Add a elliptical/hamburger menu inside cytoscape node using Cytoscape.js - cytoscape.js

Is it possible to add a menu inside a node of a graph using cytoscape.js library? I am looking to add a hamburger button or elliptical button and when you click on it, it opens a menu and then you have actions on each item inside the menu.
Is it possible right now using cytoscape.js. If yes, can you please show me a demo with code of how it is working? I am currently using Angular.
Here is a stackblitz link:


How can I handle and operate Div pop-up and tabs inside it using Selenium

I am trying to operate div pop-up to automate my project but don't know how to do it. Below is the image of the module I am working on. Also, can anyone tell me how can I handle the tabs inside a pop-up.

creating a horizontal menu in social engine php

I have created a menu and inserted the generic menu widget onto a newly created page. I think by default it gives a verticle menu. I have tried various css codes found on the web to change it to a horizontal menu, but upon saving and refreshing the page I am not seeing any changes.
Can anyone advise me as to how I enable my generic menu to display the navigation links horizontally instead of vertically?
If I delete the menu and insert an html widget with code and links for a horizontal menu, other items such as my mini menu and footer menu display differently.
Thank you for your time

How do I programmatically find an Eclipse view toolbar control?

I would like to support drag and drop of a file resource onto some plugin view toolbar buttons: this would involve attaching a DropTarget to the underlying Control (a Button). However it is unclear to me how programmatically to retrieve the Button - I can give it a unique id in the plugin.xml but what API calls would I use to then find it? Ideas welcome, thanks!
Update: the code fragment at Eclipse RCP obtain toolbar contributions programmatically shows how to navigate to get to the relevant IContributionItem, but then I need the model/widget...

Context-menu actions on Dojo Charts

I'd like to implement a context menu over some of plot elements in a Dojo Chart. Unfortunately, out of the box Dojo Chart supports only three events: "click", "mouseover", and "mouseout". I am not sure whether it is a limitation of dojox.gfx module or the dojox.charing. I can handle a right click event on the container DOM node and then work my way down the chart, but that does not feel the right Dojo way.
Is there an "action" or a patch to support right-click events on the Dojo Charts?
If you use d3 for charting, you can use Dojo widget to add context menu to your d3 chart elements. and it will work fine.

Selenium via Eclipse: is it possible to move the cursor position?

I am using the selenium plug in for eclipse to automate the testing of newly created websites. I am trying to click a button that is in a menu and only visible when the cursor is located over the menu.
Is it possible to move the cursor so that this button can be clicked ?
It will depend a little on how the menu has been implemented (i.e. the event that will trigger your button to appear) but you should look at the focus and mouseOver methods for selenium.
I.e. do something like
where element refers to the menu and then do a click on the button. If mouseOver does not work (i.e. the button does not become available) try focus instead.
It's unclear if you're using Selenium RC or Selenium 2 and WebDriver.
I can only speak to the latter, but you can use Actions to move the mouse and click. The basic idea is you define an object that is a series of actions, and then you perform those actions.
An introduction on how to use these is at, and a good writeup with Python examples is
It sounds like in your case, you would have something like:
Actions menuClick = new Actions(driver);
Action menuClick =;