Intellisense in ev3 micropython not working - intellisense

I'm starting now to program in EV3 Micropython, and I can't get the Intellisense to work. How can I solve this problem? I've tried everything. If someone could help me, it would mean a lot to me... Thanks!

I've already fixed it, but a lot of people may be in the same situation, so here is how I fixed:
1- Select python interpreter version 3.9.6
2- Disable and enable the python extension
You are welcome.


IDEA is using JRebel Debug, which is very confusing

The program collects data about 3-5s when it gets the parameter values
But using idea's own debug startup is fast
My IDEA version is 2020.1, and my JREBEL version is 2020.2.2
I searched for the cause of the problem, and someone said jdk version 1.8 localhost, and I tried to fix it, but that's not the problem I had
If you have any experience to help me, please feel free to say thank you

(Go) How can I use GDB debug on IntelliJ IDEA?

I'm developping golang porjects using IntelliJ IDEA 15.
In advance I installed GDB to debug on mac.
Then I want to debug golang projects using GDB on IntelliJ IDEA.
However, I could't find how I can do that.
If someone know, please give me a advise.
Thank you in advance.
As of today, no, you cannot. However the plugin comes with Delve integrated which makes the debugging experience better for Go apps (if you are on the supported platforms by delve). See the debugger link:
Once GDB will properly support Go apps, things might change of course.

IntelliJ 12.0.3 Ctrl-Alt-U no longer works?

I only just discovered that show UML Diagrams no longer works in IntelliJ 12.0.3.
Does anyone know whether there is a problem with it? Or whether it has been intentionally removed?
ps: It still works fine in 11.1.5.
I tried it and experienced the same as you.
The feature is disabled, and must be enabled by checking "UML Support" under File->Settings->Plugins
Ok, I've found out that Ctrl+Alt+U works in 12.0.3 Ultimate Edition, and not in the Community edition.

Had anyone managed to get amaterasERD working with Aptana Studio?

Hey. Call me dumb but I can not get amaterasERD working with Aptana Studio under OS X.Is this doable? I have Aptana 2.04. I've installed amaterasERD, GEF, EMF, UML2 and AmaterasUMLExtension. No joy. Am I wasting my time?
I'm having some troubles too. The problem seems to be with Aptana, since under "pure Eclipse", AmaterasERD seems to work without problems for me.

Intellij idea javascript code assist/completion not working even after adding the libraries

I just came to know about this cool feature of intellij idea where in settings you can libraries and code assist/completion will work for the library.
I am looking out for code assistance for karma-jasmine test cases.
I have followed up the steps, you may verify that by screen shot:
karma-jasmine config
Still neither I am getting the code completion nor highlighting feature.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
To get coding assistance for Jasmine (e.g. describe, it, etc), try to instal stubs for Jasmine (not karma-jasmine).