as instructed in grImport, but it just keep giving me error of Unrecoverable error, exit code 1.
I ignore the error and try to import and xml file generated into R object, give me another error:
attributes construct error
Couldn't find end of Start Tag text line 21
Premature end of data in tag picture line 3
Error: 1: attributes construct error
2: Couldn't find end of Start Tag text line 21
3: Premature end of data in tag picture line 3
What's wrong here?
If you have no time to deal with Sweave, you could also write a simple TeX document from R after generating the plots, which you could later compile to pdf.
ggsave(p, file=paste('filename', id, '.pdf'))
paste('filename', id, '.pdf'), '}', sep=''),
Later, you could easily compile it to pdf with for example pdflatex.