Cusom Activity in Azure data factory - azure-data-factory-2

I am creating c# program and want to execute it from custom activity azure data factory. However, I am not getting the steps that I should follow.
I have followed a Microsoft site for the same, but the steps are not clear. So please help.

The deployment happens at runtime. Basically, Data Factory passes the executable to the Batch service. If you haven't already done so, create an Azure Batch Linked Service to your Batch Account and reference it in the Custom Activity's "Azure Batch" tab.
You will need to load the executable package to a folder in Azure Blob Storage. Make sure to include the EXE and any dependent DLLs. In the "Settings" tab, do the following:
Reference the Blob Storage Linked Service
Reference the folder path that holds the executable(s).
Specify the command to execute (which should be the ConsoleAppName.exe).
Here is a screen shot of the Settings:
If you need to pass parameters from ADF to Batch, they are called "Extended properties", and are handled differently in your Console app than typical parameters. More information can be found at this answer.


Azure devops migration tools cant find required field

I am trying to migrate an Azure DevOps project from one organization to another organization. I get the following message at console output.
[08:22:35 INF] Found target project as myTestProject [08:22:35 WRN]
ValidatingRequiredField: Epic does not contain
Do this mean that the custom process used has to be used in target project?
If so, is there a method to export processes in Azure DevOps?
The message actually only means that the Epic work item is missing the ReflectedWorkItemId field (see documentation and documentation 2).
The field is used to store the state of the migration. Each affected WI Type (Source + Target) must have this field. Depending on the Process Model type you use the old tooling (witadmin) or the new tooling(web access).
"Custom" actually only means a derived process template. With the inheritance model you cannot change the template directly, but derive from the Microsoft original.

Arcgis server CreateReplica REST API of feature not working

I created Feature class in enterprise geodatabase (SQLServer2014 express). Feature class is sync enabled and published successfully.
Now I can not generate offline geodatabase from Arcgis Android SDk.
I can see ' Create Replica ' from 'Supported Operations' from 'http://xyz:6080/arcgis/rest/services/MyFeature/FeatureServer'
I tried 'http://xyz:6080/arcgis/rest/services/MyFeature/FeatureServer/createReplica' rest api from feature service. it creates job but no results shown.
Server logs show following error
Error executing tool.: ErrorMsg#SyncGPService:{"code":400,"description":""} Failed to execute (Create Feature Service Replica).
Log source is 'System/SyncTools.GPServer'
First, make sure that there's nothing needed at the DB level where your data is stored. Taking the server out of the equation, can you run the Create Replica tool in ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro against the data source, and does it succeed? If that works (and other operations like Adds, Updates, Deletes etc.), then put ArcGIS Server back in the equation.
What are your ArcGIS Server log levels set at? It may be beneficial to up the logging level to Verbose or Debug, try to create the replica again, and consult the logs to see if more helpful information is returned.
You may also want to check and see if your version of ArcGIS Server needs to be patched. For example, at 10.5.1 there was a patch released specifically for Sync issues.
If all else fails, Esri Support may be a good place to find some help as well.
Have you looked at the requirements for making your data available for offline use? See this link in the ArcGIS Server documentation.
Specifically you need to enable archiving and include Global IDs on the dataset, but there are more details at the above link.
For future reference, and in case that suggestion doesn't work, the Esri GeoNet ArcGIS Enterprise place is a good spot to ask these questions.

BizTalk maps that rely on configuration data?

I have a simple BizTalk map that uses a scripting functoid to call an external assembly function. This function, however, relies on a value from configuration. For a live server, this config file is BTSNTSvc.exe.config, but what file is used when testing a map in Visual Studio?
I have attempted to place Debug.WriteLine calls in my external assembly to trace out the location of the configuration file, but nothing appears in my trace listener, either.
I need to maintain the ability to switch values in config, but I'd also like to retain the short turnaround time afforded by testing in VS, rather than having to fully deploy every time. Is this possible?
I suppose that would be the devenv.exe.config.
C:\Program Files(x86)\VSVersion\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe.config
Another way would be to make a unit test for the map instead of using the "Test Map"-functionality.

SharePoint Integrated Reports missing drop down to manage data sources

I have installed and configured SSRS using SharePoint integrated deployment mode and have been able to successfully run a report from SharePoint. I created a custom deployment application that will upload all reports and datasets as well as create all data sources and make the proper connections between them when necessary.
I have one report that failed and I need to manually mess with the reports connection to a data source but I found that the drop down does not contain the options to let me manage its shared data sources (see example below).
In this image you can see the option that I am missing. Please excuse the colors, this is the best image I could find online in a pinch.
This is only happening in one environment so there must be a configuration change I am not thinking of to show these options. Here are the things I have already checked:
The account I am using is in the sites Owners group and has full control of everything, including the report file.
The item is being uploaded as a Document content type for some reason, but I edited properties and changed that to Report Builder Report content type.
The Report Server Integration site collection feature has been activated.
All of the Reporting Service content types have been added to the list.
I would revert to deployment from BIDS to debug this issue. It will perform some validation during that process and possibly return meaningful errors.
So this turned out to be caused by one of our customizations. We had an old custom javascript function that was named the same as a SharePoint javascript function that has something to do with those drop down actions. Hope this helps someone else.

How do I use DocumentDatabase.StartBackup() in conjunction with an RavenDB EmbeddableDocumentStore?

I read the Backup and Restore doc at RavenDB website and tried it in my code.
In the doc we have:
Initiating a backup
When running in embedded mode, all you need is to call the method
The above line of code just won't compile with error:
An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property
'Raven.Database.DocumentDatabase.StartBackup(string, bool)'
So I tried this just to test:
new DocumentDatabase(_documentStore.Configuration).
StartBackup(#"~\App_Data\Backup", true);
The code compiles but when the app starts I get this error:
Could not open transactional storage: C:\Project\trunk\MyApp\App_Data\Database\Data
Can someone please share some working code about how can one do a full backup of an online embedded document store? Is it even possible without using RavenDB server?
My only option is doing a manual backup of the database folder?
You need to use the StartBackup method on the actual instance that you are running.
If you are using the EmbeddableDocumentStore, you need to do: