How to send `application/zip` in react-native - react-native

I want to generate a zip file and then POST it up. I am trying to leverage this lib JSZip to create a zip with several files in it. Here is what I have right now.
handlePendingItems = async (routeId: number) => {
try {
await dbClient.addLogLine(`Need to delete photos.`);
const [debugLogs, pendingTasks, pendingUploads] = await this.getPendingItems();
const dbVersion = await dbClient.getUserSchemaVersion();
let appInfo = `Database Version = ${dbVersion}\n`;
appInfo += `App Version = ${version}`;
const zip = new JSZip();
zip.file('app-info.txt', appInfo);
if (debugLogs.length) {
const debugLogsCsv = convertDataToCSV(debugLogs);
zip.file('debug-logs.csv', debugLogsCsv);
if (pendingTasks.length) {
const pendingTasksCsv = convertDataToCSV(pendingTasks);
zip.file('pending-tasks.csv', pendingTasksCsv);
if (pendingUploads.length) {
const pendingUploadsCsv = convertDataToCSV(pendingUploads);
zip.file('pending-uploads.csv', pendingUploadsCsv);
const test = await zip.generateAsync({ type: 'binarystring' });
const res = PhotoService.uploadLogs(routeId, test);
// const zipFile = await zip.generateAsync({
// type: 'blob',
// compression: 'DEFLATE',
// compressionOptions: {
// level: 9
// }
// });
} catch (error) {
I can't use the type: 'blob' in react-native, it throws an error as unsupported on this platform. That being said I am trying to use other types to pass to react-native-fetch-blob. To be posted via the following code.
uploadLogs(driverRouteId: number, logs: string) {
const store = getStore();
const token = store.getState()?.auth?.token || '';
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
'Content-Type': 'application/zip',
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
(res) => {
(err) => {
I read that fetch blob will attempt to parse base64 string if the content-encoding is a specific type which in this case has to be application/zip (so no parsing in this case) so I am trying to call generateAsync with type string however, the zip the file the server stores is in an unsupported format. How can I generate the zip file containing the three csv files and the txt file and send it using either fetch blob or just plain axios in react-native.

Figured out a solution using a different library to zip.
npm install react-native-zip-archive --save
npm install react-native-fs --save
npm install rn-fetch-blob --save
import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob';
import { zip } from 'react-native-zip-archive';
import RNFS from 'react-native-fs';
const pathsToZip = [];
const zipPath = `${RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath}/`;
const appInfo = 'App info string to put in txt file'
const appInfoPath = RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/appInfo.txt';
await RNFS.writeFile(appInfoPath, appInfo, 'utf8');
await zip(pathsToZip, zipPath);
await uploadLogs(zipPath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
'Content-Type': 'application/zip',
(res) => {
(err) => {


S3 to IPFS from Pinata

I am trying to upload a lot of files from S3 to IPFS via Pinata. I haven't found in Pinata documentation something like that.
This is my solution, using the form-data library. I haven't tested it yet (I will do it soon, I need to code some things).
Is it a correct approach? anyone who has done something similar?
async uploadImagesFolder(
items: ItemDocument[],
bucket?: string,
path?: string,
) {
try {
const form = new FormData();
for (const item of items) {
const file = getObjectStream(item.tokenURI, bucket, path);
form.append('file', file, {
filename: item.tokenURI,
console.log(`Uploading files to IPFS`);
const pinataOptions: PinataOptions = {
cidVersion: 1,
const result = await pinata.pinFileToIPFS(form, {
console.log(`PiƱata Response:`, JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
return result.IpfsHash;
} catch (e) {
I had the same problem
So, I have found this:
But in the article If am not wrong, is used a different version to the JavaScript AWS SDK v3 (nowadays the most recent:
This is for the Client side with TypeScript:
If you have this version, for me works this code snippet:
export const getStreamObjectInAwsS3 = async (data: YourParamsType) => {
try {
const BUCKET = data.bucketTarget
const KEY = data.key
const client = new S3Client({
region: 'your-region',
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'your-access-key',
secretAccessKey: 'secret-key'
const resource = await client.send(new GetObjectCommand({
Bucket: BUCKET,
Key: KEY
const response = resource.Body
if (response) {
return new Response(await response.transformToByteArray()).blob()
return null
} catch (error) {
return null
With the previous code, you can get the Blob Object for pass it to the File object with this method and get the URL resource using the API:
export const uploadFileToIPFS = async(file: Response) => {
const url = ``
const data = new FormData()
data.append('file', file)
try {
const response = await, data, {
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
headers: {
pinata_api_key: 'your-api',
pinata_secret_api_key: 'your-secret'
data: data
return {
success: true,
pinataURL: `${ }`
} catch (error) {
return null
I have found this solution from this nice article and you can explore other implementations (including the Node.js side)

Upload Image With Expo & Fetch

I am trying to upload an image from my react native app.
If I use my local node server and run this code:
var fs = require("fs");
var options = {
method: "POST",
url: "my_URL",
headers: {},
formData: {
file: {
value: fs.createReadStream("../../assets/image.png"),
options: {
filename: "image.jpg",
contentType: null
request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
I have a succesful upload.
However, with the URI from that we get through the the app, it does not work:
Here is my code on React Native Expo:
const body = new FormData();
body.append("file", 'file:///path/to/file/image123.jpg');
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"content-type": "multipart/form-data"
.then(response => {
console.log(response, "RESPONSE");
.then(result => {
console.log(result, "RESULT");
.catch(error => {
console.log(error, "ERROR");
I am unable to get it to work. I think it has something to do with the file path from the device.
Any help will be appreciated.
try to create FormData using this function
const createFormData = (uri) => {
const fileName = uri.split('/').pop();
const fileType = fileName.split('.').pop();
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', {
name: fileName,
type: `image/${fileType}`
return formData;
if it doesn't work check permissions

Problem to generate pdf from a blob in an expo app using FileSystem

I get a blob and I treat it like this:
const file =;
var blob = new Blob([file], {
type: 'application/pdf',
const fileReaderInstance = new FileReader();
fileReaderInstance.onload = async () => {
const fileUri = `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}file.pdf`;
await FileSystem.writeAsStringAsync(
encoding: FileSystem.EncodingType.Base64,
however when I generate and share the file, I can't access it and if I get its URI and search on the web it returns:
i solved my problem in this way:
This is a func who get other data to request, do the request (generate PDF()) and treat the data and generate by received blob the buffer on (fileReaderInstance.result) who is shared in Sharing.shareAsync()
const generatePDF = async () => {
const companyReponse = await CompanyService.getCompany();
const peopleResponse = await PeopleService.getPerson(sale.customerId);
const company =;
const people = peopleResponse.response;
const quote = false;
const json = await SaleService.generatePDF({
if (json && json.success) {
try {
const fileReaderInstance = new FileReader();
fileReaderInstance.onload = async () => {
const base64data = fileReaderInstance.result.split(',');
const pdfBuffer = base64data[1];
const path = `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}/${sale._id}.pdf`;
await FileSystem.writeAsStringAsync(`${path}`, pdfBuffer, {
encoding: FileSystem.EncodingType.Base64,
await Sharing.shareAsync(path, { mimeType: 'application/pdf' });
} catch (error) {
Alert.alert('Erro ao gerar o PDF', error.message);
This is the func in SaleServicegeneratePDF who do the request to api and pass the parameters that return a blob of pdf using axios:
generatePDF: async ({ sale, company, people, quote }) => {
const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem('token');
const body = { sale, company, people, quote };
try {
const response = await axios(`${BASE_API}/generate-sale-pdf`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: token,
responseType: 'blob',
data: body,
return {
success: true,
} catch (err) {
return err.error;
I have solved this problem by passing the blob string to WriteAsStringAsync method of FileSystem library from expo.
const blobDat =[0].data; //blob data coming from an API call
const fileUri = FileSystem.documentDirectory + `testt.pdf`; //Directory Link of the file to be saved
await FileSystem.writeAsStringAsync(fileUri, blobDat, {
encoding: FileSystem.EncodingType.UTF8,
}) //This step writes the blob string to the pdf fileURI
await IntentLauncher.startActivityAsync("android.intent.action.VIEW", {
data: fileUri,
flags: 1,
type: "application/pdf",
//prompts user with available application to open the above created pdf.

How to upload image to firebase using react native

I need way to upload image to firebase
i tried to use react-native-fetch-blob library
but I think there is something wrong with installing the library
No need to use react-native-fetch-blob. Here is how I do it on my project.
Install both react-native-firebase and react-native-image-picker. Follow the installation steps from their documentation guide.
Then implement 2 small functions to do image pick and upload to firebase. Here is the sample code.
// 1. Import required library
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';
import ImagePicker from 'react-native-image-picker';
// 2. Create a function to pick the image
const pickImage = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ImagePicker.showImagePicker(pickerOptions, response => {
if (response.didCancel) return;
if (response.error) {
const message = `An error was occurred: ${response.error}`;
reject(new Error(message));
const { path: uri } = response;
// 3. Create a function to upload to firebase
const uploadImage = async (fileName, uri) {
return new Promise(
(resolve, reject) => {
Then simply firing both function as you need, here is the sample to pick and immediately upload it.
const pickImageAndUpload = async () => {
const uri = await pickImage();
const fileName = 'someImage.jpg';
const { state, downloadURL } = await uploadImage(fileName, uri);
async function uploadImageAsync(itemImage, passedParameter, ItemName, ItemDesc, ItemPrice, ItemWeight) {
const response = await fetch(itemImage);
const blob = await response.blob();
console.log("uri of the elements ius", blob)
var storageRef =;
var file = blob
var metadata = {
contentType: 'image/jpeg',
const timeStamp =;
var uploadTask = storageRef.child('CategoryDescription' + "/" + `${passedParameter}` + "/" + `${ItemName}`).put(file, metadata);
//For image pick
pickImage = async () => {
const { CAMERA, CAMERA_ROLL } = Permissions;
const permissions = {
[CAMERA]: await Permissions.askAsync(CAMERA),
[CAMERA_ROLL]: await Permissions.askAsync(CAMERA_ROLL),
if (permissions[CAMERA].status === 'granted' && permissions[CAMERA_ROLL].status === 'granted') {
let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
allowsEditing: false,
quality: 0.5,
// console.log(result);
if (!result.cancelled) {
this.setState({ itemImage: result.uri });

Image upload using react-admin

I am new to react-admin. I am using react-admin to upload the file. I have following the step mentioned below in tutorial.
But after I submit the request...I see http trace as follow. I see blob link instead of Base64 image payload.
"pictures": {
"rawFile": {
"preview": "blob:"
"src": "blob:",
"title": "Android_robot.png"
Can someone please advice how to get base64 image payload instead of link?
Check to see if you have this handler, most likely you did not change the name of the resource posts to your:
const addUploadCapabilities = requestHandler => (type, resource, params) => {
if (type === 'UPDATE' && resource === 'posts') {
Create your custom dataProvider to convert picture to base64
import restServerProvider from 'ra-data-json-server';
const servicesHost = 'http://localhost:8080/api';
const dataProvider = restServerProvider(servicesHost);
const myDataProfider = {
create: (resource, params) => {
if (resource !== 'your-route' || ! {
// fallback to the default implementation
return dataProvider.create(resource, params);
const myFile =;
if ( !myFile.rawFile instanceof File ){
return Promise.reject('Error: Not a file...'); // Didn't test this...
return Promise.resolve( convertFileToBase64(myFile) )
.then( (picture64) => ({
src: picture64,
title: `${myFile.title}`
.then( transformedMyFile => dataProvider.create(resource, {
data: {,
myFile: transformedMyFile
const convertFileToBase64 = file => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);
reader.onerror = reject;
export default myDataProfider;
And get image data at your Server API
exports.create = (req, res) => {
var file = req.body.myFile;
var fs = require('fs');
var data = file.src.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, "");
var buf = Buffer.from(data, 'base64');
fs.writeFile(`upload/${file.title}`, buf, err => {
if (err) throw err;