Add a PsiElement without adding text to the PsiFile - intellij-idea

I'm trying to add a method (PsiMethod) to a class (PsiClass) so that IDEA shows this method when typing. I did this, but I ran into a problem: when I add PsiMethod to PsiClass, the text of this method appears in the file, and I don't need it. I need to add a method so that it is highlighted by IDEA, but it is not displayed in the file as text.
How can this be done?
Here is my code how I add PsiMethod to PsiClass:
val module = ModuleManager.getInstance(project).modules.first()
val file = FilenameIndex
val newMethod = PsiElementFactory.getInstance(project).createMethod("testMethod", PsiType.VOID)
WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(project) {
.filter { it.elementType == JavaElementType.CLASS }
.map { it.add(newMethod) }
Link to this question in the Jetbrains Community: link


Jetpack compose and Kotlin, dynamic UI losing values on recomp

I am making a dynamic UI using kotlin and Jetpack compose and storing the information in an object box database.
The aim is that i will have a composable that starts off with 1 initial item that is empty and when the contents of the textbox have been filled in would allow the red "+" button to be clicked and then another textfield would appear. These values will need to be able to be edited constantly all the way until the final composable value is stored. The button changes colour currently and the states are fine with the button so i can add and remove rows
The data comes in as a string and is converted into a Hashmap<Int, String>. The int is used to store the position in the map being edited and the string would be the text value.
Using log messages i see that the information is updated in the list and for recomp sake i instantly store the value of the edited list in a converted json string.
At the moment:
When i scroll past the composable it resets and looks like the initial state (even if i have added multiple rows)
Log messages show that my hashmap has the values from before e.g. {"0":"asdfdsa"} but the previous positions are ignored and as the previous information would still be present but not shown on the UI when i enter it into the first field again (the others are not visible at the time) {"0":"asdfdsa","0":"hello"}. This would later cause an error when trying to save new data to the list because of the duplicate key
In the composables my hashmap is called textFields and is defined like this. Number is used to determine how many textfields to draw on the screen
val textFields = remember { getDataStringToMap(data.dataItem.dataValue) }
val number = remember { mutableStateOf(textFields.size) }
the method to getDataStringToMap is created like this
private fun getDataMapToString(textFieldsMap: HashMap<Int, String>): String {
val gson = Gson()
val newMap = hashMapOf<Int, String>()
for (value in textFieldsMap){
if (value.value .isNotBlank()){
newMap[value.key] = value.value
return gson.toJson(newMap)
and the method to getDataStringToMap is created like this (I explicitly define the empty hashmap type because its more readable for me if i can see it)
private fun getDataStringToMap(textsFieldsString: String): HashMap<Int, String> {
val gson = Gson()
return if (textsFieldsString.isBlank()) {
hashMapOf<Int, String>(0 to "")
} else {
val mapType = HashMap<Int, String>().javaClass
gson.fromJson(textsFieldsString, mapType)
the composables for the textfields are called like this
items(number.value) { index ->
itemValue = textFields[index].orEmpty(),
changeValue = {
textFields[index] = it
addItem = {
columnHeight.value += itemHeight
scope.launch {
deleteItem = {
columnHeight.value -= itemHeight
scope.launch {
lastItem = index == number.value - 1,
index = index
Edited 30/12/2022
Answer from #Arthur Kasparian solved issues. Change to rememberSaveable retains the UiState even on scroll and recomp.
Now just to sort out which specific elements are removed and shown after :D
The problem is that remember alone does not save values on configuration changes, whereas rememberSaveable does.
You can read more about this here.

File picker doesnt get the path right

im using the modern way to get user to pick file and then get it using the "registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult())" method, but the path that I get is not correct (after creating File with the given path it says it doesnt exists). Could anyone please help me with this problem? cant find any solution online with the modern way.
private fun initializeImportResultLauncher() {
importResultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
if (result.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
val path =!!.data!!.path ?: return#registerForActivityResult
val file = File(path)
val fileExists = file.exists()
binding.importedFileText.text =
String.format("selected file: %s", importFile!!.name)
private fun initializeImportButton() {
binding.importButton.setOnClickListener {
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT)
intent.type = "*/*"
in the debugger after selecting existing file it says that fileExists is false.
Path in the debugger is: /document/raw:/storage/emulated/0/Download/importFile.csv.
Or maybe im just not correctly saving files in the phone directory, if the code is correct could I get some help with that.
Tried every other method but just cant get it working

Passing Multiple Mime Types to ActivityResultLauncher.launch()

I have following code
val getContent = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.GetContent()) { uri: Uri? ->
//Some code here..
and somewhere else ,
I can successfully select the docx file . I need to select either pdf or doc or text or docx rather just to be able to select one kind(here docx).
I would recommend using OpenDocument instead of GetContent.
val documentPick =
registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.OpenDocument()) { result ->
// do something
While launching the intent just add the mime types you want to get
Using array doesn't work in my case. Instead, the following worked correctly.
Here custom class of ActivityResultContracts.GetContent is used. fun "createIntent" is overrided to customize method to make intent from the input.
// custom class of GetContent: input string has multiple mime types divided by ";"
// Here multiple mime type are divided and stored in array to pass to putExtra.
// super.createIntent creates ordinary intent, then add the extra.
class GetContentWithMultiFilter:ActivityResultContracts.GetContent() {
override fun createIntent(context:Context, input:String):Intent {
val inputArray = input.split(";").toTypedArray()
val myIntent = super.createIntent(context, "*/*")
myIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_MIME_TYPES, inputArray)
return myIntent
// define ActivityResultLauncher to launch : using custom GetContent
val getContent=registerForActivityResult(GetContentWithMultiFilter()){uri ->
... // do something
// launch it
// multiple mime types are separated by ";".
val inputString="audio/mpeg;audio/x-wav;audio/wav"

How to show IntelliJ JSON editor in dialog?

I want to show below kind of an editor inside a dialog in an plugin that I'm developing for Kotlin and Java. I tried the below code snippet
editorTextField.setFileType(new JsonFileType());
Could someone point out how to achieve this?
Particularly I need the line numbers, JSON syntax highlighting and code folding I can see all the code specifications here. Please help me in learning how can I use them in my plugins.
JSON editor :
class JsonOutputDialog(language: Language, project: Project, text: String) : DialogWrapper(project) {
private val panel = JPanel(BorderLayout())
init {
val editorTextField = CustomEditorField(language, project, text)
editorTextField.preferredSize = Dimension(800, 600)
editorTextField.isVisible = true
override fun createCenterPanel() = panel
class CustomEditorField(language: Language, project: Project, s: String) : LanguageTextField(language, project, s) {
override fun createEditor(): EditorEx {
val editor = super.createEditor()
val settings = editor.settings
settings.isLineNumbersShown = true
settings.isAutoCodeFoldingEnabled = true
settings.isFoldingOutlineShown = true
settings.isAllowSingleLogicalLineFolding = true
return editor
This is what you need to do. The key here is to use LanguageTextField instead of EditorTextField and override the createEditor() method to configure all the options that you are looking for like Line Numbers and Code Folding.

Plugin: How to insert new method in existing PHP class?

I'm trying to create a IntelliJ plugin (mostly for learning purposes). My aim is that by pressing a keyboard shortcut the plugin will generate a corresponding PHP unit test method stub in the test file.
So let's say Db.php is open, the upon pressing Ctrl+Shift+U the plugin will create a unit test stub in DbTest.php.
So far I've figured out how to get the method name at cursor and how to locate the corresponding Unit test file (i.e. Db => DbTest) as PsiFile.
PsiFile[] search = FilenameIndex.getFilesByName(project, testFileName, scope); //scope is the test directory
PsiFile testFile = search[0];
What I cannot figure out is how to insert the generated new method stub this in testFile and then save the changes?
P.S. I see there exists a createMethodFromText function but how do I get the PsiClass from PsiFile? Also how do I save the changes?
There're just a few simple steps.
Find PhpClass you want to insert a new method in. As you already have PsiFile you can either traverse a tree manually or use PhpElementVisitor.
1.1. To travers a tree manually you can use PsiTreeUtil#findChildOfType method. In your case you'll need to find GroupStatement first, then the class you need.
1.2. Invoke PsiElement#accept method (PsiFile is an instance of PsiElement) provided with PhpElementVisitor with overridden #visitPhpGroupStatement and #visitPhpClass methods.
Use PhpPsiElementFactory#createMethod to create the new method from text. Note that this class isn't a part of the public API, so theoretically it can be easily changed/moved/removed/whatever in the future.
Use PsiElement#add (PhpClass is also an instance of PsiElement) to insert the method into the class.
That's all. You don't need to explicitly save the changes.
Here is what worked for me in the end. Thanks everyone for the help
for (int i = 0; i < found.getTextLength(); i++) {
PsiElement ele = found.findElementAt(i);
PhpClass phpClass = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(ele, PhpClass.class);
if (phpClass != null) {
Method methodExists = findMethod(phpClass, methodName);
if (methodExists == null) {
new WriteCommandAction.Simple(phpClass.getProject(), phpClass.getContainingFile()) {
protected void run() throws Throwable {
PsiElement brace = phpClass.getLastChild();
if (brace != null) {
Method method = PhpPsiElementFactory.createMethod(phpClass.getProject(), "public function " + methodName + "() {\n\n}");
CodeStyleManager styleManager = CodeStyleManager.getInstance(getProject());
PsiElement newMethod = phpClass.addBefore(method, brace);
} else {