I have a text column that has a data value (int) within it that I need to parse out. The problem is that it is not in the same character column, so a simple substring(x, 180, 5) won't work as it sometimes will return a character as well.
The data value always comes after the phrase 'value received:'.
Is it possible to parse the value out whereby SQL will take the next 3 values after this wording? Or even better, can you "catch" the value between two words? As before the value is a : and after the value there is always the word "complete".
You can use something like this:
select substring(x, charindex('value received', x) + 14, 5)
Without sample data, this might be off by a character or two.
Example of the data in csv
The doucmention I have
*The right most position of the numeric field will have a sign OVER it
designating positive or negative.
Example of Data
I dont understand how write the logic to support the the symbol,number,letter to get the correct value.
I'd create a table (or view) with the static mapping of character-value, meaning:
about the data rows themselves, it seems to me there is always a symbol at the end, therefore you can split the data into two columns, value, and symbol...
I have no idea about how the data are inserted but it seems logically easy
,LEFT(_YourValue_, LENGTH(_YourValue_)-1) as Value
,RIGHT(_YourValue_, 1) as Symbol
FROM _Whatever_
you can also cast to whatever datatype is correct for those data.
Finally you can join the tables and show/calculate whatever is needed
select value , if(value LIKE '%{%' or value LIKE '%J%' or value LIKE '%E%' or value LIKE '%C%',concat(SUBSTRING(value,1,char_length(value)-1),'+'),concat(SUBSTRING(value,1,char_length(value)-1),'-')) as new_value from yourtablename
New Value
Add all other character on first parameter of if clause for positive designation.
I want to extract a specific part of a String, if the structure of that string is similar to a given example.
Each element works if tested solo, however if i try the WHERE clause as seen below its not working.
Is it possible that LIKE cant handle empty fields that well? Or am I missing something?
I’m using MS Access, therefore the Wildcards in LIKE are ‘?’
The Select Statement should grab a substring of the row “endpoint1”, from the given position to the next “:”
The WHERE Statement should only allow two different formats of that given substring
[Test] AS PLL
Mid(PLL.Endpoint1, 7, InStr(Mid(PLL.Endpoint1, 7, 10), ":") - 1) Like '?_????_??'
OR Mid(PLL.Endpoint1, 7, InStr(Mid(PLL.Endpoint1, 7, 10), ":") - 1) Like '?_????_?'
Issue is not with LIKE comparison.
If field is Null then InStr() will return Null. Mid() errors if result of InStr() is Null because its position arguments must be numeric. Could use Nz() to provide alternate value:
InStr(Mid(Nz(PLL.Endpoint1, ""), 7, 10), ":")
Now if your full expression returns Null, record will not be retrieved since comparing to Null returns Null. Null is not True therefore the record will be excluded same as False.
I have a big problem right now and I really need your help, because I can't find the right answer.
I am currently writing a script that triggers a migration process from a table with raw data (data we received from an excel file) to a new normalized schema.
My problem is that there is a column PRICE (varchar2 datatype) with a bunch of traps. For example: 540S, 25oo , I200 , S000 .
And I need to convert it to the correct NUMBER(9,2) format so I can get: 5405, 2500, 1200, 5000 as NUMBER for the previous examples and INSERT INTO my_new_table.
Is there any way I can parse every CHAR of these strings that verify certain conditions?
Or others better way?
Thank you :)!
One of the wonderful things about Oracle that some other DBs lack, is the TRANSLATE function:
SELECT TRANSLATE(number, 'SsIilOoxyz', '5511100') FROM t
This will convert:
S, s to 5
I, i and l to 1
O, o to 0
Remove any x, y or z from the number
The second and third arguments to translate define what characters are to be mapped. If the first string is longer than the second then anything over the length of the second is deleted from the resulting string. Mapping is direct based on position:
Look at the columns of the characters; the character above is mapped to the character below:
You can use translate() and along with to_number(). Your rules are not exactly clear, but something like this:
select to_number(translate(price, '0123456789IoS', '012345678910'))
from t;
This replaces I with 1, o with 0, and removes S.
I have an Access table with a field that contains alphanumeric values (1234, 123A, 12A34, ABC3, etc). I am trying to create a conditional update query to add leading zeros to bring all values that contain at least 1 letter up to five characters but none to the only numeric values (eg 123, 00A12, 0000X).
My current code looks like:
UPDATE MyTable SET MyTable!Field = Format(Field, String(5, "0")) WHERE MyTable!Field LIKE '*[A-Z]*'
When I run the query, I don't get any error messages but it also fails to add any leading zeros.
I've also tried Format(Field, "00000") using Not Like and '*[0-9]*' or '*[0123456789]*' etc.
Interestingly, when I run a query by itself to select any of the values containing a letter (Like '*[A-Z]*'), it correctly pulls all 1000 values that need to be updated but when I add the conditional, it fails. Similarly, I've been successful in the past with adding leading zeros the entire field using Format(Field), String(5, "0") but it also fails when I add a conditional.
I'm pretty new to Access and SQL, so I feel like I've probably misunderstood the syntax somewhere. Or is there something else I should be doing?
Format() is wrong function to use.
If every value in field is 5 characters or less, consider:
UPDATE MyTable SET Field = String(5-Len(Field), "0")) & Field WHERE Not IsNumeric(Nz(Field,0))
I have a table like this:-
Item Model
A 10022009
B 10032006
C 05081997
I need to rearrange/convert the Model column into this format:-
Item Model
A 20090210
B 20060310
C 19970805
The Model column is character.
You can try the following
SET Model = substr(Model, 5, 4) + substr(Model, 3, 2) + substr(Model, 1, 2)
The right way to do this, assuming those are date fields (and they certainly look like them), is to put that data into a date type column, not a string type column.
Then you can use the DBMS-provided date/time manipulation functions as they were meant to be used, including being able to extract them in the format and order that you want.
Normally, I would have proposed a simple textual change with substrings but, since you're going to change the data anyway, the best thing to do is bite the bullet and change the schema so all your problems disappear (not just one of them).
If you want to keep it as a string type, the syntax to use depends on your DBMS. It's likely to be one of the following:
substring (column, start, length) # substr for Oracle, I think.
substring (column FROM start for length)