Is true way use function for create instance and use it? - kotlin

To Attention DRY principle, I want to know is true define a function to return instance of class or no!
You suppose we have a class and create instance many times in code, Is it better create instance it any time or define a function and use it?
class Job(name:String, maxPool:Int)
val job = Job("JOB_1",100)
val job2 = Job("JOB_2",100)
val job3 = Job("JOB_3",200)
or define a function
fun newJob(name:String = "NEW_JOB", maxPool:Int = 100) : Job{
Job(name, maxPool)
val job = newJob()
val job2 = newJob("JOB_2")
val job3 = newJob("JOB_3")

What you have there is a factory function.  And because it's closely coupled to the class, it's best to keep it in (or near) the class; that way it's easier to find, less likely to get out-of-date, etc.
If the function isn't doing any significant processing before creating the instance, just call the constructor directly (as per your first example).
Or if the function is merely inserting a constant value for some parameters, then give the constructor those default argument values.
Or if the function is converting parameters to different types, or other simple processing, then use a secondary constructor which does the conversion before calling the primary constructor.
Or if the function is doing more complex processing, then put the factory function in the class's companion object.  (If you call it operator fun invoke(), then it will look like a constructor call — though it's only worth doing that if the parameter types make its meaning obvious; otherwise, give it a meaningful name.)
Only if the function is doing some processing that doesn't belong in the class at all — e.g. it's implementing some business logic that the class doesn't need to know about — is it worth having a separate factory function as in your second example.


Where should the code processing the state of the object be?

I have a class as follows:
data class ProductState(
val id: Int,
val products: MutableMap<Int, MutableSet<Int>> = mutableMapOf(),
val customerTopics: Topic = Topic()
It is basically a data class.
Now I have a function that among other things, processes the products and customerTopics and creates some output based on the processing.
But it seems to me that it is not a good idea to have the logic in the function.
My question is:
Do we create methods inside the data class for the processing of the object'state? If so would it be some companion object? Or is there some other design pattern that deals with this better?
In kotlin you have several options:
Additional method on the data class (if it should be called in multiple other places);
Public extension method in the same file as the data class (if it should be called in multiple other places but you want to keep your data class simple and have the handling methods separated);
Private extension method in the same file as the only place where it is called (this only applies if this processing is to be called in a single place in your code);
Private method in the only place where this processing is needed.
The best place really depends on what the processing is (is it very specific to ProductState or does it need additional data? If it is very specific then it may make sense to keep it as a ProductState method or an extension function) and in how many places it will be triggered (if in a single very specific place, then maybe keeping it along-side that piece of code as a private extension function or private method might be the best option).

Kotlin data class equality when one of the properties is a function

I wonder if a data class with one of the properties being a function, such as:
data class Holder(val x: Data, val f: () -> Unit)
can work at all, since the following test fails.
val a = {}
val b = {}
Assert.assertEquals(a, b)
Update: Use case for this could be to have a
data class ButtonDescriptor(val text: String, val onClick: () -> Unit)
and then flow it to UI whilst doing distinctUntilChanged()
I don't think this is possible, I'm afraid.
You can of course check reference equality (===, or == in this case because functions don't generally override equals()).  That would give you a definite answer where you have references to the same function instance.  But that doesn't check structural equality, and so reports the two lambdas in the question as different.
You can check whether the two functions are instances of the same class by checking their .javaClass property.  If the same, that would imply that they do the same processing — though I think they could still have different variables/captures.  However, if different, that wouldn't tell you anything.  Even the simple examples in the question are different classes…
And of course, you can't check them as ‘black boxes’ — it's not feasible to try every possible input and check their outputs.  (Even assuming they were pure functions with no side effects, which in general isn't true!)
You might be able to get their bytecode from a classloader, and compare that, but I really wouldn't recommend it — it'd be a lot of unnecessary work, you'd have to allow for the difference in class names etc., it would probably have a lot of false negatives, and again I think it could return the same code for two functions which behaved differently due to different parameters/captures.
So no, I don't think this is possible in JVM languages.
What are you trying to achieve with this, and could there be another way?  (For example, if these functions are under your control, can you arrange for reference equality to do what you need?  Or could you use function objects with an extra property giving an ID or something else you could compare?)
When you create your data class, if you pass the function by reference it will work with DiffUtils and distinctUntilChanged(). Function references do not break the isEquals() method of data classes in the same way that a lambda does.
For example, you create a function for your onClick:
private fun onClick() { // handle click }
and create your data class like
BottomDescriptor("some text", ::onClick)

design pattern to express that "container" over derived class is derived from container of a base class

I have a class Track which holds a set of Points and represent person location in time. In order to get this result I run an iterative optimization routine combining different data. In order to do it I extend Point with a class OptimizedPoint which holds data for optimization for this point and current value. I also introduce OptimizedTrack which is a collection of OptimizedPoints and additional data needed for optimization associated with the whole track.
I run an optimization on OptimizedTrack and at the last iteration, I return to the user clean data (Track) which only has the result and doesn't have additional data. However, I can not find a way to express with OOP that OptimizedTrack is somehow an extension of the Track and introduce common routines for them. F.e getting a length of the track which should be available for both of them as it only uses data which can be found both in OptimizedTrack and Track
Right now I have such architecture Point{x, y, z}, OptimizedPoint extends Point {additional_data}. Track {array<Point>}, OptimizedTrack {array<OptimizedPoint>, additional_data}. I don't understand how to express that OptimizedTrack is an extension of Track as I can not express array<OptimizedPoint> extens array<Point>. So I can not introduce a common routine length which can be calculated for array and therefore also from array.
I do not insist on my current architecture. It's most probably wrong, I only write it here to express the problem I am facing. How would you propose to refactor my architecture in this case?
I believe that the basic premise of what you are trying to do is faulty if you are following what is considered to be proper use of inheritance to express subtyping relationships.
Inheritance can be used for various purposes and I am not wishing to pontificate upon the subject, but the opinion of most authorities is that inheritance is best and most safely used when used for subtyping. In short, an instance of a subclass should be able to be substituted for an instance of its base class without "breaking" the program (see: Liskov Substitution Principle).
Let us assume that OptimizedPoint is a subtype of Point. Then all the methods defined in class Point when invoked on an instance of OptimizedPoint will continue to function as expected. That means that OptimizedPoint cannot require any more stringent preconditions on any of these method invocations nor can it weaken any of the promissed postconditions that the contract Point has made.
But it is a common fallacy that just becuase OptimizedPoint is a subtype of Point that a container of OptimizedPoint, i.e. OptimizedTrack, is a subtype of a container of Point, i.e Track. This is because you cannot substitute an instance of OptimizedTrack for an instance of Track (due to your not being able to add an instance of Point to an instance of OptimizedTrack).
So, if you are trying to follow "good object-oriented design principles", it is disastrous trying to somehow make OptimizedTrack a subclass of Track, because it can certainly never be a subtype. You can, of course, reuse Track to build OptimizedTrack using composition, i.e. OptimizedTrack would contain within an instance of Track to which methods such as length would be delegated.
I'm not sure why you want to return a Track to your client code after the optimisation process, considering that OptimizedTrack is a Track itself. Below is a quick example of what I think you're trying to achieve (written in Kotlin because is less verbose).
You can achieve a lot more flexibility and solve the type issue if you consider Track to be an iterable object of points of type Point. This way, when you extend OptTrack from Track, you will be able to:
Substitute Track and OptTrack with no problem (even if your optimised track object has not computed a simplified Track object).
Simplify through optimize and return a Track from OptTrack with no issues (the optimize function on Point is irrelevant, you can return an OptPoint inside your Track because it extends the object Point)
open class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
override fun toString(): String =
"Point(${this.x}, ${this.y}, ${this.z})"
data class OptPoint(val point: Point, val additional: Int):
Point(point.x, point.y, point.z) {
override fun toString(): String =
"OptPoint(${this.point}, ${this.additional})"
fun optimize(): Point {
return Point(this.x, this.y, this.z)
open class Track(private val points: Iterable<Point>): Iterable<Point> {
override operator fun iterator(): Iterator<Point> {
return this.points.iterator()
override fun toString(): String =
data class OptTrack(private val points: Iterable<OptPoint>): Track(listOf()) {
override operator fun iterator(): Iterator<Point> {
return this.points.iterator()
fun optimize(): Track {
return Track({ it.optimize() })
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val track: Track = OptTrack(listOf(
OptPoint(Point(1, 2, 3), 4))).optimize()
// Track([Point(1, 2, 3)])
val other: Track = OptTrack(listOf(OptPoint(Point(1, 2, 3), 4)))
// OptTrack(points=[OptPoint(Point(1, 2, 3), 4)])
In OOP you should prefer object composition to object inheritance. In your problem, I think creating interfaces for point and track could help. In order to achieve the proper result, I think, you should create two interfaces, IPoint & ITrack. Both Track and OptimizedTrack implement the ITrack interface and for common operations, you could create another class that both classes delegate the requests to it. After that you could create an strategy class, taking in an ITrack and returns another optimized ITrack. In the ITrack you could create GetPath which returns a list of objects of type IPoint.

Kotlin benifits of writing helper/util methods without wrapping in class

There are can be two ways of writing helper method in Kotlin
First is
object Helper {
fun doSomething(a: Any, b: Any): Any {
// Do some businesss logic and return result
Or simply writing this
fun doSomething(a: Any, b: Any): Any {
// Do some businesss logic and return result
inside a Helper.kt class.
So my question is in terms of performance and maintainability which is better and why?
In general, your first choice should be top-level functions. If a function has a clear "primary" argument, you can make it even more idiomatic by extracting it as the receiver of an extension function.
The object is nothing more than a holder of the namespace of its member functions. If you find that you have several groups of functions that you want to categorize, you can create several objects for them so you can qualify the calls with the object's name. There's little beyond this going in their favor in this role.
object as a language feature makes a lot more sense when it implements a well-known interface.
There's a third and arguably more idiomatic way: extension functions.
fun Int.add(b: Int): Int = this + b
And to use it:
val x = 1
val y = x.add(3) // 4
val z = 1.add(3) // 4
In terms of maintainability, I find extension functions just as easy to maintain as top-level functions or helper classes. I'm not a big fan of helper classes because they end up acquiring a lot of cruft over time (things people swear we'll reuse but never do, oddball variants of what we already have for special use cases, etc).
In terms of performance, these are all going to resolve more or less the same way - statically. The Kotlin compiler is effectively going to compile all of these down to the same java code - a class with a static method.

Why do we need a constructor in OOP?

I am new to OOP. I am still in a learning phase.
Why do we need constructors, When we can initialize the values of the properties (variables) by writing a "Initialize function"?
Basically why do we write a constructor when we can achieve the same results even by writing a function for initializing the variables?
The constructor IS the "Initialize function"
Rather than calling two functions
object = new Class;
You just call
object = new Class();
The logic inside the constructor can be identical to the logic inside the initialize function, but it's much tidier and avoids you naming your function initialize(), me naming mine initialize_variables(), and someone else naming theirs init_vars()... consistency is useful.
If your constructor is very large, you may still wish to split variable initialisation into a separate function and calling that function from your constructor, but that's a specific exception to the scenario.
So answer is simple
Why do we write Constructor?
Because in C you can write,
int i;
if write like this In above case data type and variable defines if you define like this memory allocated for i variable.So simple here we define class name and variable name(object name) we can create memory allocated for class name.
myClass objectName;
But in C++ new keyword is used for dynamic memory allocation, so this dynamic memory which we can allocate to our class but here my example myClass is our class and we want to allocate to dynamic memory allocated.
myClass objectName = new myClass();
and simply constructor is memory allocation for class variable is called the constructor.`
the role of the constructor is to initialize the variables/ is the "initialization function".The only reason i find on why we use a constructor instead of a normal function to initialize the variables is to stop different people from using different function names and avoid ambiguity and it is much more easier to use a constructor which is instantiated automatically as soon as the class is run,instead of having to write a separate code for instantiation.this may seem small and like something that doesn't require much work,but only for a very small program,for larger ones the struggle is real.
It is usual to put mandatory things into the constructor and optional ones into the Initialise function.
For example, consider an amplifier that requires a power source so that would be supplied to its constructor. Logically, you may want to turn it on and set its power level but one could argue that you might not want to do that until later. In pseudo-code:
class Amplifier
public Amplifier(PowerSource powerSource)
// create amplifier...
public int PowerLevel;
public void Initialise()
// turn on...
The example, above, is rather puerile but it illustrates the concepts at play. It is always an issue of design, however, and opinions do vary.
Some classes of object, however, will have to perform obvious set-up operations during their construction phase. In these cases, the requirement to have a constructor is very easy to understand. For example, if your object might require a variable amount of memory, the constructor would be a logical place to allocate it and the destructor or finaliser would be a logical place to free it up again.
Even if you don't use constructor it will call implicitly by your language translator whenever you create object.Why?
The reason is that it is used for object initialization means the variable(instance) which we declare inside our class get initialized to their default value.
class Person {
//Class have two parts
//1.Data(instance variable)
String name;
int age;
public class Stack{
public static void main(String[] args){
Person person1 = new Person();
System.out.println("Name: ";
System.out.println("Age: " + person1.age);
Output- Name: null
Age: 0
"null" and "0" are default values which are impicitly set by default constructor.
When we initialize a class by creating an instance or object the constructor is called automatically. This is very helpful when we need a huge amount of code to be executed every time we create an object.
The best use of constructor can be seen when we create a " graphical user interface". While building a GUI for an application we need to separate the code for designing the GUI and the business logic of the application. In such a case we can write the code for designing GUI, in a constructor and business logic in respective methods. This make the code tidy and neat too.
Also when an object is created the global variables can be initialized to their default values using constructor. If we don't initialize the global variables, then the compiler will do it implicitly by using the default constructor.
So constructor is a very wise concept which appears to be an idiosyncrasy at first but as you code further and more and more you will realize it's importance.
Because constructors are exactly for that: to avoid using an "initialize function"
Plus you can have have as many constructors as you want: you juste feed them some parameters, depending how you want to inialize your object.
Constructor is a special member function which has same name as class name and called whenever object of that class is created. They are used to initialize data field in object.
Constructor has following properties:
It has same name as class name.
It is called whenever object of a class is created.
It does not have return type not even void.
It can have parameters.
Constructor can be overloaded.
Default constructor is automatically created when compiler does not find any constructor in a class.
Parameterized constructor can call default constructor using this() method.
A constructor can be static for static data field initialization.
It is not implicitly inherited.
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