Error routes in phalcon to resolve this configuration? - phalcon

Hello some one can help me i have installed phalcon 3.4 -v but the router dont work
correctly in my server localhost ??
[Router.php image]
[index.php image]
[Error page on localhost]
.htaccess in project folder
.htaccess in public folder


Named URLs for React app

Does Create-React-App support named URLs e.g. as opposed to the default localhost:3000?
I am using a Windows 10 machine. I used to use an Apache virtual host to set this up but I can't figure out how to do it in CRA.
I've half solved the problem by adding to the hosts file located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
I also had to create a .env file in the root of my React project and added HOST =
I then tried to add PORT = 0 to the .env file but that made no difference.
Now when I run the app with npm start it opens at
Is there a way to get rid of of the port?
I have found the answer on the CRA Github page here

Prestashop Error: 'install' directory is missing after moving site to other server

Prestashop Error: 'install' directory is missing after moving site to other server
Site Name :
If anyone encounters this Please check your config folder, make sure you have all files and is set correctly

Unable to install typo3 version 6.2.9 on apache webserver

I want to install typo3 CMS v6.2.9, but I don't know why the FIRST_INSTALL file would be ignored :(.
The directory tree of the webserver looks as follows:
typo3_src (symlink -> ../typo3_src-6.2.9)
index.php (symlink -> typo3_src/index.php)
typo3 (symlink -> typo3_src/typo3)
Does anyone know where the problem is?
there was a security server configuration problem, changing SuPHP settings as follows works for me:

Yii 2.0 showing Warning: Module 'mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

I am new to yii 2.0. I installed my first Yii2.o application on my server and configred URL to use user friendly urls. However, I am getting
Warning: Module 'mysql' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
message when I go to the web/about/ URL. I tried to remove the base rout using "defaultRoute" in web.php but that is also not possible.
Please help me to figure out this issue.
That has nothing to do with Yii 2.0. It's a PHP misconfiguration.
Probably, you've enabled mysql extension twice. Search in your php.ini and extensions ini files:
I had the same problem and i fix it by deleting this line in my php.ini:
located in: /etc/php5/apache2/ and restarting apache2 service:
sudo service apache2 restart

zend framework project shows blank page without any errors

i created a simple project with zf and it works fine, but when i copy it to other pc
it just show a blank page without any page or errors ?
my zf version is 1.9 and in other pc zf version 1.9 too
what do you do about this problem?
Do you have error reporting enabled on your machine?
Make sure, that you have these lines in your php.ini file:
error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = on
It will help you to find the problem by showing the error.
If it doesn't help, try to put this code in your index.php in public directory
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Also make sure, that DocumentRoot points to your Zend project public folder.
Are the memory limits the same on both servers? I have seen similar results using php (with zend, albeit). When I run out of memory, just a blank white screen is the result.
This error is caused because your server is running version 4 of PHP, change to version 5 and it will work.