I was trying to use the eclipse from the intell j, so I basically chose the File - Export - project to Eclipse and then move those file to eclipse from intell j. Now, I want to go back to intell j since eclipse doesnt seems works for me. And then I see this red J icon in my class file in intell-j IDE.
J icon
Can anyone help me to get me back to intell j?
I been struggling with this for a while...
Ctrl+N on IntelliJ (Ultimate 2020) is not finding Java files.
To troubleshoot this I've tried:
Ensuring correct JDK is configured
Ensuring no errors listed in the event log
Ctrl+N filter has Java selected
I have two installs of IntelliJ - it works one and not the other. I cant't figure out the difference.
What am I missing?
Update: I notice in the instance where this works the .java files in the source tree have a C or I icon for class/interface. In the one which doesn't work they have a file icon with a red dot in the lower left corner. That is odd....
The icon with a J in an orange circle represents Java classes located outside of the sources root.
So basically the answer is, you need to mark the directory with your Java classes as a Sources Root in order for IDEA to know that this is your production code, and these are the files eligible for compilation, as well as code completion, navigation, etc.
After that, the icons will turn blue, and the classes will become searchable:
This question led to the solution: What does this symbol mean in IntelliJ? (red circle on bottom-left corner of file name, with 'J' in it)
I clicked on the root pom.xml (Maven), right click, Maven, re-import.
I suddenly started getting following 2 issues after I triggered clean install on my projects.
I am unable to set Debug pointer (orange debug icon does not come - next to current line number) via single
click on runnable Java class's line
unable to see tool-tip (green arrow to run given test case - next to current line number) next to the #Text inside the test class in IntelliJ.
I have tried reading over the net for the possible solution for over 2 days now, but these 2 issues are not related to other posts available. I am posting here since I still do not have a solution.
Solutions that I have tried:
Invalidate Casche and Restart
Reimport All Projects and do a fresh mvn clean install
Remove unwanted plugins
Other details,
Junit framework - junit4
Source code - Java
Anything regarding this would be helpful.
These are called Gutter Icons. To enable these on file level go to View -> Active Editor -> Show Gutter Icons.
& To enable these on all files at once, go to Settings -> Editor -> General -> Gutter Icons -> Select the checkbox which says 'Show Gutter Icons'
I might have mistakenly deselected this option. So happy to have these Gutter Icons back now. Hope this helps someone who is new to IntelliJ like me.
so I downloaded sublime text 3 which allegedly "Sublime Text now scans the files in your project, and builds an index of which files contain which symbols. This backs the new features Goto Definition and Goto Symbol in Project".
I created a new project containing the source code of zend framework...I then attempt to do goto definition and goto symbol but they are all still only allow you to "Goto" definitions/symbols in the current file instead of the entire project.
How exactly should I configure sublime text 3 such that I can use the goto definition/symbol to any method in the project and not just the current file (akin to Eclipse's Ctrl + Shift + M Open method feature).
First off, make sure the relevant folders are added to your project by checking that they appear in the side bar under FOLDERS (which you can toggle using ⌘-K ⌘-B). If the Zend folder isn't there, add it by going to Project » Add Folder to Project....
Then you should use Goto » Goto Symbol in Project... (or ⇧-⌘-R). Goto Definition should search in the whole project. At least this is what it behaves like for me on Sublime 3 build 3019 for OS X.
Replace ⌘ with CTRL and ⇧ with SHIFT if on Windows.
Assuming this is not a shortcut issue (You can test this by trying to find symbol from the menu)
Quit Sublime Text 3.
Clear out the Sublime Text 3 Index folder
In OS X, delete the contents of ~/Library/Application
Support/Sublime Text 3/Index
In Windows, delete the contents of AppData\Local\Sublime Text 3\Index\
Open ST3 and your project
Open Console (View -> Show Console)
Check for errors
Most likely after step 3, your project will be back to normal, but if it isn't check what the problem is while indexing and try to search for that specific problem.
EDIT: Depending on the size of your project rebuilding cache might take looong
This question already has answers here:
Go to next compiler error across project in IntelliJ
(9 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I am looking for any way to navigate between errors in IntelliJ.
I know how to jump INSIDE one file. And I found a bunch of macros, editor extensions, etc. plugins to extend the functionality, but there seem to be nothing to help me in these scenarios:
I remove method from baseclass.
I hit rebuild, so nice, now 20 files have errors as expected.
Now I have to manually click either on the red error in the make info to open the file, or on the file in the project tree (marked red) to open the error file. Once inside the file its easy, F2, some ALT+ENTER, fixed.
So any way to jump TO NEXT ERROR FILE.
Or any way to navigate between (not open) files by keyboard. E.g. Open next file in tree structure, etc..
With IntelliJ 2017.2.2, F2 is mapped to "Next Highlighted Error" per default. Make sure to focus the Project editor first. Similarly Shift + F2 is mapped to "Previous Highlighted Error". The mappings mentioned in the other answers do not work.
I'm on WindowsXP, and I use Ctrl + Alt + ↓ to navigate through the messages in the Make window - does this do what you want?
One thing about that though, is that it is actually navigating though "messages" not just errors - so if you have a lot of warnings in your project, that could get in the way. I did just notice there's a "hide warnings" button though, so that could help.
On Mac it is: ⌥ + ⌘ + ↓ (or ↑ for previous)
(Found this in the documentation thanks to #Shorn's answer for Windows.)
If you switch to the Project Editor (Alt + 1) and then press F2 it jumps to the next file with an error.
I have a real problem with making Play2.0 work with IntelliJ EAP version (120.152).
I create an empty project without module in IntelliJ
I create a new application using the play command, and using play idea at the end
I then add this module from IntelliJ, using "Import from existing module"
Now, I have two folders too chose from when importing the module.
1. .idea
2. .idea_modules
After seeing some different ways on the internet,
I chose .idea_modules -> moduleName.iml
(I have tried all the others just to check)
Here is what bothers me the most
Anyone had anything similar? I am not sure why this is, every other screenshot I have seen from this, have a path behind the red text (making it work!), which I do not.
Any suggestions what I can do from here to hopefully make this work?
My Scala facet looks like this in the IDE, but I have not seen any Play documentation that goes into modifying the facet, so I just leaved it as is
In IntelliJ 12 - the same as in IntelliJ 11 you can open the Play's project since version 2.0.2, just by using option 'Open project' in the start window view.
You don't need to create blank project first in IDE.
play new test-leda + all required steps by play console
cd test-leda
play idea + wait for bash prompt which indicates finalization
Open Leda and choose Open project
Find the folder test-leda and just click Choose
That's all