How can I override SaveChanges method in RavenDB? - ravendb

Is there a way to modify behavior of SaveChanges method in RavenDB? When I use EF Core, I always override that method in my DbContext to provide additional logic, such as setting audit fields (CreatedBy, ModifiedBy etc.). In RavenDB however, I do not inherit from DocumentSession anywhere.

Checkout the OnBeforeStore event in:
You can perform custom actions on any entity right before it is stored on the server.


Can ORM be extended to get data from legacy components?

Can an ORM (Entity Framework/ NHibernate) be extended where it can accept data from some legacy component. Of course, it should retain its basic functionality i.e. mapping data to/from a persistent database.
EDIT: Any link/ponter would be appreciated!
I don't know about EF, but NHibernate can be extended through either Interceptors, Events or both (see If you for instance want to add data to an entity as soon as it is loaded from the database, you can use the OnLoad method of an Interceptor or the OnLoad Event by implementing ILoadEventListener and register that implementation in your NHibernate configuration.

Can I control the insert/update-command of (fluent) nhibernate to call a webservice instead of writing into the DB?

I want to use fluent-nhibernate to query my data, but when a entity gets saved, it should not be written into the database via insert/update. Instead, I want to (better: have to) serialize that object and send it to a webservice (which will map that object to a 3rd-party class that will trigger some important business-logic).
Is such behaviour possible to implement with nhibernate (call a custom method instead of update on saving)?
I would recommend creating a IRepository interface and hiding the webservice and Nhibernate functionality behind that. You could possibly use NHibernate interceptors for this, but it doesn't sound like a clean solution. Personally, I would hate to find Web service code hidden in one of Nhibernate interceptors.
We decided to use a SaveOrUpdateEventListener for this task.

NHibernate - How to Iterate Persistent Entities Attached to a Session?

I have a need to inspect the set of attached entities that would be persisted if I called Flush() on a given session. (I'm writing code that accesses a Session as part of a generic pipeline before saving and it can be used in any number of contexts.)
I find myself wishing that there were a method like
so I could inspect them and perform some preprocessing.
Anyone know of a way to do this?
No, NHibernate's ISession does not expose anything like that. You can either:
Track these instances yourself (not recommended)
Use standard NHibernate mechanisms:
Event listeners (e.g. IFlushEventListener, ISaveOrUpdateEventListener)
Interceptors (IInterceptor.OnFlushDirty(), OnSave())
You could "hack" a little bit into the session context:
ISession session;
var sessionContext = session.GetSessionImplementation().PersistenceContext;
foreach(var entity in sessionContext.EntitiesByKey.Values)
// do anything with the entity
However, in your case I would use flush event listeners or an interceptor.

Ninject / NHibernate Events + Observer Pattern

I am trying to implement an observer pattern using ninject and NHibernate.
I'd like to be able to inject observers that act as "triggers" when an object is persisted or deleted via NHibernate.
Key points-
I want the observer to be notified any time an object is persisted, including cascaded saves, which is why I am using NHibernate PostInsert/PostUpdate events.
I want to be able to inject the observers via Ninject (don't want the kernel anywhere in the nhibernate event handlers).
The observers are different depending on the type of the object being persisted, so I need a good way to know which observers should be called in the NHibernate events.
My code works great now for objects that are loaded via NHibernate using constructor injection. An observer class is injected into the domain model, which is carried through the nhibernate events and can be fired off no problem.
The problem: Our existing codebase uses default constructors for our domain objects versus a factory. Because of this, the observers will not be injected unless we switch to using a factory.
I know that switching everything to a factory will work, but I wanted to see if anyone has any better suggestions for accomplishing this. So, should I make a factory to instantiate new objects or something else?
It looks like you are making life complicated for yourself by trying to put Observer pattern on top of NHibernate's Event Handler pattern.
NHibernate already provides a way of having pluggable event listeners - why not just make use of that?
class FooPostInsertEventListener : IPostInsertEventListener
public void OnPostInsert(PostInsertEvent #event)
var entity = #event.Entity;
var entityType = entity.GetType();
if (entityType != typeof(Foo)) return;
If you are desperate to go through the Kernel, then you can even use the Kernel when configuring NHibernate. Something like this:
config.EventListeners.PostInsertEventListeners = Kernel.GetAll<IPostInsertEventListener>().ToArray();

Get list of changed fields in Entity from NHibernate Session

I want to track changes in my domain model. I know that NHibernate ISession is an inmplementation of UnitOfWork pattern, so it tracks this changes. Is there any way to pull out them, for example, before Commit() or Flush()?
Take a look at NHibernate's IInterceptor.
OnFlushDirty - will show you persisted properties on an updated object.
OnSave - will shows you persisted properties on a saved object.
You just need to create an interceptor class that implements this interface, and when you configure your NHibernate session, tell it to use that class.
Here is a fairly good article to help you get started
I think than Interceptors are a little bit obsolete. Š•rying to use NHibernate Events. I've subscribed on OnPreUpdate event. It's parameter has State and OldState properties, but OldState is allways null. Does anyone know this OldState works at all?