I have made a app which draws bitmaps(800x500) each 30 ms. And displays them in a picturebox also the parts in the drawn image are objects. This process uses 50MB each time it renders and I'm very worried.
This is the rendering code:
Public Function Draw() As Bitmap
Dim b as New Bitmap(RenderWidth * Me.Camera.Zoom, RenderHeight * me.camera.zoom)
Dim g = graphics.FromImage(b)
For each i in me.elements
Dim calculated as new point(i.location.x - me.camera.x, i.location.y - me.camera.x)
Dim resized as new bitmap(i.Image, New Size(i.Image.Width * i.Scale, i.Image.Height * i.Scale))
g.DrawImage(resized, caluculated)
'camera zooming code
Dim oldSize as size = b.Size
Dim calculatedLoc = CalucLoc(oldSize, rendersize)
b = b.Clone(New Rectangle(caluclatedLoc, RenderSize), b.Pixelformat)
Return b
End Function
Function CalucLoc(bigSize, smallSize) as Point
Dim result as new size
Dim half_w1 = bigSize.Width / 2
Dim half_h1 = bigSize.Height / 2
Dim half_w2 = smallSize.Width / 2
Dim half_h2 = smallSize.Height / 2
Dim caluc_x = half_w1 - half_w2
Dim caluc_y = half_h1 - half_h2
result = New Point(caluc_x, caluc_y)
return result
End Function
The element class doesn't do anything it just acts as a container of all the properties.
Public Sub Draw(ByRef b As Bitmap)
I keep getting a system out of memory error when I break an image up into sub images. There's nothing too fancy going on, just splitting an image into a bunch of smaller images. Here's my code:
Dim counterrr As Integer = 0
Dim sorucedir As String
Dim tardir As String
sorucedir = "C:\somedir\"
tardir = "C:\otherdir\"
Dim di2 As New DirectoryInfo(sorucedir)
Dim fiArr2 As FileInfo() = di2.GetFiles()
Dim fri2 As FileInfo
Dim hh As Integer
Dim ww As Integer
hh = 995 'height of source images
ww = 1080 'width of source images
Dim sizestepX As Integer = 180
Dim stepsizeY As Integer = 239
For i = 0 To ww - 1 Step sizestepX
For j = 0 To hh - 1 Step stepsizeY
For Each fri2 In fiArr2
Dim BM2 As Bitmap
BM2 = Image.FromFile(fri2.FullName)
'bm2 = Image.FromFile(fri2.FullName)
Dim BM3 As Bitmap
Dim rect As New Rectangle(i, j, sizestepX, stepsizeY)
BM3 = BM2.Clone(rect, Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare)
counterrr += 1
Dim ss As String
ss = tardir & counterrr & ".png"
BM3.Save(ss, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
BM3 = Nothing
The error comes up after creating as few as 6 images (occurs when creating the 7th image). The line where the error is thrown is this:
BM3 = BM2.Clone(rect, Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare)
How can I modify my code so they objects are correctly disposed (?) of so they don't leak memory.
The Bitmap class, along with many of the other GDI+ classes implement IDisposable because they hold onto underlying GDI object handles which need to be released. Each process is limited by the OS to a maximum number of GDI objects, usually 10,000. You can view the total number of active GDI objects per process in the Windows task manager. To fix your problem, you need to either manually call the Dispose method on each Bitamp object you create, before it goes out of scope, or you need to wrap each Bitmap variable declaration in a Using block (so it will call Dispose for you). For instance:
Using BM2 As Bitmap = Image.FromFile(fri2.FullName)
Dim rect As New Rectangle(i, j, sizestepX, stepsizeY)
Using BM3 As Bitmap = BM2.Clone(rect, Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare)
counterrr += 1
Dim ss As String
ss = tardir & counterrr & ".png"
BM3.Save(ss, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
End Using
End Using
Note: there's no point in setting the BM3 variable to Nothing at the end, like you're doing. That has no bearing on anything.
I'm trying to convert an SVG file to any format of image file.
I'm creating SVG file from base30 value.
Public Sub SaveSignature()
Dim B30 As New Base30Converter
Dim Img = B30.GetData("aQ4895d6d7j5h94840Z39baa6bfb6430Y4538d6a49c59db8863003240Z4374b7ek7j4a33Y255e8j5d6Z52Y3b2428385e9n1vd1Bfq6a4Z4Y3949456Z1e91wi2B2N1u2Eh1H9bY5j81ye1w1u8e5724983329d8pe1Ai1Nf1V1Uft9d5_7WZ266594c4g7gc36452542000Y2648a67334524112100Z1235766Y64Z9ah593420Y75g7d483401000Z34Y133Z332Y7e29262300Z43a3652Y26252556400Z2ig6h2200473720Y2263542006736424241000Z826010")
Dim svg = SVGConverter.ToSVG(Img)
Dim sw As New System.IO.StreamWriter("D:\Sign.svg", False)
Dim bmp As Bitmap = renderFile("D:\Sign.svg")
Dim g As Graphics
g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
Using g
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, 0, 0)
End Using
bmp.Save("D:\Sign.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp)
bmp.Save("D:\Sign.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
bmp.Save("D:\Sign.emf", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf)
End Sub
Public Function renderFile(filename As String) As Bitmap
Dim displaySize As System.Drawing.Size
displaySize.Width = 300
displaySize.Height = 200
Dim svgDoc As SvgDocument = SvgDocument.Open(filename)
Dim svgSize = svgDoc.GetDimensions()
If svgSize.Width = 0 Then
Throw New Exception("SVG does not have size specified. Cannot work with it.")
End If
Dim displayProportion = (displaySize.Height * 1.0F) / displaySize.Width
Dim svgProportion = svgSize.Height / svgSize.Width
Dim scalingFactor As Single = 0.0F
Dim padding As Integer = 10
If displayProportion > svgProportion Then
scalingFactor = ((displaySize.Width - padding * 2) * 1.0F) / svgSize.Width
scalingFactor = ((displaySize.Height - padding * 2) * 1.0F) / svgSize.Height
End If
If scalingFactor < 0 Then
Throw New Exception("Viewing area is too small to render the image")
End If
Dim centeringX As Integer = Convert.ToInt16((displaySize.Width - (padding + CInt(svgDoc.Width) * scalingFactor)) / 2)
Dim centeringY As Integer = Convert.ToInt16((displaySize.Height - (padding + CInt(svgDoc.Height) * scalingFactor)) / 2)
svgDoc.Transforms = New SvgTransformCollection()
svgDoc.Transforms.Add(New SvgTranslate(padding + centeringX, padding + centeringY))
svgDoc.Transforms.Add(New SvgScale(scalingFactor))
svgDoc.Width = New SvgUnit(svgDoc.Width.Type, displaySize.Width)
svgDoc.Height = New SvgUnit(svgDoc.Height.Type, displaySize.Height)
Return svgDoc.Draw()
End Function
After all these process the image file left with empty file.
The base30 value I'm getting from a signature panel in asp application.
I'm using Logo right now and i'm making a project and basically i want to turn your recorded voice into something visual, only problem is when i go to find code it re that works it requires 1: A picture box and 2: to manually grab the sound .wav file and place it. I already made code to record my voice and to make it into a .Wav file and i already have code to visualize it, just when i run it it appears as a thick square of lines rather than the example i shown. Note: I'm not drawing into a picturebox, i'm drawing directly into the Form by using g.drawline(bleh,bleh,bleh,bleh).
(Example: http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/335152/16812948/1330286658510/76_dsc3616.jpeg?token=R1zPNnr9PAoB3WvnDxfFFFvzkMw%3D )
The code im trying to run:
Public Sub DrawSound(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Dim samplez As New List(Of Short)
Dim maxamount As Short
Dim pic As New Bitmap(x, y)
Dim ratio As Integer = (samplez.Count - 1) / (y - 1) 'If there are 10000 samples and 200 pixels, this would be every 50th sample is shown
Dim halfpic As Integer = (x / 2) 'Simply half the height of the picturebox
Dim wavefile() As Byte = IO.File.ReadAllBytes("C:\Users\" & Environ$("Username") & "\Documents\Sounds\Mic.wav")
Dim memstream As New IO.MemoryStream(wavefile)
Dim binreader As New IO.BinaryReader(memstream)
Dim ChunkID As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim filesize As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim rifftype As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtID As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtsize As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtcode As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
Dim channels As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
Dim samplerate As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtAvgBPS As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim fmtblockalign As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
Dim bitdepth As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
If fmtsize = 18 Then
Dim fmtextrasize As Integer = binreader.ReadInt16()
End If
Dim DataID As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
Dim DataSize As Integer = binreader.ReadInt32()
For i = 0 To (DataSize - 3) / 2
If samplez(samplez.Count - 1) > maxamount Then 'Using this for the pic
maxamount = samplez(samplez.Count - 1)
End If
For i = 1 To x - 10 Step 2 'Steping 2 because in one go, we do 2 samples
Dim leftdata As Integer = Math.Abs(samplez(i * ratio)) 'Grabbing that N-th sample to display. Using Absolute to show them one direction
Dim leftpercent As Single = leftdata / (maxamount * 2) 'This breaks it down to something like 0.0 to 1.0. Multiplying by 2 to make it half.
Dim leftpicheight As Integer = leftpercent * x 'So when the percent is tied to the height, its only a percent of the height
g.DrawLine(Pens.LimeGreen, i, halfpic, i, leftpicheight + halfpic) 'Draw dat! The half pic puts it in the center
Dim rightdata As Integer = Math.Abs(samplez((i + 1) * ratio)) 'Same thing except we're grabbing i + 1 because we'd skip it because of the 'step 2' on the for statement
Dim rightpercent As Single = -rightdata / (maxamount * 2) 'put a negative infront of data so it goes down.
Dim rightpicheight As Integer = rightpercent * x
g.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, i, halfpic, i, rightpicheight + halfpic)
End Sub
X and Y is the middle of the form. And i also would link where i got the code but i forgot where and also, i modified it in attempt to run it directly into he form rather than a picturebox. It worked sorta haha (And there is so many unused dims but all i know is, once i remove one none of the code works haha) So could anyone help?
I am using Report Viewer for WinForms. The problem i am having is this: I have a form that contains a form which is used to view a local report which work fine, but when I try to render the same report as a PDF, it is cut-off, but in report viewer the same report renders a report on one page. When I render to PDF it cuts it off and the part of the report that was cut-off renders on a 2nd page. So in other words, part of the same report is on page 1, and 2nd half is on 2nd page in the PDF?
Private Function GetPDfReport() As String
Dim parameters = Me.GetReportParms()
Dim query = Me.GetReportQuery()
Dim rView As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer
rView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Dim pnl As New Panel()
pnl.Name = "pnlMain"
pnl.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 25)
pnl.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(734, 478)
Dim dbReader As New dbReader()
Dim ds As DataSet = dbReader.DataSet(query)
Dim rds As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource("DataSet1", ds.Tables(0))
rView.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingMode.Local
rView.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "EasyDose.rptIncident.rdlc"
If Not IsNothing(parameters) Then
Dim Bound0 As Integer = parameters.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim Bound1 As Integer = parameters.GetUpperBound(1)
For index = 0 To Bound0
Dim rParameter As New ReportParameter(parameters(index, 0), parameters(index, 1))
End If
Dim ps As PageSettings = rView.GetPageSettings
ps.Margins.Top = 0 ' 10mm approx
ps.Margins.Right = 0
ps.Margins.Bottom = 0
ps.Margins.Left = 0
ps.Landscape = False
'ps.PaperSize = New PaperSize("LetterExtra", (9.275 * 100), (12 * 100)) ' Letter paper (8.5 in. by 11 in.) ' Letter extra paper (9.275 in. by 12 in.)
ps.PaperSize = New PaperSize("A4", (8.27 * 100), (11.69 * 100))
Dim exePath As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath)
Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(exePath, "tmpDir"))
Dim file As New FileInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine( _
dir.FullName, String.Format("Patient_Details_{0:yyyyMMdd_hhmmss}.pdf", DateTime.Now)))
If Not dir.Exists Then
End If
Dim bytes As Byte() = rView.LocalReport.Render("PDF")
Using fs As New System.IO.FileStream(file.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Create)
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
End Using
Return file.FullName
End Function
are you seeing the local report in the embedded ReportViewer using the "Print Layout" option activated? That should show exactly the same output as your printed result.
If you have problems in the PDF is probably caused by the design of the report itself. Check the font, the page size and orientation, the margins, the page breaks.
uisng System.IO;
byte[] rep = reportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("pdf", deviceInfo: "");
// if a certificate warning appears just ignore and re-run
In VB.NET, I need to print multiple Images of bar codes by arranging them in tabular format. For now what I am doing is, Creating the bar codes and adding them in new picture box. These Picture boxes are added on a panel which I am creating on form at run time and print that panel (with picture boxes in 4x9 table).
But, when I need to print more that 36 bar codes, this idea doesn't work.
So, Please suggest me some improvements in my code or any other way to do this job.
I am sorry, here is the code for generating images and adding them to the panel..
''' Method for create bar code images with a loop and adding them to the panel by picture box...
Private Function GetBarcodeText(RowId As Guid)
Dim BarcodeValue As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(96)
Dim temp As New StringBuilder
Dim data As String
Dim param = New SqlParameter()
Dim imageNo As Integer = 0
Dim colorValue As String = ""
Dim scaleValue As String = ""
'' Adding the panel on the form which is dynamically created
'' Setting the Initial size for the panel
outputPanel.Size = New Point(794, 112)
outputPanel.Name = "outputPanel"
outputPanel.BackColor = Drawing.Color.White
param.ParameterName = "#RowId"
param.Value = RowId
param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier
' Get the particular row of data from database
dt = objStockProvider.GetBarcodeDetails(param)
' GET colour code
Dim color As String = dt.Rows(0)("COLOUR").ToString()
Dim countColors As Integer = 0
' Get the color code numbers
param.ParameterName = "#Dscale"
param.Value = dgvViewTickets.CurrentRow.Cells("SCALE").Value.ToString()
countColors = objStockProvider.CountColorCodes(param)
For i = 1 To countColors
For j As Integer = 1 + ((12 / countColors) * (i - 1)) To (12 / countColors) * i
If dt.Rows(0)("S" + j.ToString()) <> 0 Then
Dim totalTicketsForASize As Integer
totalTicketsForASize = dt.Rows(0)("S" + j.ToString())
For k As Integer = 1 To totalTicketsForASize
' Set Bar code value which has to create
BarcodeValue = "123456789012"
' Create Barcode Image for given value
Dim image = GetBarcodeImage(BarcodeValue, colorValue, scaleValue)
If image IsNot Nothing Then
'' Create picture box to contain generated Image.
Dim pcbImage As New PictureBox
pcbImage.Width = W
pcbImage.Height = H
pcbImage.Image = image
pcbImage.Location = New Point(X, Y)
imageNo += 1
If imageNo Mod 4 = 0 Then
X = 15
Y += H
outputPanel.Height += H
X += W
Y = Y
End If
pcbImage.Visible = True
'' Adding picture box to panel
End If
End If
color = color.Substring(color.IndexOf(",") + 1, color.Length - color.IndexOf(",") - 1)
End Function
Now, I am printing the panel by following method:
Private Sub PrintGeneratedTickets()
bmp = New Bitmap(outputPanel.DisplayRectangle.Width, outputPanel.DisplayRectangle.Height)
Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
G.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, New Rectangle(0, 0, Me.outputPanel.DisplayRectangle.Width, Me.outputPanel.DisplayRectangle.Height))
Dim Hdc As IntPtr = G.GetHdc()
SendMessage(outputPanel.Handle, WM_PRINT, Hdc, DrawingOptions.PRF_OWNED Or DrawingOptions.PRF_CHILDREN Or DrawingOptions.PRF_CLIENT Or DrawingOptions.PRF_NONCLIENT)
pndocument.DocumentName = bmp.ToString()
Dim previewmode As New PrintPreviewDialog
previewmode.Document = pndocument
previewmode.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
previewmode.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1
pndocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 10
pndocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 30
pndocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 16
pndocument.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 16
pndocument.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = False
' Set other properties.
previewmode.PrintPreviewControl.Columns = 4
previewmode.PrintPreviewControl.Rows = 9
Dim file As String = DateTime.Now.ToString()
file = Path.GetFullPath("D:\Bar Codes\" + file.Replace("/", "-").Replace(":", ".") + ".bmp")
End Sub
This code is working fine but what I need to do, is to fix the number of images (4x9) per page. But when I am trying to create more than it, that all are printing on a single page with compressed size.
Also when trying to re-run the code, It shows nothing in preview..
Some body please suggest the correction in code so that I can reprint the tickets and use paging for more than 36 images.
Well, Printing the Images on a panel was not a good idea.. I replaced the panel and created an array of images and used the print document directly and print after arranging images on it.