How can I inset multiple data from a foreign key? - sql

I am trying to insert a data from a table together with the data from the foreign key. For example, after the customer signing up. The data (that includes the id, name, contact) will be inserted in the Customers Table then the Customer ID will also be inserted in the QRCode Table since Customer ID is a foreign key. Now my problem is, how to include the "name" and the "contac"t in the QRCode table? Can anyone suggest what should I use?

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In general, you don't. You just include the CustomerId in the two tables. When the time comes and you need the name or other information, you use a join:
select qr.*, c.* -- or whatever columns you want
from qr join
customers c
on qr.customerid = c.customerid;
In general, you want to avoid storing multiple copies of the same information in different tables -- it bloats the database and makes it hard to maintain.
Let me note that the above is a general rule. There are some cases where you might want to copy data in this situation (say, slowly changing dimensions), but as a general rule, data attributes should be stored in only one table, with joins used to combine data from different tables.


Correct way for joining Tables

I have a table let's say products like this:
what is the correct way of storing the id of category and location? I was told by a programmer that i have to make a table let's say tblChoices like this:
and to use as value of code 'category' for categories and value of code 'location' for locations. then store the description in the value field.
Is this the correct approach or is it better to use a table for category, and a different table for location? How the 2 ways affect speed of retrieving data? the one way surely has less tables but uses the same table many times with joins to retrieve data
The general approach is to use a different table for categories and for locations.
Why? You can declare foreign key relationships, which in turn help you maintain data integrity.
There are some situations where you might want to store all reference tables in a single table -- for instance, it can be easier to translate the database into another language.
In general, though, you want separate reference tables. After all, you might have additional columns such as categories.long_term or

Multiple record types and how to split them amongst tables

I'm working on a database structure and trying to imagine the best way to split up a host of related records into tables. Records all have the same base type they inherit from, but each then expands on it for their particular use.
These 4 properties are present for every type.
id, name, groupid, userid
Here are the types that expand off those 4 properties.
"Static": value
"Increment": currentValue, maxValue, overMaxAllowed, underNegativeAllowed
"Target": targetValue, result, lastResult
What I tried initially was to create a "records" table with the 4 base properties in it. I then created 3 other tables named "records_static/increment/target", each with their specific properties as columns. I then forged relationships between a "rowID" column in each of these secondary tables with the main table's "id".
Populating the tables with dummy data, I am now having some major problems attempting to extract the data with a query. The only parameter is the userid, beyond that what I need is a table with all of the columns and data associated with the userid.
I am unsure if I should abandon that table design, or if I just am going about the query incorrectly.
I hope I explained that well enough, please let me know if you need additional detail.
Make the design as simple as possible.
First I'd try a single table that contains all attributes that might apply to a record. Irrelevant attributes can be null. You can enforce null values for a specific type with a check constraint.
If that doesn't work out, you can create three tables for each record type, without a common table.
If that doesn't work out, you can create a base table with 1:1 extension tables. Be aware that querying that is much harder, requiring join for every operation:
select *
from fruit f
left join
apple a
on a.fruit_id =
left join
pear p
on p.fruit_id =
left join
The more complex the design, the more room for an inconsistent database state. The second option you could have a pear and an apple with the same id. In the third option you can have missing rows in either the base or the extension table. Or the tables can contradict each other, for example a base row saying "pear" with an extension row in the Apple table. I fully trust end users to find a way to get that into your database :)
Throw out the complex design and start with the simplest one. Your first attempt was not a failure: you now know the cost of adding relations between tables. Which can look deceptively trivial (or even "right") at design time.
This is a typical "object-oriented to relational" mapping problem. You can find books about this. Also a lot of google hits like
The easiest for you to implement is to have one table containing all columns necessary to store all your types. Make sure you define them as nullable. Only the common columns can be not null if necessary.
Just because object share some of the same properties does not mean you need to have one table for both objects. That leads to unnecessary right outer joins that have a 1 to 1 relationship which is not what I think of as good database design.
If you want to continue in your fashion I think all you need is a primary key in the table with common columns "id, name, groupid, userid" (I assume ID) then that would be the foreign key to your table with currentValue, maxValue, overMaxAllowed, underNegativeAllowed

How to best explain on what fields should a user join on?

I need to explain to somebody how they can determine what fields from multiple tables/views they should join on. Any suggestions? I know how to do it but am having difficulty trying to explain it.
One of the issues they have is they will take two fields from two tables that are the same (zip code) and join on those, when in reality they should be joining on ID columns. When they choose the wrong column to join on it increases records they receive in return.
Should I work in PK and FK somewhere?
While it is indeed typical to join a PK to an FK any conversation about JOIN clauses that only revolve around PK's and FK's is fairly limited
For example I had this FROM clause in a recent SQL answer I gave
YourTable firstNames
LEFT JOIN YourTable lastNames
ON firstnames.Name = lastNames.Name
AND lastNames.NameType =2
and firstnames.FrequencyPercent < lastNames.FrequencyPercent
The table referenced on each side of the table is the same table (a self join) and it includes three condidtions one of which is an inequality. Furthermore there would never be an FK here because its looking to join on a field, that is by design, not a Candidate Key.
Also you don't have even have to join one table to another. You can join inline queries to each other which of course can't possibly have a Key.
So in order to properly understand JOIN you just need to understand that it combines the records from two relations (tables, views, inline queries) where some conditions evaluate to true. This means you need to understand boolean logic and the database and the data in the database.
If your user is having a problem with a specific JOIN ask them to SELECT some rows from one table and also the other and then ask them under what conditions would you want to combine the rows.
You don't need to talk in terms of a primary key of a table but you should point to it and explain that it uniquely identifies a given row and that you must join to related tables using it or you could get duplicated results.
Give them examples of joining with it and joining without it.
An ER diagram showing all of the tables they use and their key relationships would help ensure that they always use the correct keys.
It sounds to me like neither you, nor the person you are trying to help understands how this particular database is constructed and perhaps don't really even understand basic database fundamentals, like PK's and FK's. Most often a PK from one table is joined to a FK to another table.
Assuming the database has the proper PK's and FK's in place, it would probably help a great deal to generate an ER diagram. That would make the joining concept much easier to grasp.
Another approach you could take is to find someone who does understand these things and create some views for this person to use. This way he doesn't need to understand how to join the tables together.
A user shouldn't typically be doing joins. A user should have an interface that lets them get the data that they need in the way that they need it. If you don't have the developer resources to do that then you're going to be stuck with this problem of having to teach a user technical details. You also need to be very careful about what kind of damage the user can do. Do they have update rights on the data? I hope they don't accidentally do a DELETE FROM Table with no WHERE clause. Even if you restrict their permissions, a poorly written query can crush the database server or block resources causing problems for other users (and more work for you).
If you have no choice, then I think that you need to certainly teach them about primary and foreign keys, even if you don't call them that. Point out that the id on your table (or whatever your PK is) identifies a row. Then explain how the id appears in other tables to show the relationship. For example, "See, in the address table we have a person_id which tells us who that address belongs to."
After that, expect to spend a large portion of your time with that user as they make mistakes or come up with other things that they want to get from the database, but which they can't figure out how to get.
From theory, and ideally, you should define primary keys on all tables, and join tables using a primary key to the matching field or fields (foreign key) in the other table.
Even if you don't define or if they're not defined as primary keys, you need to make sure the fields uniquely identify the records in the table, and that they should be properly indexed.
For example, let's say the 'person' table has a SSN and a driver's license field. The SSN could be considered and flagged as the 'primary key', but if you join that table to a 'drivers' table which might not have the SSN, but does have the driver's license #, you could join them by the driver's license field (even if it's not flagged as primary key), but you need to make sure that the field is properly indexed in both tables.
...explain to somebody how they can determine what fields from multiple tables/views they should join on.
Simply put, look for the columns with values that match between the tables/views. Preferably, match exactly but some massaging might be necessary.
The existence of foreign key constraints would help to know what matches to what, but the constraint might not be directly to the table/view that is to be joined.
The existence of a primary key doesn't mean it is the criteria that is necessary for the query, so I would overlook this detail (depending on the audience).
I would recommend attacking the desired result set by starting with the columns desired, and working back from there. If there's more than one table's columns in the result set, focus on the table whose columns should be returning distinct results first and then gradually add joins, checking the result set between each JOIN addition to confirm the results are still the same. Otherwise, need to review the JOIN or if a JOIN is actually necessary vs IN or EXISTS.
I did this when I first started out, it comes from thinking of joins as just linking tables together, so I linked at all possible points.
Once you think of joins as a way to combine AND filter the data it becomes easier to understand them.
Writing out your request as a sentence is helpful too, "I want to see all the times Table A interacted with Table B". Then build a query from that using only the ID, noting that if you wanted to know "All the times Table A was in the same zip code as Table B" then you would join by zip code.

Difference between a db view and a lookuptable

When I create a view I can base it on multiple columns from different tables.
When I want to create a lookup table I need information from one table, for example the foreign key of an order table, to get customer details from another table. I can create a view having parameters to make sure it will get all data that I need. I could also - from what I have been reading - make a lookup table. What is the difference in this case and when should I choose for a lookup table?? I hope this ain't a bad question, I'm not very into db's yet ;).
Creating a view gives you a "live" representation of the data as it is at the time of querying. This comes at the cost of higher load on the server, because it has to determine the values for every query.
This can be expensive, depending on table sizes, database implementations and the complexity of the view definition.
A lookup table on the other hand is usually filled "manually", i. e. not every query against it will cause an expensive operation to fetch values from multiple tables. Instead your program has to take care of updating the lookup table should the underlying data change.
Usually lookup tables lend themselves to things that change seldomly, but are read often. Views on the other hand - while more expensive to execute - are more current.
I think your usage of "Lookup Table" is slightly awry. In normal parlance a lookup table is a code or reference data table. It might consist of a CODE and a DESCRIPTION or a code expansion. The purpose of such tables is to provide a lsit of permitted values for restricted columns, things like CUSTOMER_TYPE or PRIORITY_CODE. This category of table is often referred to as "standing data" because it changes very rarely if at all. The value of defining this data in Lookup tables is that they can be used in foreign keys and to populate Dropdowns and Lists Of Values.
What you are describing is a slightly different scenario:
I need information from one table, for
example the foreign key of an order
table, to get customer details from
another table
Both these tables are application data tables. Customer and Order records are dynamic. Now it is obviously valid to retrieve additional data from the Customer table to display along side the Order data, and in that sense Customer is a "lookup table". More pertinently it is the parent table of Order, because it has the primary key referenced by the foreign key on Order.
By all means build a view to capture the joining logic between Order and Customer. Such views can be quite helpful when building an application that uses the same joined tables in several places.
Here's an example of a lookup table. We have a system that tracks Jurors, one of the tables is JurorStatus. This table contains all the valid StatusCodes for Jurors:
Code: Value
WS : Will Serve
PP : Postponed
EM : Excuse Military
IF : Ineligible Felon
This is a lookup table for the valid codes.
A view is like a query.
Read this tutorial and you may find helpful info when a lookup table is needed:
SQL: Creating a Lookup Table
Just learn to write sql queries to get exactly what you need. No need to create a view! Views are not good to use in many instances, especially if you start to base them on other views, when they will kill performance. Do not use views just as a shorthand for query writing.

Naming of ID columns in database tables

I was wondering peoples opinions on the naming of ID columns in database tables.
If I have a table called Invoices with a primary key of an identity column I would call that column InvoiceID so that I would not conflict with other tables and it's obvious what it is.
Where I am workind current they have called all ID columns ID.
So they would do the following:
, il.ID
Invoices i
Left Join InvoiceLines il
on i.ID = il.InvoiceID
Now, I see a few problems here:
1. You would need to alias the columns on the select
2. ID = InvoiceID does not fit in my brain
3. If you did not alias the tables and referred to InvoiceID is it obvious what table it is on?
What are other peoples thoughts on the topic?
I always prefered ID to TableName + ID for the id column and then TableName + ID for a foreign key. That way all tables have a the same name for the id field and there isn't a redundant description. This seems simpler to me because all the tables have the same primary key field name.
As far as joining tables and not knowing which Id field belongs to which table, in my opinion the query should be written to handle this situation. Where I work, we always prefece the fields we use in a statement with the table/table alias.
Theres been a nerd fight about this very thing in my company of late. The advent of LINQ has made the redundant tablename+ID pattern even more obviously silly in my eyes. I think most reasonable people will say that if you're hand writing your SQL in such a manner as that you have to specify table names to differentiate FKs then it's not only a savings on typing, but it adds clarity to your SQL to use just the ID in that you can clearly see which is the PK and which is the FK.
FROM Employees e
LEFT JOIN Customers c ON e.ID = c.EmployeeID
tells me not only that the two are linked, but which is the PK and which is the FK. Whereas in the old style you're forced to either look or hope that they were named well.
ID is a SQL Antipattern.
If you have many tables with ID as the id you are making reporting that much more difficult. It obscures meaning and makes complex queries harder to read as well as requiring you to use aliases to differentiate on the report itself.
Further if someone is foolish enough to use a natural join in a database where they are available, you will join to the wrong records.
If you would like to use the USING syntax that some dbs allow, you cannot if you use ID.
If you use ID you can easily end up with a mistaken join if you happen to be copying the join syntax (don't tell me that no one ever does this!)and forget to change the alias in the join condition.
So you now have
select t1.field1, t2.field2, t3.field3
from table1 t1
join table2 t2 on = t2.table1id
join table3 t3 on = t3.table2id
when you meant
select t1.field1, t2.field2, t3.field3
from table1 t1
join table2 t2 on = t2.table1id
join table3 t3 on = t3.table2id
If you use tablenameID as the id field, this kind of accidental mistake is far less likely to happen and much easier to find.
We use InvoiceID, not ID. It makes queries more readable -- when you see ID alone it could mean anything, especially when you alias the table to i.
I agree with Keven and a few other people here that the PK for a table should simply be Id and foreign keys list the OtherTable + Id.
However I wish to add one reason which recently gave more weight to this arguement.
In my current position we are employing the entity framework using POCO generation. Using the standard naming convention of Id the the PK allows for inheritance of a base poco class with validation and such for tables which share a set of common column names. Using the Tablename + Id as the PK for each of these tables destroys the ability to use a base class for these.
Just some food for thought.
It's not really important, you are likely to run into simalar problems in all naming conventions.
But it is important to be consistent so you don't have to look at the table definitions every time you write a query.
My preference is also ID for primary key and TableNameID for foreign key. I also like to have a column "name" in most tables where I hold the user readable identifier (i.e. name :-)) of the entry. This structure offers great flexibility in the application itself, I can handle tables in mass, in the same way. This is a very powerful thing. Usually an OO software is built on top of the database, but the OO toolset cannot be applied because the db itself does not allow it. Having the columns id and name is still not very good, but it is a step.
i.ID , il.ID From
Invoices i
Left Join InvoiceLines il
on i.ID = il.InvoiceID
Why cant I do this?
, InvoiceLines.ID
Left Join InvoiceLines
on Invoices.ID = InvoiceLines.InvoiceID
In my opinion this is very much readable and simple. Naming variables as i and il is a poor choice in general.
I just started working in a place that uses only "ID" (in the core tables, referenced by TableNameID in foreign keys), and have already found TWO production problems directly caused by it.
In one case the query used "... where ID in (SELECT ID FROM OtherTable ..." instead of "... where ID in (SELECT TransID FROM OtherTable ...".
Can anyone honestly say that wouldn't have been much easier to spot if full, consistent names were used where the wrong statement would have read "... where TransID in (SELECT OtherTableID from OtherTable ..."? I don't think so.
The other issue occurs when refactoring code. If you use a temp table whereas previously the query went off a core table then the old code reads "... dbo.MyFunction(t.ID) ..." and if that is not changed but "t" now refers to a temp table instead of the core table, you don't even get an error - just erroneous results.
If generating unnecessary errors is a goal (maybe some people don't have enough work?), then this kind of naming convention is great. Otherwise consistent naming is the way to go.
I personally prefer (as it has been stated above) the Table.ID for the PK and TableID for the FK. Even (please don't shoot me) Microsoft Access recommends this.
HOWEVER, I ALSO know for a fact that some generating tools favor the TableID for PK because they tend to link all column name that contain 'ID' in the word, INCLUDING ID!!!
Even the query designer does this on Microsoft SQL Server (and for each query you create, you end up ripping off all the unnecessary newly created relationships on all tables on column ID)
THUS as Much as my internal OCD hates it, I roll with the TableID convention. Let's remember that it's called a Data BASE, as it will be the base for hopefully many many many applications to come. And all technologies Should benefit of a well normalized with clear description Schema.
It goes without saying that I DO draw my line when people start using TableName, TableDescription and such. In My opinion, conventions should do the following:
Table name: Pluralized. Ex. Employees
Table alias: Full table Name, singularized. Ex.
SELECT Employee.*, eMail.Address
FROM Employees AS Employee LEFT JOIN eMails as eMail on Employee.eMailID = eMail.eMailID -- I would sure like it to just have the eMail.ID here.... but oh well
Also, there are some valid posts in this thread about duplicated columns due of the "kind of relationship" or role. Example, if a Store has an EmployeeID, that tells me squat. So I sometimes do something like Store.EmployeeID_Manager. Sure it's a bit larger but at leas people won't go crazy trying to find table ManagerID, or what EmployeeID is doing there. When querying is WHERE I would simplify it as:
SELECT EmployeeID_Manager as ManagerID FROM Store
For the sake of simplicity most people name the column on the table ID. If it has a foreign key reference on another table, then they explicity call it InvoiceID (to use your example) in the case of joins, you are aliasing the table anyway so the explicit inv.ID is still simpler than inv.InvoiceID
Coming at this from the perspective of a formal data dictionary, I would name the data element invoice_ID. Generally, a data element name will be unique in the data dictionary and ideally will have the same name throughout, though sometimes additional qualifying terms may be required based on context e.g. the data element named employee_ID could be used twice in the org chart and therefore qualified as supervisor_employee_ID and subordinate_employee_ID respectively.
Obviously, naming conventions are subjective and a matter of style. I've find ISO/IEC 11179 guidelines to be a useful starting point.
For the DBMS, I see tables as collections of entites (except those that only ever contain one row e.g. cofig table, table of constants, etc) e.g. the table where my employee_ID is the key would be named Personnel. So straight away the TableNameID convention doesn't work for me.
I've seen the TableName.ID=PK TableNameID=FK style used on large data models and have to say I find it slightly confusing: I much prefer an identifier's name be the same throughout i.e. does not change name based on which table it happens to appear in. Something to note is the aforementioned style seems to be used in the shops which add an IDENTITY (auto-increment) column to every table while shunning natural and compound keys in foreign keys. Those shops tend not to have formal data dictionaries nor build from data models. Again, this is merely a question of style and one to which I don't personally subscribe. So ultimately, it's not for me.
All that said, I can see a case for sometimes dropping the qualifier from the column name when the table's name provides a context for doing so e.g. the element named employee_last_name may become simply last_name in the Personnel table. The rationale here is that the domain is 'people's last names' and is more likely to be UNIONed with last_name columns from other tables rather than be used as a foreign key in another table, but then again... I might just change my mind, sometimes you can never tell. That's the thing: data modelling is part art, part science.
My vote is for InvoiceID for the table ID. I also use the same naming convention when it's used as a foreign key and use intelligent alias names in the queries.
Select Invoice.InvoiceID, Lines.InvoiceLine, Customer.OrgName
From Invoices Invoice
Join InvoiceLines Lines on Lines.InvoiceID = Invoice.InvoiceID
Join Customers Customer on Customer.CustomerID = Invoice.CustomerID
Sure, it's longer than some other examples. But smile. This is for posterity and someday, some poor junior coder is going to have to alter your masterpiece. In this example there is no ambiguity and as additional tables get added to the query, you'll be grateful for the verbosity.
FWIW, our new standard (which changes, uh, I mean "evolves", with every new project) is:
Lower case database field names
Uppercase table names
Use underscores to separate words in the field name - convert these to Pascal case in code.
pk_ prefix means primary key
_id suffix means an integer, auto-increment ID
fk_ prefix means foreign key (no suffix necessary)
_VW suffix for views
is_ prefix for booleans
So, a table named NAMES might have the fields pk_name_id, first_name, last_name, is_alive, and fk_company and a view called LIVING_CUSTOMERS_VW, defined like:
SELECT first_name, last_name
WHERE (is_alive = 'True')
As others have said, though, just about any scheme will work as long as it is consistent and doesn't unnecessarily obfuscate your meanings.
There are lots of answers on this already, but I wanted to add two major things that I haven't seen above:
Customers coming to you for support.
Many times a customer or user or even dev of another department have hit a snag and have contacted us saying they're having a problem doing an operation. We ask them what record they're having a problem with. Now, the data they see on the screen, e.g. a grid with customer name, number of orders, destination etc is an aggregate of many tables. They say they've having trouble with id 83. There's no way to know what id that is, which table it is, if it's just called 'id'.
Namely, a row of data does not give any indication which table it is from. Unless you happen to know the schema of your database well, which is rarely the case on complex systems or non-greenfield systems you've been told to take over, you don't know what id=83 means even if you have more data like name, address, etc (which might not even be in the same table!).
This id could be coming from a grid, or it could be coming from an error in your API, or a faulty query dumping the error message to the screen, or to a log file.
Often a developer just dumps 'ID' into a column and forgets about it, and often DBs have many similar tables like Invoice, InvoiceGrouping, InvoicePlan and the ID could be for any of them. In frustration you look in the code to see which one it is, and see that they've called it Id on the model as well, so you then have to dig into how the model for the page was constructed. I cannot count how many times I've had to do this to figure out what an Id is. It's a lot. Sometimes you have to dig out a SPROC as well that just returns 'Id' as a header. Nightmare.
Log files are easier when it's clear what went wrong
Often SQL can give pretty crappy error messages. "Could not insert item with ID 83, column would be truncated" or something like that is very hard to debug. Often error messages are not very helpful, but usually the thing that broke will make a vague attempt to tell you what record was broken by just dumping out the primary key name and the value. If it's "ID" then it doesn't really help at all.
This is just two things that I didn't feel were mentioned in the other answers.
I also think that a lot of comments are 'if you program in X way then this isn't an issue', and I think the points above (and other points on this question) are valid specifically because of the way people program and because they don't have the time, energy, budget and foresight to program in perfect logging and error handling or change engrained habits of quick SQL and code writing.
I definitely agree with including the table name in the ID field name, for exactly the reasons you give. Generally, this is the only field where I would include the table name.
I do hate the plain id name. I strongly prefer to always use the invoice_id or a variant thereof. I always know which table is the authoritative table for the id when I need to, but this confuses me
SELECT * from Invoice inv, InvoiceLine inv_l where
inv_l.InvoiceID = inv.ID
SELECT * from Invoice inv, InvoiceLine inv_l where
inv_l.ID = inv.InvoiceLineID
SELECT * from Invoice inv, InvoiceLine inv_l where
inv_l.ID = inv.InvoiceID
SELECT * from Invoice inv, InvoiceLine inv_l where
inv_l.InvoiceLineID = inv.ID
What's worst of all is the mix you mention, totally confusing. I've had to work with a database where almost always it was foo_id except in one of the most used ids. That was total hell.
I think you can use anything for the "ID" as long as you're consistent. Including the table name is important to. I would suggest using a modeling tool like Erwin to enforce the naming conventions and standards so when writing queries it's easy to understand the relationships that may exist between tables.
What I mean by the first statement is, instead of ID you can use something else like 'recno'. So then this table would have a PK of invoice_recno and so on.
For the column name in the database, I'd use "InvoiceID".
If I copy the fields into a unnamed struct via LINQ, I may name it "ID" there, if it's the only ID in the structure.
If the column is NOT going to be used in a foreign key, so that it's only used to uniquely identify a row for edit editing or deletion, I'll name it "PK".
If you give each key a unique name, e.g. "invoices.invoice_id" instead of "", then you can use the "natural join" and "using" operators with no worries. E.g.
SELECT * FROM invoices NATURAL JOIN invoice_lines
SELECT * FROM invoices JOIN invoice_lines USING (invoice_id)
instead of
SELECT * from invoices JOIN invoice_lines
ON = invoice_lines.invoice_id
SQL is verbose enough without making it more verbose.
What I do to keep things consistent for myself (where a table has a single column primary key used as the ID) is to name the primary key of the table Table_pk. Anywhere I have a foreign key pointing to that tables primary key, I call the column PrimaryKeyTable_fk. That way I know that if I have a Customer_pk in my Customer table and a Customer_fk in my Order table, I know that the Order table is referring to an entry in the Customer table.
To me, this makes sense especially for joins where I think it reads easier.
FROM Customer AS c
INNER JOIN Order AS c ON c.Customer_pk = o.Customer_fk
I prefer DomainName || 'ID'. (i.e. DomainName + ID)
DomainName is often, but not always, the same as TableName.
The problem with ID all by itself is that it doesn't scale upwards. Once you have about 200 tables, each with a first column named ID, the data begins to look all alike. If you always qualify ID with the table name, that helps a little, but not that much.
DomainName & ID can be used to name foreign keys as well as primary keys. When foriegn keys are named after the column that they reference, that can be of mnemonic assistance. Formally, tying the name of a foreign key to the key it references is not necessary, since the referential integrity constrain will establish the reference. But it's awfully handy when it comes to reading queries and updates.
Occasionally, DomainName || 'ID' can't be used, because there would be two columns in the same table with the same name. Example: Employees.EmployeeID and Employees.SupervisorID. In those cases, I use RoleName || 'ID', as in the example.
Last but not least, I use natural keys rather than synthetic keys when possible. There are situations where natural keys are unavailable or untrustworthy, but there are plenty of situations where the natural key is the right choice. In those cases, I let the natural key take on the name it would naturally have. This name often doesn't even have the letters, 'ID' in it. Example: OrderNo where No is an abbreviation for "Number".
For each table I choose a tree letter shorthand(e.g. Employees => Emp)
That way a numeric autonumber primary key becomes nkEmp.
It is short, unique in the entire database and I know exactly its properties at a glance.
I keep the same names in SQL and all languages I use (mostly C#, Javascript, VB6).
See the Interakt site's naming conventions for a well thought out system of naming tables and columns. The method makes use of a suffix for each table (_prd for a product table, or _ctg for a category table) and appends that to each column in a given table. So the identity column for the products table would be id_prd and is therefore unique in the database.
They go one step further to help with understanding the foreign keys: The foreign key in the product table that refers to the category table would be idctg_prd so that it is obvious to which table it belong (_prd suffix) and to which table it refers (category).
Advantages are that there is no ambiguity with the identity columns in different tables, and that you can tell at a glance which columns a query is referring to by the column names.
You could use the following naming convention. It has its flaws but it solves your particular problems.
Use short (3-4 characters) nicknames for the table names, i.e. Invoice - inv, InvoiceLines - invl
Name the columns in the table using those nicknames, i.e. inv_id, invl_id
For the reference columns use invl_inv_id for the names.
this way you could say
SELECT * FROM Invoice LEFT JOIN InvoiceLines ON inv_id = invl_inv_id