ms sql connection string with semi colon in password failing to connect - mule

Am working on anypoint studio 6.6.8 with runtime 3.9.4EE.
I have the following mssql generic database connection string.
Test connection gives me the following error:
Test connection failed:
org.mule.module.db.internal.domain.connection.ConnectionCreationException: Cannot get connection for URL jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=master;username=nrp;password=<<credentials>>;5r:;_1z~(f{1y{j: The connection string contains a badly formed name or value
PS: I have 2 semi colons in password
I have seen similar question raised here earlier a few times, hence my question might look repetitive.
however I tried the following solutions given in the replies. none of them worked. Please let me know if you have any alternate solution.
Enclosing the password in single quotes.
adding \ in front of ;
Enclosing password within double quotes or {}
Am not the admin hence removing ; from password cannot be done.

The connection string is in a format known as JAVA JDBC URL. It is similar to a normal URL. Many characters are not allowed in URLs and have to be encoded with the URL encoding method. Try using URL encoding for the entire URL. You can do it with most languages or online pages, though you might want to avoid public pages for sensitive information like passwords.
Example in Groovy:
Example in Python:

Thank you #aled
So the {} did work. I was doing it the wrong way.
I was encrypting the password & later concatenating {} to the decrypted password right b4 passing the connection string.
What worked was that I enclosed the password in {} first & then encrypted it.


Getting illegal character when sending GET request in JMETER. Working fine in browser

Im getting illegal character in JMETER for GET request -
tried replacing %22 with "" but still getting illegal character.
Any solutions ?
I think problematic characters are { and }, they need to be percent-encoded
The options are in:
Tick "URL-encode" box next to the filter parameter in the HTTP Request sampler :
Use __urlencode() function in "Path" field like
see Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction article to learn more about JMeter Functions concept
Or just hard-code the percent-encoded Path part like:

Need to pass a string with single \ character in python

I have looked at various solutions and am familiar with using the \ as an escape character. Im in a situation where I need to pass credentials over pyodbc and in making my connection string I need to pass credentials, unfortunately my username is in the format domain\username . I am continually getting errors because the literal string passed to SQL server is domain\username. I have seen a similar question on here trying to figure this out for url requests. I tried implementing it and I end up with the same error once the actual credentials are decoded. I've tried all kinds of string and raw string tricks best I can get is either '\ ' (with space behind it) or '\\' being literally passed to SQL Server. Any ideas?
#username and password is an argument passed from the console, lets just focus on username issue
username = bytes(sys.argv, 'utf8')
credentials = base64.b64encode(usename, altchars = bytes('\ ', 'utf8') )
cnxnstrng = f'''Driver={SQL Server};

Invalid username format in Azure database connection

I am unable to connect with database using psycopg2 module. This may be due to the # character needing escaping, but I have already tried this. Also, it could be related to my password having the "/" character, or the hostname having the "-" character, and I don't know how to escape it (I've already tried escaping using %2f and %2D).
This is the code I have tried with a edited password, so you can see the "special" characters it has, and also the "-" characters in the hostname. Most likely I am doing this wrong.
engine = create_engine('postgresql://username:asd/32foo/')
The username here is: username,
The password here is: asd/32foo/T123,
The hostame (I think this is) here is: sql-is-a232,
The server here is:,
The database name here is: database.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Please reference this document: Database Urls:
As the URL is like any other URL, special characters such as those that may be used in the password need to be URL encoded. Below is an example of a URL that includes the password "kx%jj5/g":
The encoding for the above password can be generated using urllib:
>>> import urllib.parse
>>> urllib.parse.quote_plus("kx%jj5/g")
Examples for common connection styles follow below. For a full index of detailed information on all included dialects as well as links to third-party dialects, see Dialects.
Hope this helps.

SQL LIKE '%...' in vba HTTP request

I am trying to run an SOQL query to the Salesforce REST API within a macro in Excel. I am using a LIKE statement to check if there are any email addresses with the same domain, which looks like this:
This is just the parameter given to the HTTP request, domain being a placeholder.
When I run the exact same request using Postman I get the correct response from the server, however in Excel I get Error 400 bad request.
When dropping the % it accepts the request, however then it obviously doesn't find any entries, as it is looking for the exact string "".
Are there any known problems with the %-sign within vba? Or any other suggestions what could be the problem?
The problem is not with VBA, it is with your HTTP query. You need to escape the percent sign (%), which is a special characters. I guess Postman is doing this for you under the hood.
Hence, try :
See :
If that's not enough for the query to succeed, you may as well escape the arobas sign (#):

JNDI & AD bind error when special characters like &,%,$ present in UserDN

I have implemented a java code which connects to the given host ip with username and password of the AD server.(using JNDI)
Now when I use a username which has no special character it works fine. But when I use symbols like $, #, &, etc in the username it gives me Auth. Error.
I am surprised to see this because &,$, and # are not used in userdn format by AD.
Can anyone explain what the problem and what can be the solution for this.
I cannot be sure (I have very little information to judge), but there may be a problem with the "7-bit-check-plugin". It is a LDAP plugin, which is responsible for rejection of data that are coded with more than 7 bits. This includes characters as %, $, # as well as some German characters, middle and east European characters, etc.
Please try to check if you have enabled 7-bit-check-plugin. If so, try to disable it and use that data again.